Year 8 Recipe Book 2015/16

Post on 02-Aug-2016

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Recipe book used in Year 8 Food and Nutrition lessons at Tupton Hall School 2015/16.

Transcript of Year 8 Recipe Book 2015/16


Form D&T group Teacher:

Year 8 Diet and Health

This booklet contains recipes and techniques you will use during your food lessons. All of our recipes will be linked to the Eatwell plate and healthy eating guidelines, will show you the equipment you will need to make it and changes you can make to the recipe. It will also give an idea of its nutritional value and link it to the Five a day campaign - this is important so you can be healthy ! You can take it home to work from but it needs to be in every Food lesson.


Useful drive > curriculum > DT > Food > recipes

g = grams

ml = millilitre(s)

cm = centimetre(s)

mm = millimetre(s)

tsp = teaspoon(s)

tab = tablespoon(s)

mins = minute(s)

hrs = hour(s)

Remember to plan ahead and bring your ingredients on the correct day. They should be brought to your food room before school and stored safely.

A photograph is needed for every practical.


Abbreviations used in the booklet

Each recipe shows the basic nutritional value per portion. This will change if you modify the recipe!

Spaghetti Bolognaise serves 4400g minced beef75g chopped mushrooms

1 large onion1 large tin of tomatoes1 tab tomato puree1 tsp mixed herbs

salt and pepper

75 – 100g raw spaghetti or pasta shapes per person to cook at home

Equipment: sharp knife, chopping board, large saucepan or wok, savoury spatula teaspoon.Skills used: Weighing and measuring, peeling, chopping, frying, use of the hob, boiling and simmering, time management.What about? Using Quorn instead of meat, adding 25g lentils to bulk it out, crushed garlic, adding extra vegetables such as sliced celery, green pepper, using wholemeal pasta.

Method1. Peel and chop onion.2. Wipe and chop mushrooms, celery and pepper.3. Peel and crush garlic.4. Fry mince, garlic and onion in a large saucepan, stirring all

the time.5. Add mushrooms, pepper and celery if using.6. Add tomatoes, herbs, salt and pepper.7. Cover and simmer for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.8. Allow to cool and pour into container.

What can you change to improve this?

Practical date:


that went well

Chicken Curry serves 4400g chopped chicken1 chopped onion2 tsp curry powder150ml water1 chicken stock cube1 clove of garlic1 tab flour2 tab oil

Serve with 50 g rice per personor with Naan bread and natural yogurt and mint

What can you change to improve this?

Method 1. Prepare all vegetables and chicken2. Heat oil and add garlic and onion. Fry until golden brown3. Add the chicken and fry for 5 minutes.4. Add all other ingredients except the flour and bring to the boil.5. Reduce heat to a simmer and cook for a further 15 minutes.6. Thicken with the flour if necessary7. Serve with cooked rice.

Equipment: sharp knife, red chopping board, white choppingboard, Wok or frying pan, savoury spatula, measuring jug, tablespoonSkills used: meat and vegetable preparation, frying, simmering, thickening.What about? Using Quorn instead of chicken, adding more vegetables –chopped peppers, mushrooms, courgettes, cauliflower, potatoes; natural yogurt or cream to thicken, using brown rice.

Practical date:


that went well

Chow mein serves 2For the noodles1 large red pepper5 spring onions, sliced200g bag beansprouts1 large or 2 small chicken breasts3 nests medium egg noodles1 tab sunflower oil


1. Peel ginger and grate carefully, crush garlic, and to add the ketchup, soy sauce and 3 tbsp water. Stir.

2. Cut pepper into quarters on a board., remove seeds and slice diagonally into strips.

3. Cut the chicken into bite-size pieces.

4. Boil a large pan of water on the hob, carefully drop in the noodles, turn off the heat and leave for 4 mins, then drain through a colander.

5. Heat oil in the wok , add chicken and stir well. Cook for 5 minutes.

6. Add peppers and cook for 5 minutes more.

7. Pour the sauce into the wok and stir well until bubbling.

8. Add the noodles, beansprouts and spring onions a handful at a time, into the sauce and stir until it is well coated.

9. Cook for a further 2 minutes until the beansprouts have wilted.

10. Serve in bowls – an easy way is to use tongs.

Equipment: chopping board , sharp knife, wok, savoury spatula, colander,Skills used: peeling, chopping, bridge and claw, slicing, chicken preparation, grating, simmering, frying,What about? Using Quorn strips, adding mushrooms, courgettes, red onion,

Practical date:


For the sauce2cm fresh root ginger2 garlic cloves3 tab tomato ketchup2 tab soy sauce3 tab water

that went well

Savoury rice serves 2100g long grain rice4-5 mushrooms1 large onion25g frozen peas2 tomatoes2 tab oil1 tab Soy sauce

Equipment: chopping board, sharp knife, savoury spatula, frying pan, saucepan and lid

Skills used: chopping, bridge and claw grip, slicing, frying, simmering

What about: adding chopped bacon, cooked sausages, cooked chicken or Quorn, peppers, 1tsp curry powder, using brown rice.

Method1. Fill pan with water and bring to the boil, add rice and simmer for 10

minutes.2. Chop onion and slice mushrooms.3. Heat oil in frying pan, add onion and stir well.4. Add mushrooms and peas.5. Drain rice and stir into frying pan carefully.6. Add soy sauce and stir well until mixed.

Practical date:


that went well

Practical date:Spaghetti Provencale serves 42 tab oil300g sliced courgettes1 red pepper1 green pepper1 onion200g mushrooms4 tab tomato puree1 tsp mixed herbs250ml water or vegetable stock300g spaghetti25g grated parmesan cheese (optional)

Equipment: sharp knife and chopping board, 2 saucepans and lids, savoury spatula, teaspoon, tablespoon.Skills used: chopping, slicing, bridge and claw, boiling, simmeringWhat about? Changing the pasta, adding whole fresh or tinned tomatoes, add minced beef or Quorn mince.

Method1. Cook pasta in the saucepan – boiling water for about 12 minutes

until soft. 2. Peel and chop onion, peppers and mushrooms.3. Heat oil in saucepan, add vegetables and fry for 2 minutes.4. Add puree, stock (or water) and herbs.5. Cook for 15 minutes stirring occasionally. Taste and adjust

seasoning.6. Drain pasta and mix into sauce. 7. Sprinkle with cheese to garnish.


that went well

Practical date:

Mini Carrot cakes (makes 9)

150g margarine

250g carrots

200g sugar

200g flour

2 tsp cinnamon

2 tsp baking powder

2 large eggs

125g sultanas

Equipment: Chopping board, knife, vegetable peeler, grater, measuring spoons, weighing scales, small bowl, mixing bowl, wooden spoon, sieve, muffin tray, 9 muffin cases, 1 large spoons, fork.

Skills: microwave, melting, mixing, peeling, grating, portion control, using an oven

What about? Adding grated orange rind, using wholemeal flour, 50g nuts (check for allergies)

Method1. Preheat the oven to 200oC or gas mark 6.2. Melt the margarine in a small bowl in the microwave.3. Top and tail, and then peel and grate the carrots.4. Combine the carrots, sugar and margarine in the mixing bowl.5. Sieve in the flour, cinnamon and baking powder.6. Beat the eggs in a small bowl and then add to the mixture.7. Mix in the sultanas.8. Divide the mixture equally between the muffin cases, using a

metal spoon.9. Bake for 20 minutes until golden brown and well risen.

Why this image?


that went well

Practical date:

Dutch apple cakes

100g caster sugar

100g soft margarine

2 eggs

100g self raising flour

½ tsp baking powder

1 eating apple

½ tsp spoon cinnamon

1 tsp Demerara sugar

Equipment Weighing scales, mixing bowl, electric hand whisk, small bowl, fork,

sieve, spoon, knife, chopping board, measuring spoons, cake tin or foil trays.

Skills: slicing, weighing and measuring, using the oven, beating, mixing, using the

electric mixer,

What about? Using wholemeal flour, adding more apples or a mixture of red and

green skinned.

Method1. Preheat the oven to 180°C or gas mark 4.

2. Grease and line the cake tin or foil tray.

3. Cream the sugar and margarine together using a electric hand whisk, until light and fluffy.

4. In a small bowl, beat the eggs with a fork.

5. Add the beaten egg, a little at a time, to the margarine and sugar.

6. Sieve the flour and baking powder into a bowl, or onto a plate or piece of greaseproof paper.

7. Fold the flour and baking powder into the mixture, a spoonful at a time.

8. Spread the mixture in the cake tin.

9. Core the apple and slice thinly.

10. Arrange the apple slices over the cake mix, and then sprinkle the cinnamon and sugar on top.

11.Place in the oven and bake for around 20 minutes, until golden brown and springy to the touch.

12.Remove from the oven and allow to cool.

What can you change to improve this?


Practical date:Pizza wheels

200g strong bread flour½ x 5ml spoon salt½ x 15ml olive oil2 tsp easy action yeast100ml warm water25g tomato purée 50g low fat cheese, grated3 mushrooms sliced1 sliced tomato1 x 5ml spoon dried herbs

Method1. Preheat oven to 200oC, gas mark 6 and flour a baking tray.2. Put the flour into a large bowl, then stir in the yeast and salt.3. Make a well and pour in 100ml of warm water and the olive oil and bring

together with a wooden spoon. It should form a soft and fairly elastic dough.4. Turn the dough onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 5 minutes until

smooth. Cover the dough with a tea towel.5. Slice the tomatoes and mushrooms and put to one side.6. Roll out the dough into a rectangle.7. Spread the tomato puree, tomato and mushrooms over the base, sprinkle the

cheese and the herbs on top. 8. Roll up the dough and cut into 2cm slices. 9. Place on the baking tray spiral side up.10.Bake for 15-20 minutes, until golden brown.

Skills: weighing and measuring, mixing, kneading, slicing, chopping, rolling, shaping, using the ovenWhat about? using half wholemeal and half white flour for extra fibre and flavour,add dried herbs to the dough, use a low fat cheese or mozzarella, use snipped spring onions or chives instead of herbs.

Equipment: Baking tray, baking parchment, mixing bowl, mixing spoon, chopping board, vegetable knife, rolling pin, palette knife,

What can you change to improve this?


that went well

Practical date:

Tuna and broccoli bake

100g rigatoni

40g cheese

175g broccoli

100g canned tuna (in water) drained

25g soft margarine

25g plain flour

250ml semi-skimmed milk

1 x 5ml spoon dried oregano

50g sweetcorn (canned or frozen)

Black pepperEquipment: Two saucepans, weighing scales, grater, chopping board, knife,

measuring jug, balloon whisk, measuring spoons, colander, wooden spoon,

ovenproof dish or foil tray.

Skills: sauce making, cooking pasta, preparing vegetables,

What about? Changing the shape of the pasta, using wholemeal pasta, replacing

tuna with chicken or ham, adding mushrooms or peppers

Method1. Bring a saucepan of water to the boil, and then add the pasta. Simmer for about 10

– 12 minutes, until al dente.2. Grate the cheese and cut the broccoli into small pieces.3. While the pasta is cooking, make the sauce: place the butter or margarine, flour

and milk into a small saucepan; bring the sauce to a simmer, whisking all the time until it has thickened; reduce the heat, stir in the oregano, and allow to simmer for 2 minutes;

4. During the last 2 minutes of the pasta boiling, add the sweetcorn and broccoli to the saucepan.

5. Preheat the grill.6. Drain the boiling hot water away from the pasta and vegetables into a colander in

the sink.7. Pour the drained pasta and vegetables into the sauce.8. Stir in the canned tuna.9. Sprinkle the cheese over the top, and add a few twists of black pepper.10.Place under a hot grill until the cheese is bubbling and golden brown.


Practical date:Macaroni Cheese75g pasta shapes per person (for 4 people

300g)500ml milk50g flour25g margarine

150g grated cheesesalt and pepper

Method1. Boil water in large saucepan, add pasta.2. Cover saucepan and simmer for 12 minutes.3. Melt margarine gently.4. Add flour and stir into a roux.5. Add milk slowly-stir continuously until the sauce thickens using the balloon

whisk.6. Turn off the heat and add half of the grated cheese.7. Taste pasta to see if it is soft or al dente.8. Drain pasta in the sink using a colander.9. Add pasta to the cheese sauce.10. Mix well and pour into oven proof dish.11. Sprinkle with cheese and brown under the grill.

Equipment: 1 large saucepan with lid, 1 small saucepan, balloon whisk, grater, wooden spoon, colander

Skills: saucemaking, grating, draining, grilling,

What about? Sprinkling with crushed crisps and cheese, adding sliced tomatoes on top, adding chopped bacon or ham.


that went well


Practical date:Whisked sponge for Swiss roll

2 eggs50g caster sugar50g SR flour

2 tab jam

that went well

Equipment: mixing bowl, electric mixer, metal spoon, sieve, Swiss roll tin, baking parchment, palette knife, small bowl, cling film.

Skills: whisking, using an electric mixer, sieving, folding, rolling up.

What about? adding ½ tab cocoa to sieved flour, using fruit or cream as filling.

Method1. Pre heat oven to 200oC or Gas 62. Prepare tin by lining it with parchment.3. Whisk eggs and sugar in a bowl until thick (like hair mousse).4. Sieve in flour and fold gently with metal spoon.5. Tip into tin and tilt carefully until it fills the sides and corners.6. Bake until golden brown and spring back.7. Prepare cling film with caster sugar and soften jam in small bowl.8. Quickly tip sponge onto cling film, trim edges and spread with jam.9. Make a groove 1cm from short edge, fold over sponge then pull10. cling film to roll up.11. Secure with film and allow to cool.

If filling with cream or fruit, roll up empty, cool thoroughly, unroll,fill, then reroll.



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