Year 6 SATS SUCCESS - Olive Blackburn

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Transcript of Year 6 SATS SUCCESS - Olive Blackburn

SATs exams, 2020

Dear Year 6, I have been really proud of all your work this half-term. You have made great progress and it is down to the attitude you carry; that relentlessness to constantly improve and be the best versions of yourselves. This booklet has been created to support you through this half-term. It covers both Mathematics and Reading, with exam top tips to help you navigate through all the different skills and knowledge you need to be successful in your SATs exams. Please do work through with focus and attention. You also have your Pupil Profile which you need to use to ‘turn your reds into greens’. I was so proud to hand out the rewards in assembly to those who’ve been most engaged with this. The biggest reward, of course, is you feeling confident about your education. I wish you a happy and safe break. Do ensure you rest, also. Remember, we work hard, play harder, and pray harder, still.

Best wishes and du’as, Mr Nabil Jamil (Assistant Principal)

READING These are the Content Domains you’ll be tested on within your Reading paper. I have put a box around the three that need the greatest attention of the Easter break; however, practise as much as you can for all of them! For each Content Domain, there are some Top Tips for how to prepare and for what to do in the exam.


For each Content Domain, this pack will cover questions over a range of text types, such as:




Please ensure you practise across a range of them!

1. ‘How she longed to get out of that dark hall’. What does the word ‘longed’ tell us about how

Alice felt? (1 mark)

2. What do you think ‘out-of-the-way things’ means? (1 mark)

3. Find and copy a word that means ‘corridor’(1 mark)

4. What do you think ‘shut up like a telescope’ means? (1 mark)

5. Which words or phrases are used to make the garden sound appealing? (2 marks)

6. Find and copy the phrase that shows that Alice is starting to feel like anything could happen (1


The Two Men

1. Which of the following words is most similar to the word ‘uncommonly’?





2. What is the meaning of the word ‘locks’ in this context?

3. Find and copy a word that means ‘arms and legs’

4. Find and copy a word from the poem that is a synonym for ‘flexible’

5. What do the words ‘youth’ and ‘sage’ show us about each character?

- Youth shows that the son is ……………………………………………

- ‘Sage’ shows that the father is …………………………………………

6. What does the word ‘incessantly’ mean?

7. What does ‘ointment’ mean?

1. Why was Alice worried about drinking from the bottle at first? (1 mark)

2. What do we learn about the bottle? Tick 3 (1 mark)

3. What did Alice do before she started drinking? (1 mark)

4. Alice was remembering stories about children who had forgotten to follow simple rules and faced the


Write down the two simple rules that she thinks of and the unpleasant consequence for not following

each one (2 marks)

5. What was strange about Alice finding the bottle on the table? (1 mark)

6. Write down four of the flavours Alice could taste in the drink (1 mark)

1. Write numbers in the boxes to show the correct sequence of letter writing

2. Why might your letter be returned from the Dead-Letter Office? (1 mark)

3. Why is it important to find your correspondent’s current address? (1 mark)

4. What reasons are given for reading the letter to which you are replying first? (2 marks)

5. According to the writer, at what point might you realise that ‘time’s up’?

6. Which of these things could happen if you are running out of time to finish your letter? Tick 4 (1 mark)

1. Summarise how Alice’s mood changes from the start of this section to the end (1 mark)

2. Explain why Alice is crying (1 mark)

3. Circle two things that happen that Alice is not expecting (1 mark)

4. Write numbers in the boxes to show the order in which these things happen (1 mark)

5. From thee paragraphs, how would you describe the character of Alice? Give examples from the text to

justify your opinion (2 marks)

6. Which of these would be a suitable title for this section of the text? Circle one (1 mark)

1. Think of an alternate title for the poem that summarises what the whole poem is about (1 mark)

2. Explain why the doll complains about her doll? (1mark)

3. From everything the girl tells the doll, what do you think is the most important thing that the girl

wants the doll to know? (1 mark)

4. Write the stanza number (1-4) next to each summary (1 mark)

5. How would you summarise the point Bessie is making in stanzas 1-3? (1 mark)

1. What impression are we given of Charles Dodgson’s character? Justify your answer with references

from the text (3 marks)

2. The girl says that she was happiest when she was back inside with Charles. Referring to the text, why do

you think this might be? (2 marks)

3. Why do you think the girl found it ‘almost pain’ when the lights were turned back up? (1 mark)

4. What do you think made Charles so ‘fascinating’? Find evidence in the text to support your answer (1


5. Do you think Charles liked having the girl to stay with him? Explain your answer (1 mark)

6. Why do you think ‘the thoughts of the least imaginative of people must have wandered a little into

fancy-land?’ when they were sitting with Charles in his room? (2 marks)

1. What do you think Alice was expecting to happen after she ate the cake? (1 mark)

2. Why do you think it seemed ‘dull and stupid’ for life to go on as normal for Alice? (1 mark)

3. How do you think Alice feels about staying in the room she is in? Find some evidence in the text to

support your answer (1 mark)

4. How do you think whoever left the cake under the table would feel about Alice eating it? Explain

your answer with reference to the text (1 mark)

5. What does Alice mean when she says “which way?” to herself? How do you know? (1 mark

6. What do you think might have happened to Alice before she found the cake? (1 mark)

1. How do you think Alice might find her way out of the pool? Explain your prediction with reference to

the text (1 mark)

2. Which of these creatures is most likely to be in the pool based on what we know from the text? Circle

one (1 mark)

3. How do you think Alice will feel if she does find someone or something else there in the pool of tears

Explain your answer with reference to the text (1 mark)

4. What do you think Alice should do differently if she grows to nine feet tall again in the future? Explain

your answer with reference to the text (1 mark)

5. If Alice manages to escape from the pool of tears, what challenges might she face next? Explain your

answer with reference to the text (1 mark)

1. What do you think Uncle Charles would do next? Explain your answer with reference to the text (1


2. What do you think was making Isa dance up and down with excitement about what was coming next? (1


3. Describe two things that might happen when the bat was wound up? (2 marks)

4. How was Isa going to feel once Uncle Charles wound the bat up? Explain your answer by referring to

the text (1 mark)

5. What sort of adventures do you think Bob the Bat had? Think of an example, using what you already

know about the bat (1 mark)

1. Why did Alice think that dropping the jar might kill somebody? (1 mark)

2. Explain how Alice’s mood changes in this section (1 mark)

3. Before Alice enters the rabbit hole, how does the author hint that there might be something strange or

magical about it? (1 mark)

4. Find and copy a phrase that helps to build the impression that Alice is the kind of person who does not

always think before she acts? (1 mark)

5. Why do you think the writer starts this story with Alice feeling bored? (1 mark)

6. Circle three words and phrases the author uses to contribute to the build-up of excitement in this section

(1 mark)

1. Why do you think the author used bullet points in this article? (1 mark)

2. How does the image support the information from the text? (1mark)

3. Give an example of what the writer means by “He never let his difficulties stop him from doing what

was important to him”? (1 mark)

4. How might this article encourage somebody who was unwell? (1 mark)

5. How are parentheses used by the author? (1 mark)

1. Find a phrase that gives the impression of something chaotic in the city (1 mark)

2. ‘Ancient’, ‘stricken’, ‘aged’, and ‘grey’. What impression is the author trying to give about the city and

its people with these words? (1 mark)

3. What does the word ‘hoarsely’ add to our impression of man? (1 mark)

4. Which words or phrases does the author use to create the sense that there is no time for resting? Find

three (1 mark)

5. What does the word ‘stricken’ suggest might have happened to the City? Tick ONE (1 mark)

1. Draw lines across to match the techniques as the author uses in this passage with the impression they

give us of Alice as a character.

2. Find and copy a phrase that the author uses to show that Alice regrets drinking so much of the

potion (1 mark)

3. What effect does the author create by repeating the words ‘grow’ and ‘growing’ in this section? (1


4. What is the effect of ending this section with question? Tick two (1 mark)

5. How does the author create the impression that Alice does not know what is the best thing to do? (3


6. Find and copy three words or phrases that add to the impression that Alice is experiencing

discomfort (1 mark)

7. “Alas! It was too late to wish that!” Which adjectives best describe how these words might be

intended to make the reader feel? (1 marks)

1. What has changed between the beginning and the end of this passage? (1 mark)

2. Compare the two rooms described in the text (3 marks)

3. In section there are two settings described. Sort the phrases to show whether they describe the

setting at the first or second setting by putting a tick in the correct box next to each phase.

4. Do you think Alice prefers the first room or the second one? Use evidence from the text to justify

your answer (2 marks)

5. How do you think Alice’s mood changes between the beginning and the end of this passage?

Explain your answer with reference to the text (1 mark)

1. Describe how the man’s attitude towards the ‘Thing’ changes (1 mark)

2. How was what happened to the man different to what he expected to happen? (1 mark)

3. Which character do you think is most surprised in these verses? Explain your answer (1 mark)

4. Tick the boxes to show which of these things change in the text (1 mark)

5. Why does the ghost change colour?
