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Transcript of YEAR 5/6 HOWMANS GAP CAMP

TEDDY CONTESTWatch out you might die of adore. If you don’t be careful you might die from these cute little teddy bears because we had a contest that involves

teddies Big, small, Soft, Hard, and most of all we had to see who was the cutest. Students brought teddies that were as big as a life size dog to as

small as a teddy made out of a pipe cleaner, some teddies were turtles and others might be dogs then you have the cats and the rag dolls then you had

pandas and there of course was a little multi-coloured horse. We had contests like which was the smallest and what was the biggest and others like

what was the furriest and who was the most unique.In the end if you won you got a mars bar and

if you didn’t you got lollies so every one was a winner.

Brodey and Lachie

ORIENTEERINGThere were 5 colours to choose from, Bella-Rose

and I both had the colour yellow. So we had to walk around Howmans Gap trying to find small yellow letters. We had a map and a checklist to tick off the letters, there were about 20 boxes to

tick off. First we had to find where we were on the map to make it a lot easier. The letters were nailed

on to trees, houses, gazebos, tree stumps and fence posts. The map was numbered down so it was easier to find the letters. It was like a hike or being lost in a big forest, but knowing where you are at the same time, some of us pretended we were lost to make it fun. It was so much fun the way we got to check out the whole entire camp

facilities.We would do it again if we had the chance.

Jacklyn and Bella-Rose

THE GIANT SWING35 metres up in the air hanging by a

cable, in your harness waiting to fall from a tug of the rope, you swing down from a great height screaming. You put on your

harness and your helmet, hop up a ladder and get clipped onto the cables.

They remove the ladder from under you, your hanging 2 meters from the ground, your team pulls you up 35 meters. They count you down, a quick tug of the rope

and you're off. You fall from over 30 metres in the air, your stomach drops,

you swing back and forth waiting to stop, someone gets the ladder and you are

disconnected from the swing.Noah and Jack

YEAR 5/6 HOWMANS GAP CAMPWednesday 19 - Friday 21 October

FOOD!!!OMG!!! The food at Camp was delicious. The First night we had fish,veggies, Mashed potatoes and mini bread rolls.For dessert we had vanilla ice cream and fruit.On the second

day of camp for breakfast we could choose from a variety of hot food or cereal topped off with a hot milo.There was

eggs,bacon and toast or corn flakes multi grain cereal or Weetbix. At lunch we could choose from 3 different types of pizza.There was Meat Lovers,vegetarians and Hawaiian and

bread rolls. For morning and afternoon tea we had fruit,Muffins and cookies.That night we had chicken,veggies and mini bread rolls. Then for the last day for breakfast we

could again choose what we wanted to have.There was corn flakes multi grain and Weetbix for cereal and toast hash

browns, eggs, spaghetti and mini bread rolls.For lunch we had sandwiches,cookies and fruit.

Lily F and Bella N

TEAM CHALLENGE Mrs. Pierce and Mrs.Todd pulled out the Marshmallows, then the Spaghetti… We were all very confused.

Then they divided us all into small groups of 4 then they handed out the Spaghetti and Marshmallows. They told us to build the tallest building and stablest building created out of the Spaghetti and Marshmallows.

Grace and I were with Sienna and Lauren our’s kept falling because the of the Spaghetti because of how thin they were and the Marshmallows were all melting and squished because we were using them over, over and over again until they were squished. Our tower fell as soon as we stood up so we weren’t to be

judged by Mrs.Pierce, Mrs.Todd, Beck and Eddy.Grace and Hayley

TRIVIA Trivia night was the best! We had a

sheet of paper with 40 questions on it and we tried our best to answer them and get the bonus points. We were

split into teams of five or four and the team that got the most of the forty questions correct received some

chocolates and lollies from a party mix. Did you know? The chamber in your heart are called ventricles? We learnt so many things. It was one of the best activities. It was held in the conference

room where there were TONNES of cushions.

Sophie and Ben

ARCHERY Archery, the perfect activity. As you walked up the path you would hear the birds and other creatures and as

soon as you made it up the hill and through the bushes there it was the Archery range it was perfect with targets down the range and logs as seats you couldn’t ask for more in an archery range. We used Target

Bows and steel tipped arrows and if you had the accuracy you could fire the arrow from the bow and penetrate the target you had White which was 5 pts then black which was 10 pts and blue as 15 pts and red as 25 pts but the best was the yellow the perfect colour which was 50 pts. So in the end if you weren’t too good you

would get some help to become better and as you took your go you would at least increase your accuracy by 5-10% each time.

Izac, Julia and Tayla

CONCERTA Lot of people did different type of acts like interviews,and more.I think that some people went full on they were amazing. Some acts were really funny. Some were dances, either way they were all very good. I think the best thing is that everyone had a go and had the guts to get up and have a try. There were quite a few

acts, I was surprised.The audience was really good they were really supportive and didn’t put anyone down it was really nice.It didn’t take to long to get all of the acts done and some people didn’t do it and some people

didn’t have any ideas and thats ok though.Makenzi and Taya

NIGHT RIVER WALK“Freezing”, what a cold and icy night

walk it was. To steep hills with branches on the track, to slippery and

muddy tracks with prickles everywhere!!!!! The trail led to an

incredible river that gushed so loud that you could hear it from the campsite. On the river bank there were humongous rocks surrounding you every step you took. If you go on top of the rocks on the river bank, you can see the 2003 bushfire that surrounded Howmans

Gap camp. When we left the incredible river it was nearly dark and we had no

light to see properly. It was scary to walk in the bush at night because you were scared if there was any wildlife

around you. The night walk with a very good experience to be on.

By Sienna and Olive

NIGHT GAMESJames was running on his knees and elbows as fast as he can but when he gets back his knees are as red as a tomato but he won. After every dinner we went to the Conference Room in our groups

for our Team Games. Team 1 was Mrs Todd, team 2 was Mrs Pierce, team 3 was Beck

and team 4 was Ed’s Group. Then we play some games. We versed each other in relays. One relay was getting to the other end only touching paper, one was

being getting to the end without touching the ground, and one was on our elbows and knees.

With every challenge the winner gets a chocolate bar.Tom S and Eamon

FREE TIMEFree time was so fun we got to play in the games room and we

also got to run around like headless turkeys. In the games

room there was pool, table tennis, four way table tennis, air

hockey, foosball and sitting around talking to each other. Outside there were so many options around the campsite.

The options included were collectives, cricket, basketball,

volleyball and brandy.James and Barney

HIGH ROPES COURSEThe High Ropes Course was scary but fun. Not many people

reached the top. We did the High Ropes Course as an activity on Thursday when the other school did it on Wednesday. We were split into four groups. On the High Ropes Course, you were strapped to a harness and two of your classmates were holding you up by a rope

tied to the harness. They pull you up as you climb up a vertical obstacle course. The first part is a net ladder, then staples connected

to a vertical spinning log, then there was a rock climbing wall, and finally, you climb up three horizontal logs until you stood on the top

one. There are three people climbing at once. Once you are strapped to the harness, the people about to climb say: “Belayers, are you ready?”. The belayers then say: “Climb when ready.” The

climbers say: “Climbing.” Finally the belayers say: “OK.”Brielle and Lauren

BUSH HIKEWe could feel the cool air at the top of falls creek as we got dropped off at the top of the packhorse trail getting

ready to walk. As we looked around there were dead snow gums and beautiful bush land everywhere. A little into the track, Sheepy one of the leaders had to make a rope rail for us to get across an unfinished bridge they were building, then we were back on track. Shortly after, we had to jump over a small creek because the snow was

melting, we also passed a small dead male deer as we walked across the rocky and muddy trail. Multiple times we had to jump over logs, trees and branches to finish off the trail. It took everyone one hour and a half to walk the 5km track. Everyone's shoes were filled with water and covered in brown mud that we had to walk through.

Larissa, Lily H and Rory