Year 4 Art Spring 1...7klv zloo jlyh \rx dq rssruwxqlw\ wr h[shulhqfh zlwk gliihuhqw shqflov dqg...

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Transcript of Year 4 Art Spring 1...7klv zloo jlyh \rx dq rssruwxqlw\ wr h[shulhqfh zlwk gliihuhqw shqflov dqg...

LO: to use different shading techniques.Do now:

Composer of the Month: Steve Reich

Which shading technique best fits this piece of music?

Texture is the feeling, appearance or consistency of an object or material. It can be natural or man-made, functional or decorative.

Artists try to replicate the texture of the subject to make their work look as realistic as


New Learning

LO: to use different shading techniques.

Artists use sketching pencils to create different shading techniques. The letter “H” is used to indicate the

hardness of a pencil's mark. The letter “B” is used to indicate the blackness

of a pencil's mark (a darker mark means a softer lead).

When we’re writing, be use a HB pencil.

New Learning

LO: to use different shading techniques.

Watch this video to learn how to use

sketching pencils to create these

different techniques…


This will give you an opportunity to

experience with different pencils and


New Learning

LO: to use different shading techniques.

In your sketchbook, experiment drawing different textures

with different pencils.

Then, evaluate your experiment. Which technique worked

well? Which was your favourite pencil?


Talk Task

LO: to use different shading techniques.

Using a range of different techniques, artists are able to create both 2D and 3D effects using just pencil and paper.

Develop Learning

LO: to use different shading techniques.

Watch the video to discover how an artist uses shading techniques to sketch a sphere. We will then attempt to do this ourselves. Watch

from 0:00 to 2:38.

Use the shading techniques you have practised today to sketch a 3D sphere. You may need more than one attempt to perfect it!

Independent Task

LO: to use different shading techniques.

Let’s evaluate our progress so far…Plenary

LO: to use different shading techniques.

What went well?

What did you find easy?

What did you find difficult?

How would you improve your sketch next time?