YALSA webinar demonstrating impact teen summer reading

Post on 06-May-2015

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Transcript of YALSA webinar demonstrating impact teen summer reading


Teen Summer Reading

Welcome to the YALSA webinar! It will begin promptly at 2pm, eastern. You will not hear audio until then.

Your Fab Facilitators

Kelly Czarnecki, Teen Services Librarian Charlotte, NCkellyczarnecki1@gmail.com

Catherine Haydon, Children’s Services Manager Charlotte, NCcatherine.haydon@gmail.com

Learning Objectives

Best practices for collecting data for Teen Summer Reading participants 

Best practices for sharing data for Teen Summer Reading participants

Using data, program outcomes and anecdotes to help share your library's story in serving teens and to ultimately build a stronger Teen Services program 

Collecting Data

What do you need toknow?

What do you want toknow?

Audience question

Talk about Teen Services at Your Library in a nutshell.

Data: What you WANT to Know

What library programs were your favorite this summer?

Sample survey question

Audience question

What are some ways you currently gather data?

Existing Information on Teen Behavior

Collecting data locally -school districts -youth serving organizations

Reading related to Developmental Assets

Example of a desired outcome

Anecdotes and Stories of Impact “ A mom came in with her son who had recently turned twelve. The mom was


that he didn’t seem to like books that she or his teacher had suggested. I spoke with him

about things he liked and suggested a few realistic fiction titles that he appeared to be

interested in. The mom and son were both happy to be able to find something to read that

he hadn’t read before.”-Teen Librarian

“Mary talked to a teen, Jamika P, about signing up for the summer reading program since she had fines to pay off. Jamika said she didn’t read much because of an attention problem. The next day however, she came back and thanked Mary for suggesting the summer reading program since her doctor recommended her to read at least two hours a day. Since then she has come back looking for books that might be interesting to read.”

How will YOU be the face of Teen Summer Reading?

Audience question

How do you market your programs?

Best Practices: Sharing Results Determine stakeholders

Building for long term -start planning for next year

Build on success!

Further Resources

YALSA Summer Reading wiki: http://ow.ly/lpfnq

Evaluating Teen Services and Programs: A YALSA Guide (Chicago: ALA, 2012)

The Complete Summer Reading Program Manual: From Planning to Evaluation (YALSA, 2012)

Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) Outcome Based Evaluation: http://ow.ly/lpeKp

Further Resources

Evaluating Summer Reading Programs: Suggested Improvements (Public Libraries Online, 2013): http://ow.ly/lpg0g

ALA Office for Research & Statistics: http://ow.ly/lpexc

Dynamic Youth Services through Outcome-Based Planning and Evaluation (ALA, 2009)

Your Fab Facilitators

Kelly Czarnecki, Teen Services Librarian Charlotte, NCkellyczarnecki1@gmail.com

Catherine Haydon, Children’s Services Manager Charlotte, NCcatherine.haydon@gmail.com

Ideas, Comments, Questions

What would you like to know in more detail?

What ideas or skills did you learn today that you’ll use in your school or library?

Any questions?

Thank you for participating!