Y9 Year End Exam Maths

Post on 21-Feb-2018

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Transcript of Y9 Year End Exam Maths

  • 7/24/2019 Y9 Year End Exam Maths


    2Final Examination 2015 Mathematics Year 9 Paper 1

    1 (a) When x = 8, hat is the !al"e o# 5x$%ic& ( ') the correct ox elo


    () When x = 8, hat is the !al"e o# *x + x$%ic& ( ) the correct ox elo


    (c) When x = 8, hat is the !al"e o# x 2$%ic& (' ) the correct ox elo


    2 Patricia "sesa ri- tom"ltipl. 2* .15

    200/ 100 / *0 /15 = *5

    nser *5

    3o 4isam"ltiplies to -i##erent n"mersomplete the ri-, then i!e the anser elo

    nser 666666666666666666666666666666

  • 7/24/2019 Y9 Year End Exam Maths


    *Final Examination 2015 Mathematics Year 9 Paper 1

    (2m)* Fre- has a a o# seets

    7e is oin to

    ta&e a seet #romthe a at ran-om

    (a) What is theproailit. that Fre-ill et a lac&seet$

    nser 66666666666666666666666666

    () Write the missin colo"r in the sentence elo

    %he proailit. that Fre- ill et a 6666666666666666666seet is


    (1m) Write a n"mer in each ox to ma&e the calc"lations correct


    (1m)5 rectanle has an area o# 2cm2

    7o lon co"l- the si-es o# the rectanle e$i!e three -i##erent examples



  • 7/24/2019 Y9 Year End Exam Maths


    Final Examination 2015 Mathematics Year 9 Paper 1

    666666666666666cm an- 6666666666666666cm

    666666666666666cm an- 6666666666666666cm

    666666666666666cm an- 6666666666666666cm




    (a) Write the missin n"mers

    50: o# 80 = 66666666666666666666

    5: o# 80 = 666666666666666666666

    1: o# 80 = 666666666666666666666

    () Wor& o"t 5: o# 80

    nser 666666666666666666666666





    ; 4oo& at this e

  • 7/24/2019 Y9 Year End Exam Maths


    5Final Examination 2015 Mathematics Year 9 Paper 1

    . = 2x . = 2 / x . = x2 . =

    (1m)8 %he -iaram shos #o"r -i##erent sie- arrels

    Write the missin #ractions as simpl. as possile%he #irst one is -one #or .o"

    (i) >arrel hol-s o# the amo"nt arrel > hol-s (ii) >arrel hol-s 6666666 o# the amo"nt arrel hol-s

    (ii) >arrel > hol-s 66666666 o# the amo"nt arrel hol-s







  • 7/24/2019 Y9 Year End Exam Maths


    Final Examination 2015 Mathematics Year 9 Paper 1


    (a) ?ra a line on the raph torepresent a spee- o# *0&m@ho"r

    4ael the line . ritin *0&m@ho"r

    () 3o -ra a line on the raph to represent a spee- o# 120&m@ho"r4ael the line . ritin 120&m@ho"r



    10 (a) An this -esin, the ratio o# re. to lac& is * 1

    What percentae o#the -esin is lac&$

    nser 66666666666666666666666

    () An this -esin, 0: is re. an- the rest is lac&What is the ratio o# re. to lac&$

  • 7/24/2019 Y9 Year End Exam Maths


    ;Final Examination 2015 Mathematics Year 9 Paper 1

    Write .o"r ratio in itssimplest #orm




    (1m)11 An a a there are onl. re-, l"e an- reen co"nters

    a) A am oin to ta&e a co"nter o"t o# the a at ran-om omplete thetale elo


    >e#ore A ta&e a co"nter o"t o# the a, A p"t one extra l"e co"nter into

    the aWhat e##ect -oes this ha!e on the proailit. that A ill ta&e a re-co"nter$

    %ic& (' )the correctox


  • 7/24/2019 Y9 Year End Exam Maths


    8Final Examination 2015 Mathematics Year 9 Paper 1

    (1m)12 %he -iaram shos three straiht lines

    Wor& o"t thesies o#

    anles a, an- c i!ereasons #or.o"r ansers


    (1m)1* (a) Bome o# the #ractions elo are smaller than %ic& (' ) them




  • 7/24/2019 Y9 Year End Exam Maths


    9Final Examination 2015 Mathematics Year 9 Paper 1

    () %o the nearest per cent, hat is as a percentae$ %ic& ( ') the correct percentae

    (c) omplete the sentence elo . ritin a #ractionis hal# o# 6666666666666666666666 (1m)

    (1m)1 Bol!e this e

  • 7/24/2019 Y9 Year End Exam Maths


    10Final Examination 2015 Mathematics Year 9 Paper 1


    nser 66666666666666666666

    (1m)1; hris rea- the #irst 55 n"mers #rom a oo& o# ran-om n"mers s he

    rea- each n"mer he recor-e- it in the -iaram elo

    (a) What as the larest n"mer he recor-e-$

    nser 6666666666666666666666

    () Fin- the me-ian o# this -ata

    nser 6666666666666666666666



    18 7ere is the r"le to #i n- the eometric mean o# to n"mers

  • 7/24/2019 Y9 Year End Exam Maths


    11Final Examination 2015 Mathematics Year 9 Paper 1

    For the to n"mers 10 an- x, the eometric mean is *0What is the !al"e o# x$

    nser 666666666666666666666


    29 ?ra lines to match each nth term r"le to its n"merse

  • 7/24/2019 Y9 Year End Exam Maths


    12Final Examination 2015 Mathematics Year 9 Paper 1

    20 %he -iaram shos a rhom"s%he mi-points o# to o# its si-es are oine- ith a straiht line

    What is thesie o# anlep$

    nser 66666666666666666666666

    (2m)21 a contains co"nters that are re-, lac&, or reen

  • 7/24/2019 Y9 Year End Exam Maths


    1*Final Examination 2015 Mathematics Year 9 Paper 1

    %here are 15reenco"nters in

    the a7o man.lac&co"nters arein the a$

    nser 666666666666666666666

    (2m)22 7ere is a plan o# some lan-

    %here ill e a #ence that is ala.s the same -istance #rom tree as#rom tree >, oin all the a. #rom one roa- to the other roa-

    se compasses an- a straiht e-e to sho acc"ratel. on the planhere the #ence ill o

    Yo" m"st lea!e in .o"r constr"ction lines

  • 7/24/2019 Y9 Year End Exam Maths


    1Final Examination 2015 Mathematics Year 9 Paper 1
