XPX Summit and New Media

Post on 14-Sep-2014

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Forum on New Media and Social Media at the Conference for Exit Planning Advisors - more at http://bit.ly/hnFKCR

Transcript of XPX Summit and New Media

Web Habits of Highly Successful Advisors

Introduction to the New Media Workshop

David Cutler

Business Development Master with 20 years experience increasing revenue for corporations and the startups they fear

Internet Pioneer and Founder of www.webopedia.com

Fan and manipulator of all media at www.EatMedia.com


Tara Goodwin Frier

Founder of Goodwin Group PR, a public relations firm that helps companies and organizations grow their bottom line through continued media exposure

Originally entered the social media space kicking and screaming but quickly realized that it was an amazing tool to enhance PR programs

Turned one Tweet into a $250,000 0pportunity


Todd Van Hoosear

Professional communicator and technologist with 20 years in the technology sector and 10 years of corporate and agency PR and marketing

Founding Member, Board of Directors, Social Media Club

Fellow, Society for New Communications Research


10 New Rules!





The most relevant New Rule for your company is being discovered …

Are you ready for yournew marketing world?

(Nearly) everything’s real-time

(Nearly) everything’s online

(Nearly) everyone’s a marketer

(Nearly) everything’s outsourced

(Nearly) everyone’s a freelancer

(Nearly) everything’s measurable

(Nearly) everything’s cheap or free

Four Ps Four Es



Experience Everyplace Exchange Evangelism

XPX Community?

3 Forms of Media:OwnBuyEarn

2 Reasons to Participate:OpportunityObligation

1 Most Important:Content


500 million users - Personal, Global50% daily | 25 Billion pieces of content shared monthly (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photo albums, “Messaging”, more.)

70 million members - Biz Brand/Updating150 industries | 200 countries | New member every second

55 million daily tweets - Live pointers 300,000 sign up daily | 180 million unique monthly visitors

2 billion viewed daily - Easy Everything24 hrs worth of video uploaded every minute

SoMe Numbers

Low Cost + High Creativity

Investment of one person @ ½ hr day = ($15k/yr)

ROI = $100,000 annual billings

Investment of one person @ ½ hr day = ($15k/yr)

ROI = $50,000 annual billings

Follow us @mfacp


The Right Tools and Platforms

The Seven Web Habits

#1: Listen

Listen before you talk

Find out where the conversations are happening

Decide how to seed or join the conversation


The Seven Web Habits

#2: Learn

Prepare your organization for learning, collaborating and changing based on what you hear


The Seven Web Habits

#3: Share

There’s a lot of noise out there, so ask yourself: how can I add value to my listeners?

Don’t just market, share Product info Insights Ideas


The Seven Web Habits

#4: Create

Create both multi-channel and channel-specific content

Create a community space to host conversations (build vs. buy)


The Seven Web Habits

#5: Converse

Getting your marketing message out is important, but so is being responsive and “human”

Find the right mix of self-promotion, “retweets” and insights


The Seven Web Habits

#6: Convince

Find out who the influencers are (and what influences them)

Reach them and get them to reach out for you

Social marketing is, ultimately, the practice of turning your customers into your sales team


The Seven Web Habits

#7: Convert

To do this, you’ve got to measure

To measure, you’ve got to set goals


Social Media Workshop - Example

Three Sessions (60-90 minutes)

- Each will have a Roundup of Current Concepts (see next slide)

1 - Social Media Tools – Personal and Professional

LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Vertical Communities

2 - Search Engine marketing – 5 Ways To Get Found

Paid, Organic, Display Ads, Referrals, Direct Linking

3 – Analyzing The Data – 5 Forms of Data and What To Do With It

Activity, Operational, Outcome, KPIs, Predictive