XOOPS: Module Structure Function

Post on 15-Oct-2014

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XOOPS: Module Structure Function. The following is a summary of the Basic Module Structure document by Mr. Onokazu.

Transcript of XOOPS: Module Structure Function

Skeleton file structure

The following is a summary of the Basic Module Structure document by Onokazu. Note that this structure was outlined for XOOPS 1 RC3 modules. Not all of these files are needed [TO DO: WHICH ONES ARE ACTUALLY REQUIRED ?]

Create the following directory structure and files as a skeleton code that will form the basis of your new module.









Function of skeleton directories and filesThe actual *functions* of these directories and files are described below. This is based partly on the Basic Module Structure by Onokazu and Coolpop’s Module Kickstart Guide. It is also based on an analysis of a simple module – Polls – and the code and comments therein.


The top level directory for your module must sit under the path: XOOPS_root/modules/your_module or you will not be able to install it. There are three files found in the suggested skeleton structure:

xoops_version.phpThis is the most important file in the module as it contains various module configuration variables. This file indicates: Basic information about the module (name, author, credits etc) The location of the sql database file, and the names of the database tables generated by the

module Whether the module has an administration page, and its location. List of templates used in the module, with optional descriptions List of blocks used in the module, with optional description Whether the module should be included in the main menu Whether the module uses comments, and on what pages

General variables & statements

Statement/variable Description

$modversion['name'] = _MI_POLLS_NAME;

$modversion['image'] = "images/xoopspoll_slogo.png";

A variable holding the name of the module (the name is specified in the file: language/english/modinfo.php file

The path to the module image (for the administration menu)

$modversion['version'] = 1.00; The current version number for the module

$modversion['description'] = _MI_POLLS_DESC; A description of the module’s function

$modversion['author'] = "Kazumi Ono<br />

( http://www.myweb.ne.jp/ )";

The author of the module (you can include additional contact information here)

$modversion['credits'] = "The XOOPS Project"; A credit list for the module. If you have used someone else’s code you should credit them here

$modversion['help'] = "xoopspoll.html"; ???? location of a help file ? doesn’t exist ????

$modversion['license'] = "GPL see LICENSE"; Provide details of the license type here. Note that if you have used GPL code from elsewhere you *must* use a GPL license

$modversion['official'] = 1; Indicates whether this module is an officially sanctioned release by the XOOPS.org Module Development Team. Set this value at 1 for official modules, and at 0 for all others

$modversion['dirname'] = "xoopspoll"; The name of the directory housing your module (which sits under XOOPS_root/modules/). If you get this wrong users will not be able to install your module.

SQL-related variables and statements

Statement/variable Description

$modversion['sqlfile']['mysql'] = "sql/mysql.sql";

// $modversion['sqlfile']['postgresql'] = "sql/pgsql.sql";

Indicates which database application you are using (in this case, mySQL which is the standard for XOOPS) and gives the location of the sql file. It must contain sql generated by phpMyAdmin or phpPgAdmin). None of the tables should have any prefix !

This is an alternative sqlfile statement that would allow you to use the Postgres database instead. Note that it is commented out. If you wanted to use Postgres you would have to uncomment this statement and comment out the previous one.

$modversion['tables'][0] = "xoopspoll_option";

$modversion['tables'][1] = "xoopspoll_desc";

$modversion['tables'][2] = "xoopspoll_log";

This is a list of the database tables that are created by the sql file. None of the tables should include any prefix !

Administrative things

Statement/variable Description

$modversion['hasAdmin'] = 1; Indicates if the module has an administrative page (‘1’) or not (‘0’). If this value is set at zero the module icon will not appear in the list on the left side of the control panel.

$modversion['adminindex'] = "admin/index.php"; Indicates the path to the module’s administration index page

$modversion['adminmenu'] = "admin/menu.php"; Path to the file holding the module’s administrative menu (the list displayed when you hold your mouse over the module icon)

$modversion['templates'][1]['file'] = 'xoopspoll_index.html';

$modversion['templates'][1]['description'] = '';

$modversion['templates'][2]['file'] = 'xoopspoll_view.html';

$modversion['templates'][2]['description'] = '';

$modversion['templates'][3]['file'] = 'xoopspoll_results.html';

$modversion['templates'][3]['description'] = '';

These statements:

i) list the templates that are used in the module

ii) provide an optional description of each template that is displayed in the Template Set Manager (System - > Templates). Here the descriptions have been left blank.


These statements provide information about the module’s blocks:

Statement/variable Description

$modversion['blocks'][1]['file'] = "xoopspoll.php"; ???? A file that displays the polls and their options ???? What is the abstracted function of this file ???

$modversion['blocks'][1]['name'] = _MI_POLLS_BNAME1;

$modversion['blocks'][1]['description'] = "Shows unlimited number of polls/surveys";

$modversion['blocks'][1]['show_func'] = "b_xoopspoll_show";

$modversion['blocks'][1]['template'] = 'xoopspoll_block_poll.html';

Variable holding the name of the block (the value is specified in the file language/english/modinfo.php file

Provides a description of the block’s function. This is visible when you are editing an individual block template in the Template Set Manager

The name of the function that displays this block (contained in blocks/xoopspoll.php)

Specifies the html template file to be used for this block

Note: If your module had multiple blocks you would repeat these statements for each, incrementing the block number (ie [2], [3], [4] etc) and customising the values as appropriate


Statement/variable Description

$modversion['hasMain'] = 1; Specifies if the module should be included in the main menu (‘1’) or not (‘0’).


Statement/variable Description

$modversion['hasComments'] = 1;

$modversion['comments']['pageName'] = 'pollresults.php';

$modversion['comments']['itemName'] = 'poll_id';

Specifies if the module uses comments (‘1’) or not (‘0’). If you set this at 0 comment options will not be available in your module.

???? Not sure what this does. Look at the ‘including comments in your module’ guide in the Wiki etc. ????

???? Not sure what this does. Look at the ‘including comments in your module’ guide in the Wiki etc. ????

header.php (not required)

Inclusion of required core files is done here. This file is not present in the Polls module. TO DO: LOOK AT ANOTHER MODULE AND SEE WHAT IT DOES THERE

index.phpModule main contents come here.


All the admin related files for the module belong to this directory. Access to this directory must be restricted.


Permission checks, inclusion of mainfile.php and language files are done here.


Module administration contents come here.


This file includes variables used for creating popup admin menu for the module.


This directory contains files that define block display/edit functions



Files that are created/updated dynamically belong to this directory. To create new files within the directory, the permission of this directory should be set writeable by the server (chmod 666 or 777 for UNIX/LINUX servers).

The permission of files in this directory should be set writeable by the server (chmod 666 or 777 for UNIX/LINUX servers).


This directory simply houses all of the images used in your module. Put them here. Easy !


The language directory contains most of the text used in the interface of your module (ideally all of it). The official XOOPS modules are mainly distributed in English (only) but translations are available in many languages and you are free to install as many as you like – they coexist peacefully. Each language sits in its own subdirectory, ie:


To translate a module simply copy (say) the english subdirectory, rename it and then translate the english text strings inside. Its that easy. If you want to change the text in a module, all you need do is to look in the appropriate language file.


The text used in a module is not hard-coded into its interface, rather it is held within constants as you will see below. This keeps the module’s business logic separated from the text used in its display. That is why it is so easy to translate a XOOPS modules into many languages.

admin.phpThis file defines the value of language constants used in the administrative side of the module: If there are not many used in the administration pages, this file may be merged with english/main.php.

Statement/variable Description

define("_AM_DBUPDATED","Database Updated Successfully!");

define("_AM_POLLCONF","Polls Configuration");

define("_AM_POLLSLIST", "Polls List");

define("_AM_AUTHOR", "Author of this poll");

define("_AM_DISPLAYBLOCK", "Display in block?");admin.php

This is just a sample of the language constant definitions in the Polls admin.php file. The use of language constants (as opposed to hard-coded text) makes it easy to change words (or language !) without having to modify (and risk damaging) the module’s code.

blocks.phpThe language constants for block/blocks.php are defined here in the same manner as in admin.php above. This file is empty in the Polls module as it only has one block which doesn’t use pre-defined text.

main.phpThis file defines the language constants used in the main contents of the module (general user-side operation) in the same manner as in admin.php above (other than block text, which is defined separately as in blocks.php above). In the polls module this file defines language constants used in three other files: pollresults.php, index.php, xoopspollrenderer.php

modinfo.phpThis file defines language constants used in xoops_version.php – mainly these relate to general information about the module. Note that in other modules this file may be used for additional types of information beyond those in the Polls module (below) including sub-menu items for the Main Menu; title and description of configuration items (such as notifications).

Statement/variable Description

define("_MI_POLLS_NAME","Polls"); The name of this module

define("_MI_POLLS_DESC","Shows a poll/survey block"); A brief description of this module

define("_MI_POLLS_BNAME1","Polls"); Names of blocks for this module (note that not all modules have blocks)

define("_MI_POLLS_ADMENU1","List Polls");

define("_MI_POLLS_ADMENU2","Add Poll");

Names of administration menu items


SQL dump files used for module installation belong to this directory.

mysql.sql mysql dump filepostgresql.sql postgreSQL dump file


HTML files for Xoops 2 RC3 and later module templates to be called by xoops_version.php & modversion array. All templates used in the module should be found in this directory.



HTML files for Xoops 2 RC3 and later module blocks templates to be called by xoops_version.php & modversion array for 'blocks' items. These files use smarty variables to display module information.

All templates used in module blocks should be found here. These use smarty block variables variables to display module blocks information.