Wyman Midterm

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Transcript of Wyman Midterm

  • 8/2/2019 Wyman Midterm


    Mid-term(s) Name: Amy Wyman

    A. Define and give one example for each of the following terms:

    1. Clich An overused or trite expression that has lost its freshness

    e.g. light as a feather

    2. Metaphor A comparison between 2 things without using like or as refers to

    one thing as if it were another.

    e.g. the mob sharpened its claws

    3. Simile A comparison between 2 things using like or as

    He eats like a pig, he smells like a dog

    4. Tone The feeling of a piece of writing that is produced by the writers choice of

    words and attitude towards the subject matter.Happy, sad, funny, depressing

    5. Euphemism The substitution of a mild, indirect or vague expression for one

    thought to be offensive, harsh or blunt.Passed away instead of die

    6. Audience Readers of a text.

    The teacher, peers

    7. Image A mental representation or mental picture produced by what you read,

    hear, or imagine. A bright blazing sun.

    8. Chronological order T time or calendar order that is imposed on a narrative.

    Noon, One oclock, two oclock, three oclock

  • 8/2/2019 Wyman Midterm


    9. Framing A narrative devise where something in the beginning of an essay is

    echoed in the ending.The car rides in Jean Brandts essay, Calling Home

    10. Narrative A story of events, experiences or memories.

    Remembered events essay.

    B For the rest of the time, I want you to take one of the following topics throughbrainstorming/listing (5 points), sprinting/freewriting a quick paragraph (5

    points), outline (10 points), to rough draft (20 points).

    1. Princess Diana is remembered for her kindness to the needy: Aids patients,

    Sick children, and victims maimed by hidden land mines. If you died nextweek, what would you be remembered for?

    2. Explain what you would do to make this country a better place to live if

    you were elected president of the U.S.

    3. Lady Gaga needs a place to hang out, to rest and to recover from anexhaustive singing tour. Explain why your home would meet her needs and

    how shed feel when she left.

    4. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and why?

  • 8/2/2019 Wyman Midterm


    Amy Wyman


    English 101


    Midterm Essay: If I was President


    Eliminate Citizens United, Impose term limits on Congress, Remove troops from all

    Countries of the world, Provide education and counseling for returning military, Eliminate

    Fracking and spend military budget on research and development of clean and sustainable

    energy, clean up oil damage, None of this will work, allow society its death throws and

    await rebirth of a new societyhow is that better? People are people regardless of race,

    religion belief or life style. Every person who is killed by violence leaves behind a family

    who grieves their loss.


    While I dont really believe that a new President will be able to solve the problems

    facing society today and I think a restructuring of our current systems would be a better

    option, I will write with the belief that I would be able to implement the changes that I

    would like to see. There are more things that I see needed to be done to fit it all into an

    essay so I will concentrate on three major areas. Ending military dominance, research and

    development of clean, sustainable energy and supporting the working class and the poor so

    that we can have a future.

  • 8/2/2019 Wyman Midterm



    Introduction: Explain my reservations about the extent of the problem facing America.

    Explain that this is based on a hypothetical situation (congress would block everything I

    would like to do). Thesis Statement: While it will take more than just a few reforms to fix

    what is wrong with our society, the combination of reducing the military budget, focus on

    sustainable energy, and economic reform would help to bolster our countries pride and


    Paragraph 1: Discuss Military budget. How this would help to improve our situation.

    What to do with the military that have returned. How reducing the military budget would

    assist in improving our situation here in the United States.

    Paragraph 2: Clean Sustainable energy research and development. Discuss current ideas

    and programs in place that while not perfect can lead us away from fossil fuels. Talk about

    putting military to work in these areas.

    Paragraph 3: Economic Reform: Talk about restructuring of current mortgages. Talk about

    implementing local currencys (Ithaca dollar for example) how this will help both the

    communities and the people who are under-employed or un-employed. Discuss the social

    benefit without loss of dignity to those it helps.

    Conclusion: While there is far more to do, these reforms would be a start. Bringing home

    the military and opening up that budget would be an investment in our country, our

    environment and our people.

  • 8/2/2019 Wyman Midterm


    If I Were Elected President

    To be President of the United States today is a job that I would not want to have.

    With growing unrest, an uncooperative congress, and people protesting in the streets,

    anyone who takes the job has their hands full. Assuming that I was unfortunate enough to

    become president and I didnt have to be concerned about congress there are a few reforms

    that I would make to the way things are done. While it will take more than a few reforms

    to fix what is wrong with our current systems, the combination of reduced military

    spending, a focus on sustainable energy and economic reform would help to bolster our

    countrys pride and stability.

    Reducing military spending is one of those toxic subjects. In a world driven by fear

    it is almost unconscionable to consider bringing home all but the diplomatic corps of our

    military. This is exactly what I would propose to do. Isnt it risky? Of course it is,

    however, we are not the only country in the world right now that is going through social

    and economic upheavals. I believe that it would better serve our interests to concentrate

    our resources in fixing the problems we have here at home before imposing our broken

    system on the rest of the world. By bringing home the majority of our troops and cutting

    the military budget we could create a country that would lead by example instead of force.

    Using the money that is currently used in killing could be used here to create jobs, homes,

    and an environment that will be there for future generations.

    One of the main reasons that we are such a military force in the Middle East right

    now is our current dependence on oil. By putting the brilliant minds here at home and that

    we have already trained in much of our military forces we can implement clean energy

    programs that have already been researched in both the public and private sector. This

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    includes but is not limited to solar and wind energies. The argument against clean energy

    is that it is too expensive. What I believe this really means is that too many people have

    too much invested in the oil systems. By reducing the military budget this frees up billions

    of public dollars to make clean energy a reality. We all know that oil is a limited resource

    and one that we are quickly losing. We are at the point in our oil consumption now that we

    are taking billions of tons of clean water and deliberately poisoning it then putting it back

    in the ground just when we are going to need that water for drinking and growing food.

    Another benefit to developing clean energy is jobs. By converting our current energy

    systems to clean energy systems we are going to need workers. This creates jobs for many

    of the unemployed in our country today.

    The economy is another touchy subject today. With so many unemployed and

    many others under-employed we need to focus on what to do to get people back to work.

    As I have already stated converting to clean energy will provide many jobs but this doesnt

    help those who are hungry and out of work now. There are many who are dead set against

    welfare and I agree. Welfare while is a good thing for those who are having temporary

    difficulties it is no way for a person to live. The current welfare system demoralizes and

    demonizes individuals and makes it even harder for them to actually lift above the level of

    poverty in which they live. I propose establishing a community based economy that will

    help those people who need it without taking away their dignity. There are several of these

    systems being used in communities around the country. I am going to focus on Ithaca NY.

    Upon noticing that more and more of their citizens were having difficulty affording even

    the most basic necessities, implemented the Ithaca dollar. How the Ithaca dollar works is

    that they have a bank located at the library. People who are in need can come and find

  • 8/2/2019 Wyman Midterm


    out who needs help with chores, jobs that are short term, or community service and they

    can work in exchange for Ithaca dollars or a combination of Ithaca dollars and US

    currency. Local businesses have signed up to accept this currency. This helps Ithaca in

    two ways. First it helps those in need by providing odd jobs they can do. They get the help

    they need without a loss of dignity or self respect. The other benefit this provides the

    community is that it keeps the people of Ithaca shopping locally. Keeping small businesses

    open. Many of these community based financial systems are popping up all over the

    country and could help many communities from falling in to despair.

    While the ideas I have presented are by no means perfect or complete they do

    provide an option. It is a place to start. In order to stay a stable unified country we must

    make changes to the structure of our lives. Will it be easy? No. Is it worth it? Yes. We

    need to start investing in ourselves, in our people and in our country if we are ever to

    survive. It is time to repair what is broken in our own home and let the rest of the world

    work on their homes. It is possible and a way that maybe in the future our children can live

    in a world of peace.