Www.hiresmarthr.com 5 Steps to a Successful Hire Because hiring someone to do the job right is...

Post on 29-Mar-2015

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Transcript of Www.hiresmarthr.com 5 Steps to a Successful Hire Because hiring someone to do the job right is...


5 Steps to a Successful Hire

Because hiring someone to do the job right is important.


The best thing you can do for your organization is to hire the best people.”

Alan Kearns

President, Career Joy


Step One: Expectations

• Clearly define the role (Job Description)

• Market research: decide what the position is worth

• Always be succession planning


Job Description

• Title/Department

• Reports to

• Overall responsibility

• Key areas of responsibility

• Mandatory qualifications

• “Bonus” qualifications

• Logistics: location, timing, equipment, etc.

• Salary Range


Step Two: Market the Position

• Be realistic yet positive• Provide the salary range• Attract as many candidates

as possible• Reach out to your network


Step Three: Assess, Assess, Assess!!!

1. Phone screen top applicants.

2. Interview at least three applicants whenever possible.

3. Test for skills.

4. Have a friend or colleague do a 2nd interview with your finalists.

5. Check references: free reference check form on our website at: www.hiresmarthr.com



• Make a good impression.• Help the applicant feel comfortable.• Have interview questions prepared.• Provide full job description.• Keep first interview under 1 hour.• Let candidate know next steps.


Step Four: Reference Check

• Ask candidates for references (preferably in writing)

• Complete a thorough reference check for EACH reference

• www.hiresmarthr.com


Step Five: The Job Offer

• You may make a verbal offer • Follow with a formal, written job

offer• Make sure the probationary period

is clear• Ask for a decision/sign off within 2-

3 days at most• Let other applicants know.


Managing Your New Employee

In the first three months:• Heed the early warning signs and don’t keep

someone who isn’t working out• Train for success• Reward success• Meet regularly to give and receive feedback

At the end of the year do not neglect the Performance Review

