Www.cengage.com/cj/siegel Larry J. Siegel Valerie Bell University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH...

Post on 18-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Www.cengage.com/cj/siegel Larry J. Siegel Valerie Bell University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH...


Larry J. Siegel

Valerie Bell • University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

Chapter ElevenProperty Crimes

• History of Theft– Crusaders– Separate Groups

• Skilled Thieves • Smugglers • Poachers

Property Crimes

• Contemporary Thieves – Occasional Thieves

• Most economic crimes• Situational inducement

– Professional Thieves • Significant portion of income comes from crime• Cargo thieves

Property Crimes

• Larceny/Theft– Constructive Possession– Common Larceny/Theft Offenses

• Petit (Petty) larceny• Grand larceny

Property Crimes

• Larceny/Theft– Shoplifting

• Amateur Shoplifters (Snitches)• Professional Shoplifters (Boosters/Heels)• Controlling Shoplifting

– Merchant privilege laws – Target removal strategies– Target hardening strategies

– Credit Card Theft

Property Crimes

• Larceny/Theft– Bad Checks

• Naïve check forgers• Systematic forgers

Property Crimes

• Larceny/Theft– False Pretenses/Fraud

• Confidence game/con game• Third party fraud

– The “swoop and squat”– The drive down– The side swipe– The t-bone

Property Crimes

• Receiving and Fencing Stolen Property– Fence – Embezzlement

Property Crimes

• Larceny/Theft– Auto Theft

• Which cars are taken most?• Amateur Auto Thieves

– Joyriding– Short-term transportation– Long-term transportation– Profit– Commission of another crime

Property Crimes

• Larceny/Theft– Auto Theft

• Professional Car Thieves– Headlights– Airbags– Wheels– Car cloning

• Combating auto theft

Property Crimes

• Burglary– Nature and Extent of Burglary– Types of Burglaries

• Residential• Commercial • Repeat

Property Crimes

• Burglary– Careers in Burglary

• Four requirements to be a “good burglar”– Master the many skills needed to commit

lucrative burglaries– Be able to team up to form a criminal gang– Have inside information– Cultivate fences or buyers for stolen wares

Property Crimes

• Burglary– The Female Burglar

• Less likely to steal cars• More likely to work with a partner• Start at a later age• Less likely to be repeat and recurrent offenders• Lower chance of getting caught and doing time• Two groups

– Accomplices– Partners

Property Crimes

• Arson– Motives

• Emotional turmoil/disturbed personality • Profit

– Money during financial crisis– Dispose of inventory– Destroy outdated machinery– Pay off debts– Relocate/remodel a business

Property Crimes

• Arson– Motives

• Profit – Receive government funds– Pocket money for rebuilding– Plan bankruptcies– Eliminate business competition– Extortion– Labor-management problems– Conceal another crime

Property Crimes