
Post on 18-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Www

Day 1

Day one included meeting

our instructors, the bus ride,

and the rock climbing.

The b


ride The bus ride there was

alright. For about 4 hours sitting in the same seats isn’t really

the most exciting thing, however it was

still fun just talking to





or Our instructor was

Brandon. He is from Cambodia and seemed

really nice. We had some good conversations about

sports etc.





Rock Climbing was one of the

activities I was slightly afraid

of, especially since I am not

very good with heights.

However, I tried it and it was

at least a little fun. When I

was climbing I felt great and

like nothing was wrong,

however as I looked down I

noticed how high up I was.

Therefore I simply asked the

instructor to let me down. I

thought I still did well,

because I know I could have

gone further but I simply

didn’t feel like it.

Day 2

Day two included biking and

visiting the village.



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Visiting the village wasn’t fun but it wasn’t too bad either. I

got some nice Oreos, a

phone card and some

nice shades. I said it

definitely was a success, plus talking

to my friends was pretty fun too.



Biking was for sure one of the most fun activities we did throughout the whole

trip. Even though some people thought

it was difficult I have

to say that I didn’t find

it hard at all. However,

the view was very beautiful and I really

enjoyed the exercise I

got out of it.

Day 3

Day three included caving,

teaching Chinese students

and going camping.

WWW Grade 9


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Teaching the students was a

big challenge for me. I really

don’t like little kids because

they always go on my nerves.

Therefore I really was not

looking forward to this activity.

What made it kind of easier for

me was that I knew that we

were all prepared and we knew

what was going to happen.

When it came to the actual

teaching I believe we did a

great job, we kept them

occupied the whole time and I

think they even learned

something. Maybe even I did.



Caving was the best activity we did

throughout the whole trip. For once

we actually had some free time and

got to hang with our friends. The

fact that we won the challenge just

made it even better. When the first

clue was found I was cheered up

and I wanted to win the challenge

the instructors had given to us. I

felt great coming out of the cave

knowing that we were the first ones

to make it, even though I would

have liked to stay a little longer.

Also do I think by planning a little I

definitely helped out my group

which I am quite proud. And I mean

I even found a clue which made me

feel very good and happy.




The camping was fun. We started

off with a very simple design

which seemed to be the one

everyone was using. As we were

working on putting on the

mosquito net, I got quite

frustrated and I believe so did my

teammates. As Mrs. Lynch was

watching us she suggested a

different design. I was happy to

hear her suggestion since it

seemed as if we got stuck. Our

goal was to have a unique tent.

Even though it took us a while we

did achieve that goal. While

building it I had a lot of fun joking

around with my team. And

surprisingly I slept very well.

Day 4

Day four was finally the last day.

We went up to the mansion and

then took the bus back home.



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The mansion was…interesting. I thought this

activity was one of the most

boring and most useless

activities. The time we used

for visiting the mansion,

should have been used for

cleaning our rooms, taking

a nice shower, packing our

stuff, and to sleep longer. I

don’t think we got anything

out of it, except maybe

hectic right before we were

about to go home.