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Attachment A

High School

Problem-Based Learning Scenario

Highland County High School

West Virginia Institute for 21st Century Leadership

Fall, 2007


High School Problem-Based Learning ScenarioWEST VIRGINIA INSTITUTE FOR 21st CENTURY LEADERSHIP

Highland County High School

Community Demographic Profile1

The total population of Highland County is 9,340. The two major population centers of Highland County are Panther Branch in the southern-most tip of the county with a population of 3,600 and Meadowview in central Highland County with a population of 5,100. Meadowview is the seat of county government for Highland County. HCHS is located three miles west of town on an eight acre track overlooking the Meadow River.

Until the last decade, the community's demographics were essentially the same for the past forty years. Farming, coal mining, the chemical industry and the fabrication of steel products traditionally were the largest employers within the county. Government agencies and the school system also ranked among major employers. Unemployment was low in the 70’s and 80’s but loss of contracts in both the steel and chemical industry has significantly affected the local economy. New job opportunities tend to be in part-time and low-wage jobs.

The per capita income for a family in the Highland County school district is $25,200. Limited job opportunity has contributed to a decline in the 21-25 and the 26-30 age group population and has resulted in a decrease in enrollment in most Highland schools. Compared to many West Virginia counties, the area has a diverse population in both ethnic and socio-economic characteristics. About 20% of the population is made up of college graduates who make their living in professional or managerial jobs in the nearby chemical or steel fabrication industries. The remainder of the population is employed in low wage and minimum wage jobs, in farming or service jobs.

The Meadowview and Panther areas of the county have very different demographics. Meadowview tends to have most of the high-end housing developments and a few upscale businesses. Most of the professionals and upper level management reside in Meadowview. The Panther Branch area of the county has a number of farms, many rural single family homes, two large trailer parks and one low-end housing project. Most industry is located in this section of the county.

School Demographic Profile

Highland County, West Virginia, is served by Highland County High School built in 2002 and serving 750 students. Panther and Meadowview High schools were consolidated into Highland High due to declining student enrollment in both high schools. There are 65 faculty and staff members who serve HCHS. There are two assistant principals, two counselors, one librarian, three custodians, three special education aides, two secretaries and four cooks.

1 This Problem Based Learning Case is built on a real school profile. All personnel profiles and situations are fictitious and any resemblance or similarities to real people and situations is coincidental.


The majority of HCHS graduates have attended this school for all four of their high school years, with most having attended Highland County schools since kindergarten. The gender ratio is almost even at 52 percent male and 48 percent female. The ethnic mix is 77% white, 21% African American and 2% other ethnicity. During the most recent school year, approximately 42% of students signed up for free and reduced lunch, an increase of 20% from pre-consolidation data. The special education population comprises 28% of the HCHS student body and is served by six special education teachers. A survey of HCHS students indicates that 58% live with both parents, a decrease of 25% from a previous county survey.

Merging students from Meadowview and Panther Branch into a consolidated high school was not without issues. Both communities had rich traditions and pride in athletic and scholastic accomplishments. For years, the sports teams were rivals on the field and battled for state Single A Championships. The differing demographics of the county also contributed to tensions. During the four years since consolidation, a clear division in student interests and performance has emerged. In the new high school, the college bound population generally comes from the professional and upper income families of Meadowview. At graduation, most scholarships and academic awards are given to these students. In contrast, a significant number of students from Panther Branch are enrolled at the vocational/technical program centered in a tri-county center eight miles from HCHS. An article in the Highland Press caused considerable tension in the community after graduation in 2006. A local reporter, using the Freedom of Information Act, requested demographic data about the senior class. The resulting article headlined, “Is Sports Their Only Future?” The data showed that most star athletes were from Panther Branch but no Panther Branch student was in the top ten of the graduating class. The article also revealed that Panther Branch students had three times the dropout rate of Meadowview students. No Panther Branch student received a single Promise Scholarship.


WESTEST results at Highland County High indicate a slight gain in the All Student Subgroup performance in reading/language arts, with 71% at mastery or above (proficient). A large gap exists, however, between the All Subgroup and special education students with only 21% of the Students with Disabilities performing at the mastery level. The Students with Disabilities Subgroup has an N count of 42. The Low SES Subgroup improved by 10% in reading/language arts with 42% at mastery and above. In mathematics 56% of the students in the All Student Subgroup are proficient while 18% of the Students with Disabilities are performing at the mastery level. The Low SES Subgroup met the safe-harbor requirements by improving (10%) with 40% at mastery and above. The state trajectory for 2007 sets the percent proficient target at 66% for math and 76% for reading/language arts. Students in the All Subgroup performed better in Science than in any other content area. Eighty-two percent (82%) of students in the All Student Subgroup performed at mastery and above in science, while Students with Disabilities and Low SES performed with 65% and 70% (respectively) at mastery and above. The 10th grade WV Writing Assessment results for 2006 indicate 79% at or Above Mastery and 21% below mastery which matches the statewide results. Highland offers two AP courses in its curriculum with a total enrollment of 24 students. While 10 of the AP students chose to take the AP exams, only 4 students scored a 3 or better. ACT scores were at a four-year low in 2006, with a cumulative average


of 19.8. HCHS did not make AYP in 2006 due to a graduation rate of 83%. Seventy-four percent of the students who dropped out were from Panther Branch. Scores for Highland students on the Vocational/Technical end-of-course test at both TRICO and Highland High are significantly above the state averages. In the CISCO program at TRICO, Highland students had the highest scores in the state.

Attendance at Highland County High is 91% A.D.A. Disaggregation of data indicates that 55% of students who missed more than 20 days were from Panther Branch and 45% were from Meadowview. Attendance seems to be a problem wherever a student resides.

School Climate and Culture

The recent consolidation and the process of merging two schools have created tensions between the two communities that have spilled over into the school. Some students have even started wearing school apparel from their former high schools. At a recent home football game, a fight started in the home bleachers between Panther Branch and Meadowview fans. After a quarterback fumble, a well-known Meadowview resident called the quarterback (who was from Panther Branch) “a damn red-neck creeker.” Eleven arrests were made.

The student body at Highland is becoming increasingly factionalized. It is not uncommon to hear students use pejorative terms like “Sped, Creekers and Preps.” There have also been three racial incidents that have concerned the principal. Students tend to form friendships based on socio-economic lines rather than interests. Students have even designated certain areas of the school by student groups.

The morale among faculty is low. There have been several incidents when faculty members have allowed old loyalties to surface in inappropriate ways, unwittingly adding to the climate of tension among students. In general, the expectation level of staff for students seems to be declining. A few teachers still push students to excel, but they are getting increasingly frustrated with the overall lack of rigor at the school. A small group of faculty are even known to blame the students from Panther Branch for low standards at the school, indicating that the good kids in the school are being pulled down by the low standards of the kids from Panther Branch (not by the teachers, they claim). At a recent faculty meeting, the principal showed a video from national effective schools researcher, Larry Lezotte. The theme of the video was “All Kids Can Learn.” One senior teacher had a group of faculty laughing when he made a series of jokes saying, “Obviously, Lezotte had never been to Panther Branch.” Inappropriate student behavior is an increasing school-wide concern. The suspension/alternative school placement rate has gone up as students are caught skipping or being disruptive in their classes. There have been six bathroom fires in the last two years from students who were skipping class. The students who commit discipline issues come primarily from Panther Branch. These kids feel disenfranchised by the school and feel that the preps get all the breaks. This was fueled when the county board of education over-turned the expulsion of a local attorney’s son who was caught selling drugs at school. Teachers complain about the behavior in the halls and commons areas, but don’t see hall monitoring as their job. Although they lost, two teachers even filed a grievance for having been


assigned lunchtime duty. Many teachers see their job as teaching and the administrator’s job as “law and order.” If classroom disciplinary actions are questioned, teachers say they are not supported by the principal.

There seems to be constant tension in the school. When the privilege to go outside during lunch was taken away the year before after a fighting incident, some students walked out. Earlier in the current school year when two of the three restrooms were closed because of student smoking, some students once again walked out. One promising note, however, was the recent election of a student body president from Panther Branch. A personable and academically talented son of a local minister, this student cares deeply about the school and wants to revitalize the role of the Highland Student Council.

The impact of area socio-economic difficulties has been felt in the school. Counselors report that WVDHR are regular visitors to their office. There have been more investigations of home environments and basic neglect then ever before in staff memory. WVDHR also has investigated more domestic abuse in the community than in previous years. EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING

General Information: The school is organized by departments, with each department having a department chairperson. Most chairs meet with their members on a regular basis, usually about managerial issues such as textbooks and material orders. The Science Department is a notable exception to this, meeting nearly every week to discuss curriculum and instruction, share lab resources and write grants. There is little opportunity or desire by teachers to meet across disciplines. The school is on a seven period day with two lunch periods of 45 minutes each. The faculty meets on the required Faculty Senate Days including the Instructional Support Days. In the past, these meetings have been largely gripe sessions. Fortunately, at the end of the last school year, the principal talked Mr. A, Science Department Chair, into running for Faculty Senate Chair. Since that time, the tone of the meetings has improved and fewer staff members are calling in sick on these days.

The school has a number of student support structures in place. The Alternative School (after school until 7:00) allows students to attend for credit accrual of failed courses. There are 24 students in this program. This program also serves a number of students who have habitual discipline problems but are not disruptive or violent. Extremely disruptive or violent students attend the Alternative Day School. Currently there are 22 students in this program. The English department offers noon tutoring and the Science Department runs their own on-line homework hot line. In addition, the new student council president has organized a noon-time and after-school student study group. He has talked five National Honor Society members and two teachers into volunteering their services to the group. Although student attendance is low, it has been steady.

Most teachers have the instructional resources that they request. Each classroom has access to the Internet and all teachers have computers. The school has three White Boards, numerous data projectors and lots of software loaded on the school server. There are three fully equipped computer labs with 30 computers in each lab. One lab is used almost exclusively by the business department. The other two labs are used more by the science department and the language art department than


any other departments. The science department has three state of the art science labs with abundant technology; some put in place when the school was built but much added through the staff’s efforts in writing competitive grants.

When the school was being built, most advance planning was done around facilities issues and around potentially controversial issues like school colors, mascot, what to do with trophies from the two schools, staff selections, etc. Little deep planning was done on educational programming, policies and procedures. Currently, procedures and programming in the school are an amalgamation of how the previous schools operated. For example, there are a significant number of seniors leaving at noon with approved attendance exceptions. Some exceptions are for hardship cases but most are granted because kids have finished their required credits and want out. They are not interested in going beyond the minimum requirements. Also, there is a liberal attitude about schedule changes. In 2005, the Science Department added AP Chemistry to the schedule. However, after the first week of class, all but five students were allowed to drop pleading, “This is too much work; your senior year should be fun.” A study of the school’s course catalog shows surprisingly few honors, AP or college courses. A notable exception is a large number of EDGE courses offered at TRICO, the Multi-County Vocational Technical Center. The pre-requisites for honors and AP classes seem to by written to keep students out rather than encouraging them to try a more rigorous course.

Curricular/Extra-Curricular Activities

The curriculum at Highland includes all the basic core courses and a few electives in each department. The highest participation in electives is in the science department, the music department and the vocational/ technical department at Highland and at TRICO. For most HCHS students, the school and its activities are the center of the Highland County community. Approximately 80% of students participate in at least one school sponsored sport, club or other activity, and at least 60 percent are in more than one extracurricular activity. The most active organizations are the FFA and various vocational clubs from TRICO There is an active but small National Honor Society, one of only a few clubs/organizations dedicated to academic excellence. In the school, homecoming, prom, and the Holiday Pageant are big events for the students. During these events, tensions seem to abate and students and staff work together.

Most of the teachers in the school are knowledgeable of the WVDE Content Standards and Objectives. However, the CSO’s serve only as a general guide with the textbook being the real center of the curriculum. The county has pacing guides and benchmark testing for reading/language arts and mathematics in grade ten only, (since grade ten scores are used for NCLB accountability). Use of the benchmark tests is monitored by the county. This monitoring causes resentment from some sophomore teachers, claiming their academic freedom is being questioned. Others have seen it as a help to diagnose student weaknesses.

Student curriculum planning is focused on selection of pathways: Entry, Skilled and Professional. Most Panther Branch students are enrolled in the Entry and Skilled Pathway while the majority of Meadowview students are enrolled in the professional pathway. The students’ chosen pathways are not monitored closely. Most scheduling is done in large groups led by the counselors. Student


Transition Plans are completed and filed but in reality serve little real purpose for students. Teachers are asked to include career planning as part of their curriculum but this seems to be done in a haphazard way. Teachers have been known to say, “I’m hired to teach not counsel. That’s the counselor’s job.” When senior credit checks are being completed, counselors often find students without the necessary courses for post-secondary admissions.

Athletics are a strong element in the Highland County community as well as the school. The 13 varsity sports now available include two additions in the past two years. HCHS has had two state champions in football in the past four years. The athletic and band boosters support their programs financially and in fact have contributed to the programs by constructing a new weight room for athletics and raising two hundred thousand dollars for a second band uniform. However, after the post-graduation editorial in 2006, there are a growing number of parents concerned about test scores, college going rate and Promise Scholarships.


The instructional program is essentially teacher-centered (lecture, text-book assignments, class discussion) although there are some teachers who practice project-based learning and use the computer labs for research and application. Lesson plans are submitted once a month and generally consist of page numbers, topics, and chapters. Many teachers repeat the lesson plans exactly from years before. Faculty has been asked through memo on more than one occasion not to show movies unless they relate directly to the topic. A bright spot in the school continues to be the science department. The science faculty utilizes the science labs and computer labs frequently. They interest the students with real-world projects that relate to local and national issues. The students regularly use probes, hand-held computers and simulations. These teachers even partnered with a local power company to create a wetlands area for Biology and Environmental Earth Science. Though highly successful, they rarely share their pedagogy and successes with their colleagues.

The special education program at Highland is largely self-contained. Some co-teaching was tried at the ninth grade level to address the needs of special education students struggling with transition. However, after a key special education teacher left the school, the model was discontinued. This was very discouraging to the principal, since in one year, the program had shown results. The general faculty attitude about instruction seems to be, “It’s our job to cover it. If the students don’t get it, then they have to take responsibility for their own failure. We aren’t here to baby them.” They often complain that they can’t get kids to do homework let alone make-up work after absences. Most faculty members blame the way the kids are being raised and lack of motivation.


The School Improvement Council meets each grading period. The council as a whole has the best membership it has ever had. In particular, the parents on the Council are hard working and bring many


innovative ideas. They have been particularly concerned with the school data that the principal has brought to them to examine. They are ready to try about anything to turn things around at the school. In the past, the Plan was written by the English department head and one other teacher. No other faculty members even knew the contents of the plan.

Faculty and Staff Profile

There are 65 faculty and staff members who serve at HCHS. Thirty-eight teachers and two counselors make up the faculty. One-half of the faculty has 15 to 25 years of experience, with five having 25 plus years of experience. Seven faculty members have five to nine years of experience and four faculty members just completed their third year of service. There is one principal and one assistant.

The following dossiers are profiles of key personnel who serve at HCHS:

Mr. A. is in his 27th year of teaching and is the head of the science department. He teaches Advanced Biology, CATS 10 and two electives. He takes an inquiry approach to teaching with lessons that include problem-based learning, group and independent research and many opportunities for students to interact during well thought out lab activities. His classes are rigorous and students would say he makes you think. He is a man of deep integrity and strong beliefs though quiet and unassuming. He recently became the new Faculty Senate Chair.

Mr. B. teaches ninth grade social studies and was once a sergeant in the United States Army. He has often voiced his view that students can’t be babied. Many parents have lodged complaints about Mr. B’s failure rates. Parents frequently make requests to have their students placed with other social studies teachers. He is a vocal member of the faculty and can be counted on to have an opinion about everything. He does not like the direction of the new Principal and wishes old Panther High were still open.

Mrs. C. is a Nationally Board Certified teacher who has been teaching for 28 years. Mrs. C. teaches senior English and is very popular with students even though she is strict and demanding. Mrs. C. teaches three sections of senior English, two sections of junior English and one drama course. She is also the coordinator of local theatre troop that has received state and national attention. She has been dismayed with the decline in overall standards in the school. She has high expectations for all students and will do anything to help them succeed. Kids who had her at Meadowview still come back from college to tell her how well they were prepared.

Miss D. is an energetic teacher in her third year of service at HCHS. She graduated from a highly acclaimed five year teacher preparation program with a Masters degree. She is certified to teach both mathematics and science, but is currently teaching all ninth and tenth grade science. Miss D. has extensive knowledge about instructional design and technology. She is currently enrolled in an educational doctorate program for instructional design and technology. She is from Panther Branch and is well respected in that community and throughout the county.


Mr. E. is the assistant principal. He is the former assistant at Meadowview High school. He is knowledgeable of good instruction and wants all students to learn and be challenged. He wants HCHS to be an academic institution, respected throughout the state. He has been an administrator for thirteen years.

Mrs. F. is the librarian from old Panther High. She is liked by both former staffs and believes in the direction of the new principal. She attended training to be a Technology Integration Specialist and is excited about 21st century learning.

Mrs. G. is the math teacher from old Meadowview High. Her classes are very traditional. She demonstrates how to work a problem then gives students pages of problems to work at home. Occasionally students are permitted to work in pairs in class. She checks homework the next day on the overhead projector. As far as math ability goes, she feels some kids have it and some don’t. She disagrees with new graduation requirement that requires all students to have math through geometry.

Mr. H. is the head football coach at HCHS and has led the football team to the state playoffs the last two years. He is the only teacher that taught in both former schools. He is well liked by everyone and is willing to support the principal in his direction for the school.

Mrs. I. She is a member of the business department from the old Panther High. She lives in the Panther community and was adamantly against consolidation. She belongs to a state anti-consolidation group and sites statistics about HCHS as a reason for others not to consolidate. She is frequently quoted in the newspaper.

Professional Development

There are three professional development days in the school calendar; usually the first two days are at the beginning of the school term with the other day occurring in early February. In the past, the professional development agenda was crafted by the central office staff based on staff surveys. In general, the offerings had no central theme or focus. The superintendent is not pleased with this practice and has talked with all the principals in the district about improving professional development. She is supportive of increasing school control of professional development time as long as it relates to the Five Year Strategic Plan. She has even agreed to use “accrued instructional time” for four two-hour “early outs.” These can be used for school-wide improvement planning or professional development. In addition to scheduled professional development days, several faculty members attend subject level conferences related to their discipline. In general the faculty seems aware of what is happening at the state and national level. School Board and Central Administration Relations

The Highland County school board is a diverse five member board. Dr. Lilly is the Highland County superintendent. She just signed her second multi-year contract by a 3 to 2 vote of the school board. Dr.


Lilly served as an assistant superintendent in neighboring Buffalo County where she received high praise from all constituencies and was the first elementary principal in the state to have a National School of Excellence. Of the two non-supportive board members, one is a former school bus driver who has said openly a woman should not be a school superintendent, and the other is a professor’s wife who has encouraged teachers with complaints against school administrators to come directly to her, often resulting in tensions at the board meetings and the schools.

Dr. Lilly has a very good rapport with West Virginia Department of Education and is supportive of 21 st

century learning. She has actively sought funding for a variety of initiatives in early childhood education and reading. She has a limited background in adolescent education and realizes that there were some errors made in the way the consolidation was handled. Her contract renewal will depend on improvements at the high school. Dr. Lilly has been regularly speaking to Rotary, Kiwanis and other groups on preparing graduates for the 21st century. Her back to school letter to all staff invited them to join with her in making the county a 21st century model.


Attachment B


West Virginia Institute for 21st Century Learning

Friday – Programmatic Session4:30 p.m. - Receive Background Information on Assigned School to Review for HomeworkWhen implementing 21st century components in a school, this implementation happens in an existing context. Thus, as part of the Problem Based Learning Activity, a fictitious West Virginia school has been created with issues and challenges common to West Virginia schools. To prepare for the PBL, you will need to read the School Scenario for your programmatic level (See Attachment A) and Appendices to become familiar with contextual issues that may affect your ability to develop a 21st century school.

Saturday – General Session12:45 p.m. – Listen to Introduction on Problem-Based Learning Activity:In general session, you will hear an overview of problem-based learning (PBL) as an instructional process. Next, you will receive general instructions on how an abbreviated version of the PBL process will be used as the instructional tool for applying (1) knowledge of first and second order change, (2) principles of transformational and distributive leadership, and (3) understanding of specific components of 21st century learning. To complete the PBL, you will be assigned to a small work team organized by programmatic level and school size. Throughout the PBL, you will be learning and applying new content but also experiencing a 21st century instructional process.

Saturday – Programmatic SessionUsing Attachment B for Directions, Begin Step 1 of the PBL Process:

1:15 p.m. - Step 1: Organize into a Work Team to Complete the PBL ExperienceMuch work in the 21st century will require teamwork and group problem-solving. Thus, you will need to organize yourself as a functioning team. Attachment C has identified some key roles that may be necessary to complete your work. These roles need to be assigned and the responsibilities reviewed so that each member is clear about what is expected. In order to set the stage for group productivity, group members should review the Group Process Rubric in Attachment D. This Rubric outlines specific behaviors that will contribute to team effectiveness. As a team, your goal is to be “High Performing.” Please note that this rubric will be used in Step 8 of the PBL as the group reflects on its ability to complete the various PBL tasks.

1:10 p.m. – Step 2: Clarify the Problem and the ProcessA Problem-Based Learning experience is designed to solve a specific problem using a sequential process. Thus, the Facilitator should read the problem statement described in Attachment D and assure that all members of the team understand the problem to be solved. Next, members should review the sequence of activities that will be used to reach consensus on how to address the problem (See Attachment F).


1:20 p.m. – Step 3: Brainstorm School Assets and ChallengesEvery school has characteristics that can enhance or impede 21st century learning. The team must be knowledgeable of these before school improvement efforts are identified. Thus, the Facilitator will lead the group in a brainstorming session on the assets and challenges (See Attachment G) in the school. Using a data projector and laptop, the Recorder will list group comments on the form provided. Group members should specifically focus on those things that may positively or negatively affect the principal’s ability to create and sustain a 21st century school.

1:35 p.m. – Step 4: Determine Root CausesOnce the brainstorming is complete and the group has exhausted its ideas about school assets and challenges, the group will begin the process of determining the “Root Causes” of why the school is not adequately preparing students for the 21st century. This is an important step for the team to complete. In school improvement, leaders sometimes make the mistake of working on symptoms (e.g., superficial or minor challenges) instead of “getting at the root of the problem.” If the team is unclear about the characteristics of “root cause,” members should examine the following websites:http://enwikipedia.org/wiki/Root_cause_analysishttp://www.isixsigma.com/library/context/c020610a.asphttp://www.systems-thinking.org/rea/rootca.htmhttp://www.12manage.com/methods_root_cause_analysis.htmlAfter the team fully understands “root cause,” members should examine the challenges list from Attachment G and reach consensus on the root causes affecting the school’s ability to prepare students for the 21st century. The Recorder should list these for the team to view using the form provided or electronically.

2:00 p.m. – Step 5: Determine Key Findings from Research on Distributive Leadership, Transformational Leadership and/or Change That Can Be Generally Applied to the Challenges/Root Causes in the SchoolAn important part of the learning process in a PBL is acquiring and applying new information. In this PBL, the team will use the new information gained from the General Session on Change and the Break-Out Sessions on Transformational and Distributive Leadership. To review this information, the team members will complete a two-step process. First, using the notes and/or graphic organizers from the previous sessions as a resource, each member will complete Attachment H. In this attachment, you will record key understandings or concepts that you think can be generally applied to the challenges/root causes preventing the school from adequately preparing students for the 21st century (10-15 minutes). Once the individual reflection is complete, the Facilitator will lead the entire group in discussion reaching consensus on how the new understanding of change, distributive and transformation leadership can be generally applied to the school. The Recorder will document group comments using the form provided or electronically.

3:00 p.m. – Step 6: Determine Specific Leadership Actions and Processes for Creating a 21st Century School (Based on Key Findings from Step 5)Step 6 is the most important and most difficult step of the PBL process. In this step, team members must pull together what they know about (1) the specific issues in the school (assets, challenges and root causes), (2) their knowledge about the change process, (3) understanding of distributive and


transformational leadership and (4) understanding of the elements of a 21st century school. Just like the “real world” of a principal, you must turn knowledge into practice in a demanding and complex environment. Using Attachment I, the Facilitator/Leader will conduct a group discussion on the specific leadership actions/processes necessary to address each 21st century component. The secret to success in this step is thinking through the particular compelling needs of this school and being able to defend the suggested practice/process using the research on effective leadership/change. If time permits, the Facilitator may want to allow each team member some quiet time to reflect on Attachment H before the group begins its brainstorming. The Recorder should assist by documenting group conclusions on the form provided or electronically.3:45p.m. – Step 7: Prepare your Recommendations into a Presentation to the Superintendent and Board of Education of Big River CountyAn effective PBL experience should be evaluated through some form of 21st century authentic assessment. In this PBL, the culminating project/authentic assessment will be a mock presentation to the Superintendent and the Board of Education of _____ County. A rubric for the presentation is included in Attachment J. Before the group adjourns for the day, it must determine which of the group members will be the “principal” for the presentation and how the presentation can be made most effective. The presenter “principal” will be excused from tech time and may use the advice and/or support of the critical friends and programmatic leaders to prepare the presentation. In a real PBL activity there would probably be both an individual and a group grade given to the team members.

Sunday – General Session8:30 a.m. – Hear a Brief Presentation on Authentic Assessments to set the Stage for Step 8In general session, you will hear an overview of the day’s activities and be provided with some classroom examples of authentic assessments that align with the state’s vision of 21st century learning.

Sunday – Programmatic Session

9:00 a.m. – Step 8: Reflect on Ability to Function as a Team to Solve a Problem Since PBL’s are designed to develop proficiency in 21st century skills as well as deepen understanding of knowledge, an important aspect of the PBL work is evaluating member’s ability to function as a team. Using the Group Process Rubric (Attachment D reviewed in Step 1), the facilitator will lead a discussion on the team’s performance and reach consensus on a rating for each category of Broad Skills addressed in the rubric. Once the rating is complete, the Facilitator should average the Broad Skill Category ratings to derive an overall team score. The discussion of the rubric should culminate in a discussion of how to improve team performance in the future.

9:15 a.m. Step 9: Principal Presents to the Superintendent/Board of EducationWithin programmatic groups, each principal will present their “vision for leadership” to a “mock” Board of Education and the Superintendent of ______ County Schools. These individuals may ask questions to clarify their understanding of the principal’s proposal. Others “in the audience” will use the rubric provided in Attachment J to provide feedback to the team members.


Attachment C


PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING ACTIVITYWV Institute for 21st Century Leadership

Directions: Please assign each of the following roles to someone in the group. If you have more than four people, assign two people the role of Resource/Information Liaison.

1. Facilitator/Leader: The role of the facilitator/presenter is to: lead group discussions assuring there is participation by all members, facilitate roles/assignments among group members, help the group reach consensus on assigned tasks, participate in the work of the group.

2. Recorder: The role of the recorder is to: verbally summarize the group conclusions/opinions and ask for clarification from members

as to accuracy, record conclusions/opinions electronically, electronically share written conclusions/opinions with other programmatic team members, organize group work into formats appropriate for the final presentation as guided by the

Facilitator, and participate in the work of the group.

3. Resource/Information Liaison: The role of the resource/information liaison is to: acquire information from on-site experts as needed by the group, find tools or other resources that the group may need to complete its work, and participate in the work of the group.

4. Manager/Time Keeper: The role of the manager is to: act as a task manager – keeping the group members on an appropriate time schedule, alert the team when conversations get off task, and participate in the work of the group.


Attachment D Professional Learning Communities

Group ProcessSkills Common to Problem-Solving

Groups High Functioning Group Skills

(3)Average Functioning Group

Skills (2)Low Functioning Group Skills (1)

Managing the



3 2 1

          Tasks/roles assigned according to member strengths

          Establishes a clear plan and timeline for work completion

          Works with clarity and understanding of the tasks

          All members contribute fully to quality work

          All members work effectively and productively with others

          Tasks/roles are assigned with some consideration of members’ strengths

          Develops a sketchy plan for work completion without a timeline

          Works with some understanding of the tasks

          Some members contribute to group work

          Some members work cooperatively with others

          Tasks/roles are assigned haphazardly

          Lacks a work plan or timeline          Works with little understanding

of the tasks          One or two members

contribute to group work          Members work independently

and with little collaboration

Identifying the Problem(s)


3 2 1

          Discusses/analyzes information thoroughly

          Develops deep understanding of situation

          Distinguishes between symptoms and underlying issues

          Articulates clear, complete and accurate description of the problem(s)

          Discusses information but fails to analyze situation

          Lacks deep understanding of situation

          Identifies symptoms and underlying issues in isolation (fails to see connections)

          Defines and articulates possible problem(s) but lacks clarity and acuity

          Shares factual information about situation but develops little understanding

          Confuses issues and symptoms

          Cannot articulate underlying problems

Seeking and Organizing Information


3 2 1

          Determines key sources from a variety of options

          Locates relevant information within key sources

          Interacts effectively with others to deepen understanding

          Summarizes and organizes relevant information using graphic organizers

          Struggles to identify key sources among options

          Locates information within sources, some of which is irrelevant

          Interacts with others to expand knowledge but does not deepen understanding

          Organizes information without eliminating irrelevant material

          Cannot determine credible and relevant sources

          Cannot distinguish between relevant and irrelevant information within sources

          Interaction with others enhances neither knowledge nor understanding

          Information is disorganized with little attempt to summarize

Synthesizing Information to Address the



3 2 1

          Applies clear logic to solving problem(s)

          Uses varied facts from leadership frames/theories to form concepts & patterns and to reach conclusions

          Analyzes and applies information from multiple sources to effectively solve the school problem(s)

          Applies some clear and some faulty logic to solving problem(s)

          Engages in a fragmented process for reaching conclusions with limited regard for facts and concepts to the leadership frames/theories

          Struggles with analyzing and applying information but solves some aspects of the school problem(s)

          Applies no apparent logic to solving problems

          Reaches conclusions disregarding facts and concepts

          Demonstrates little or no ability to integrate information to solve school problem(s)

ForAttachment E


Problem Statement and Goals

Problem: Mountaineer Elementary School (MES) is not adequately preparing students for success in the 21st Century.

You are the principal of Mountaineer Elementary School (MES) and over the next 3-5 years, you want to:

1. Strengthen the School Culture to be conducive of “21st Century Learning for ALL” by fostering a shared system of norms, folkways, values and traditions.

2. Implement a 21st Century Curriculum by (a) supporting the use of the new WVDE 21st

Century Content Standards and Objectives for content and 21st century skills and by (b) strengthening the specific curriculum components of global awareness, civic literacy, fiscal and economic literacy and personal wellness.

3. Implement 21st Century Instruction by (a) using lesson planning processes designed to develop learner’s deep understanding, (b) integrating 21st century instructional strategies and tools and (c) by emphasizing 21st century assessments for learning.

4. Improve the Overall Effectiveness of the School by using the school effectiveness research to develop school-wide consistent and pervasive practices that support “21 st Century learning for all.”

5. Improve Student Support by implementing processes that assure all students are valued and respected despite background characteristics or previous achievement and that student’s physical, social and emotional needs are met.


Attachment E

Problem Statement and Goals

Problem: Thundering Herd Middle School (THMS) is not adequately preparing students for success in the 21st Century.

You are the principal of Mountaineer Elementary School (THMS) and over the next 3-5 years, you want to:

1. Strengthen the School Culture to be conducive of “21st Century Learning for ALL” by fostering a shared system of norms, folkways, values and traditions.

2. Implement a 21st Century Curriculum by (a) supporting the use of the new WVDE 21st

Century Content Standards and Objectives for content and 21st century skills and by (b) strengthening the specific curriculum components of global awareness, civic literacy, fiscal and economic literacy and personal wellness.

3. Implement 21st Century Instruction by (a) using lesson planning processes designed to develop learner’s deep understanding, (b) integrating 21st century instructional strategies and tools and (c) by emphasizing 21st century assessments for learning.

4. Improve the Overall Effectiveness of the School by using the school effectiveness research to develop school-wide consistent and pervasive practices that support “21 st Century learning for all.”

5. Improve Student Support by implementing processes that assure all students are valued and respected despite background characteristics or previous achievement and that student’s physical, social and emotional needs are met.


Attachment E

Problem Statement and Focus

Problem: Highland County High School (HCHS) is not adequately preparing students for success in the 21st Century.

You are the principal of Highland County High School (HCHS) and over the next 3-5 years, you want to:

1. Strengthen the School Culture to be conducive of “21st Century Learning for ALL” by fostering a shared system of norms, folkways, values and traditions.

2. Implement a 21st Century Curriculum by (a) supporting the use of the new WVDE 21st

Century Content Standards and Objectives for content and 21st century skills and by (b) strengthening the specific curriculum components of global awareness, civic literacy, fiscal and economic literacy and personal wellness.

3. Implement 21st Century Instruction by (a) using lesson planning processes designed to develop learner’s deep understanding, (b) integrating 21st century instructional strategies and tools and (c) by emphasizing 21st century assessments for learning.

4. Improve the Overall Effectiveness of the School by using the school effectiveness research to develop school-wide consistent and pervasive practices that support “21 st Century learning for all.”

5. Improve Student Support by implementing processes that assure all students are valued and respected despite background characteristics or previous achievement and that student’s physical, social and emotional needs are met.




Pre-Institute Preparation for the PBL Process Prior to arrival, each participant will read an overview of research on transformational and distributive

Step 1: Organize into a Work Team to Complete the PBL Experience (Saturday, 1:15 p.m. - Work by Table Groups)

Step 2: Clarify the Problem and the PBL Process to Address the Problem (Saturday, 1:10 p.m. – Work by Table Group)

Step 3: Brainstorm School Assets and Challenges (Saturday 1:20 p.m. – Work by Table Groups)

Step 4: Determine Root Causes(Saturday 1:35 p.m. – Work by Table Groups)

Step 5: Determine Key Principles from Distributive Leadership, Transformational Leadership and/or Change Research that Apply to the Problem/Root Causes

(Saturday 2:00 p.m. – Work by Table Groups)

Step 6: Determine Specific Leadership Actions and Processes for Creating a 21st Century School Based on Key Findings from Step 5(Saturday 3:00 PM – Work by Table Groups)

Step 7: Prepare Presentation to Superintendent/ Board of Education of Big River County(Saturday 3:45 PM – Work by Table Groups)

Hear a Brief Presentation on Authentic Assessments to set the Stage for Step 9(Sunday 8:30 a.m. – General Session)

Step 8: Reflect on Ability to Function as a Team During the PBL(Sunday 9:00 a.m. – Programmatic Session)

Attain Prior Knowledge about Change, Transformational and Distributive Leadership(Friday Afternoon and Saturday Morning General Sessions)

Understanding the Value of PBLs and Read about the School You Are Assigned to Improve(Friday Evening and Saturday Morning)

Step 9: Make Presentation to Superintendent/ Board of Education of Big River County(Sunday 9:15 a.m. – Programmatic Session)

Attachment G School Assets and Challenges

Directions: Using a data projector and laptop to record group comments, the facilitator will lead the group in a brainstorming session on the assets and challenges in the school that will affect the principal’s ability to create a 21st century school. Once these have been determined, the group will discuss “root causes” related to the challenges.




Attachment H

Key Findings from Research on Effective Change, Distributive and Transformational Leadership

Directions: Using notes from the previous sessions on the above topics, identify general concepts or understandings that you think are applicable to the situations, challenges and root causes in your school.


Issues, Challenges andRoot Causes Preventing Mountain Elementary from Being a 21st

Century School

Principles of Distributive Leadership

Principles of Transformational


Principles of Effective Change

Attachment I Determining Specific Leadership Actions and Processes

As the principal, you understand the assets, challenges and underlying root causes as to why your school is not adequately preparing students for the 21st century. You also understand the research on second order change, distributive and transformational leadership. Taking this all in to account, what specific leadership actions or processes will you initiate over the next 3-5 years to become a 21 st

century school. Please note, if you feel that the area listed below needs “no leadership,” then leave the box blank.

1. Strengthen the School Culture to be conducive of “21st Century Learning for ALL” by fostering a shared system of norms, folkways, values and traditions.

2. Implement a 21st Century Curriculum by (a) supporting the use of the new WVDE 21st

Century Content Standards and Objectives for content and 21 st century skills/tools and by (b) strengthening the specific curriculum components of global awareness, civic literacy, fiscal and economic literacy and personal wellness.


Describe Specific Leadership Actions/Processes:

Describe Specific Leadership Actions/Processes:

Attachment I - Page 2 Determining Specific Leadership Actions and Processes

3. Implement 21st Century Instruction by (a) using planning processes designed to develop learner’s deep understanding, (b) integrating research-based 21st century instructional strategies and tools and (c) by emphasizing 21st century assessments for learning.

4. Improve the Overall Effectiveness of the School by using the school effectiveness research to develop school-wide consistent and pervasive practices that support “21 st Century learning for all.”


Describe Specific Leadership Actions/Processes:

Describe Specific Leadership Actions/Processes:

Attachment I - Page 3 Determining Specific Leadership Actions and Processes

5. Improve Student Support by implementing processes that assure all students are valued and respected despite background characteristics or previous achievement and that student’s physical, social and emotional needs are met.


Describe Specific Leadership Actions/Processes:

Attachment J

Presentation RubricFor

Professional Learning Communities

Communicating the Problem

and Solution to Others


3 2 1

          Uses presentation techniques appropriate to audience

          Uses high quality 21st century oral, written and multimedia communication methods to enhance the message

          Delivery is smooth, clear and compelling

          Information is intellectually rigorous and conceptually sound

          There is clear evidence of fresh, original and inventive ideas.

          Uses presentation techniques that are acceptable, but not tailored to the audience

          Multimedia elements accompany the content but do not enhance the message

          Delivery is acceptable but not compelling

          There is little evidence of new thought or inventiveness

          Uses presentation techniques with no regard for target audience

          Uses traditional communication methods

          Delivery is fragmented and confusing

          Information is a rehash of other people’s ideas

          There is no evidence of new thought or inventiveness


High Functioning Groups (3)

Average Functioning Groups (2)

Low Functioning Groups ( 1)