WSG CH08 - Typography

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Transcript of WSG CH08 - Typography

© 2004 Ken Baldauf, All rights reserved.


CGS2826 Web DesignProgram in Interdisciplinary ComputingFlorida State University

From Web Style Guide, Chapter 8: Typography

© 2010 Ken Baldauf, All rights reserved.

Typography exists to honor content.

Typography plays a dual role as both

verbal and visual communication.

Good typography establishes a visual hierarchy for rendering prose on the page by providing visual punctuation and graphic accents that help readers understand relations between prose and pictures, headlines and subordinate blocks of text.

© 2010 Ken Baldauf, All rights reserved.


Ban Comic Sans



© 2010 Ken Baldauf, All rights reserved.

Type on the Web

Most magazine and book typography is printed at 1200 dots per inch (dpi) or greater, whereas computer screens rarely show more than about 85 pixels per inch (ppi). Anti-aliasing helps.

© 2010 Ken Baldauf, All rights reserved.

When your content is primarily text, typography is the tool you use to “paint” patterns of organization on the page.

© 2010 Ken Baldauf, All rights reserved.


Margins provide unity throughout a site by creating a consistent structure and look to the site pages.

If you want any understanding of graphic design or page layout, learn to see and appreciate the power and utility of “white space,” the ground field behind page elements. The spaces within the ground field are as important as any other element on the page.

© 2010 Ken Baldauf, All rights reserved.

Paragraph Alignment

Avoid justified text – it created word spacing issues

Centered and right-justified should be used unly for short passages

For large text blocks use left-justified and left justified headers

© 2010 Ken Baldauf, All rights reserved.

Line lenghth & spacing

45 – 75 characters per line is ideal Fixed width containers can assist with

maintaining control over line length Set columns to 365px max. Increasing line spacing helps with

longer line length

© 2010 Ken Baldauf, All rights reserved.

Paragraph indents and spacing

© 2010 Ken Baldauf, All rights reserved.

Type facesTimes Roman is designed for paper with a small x height that is difficult to read on displays.

Georgia and Verdana were designed for displays, with exaggerated x heights, but may not look so good on paper.

Times New Roman is redesigned to look good on both the display and paper.

Sans-serif fonts, like Arial, are most readable, and make good headings and may be mixed with Serif fonts for paragraphs.’ – Many Web pages use Arial for everything.

Don’t use more than two font types per page.

© 2010 Ken Baldauf, All rights reserved.

Specifying Font Type & Size

Provide a choice, in order of preference

Scalable text is essential to universal usability.We recommend setting the body text to the default text size defined in users’ browser settings and setting all text variants (such as headings, captions, and links) using relative units, such as ems or percentages.

For best results with resizable text, use a flexible layout that transforms gracefully to accommodate larger type sizes

© 2010 Ken Baldauf, All rights reserved.

Readers like large type more than most designers do.

Generous leading (line spacing) is a key to legibility.

11px/13px most comfortable(font/line spacing)

© 2010 Ken Baldauf, All rights reserved.


Use itals to emphasize single words, not paragraphs.

Bold is good for subheads Underlined words will be confused with

links. Same with colored words. AVOID USING ALL CAPITALS, and

Title Capitals

© 2010 Ken Baldauf, All rights reserved.

© 2010 Ken Baldauf, All rights reserved.

With semantic techniques and css you can add context and meaning to your words and visually style them at the same time.

© 2010 Ken Baldauf, All rights reserved.

When using graphics for text, always provide the equivalent text using the “alt” attribute of the <img> tag so that the text is available to nonvisual users, users with images disabled, and software such as search engines: