WRMS Principles of Design

Post on 30-Apr-2015

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Principles of Design

Transcript of WRMS Principles of Design

The Principles of Design

Interior Design

5 Principles

These principles are GUIDELINES to design*Just like there are guidelines to blowing your nose correctly: Grab a tissue, blow your nose, and then wash your hands.

Proportion (Scale)





*FYI: Interior Design books have anywhere from 5-10 principles, depending on the author. These are the 5 we will focus on in class.

Formal Balance- Definition

One side is a mirror image of the other side

Informal Balance

Objects on each side of the central dividing line are different.

Understanding Informal Balance

More exciting and dramatic

Can be achieved through placement, shapes, colors, sizes, and other aspects of objects

Proportion- Definition

Proportion is the relationship between objects, or parts, of a whole.

The ratio of one part to the whole

Understanding Proportion

Elements seem to be an appropriate size for the space they fill- things just look ‘right’

Example: We judge the appropriateness of the size of objects by measure. For example, a sofa in the form of a hand is startling because the hand is larger than the expected proportion, and it becomes the center of attention in the room.

Proportion- Tips Unequal amounts are more pleasing to the

eye than equal amounts

The proportions of a private home are usually in scale with human measure, and as a result it appears more friendly, comfortable, less intimidating.

Proportion- Tips

Imagine: Ice Cream Sandwich bench at an ice cream shop.

In proportion or out?Would this be a good or a bad idea?


Emphasis creates a center of interest

Also referred to as a ‘Focal Point’

What is the emphasis of this picture?

Understanding Emphasis Emphasis of an object can be increased by: making the object larger, more detailed, orby placing it in the foreground

Rhythm- 5 Types






Rhythm- Repetition Occurs when a design element is repeated

Rhythm- Opposition

When lines meet to form a right angle

Example: Checks and plaid


Light to Dark

Thin to Thick

Small to Large

A change taking place through a series of stages

Rhythm- Radiation

Lines flow out from a single point

Rhythm- Transition Curved lines

carry the eye.

Harmony Harmony is achieved when Unity and Variety are effectively combined.

Harmony- Unity

The design is seen as “whole”.

Unity can be achieved through matching and coordinating

Harmony- Unity

How does this design show unity?

Harmony- Variety

Variety can relieve monotony by giving the eye a number of different details to look at.

Harmony- Variety

How does this design show variety?

What elements do you see???