Writing Readable Code

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Transcript of Writing Readable Code

Writing Readable Code

Eddie HaberSr Developer, Reflexions Data

Reflexions on Coding9.7.2012


1. What is Readable Code?

2. Why is it So Important?

3. How Code Gets Unreadable

4. Patterns that Make Code Hard to Read:● Deep Nesting● Unnecessary Generalization● Ambiguous Names● Hard to Follow Flow of Execution● Code Style vs Individualism● Code Comments

5. Best Practices

What is Readable Code?

Source: Head First Labs

What is Readable Code?

Reads like natural language

What is Readable Code?

Reads like natural language

Spaced into digestible chunks like paragraphs

What is Readable Code?

Reads like natural language

Spaced into digestible chunks like paragraphs

Explains Itself

What is Readable Code?

Reads like natural language

Spaced into digestible chunks like paragraphs

Explains Itself

Tells a story: The Spec

Why is it So Important?

Why is it So Important?

Saves you, your team, your client time.

Why is it So Important?

Saves you, your team, your client time.

Memories fade with time.

Why is it So Important?

Saves you, your team, your client time.

Memories fade with time.

Many projects go undocumented. Readable code can be documentation in itself.

Why is it So Important?

Saves you, your team, your client time.

Memories fade with time.

Many projects go undocumented. Readable code can be documentation in itself.

Fewer regression bugs.

Why is it So Important?

Hard-to-read code seems more complex and harder to edit than it really is.

How Code Gets Unreadable

Business logic can be arbitrary, complex, even contradictory.

How Code Gets Unreadable

Polluted over time


Inefficient edits

Software applications are the most complex man-made constructs in existence.

Source: scottmccloud.com

Patterns that Make Code Hard to Read

· Deep Nesting

· Unnecessary Generalization

· Ambiguous Names

· Hard to Follow Flow of Execution

· Code Style vs Individualism

· Code Comments

1.Deep NestingPatterns that Make Code Hard to Read

4. Patterns: Deep Nesting

1.Deep Nesting

Nesting is hard to read and edit.

Return early from loops and functions.

Use continue, break, return.

Meat of function ideally at first level of indentation

2.Unnecessary Generalization

Patterns that Make Code Hard to Read

2.Unnecessary Generalization

Never abstract for a single implementation.

2.Unnecessary Generalization

Never abstract for a single implementation.

// 10 lines of code

// that calls a

// gateway once


// a gateway class

// with a single

// implementation

3.Ambiguous NamesPatterns that Make Code Hard to Read

3.Ambiguous Names

Is that string you're about to use to query authors from a SQL table a...

$qry $sql




3.Ambiguous Names

Is the result that comes back a...







3.Ambiguous Names

Be consistent. Use clear simple naming.

$db = new Database_Adapter();

$sql = "SELECT * FROM authors";

$result = $db->query($sql);

$sql (goes to) $db (delivers) $result

3.Ambiguous Names

Sneaky Boolean Variables...

Is it true if failed, or false if failed?

if ($fail_gateway)...

3.Ambiguous Names

Mysterious Boolean Parameters...

send_mail($recipients, $msg, true);

3.Ambiguous Names

Mysterious Boolean Parameters...

Use constants (they're free!) to make codeflow readable...

send_mail($recipients, $msg, true);

const('DELETE_ALL_ACCOUNTS', true);

const('DO_NOT_DELETE_ACCOUNTS', false);

send_mail($recipients, $msg, DELETE_ALL_ACCOUNTS);

3.Ambiguous Names

Avoid excessive abbreviation.

Abbreviations are arbitrary and hard to remember.

3.Ambiguous Names

Avoid excessive abbreviation.

Abbreviations are arbitrary and hard to remember.

Was it...

Be explicit.

$srchBttn ?

$searchBtn ?

$schBtn ?

$srchBtn ?


4.Hard to Follow Flow of ExecutionPatterns that Make Code Hard to Read

4.Hard to Follow Flow of Execution

Reading code means following the flow of execution.

4.Hard to Follow Flow of Execution

Transitional variables$string = "Three Card Monte";

$lowercase = strtolower($string);

$ready_for_web = htmlentities($lowercase);

$view->name = $ready_for_web;

4.Hard to Follow Flow of Execution

Transitional variables

Less code = Less reading

$string = "Three Card Monte";

$view->name = htmlentities(strtolower($string));

$string = "Three Card Monte";

$lowercase = strtolower($string);

$ready_for_web = htmlentities($lowercase);

$view->name = $ready_for_web;

4.Hard to Follow Flow of Execution

Status codes and ids in code are mysteries.$order->set_order_type(5);

4.Hard to Follow Flow of Execution

Status codes and ids in code are mysteries.

Use strings or constants for concrete statuses.$order->update_status(OrderStatus::PAID);


4.Hard to Follow Flow of Execution

Status codes and ids in code are mysteries.

Use strings or constants for concrete statuses.

Reference concrete data by string



$sql = "SELECT * FROM role WHERE id = 1";

$sql = "SELECT * FROM role WHERE role = 'admin';

4.Hard to Follow Flow of Execution

Functions that return arbitrary data:$monster_array = $book->process_authors();

print $monster_array[0]['author']['first_name'];

4.Hard to Follow Flow of Execution

Functions that return arbitrary data:$monster_array = $book->process_authors();

print $monster_array[0]['author']['first_name'];

● Return arrays of objects instead or an iterator

● Make a (documented) class for the return objects

● Sample of the returned data structure in the comment block

5.Code Style vs. Individualism

Patterns that Make Code Hard to Read

5.Code Style vs. Individualism

Camelcase or underscore?

Curly braces with or without conditionals?

Use the formats and conventions of the language or framework you're working with.

5.Code Style vs. Individualism

Funny variable names, comments, and methods.

Just make sure they explain functionality.

$dull_boy = work_all_day($Jack_Torrence);

5.Code Style vs. Individualism

Whitespace is crucially important even when the compiler doesn't mind.

● If tabs, stay with tabs

● If spaces, stay with spaces

● Indent consistently - indentation is a queue for reading

6.Code CommentsPatterns that Make Code Hard to Read

// ping server to make

// sure still running and

// log results

$results = ping($server);




6.Code Comments

Helpful vs. unhelpful comments

// ping the server

$results = ping($server);

// check the results


// log the results


// exit


// check user


Who are you talking to?

Avoid unhelpful questions in comments

Make comments clear and useful

6.Code Comments

// Why is this even here?

// Magic. Do not touch.

6.Code Comments

Use DocBlock style blocks...

● Over all functions/methods

● Define @params and @returns

● If business rules involved, give a synopsis of what the method does.

6.Code Comments

Source: NetTutsPlus

Best Practices

Best Practices

● Jeuje code● Transitional variables● Return early● Add comments

Refactor! The first pass is usually the least efficient implementation.

Best Practices

Break down large tasks into smaller ones.

● More private and protected "helper" methods.

● Objects format and filter their own output.

Best Practices

DRY - Don't Repeat Yourself. Use libraries and conventions already established

● In the class (method already exists?)

● In the libs (utility already exists?)

● In the framework (component already exists?)

● On the web (website already exists?)

Reflexions on Coding9.7.2012


// Dear maintainer:


// Once you are done trying to 'optimize' this routine,

// and have realized what a terrible mistake that was,

// please increment the following counter as a warning

// to the next guy:


// total_hours_wasted_here = 42
