Write Around Prompts for 4th Period Graffiti, Free Art, and Public Art 9-23-15

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Write Around Prompts for 4th Period Graffiti, Free Art, and Public Art 9-23-15

We have learned that the

need/drive to create graffiti

spans across time and

cultures around the

world. Why do you think this

is so?

How does street art remove barriers for experiencing art? Why is this important?

In the articles and videos we watched, we

frequently heard statements about the tension

between art that is indoors and in galleries is

privileged whereas art created on the streets

and “in the wild” is more accessible and more

authentic. Do you agree with this

perception? Why or why not? Is there a third

space that brings the two together?

Do you think street art and movements like Free Art Friday bring about social change and make “louder” statements about issues than traditional art that we might see in a gallery or museum? Why or why not?

In your opinion, how might street art/graffiti and movements like “Free Art Friday” be transformative and a catalyst for positive change for local communities? How can these forms of art bring communities together?

"Graffiti is an affirmation of the

individual," said Sara Cochran,

curator of modern and

contemporary at the Phoenix

Art Museum. "The idea of

graffiti has a lot to do with raw

energy and authenticity.“(from the CNN article)

Do you agree with Cochran's statements? Why or why not?

"Reveling in the freedom of the way free art

works, whether as a way to brighten

someone’s walk to work or as a way to

engage the world with ideas, whether canvas

or vinyl or rock, or upcycled materials, My

Dog Sighs says that, "All street artists,

whether producing static or removable art,

hope to promote discussion in one form or

other. ‘Talk about me and my work’,

‘Question the images thrown at you,’ or

‘Use your political power.’

How do you see Free Art

Friday accomplishing one or

more of these things?Quote Source: http://mic.com/articles/30569/free-art-friday-


What graffiti/street art artist is on

your radar right now and why?

Why or how does this artist’s work

appeal to you?

Where does graffiti start and

vandalism end?

Does fame and a

staff to assist (i.e.

Banksy) change

the act of street

art? Why or why
