Wow= words of wisdom

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Wow= words of wisdom

Embedded music:China Cat Sunflower,

soundtrack piece from the film TAKING WOODSTOCK

I’ll pluck the feathers off your head……….Off your beakOff your neck

Off your wingsOff your backOff your legsOff your tail

Who did you call a cowardly scavenger?

I don't know if it's love. I guess it's not. But I don't know if it's love. I guess it's not. But it's close to it. .... And as I lay on the grass and it's close to it. .... And as I lay on the grass and stared up at the sky… stared up at the sky…

No More Close-up photography!!No More Close-up photography!!

Every year the same old story, as soon as our 3 wise men owners see

a Star ascending up into the firmament, they depart leaving us



I have to close my eyes because I might see your face. I have to close my mouth because I might hear your voice. I have to close my ears because I might hear of you…

Dear Hippo, stop saying that you love me!

Believe me this is an aphrodisiac…

It melts in your mouth not in your hand.

Follow the steps I taught

you and we will form a perfect heart-shaped


Could we have a look at the menu please?

Naughty, naughty …

I said give me a scrub not a rub.

Being normal

was vastly


Now wasn’t mama hen surprised.

Things took an

interesting twist in her


before it all goes away!

‘Drink a pint of

milk a

day’ –

When you told me to go hunt for Exocoetidae, why didn’t you tell me

they are from a family known

as flying fish.

Throw me another nut and I

will dance to Michael

Jackson's Thriller 

That’s it, no more booze.

My 9 lives have now

been diminishe

d to 7.

Please, please

remove your paw, we might get censored by Slideshare!