W.o.w. test #1

Post on 06-May-2015

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Transcript of W.o.w. test #1

w.o.w.Words of the Week:Lists 1-3 and Divergent FUN!

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Quiz on Wed. 3/26

swarm (noun)

a large number of insects or other small creatures, especially when in motion

sociable (adjective)

enjoying the company of others; friendly

apprehensive (adj)

anxious or fearful; uneasy

obscure (adjective)

difficult to understand; vague; not widely known

obscure (verb)

to hide from view

emerge (verb)

to become visible or known; appear; rise into view

uncanny (adjective)

supernatural, eerie, oddly out of the ordinary, unexplainable

monotonous (adj)

dull because of always being the same

imperious (adjective)


arrogant; proud; expecting to be obeyed

restitution (noun)the act of doing something or paying to make up for damage, loss, or injury that you have caused

gusto (noun)

great enjoyment; zest

conspicuous (adj)

1. clearly visible;

obvious or showy

2. attracting attention

because of a striking

quality or feature

recuperate (verb)

to return to

normal health

or strength;


disdain (noun)

a feeling that

someone is bad,

worthless, or low;

scorn or contempt

disdain (verb)

to show a feeling

that someone or

something is


stamina (noun)endurance; the power to resist fatigue or illness while working hard

To move with light running steps; scamper

scurry (verb)

Watching out for danger or something that might go wrong; watchful

vigilant (adjective)

A small, rounded hill

knoll (noun)

fragrance (noun) A sweet or pleasant odor; a scent

1. To move unsteadily back and forth 2. To hesitate or be unable to make a decision

waver (verb)

An action that is planned to achieve a goal

tactic (noun)

exasperation (noun)A state of anger, impatience or great irritation

divergent (adjective)


abnegation (noun)

1. selflessness; giving up a right or possession

2. the act of renouncing or rejecting something

erudite (adjective)

very wise

candor (noun)


amity (noun)

kindness; the ability to get along

dauntless (adjective)
