Would This Bother You

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Would This Bother You?

There are many atheists who claim that Jesus never really lived. What if I told you that there was

once an ancient religion which described God as a being who:

o  Was called “Lord of Lords”, “King of Kings”, “God of Gods”, “Resurrection and the Life”, “Good

Shepherd”, “Eternity and Everlastingness”, and the god who “made men and women to be “born


o  His birth was announced by Three Wise Men: the three stars Mintaka, Anilam, and Alnitak in the belt

of Orion

o  Had a star in the east, Sirius, that signified his birth

o  Had a Eucharist ceremony of sorts, in which his flesh was eaten in the form of communion cakes of 


o  Taught much of the same material as Jesus; many teachings are identically the same, word for word

o  Was killed and later resurrected, providing hope to all that they may do likewise and become eternal

Would you recognize this religious figure? Sound like someone you know? Well, of course, we are

describing the figure of Osiris!! What, did you think we were talking about Jesus? It sure sounds like

Jesus doesn‟t it? Would it shake your faith to discover that Osiris was a mythological Egyptian god who

riled over the earth shortly after its creation? And while the worship of Osiris is no longer prevalent on

our planet, there are a number of atheists who are now assembling to argue that Christianity is simply

a copycat of previously existing faith systems. Their argument is that Christianity is not true, and that

Jesus never lived. He is simply a copied form of deity from a number of pre-existing mythologies!

Is He Really Like Jesus?

A first reading of these similarities is startling and for many Christians, these descriptions have caused

them to stumble and doubt the true historicity of the man, Jesus Christ. So it‟s important for us to

examine the truth of these claims of similarity and to also see what the REAL mythologies can tell us

about the heart of man that drives us to imagine what God might be like. There can be little doubt

that there are a number of pre-Christian mythologies with dying saviors, but when we examine thesefigures closely, we‟ll see that they only foreshadow the God who truly DID come to earth. These

mythologies actually SUPPORT the claims of Christ. Before we begin to examine this mythology

carefully, it‟s important to recognize that a significant portion of what we just read about Osiris is

simply FALSE, and lacks ANY archeological or textual support whatsoever. Much of what is seen on

this list is simply the effort of atheists to make Osiris look as much like Jesus as possible. So let‟s take

a look at the truth and see what it can tell us.

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The Truth About Osiris

Historians do their best to understand Osiris from archeological digs, existing temples and wall

carvings in Egypt. According to the myth, Osiris was slain by his jealous brother, Seth. His sister- wife

(Isis) collected the pieces of her dismembered husband, revived him, and later conceived his son and

avenger, Horus. Let‟s take a look at the claims we have already described and separate truth from

fiction, and then try to understand the underlying hope of the people who invented the god called


Claim: Osiris was called “Lord of Lords”, “King of Kings”, “God of Gods”, “Resurrection and the Life”,

 “Good Shepherd”, “Eternity and Everlastingness”, and the god who “made men and women to be

 “born again”  

Truth: These names for Jesus were NOT used by Osiris, who was called, “Lord of All”, the “Good

Being”, “Lord of the Underworld”, “Lord (King) of Eternity”, “Ruler of the Dead”, “Lord of the West”,

 “Great One”, “He who takes seat,” “the Begetter”, “the Ram”, “Great Word”, “Chief of the Spirits”,

 “Ruler of Everlastingness”, “Living God,” “God above the gods.” These rather general names were not

uncommon for many other deities as well.

The Reasoning Behind the Osiris Mythology: If there is a God, we would expect Him to be powerful

and possess a title that reflects that power.

Claim: Osiris‟ birth was announced by Three Wise Men: the three stars Mintaka, Anilam, and Alnitak

in the belt of Orion, and Osiris had a star in the east (Sirius) that signified his birth

Truth: It IS true that some scholars connect Osiris with Orion, but they don‟t stretch the imagination

to call the three stars of the belt “wise men”, and there is no mention of an eastern star in the Osiris


The Reasoning Behind the Osiris Mythology: It is reasonable to assume that if there is a God, his

emergence into the natural world would be in some way spectacular and supernatural

Claim: Osiris had a Eucharist ceremony of sorts, in which his flesh was eaten in the form of 

communion cakes of wheat

Truth: There is no evidence for this in the research of the scholars

Claim: Osiris taught much of the same material as Jesus; many teachings are identically the same,

word for word

Truth: There is absolutely no evidence of any of this, and the „wisdom‟ of Osiris is still available for


The Reasoning Behind the Osiris Mythology: If there is a God, we would expect Him to be a source of 

great wisdom

Claim: Osiris was killed and later resurrected, providing hope to all that they may do likewise and

become eternal

Truth: Osiris was murdered and his body was then dismembered and scattered. Later, his body

pieces were recovered and rejoined, and he was rejuvenated. Osiris then journeyed to the underworld,where he became the lord of the dead. He did NOT resurrect with a glorified body and walk with men

on earth, as did Jesus. He was not alive again, as was Jesus, but was instead a “dead” god who never

returned among the living

The Reasoning Behind the Osiris Mythology: If there is a true God, we would expect him to have

mastery over death and be able to control the powers of death and life.

So, What is Left? 

From this quick examination of the Osiris tradition, we can see that he was NOT called by the same

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names that were used for Jesus, and while he was connected by some to the Orion constellation, there

is NO mention of three wise men in the Osiris birth story. In addition, Osiris was NOT celebrated with

a Eucharist. He was murdered and reassembled, but was NOT resurrected to glory and life as was

Jesus. So in hindsight, how similar is Mithras to Jesus after all?

How Could They Have Imagined That? 

Even with all the differences between Osiris and Jesus, it is still striking that early men would imaginea God with even a few similarities, don‟t you think? How could that happen? Is it really possible that

someone could imagine something that could later become a reality, even if only in part? Well, let‟s

take a look at another example from history. What if I told you that a man named Morgan Robertson

once wrote about a British ocean liner that was about 800 feet long, weighed over 60,000 tons, and

could carry about 3,000 passengers? The ship had a top cruising speed of 24 knots, had three

propellers, and about 20 lifeboats. What if I told you that this ocean liner hit an iceberg on its maiden

voyage in the month of April, tearing an opening in the starboard side forward portion of the ship, and

sinking along with about 2,000 passengers? Would you recognize the event from history? You might

say, “Hey, that‟s the Titanic!” Well, you would be wrong. While all these details are identical to the

Titanic, the ship I am talking about is the “Titan” and it is a fictional ship described in Robertson‟s

book called “the Wreck of the Titan” or “Futility” (Buccaneer Books, Cutchogue, New York, 1898). This

book was written fourteen years BEFORE the disaster took place, and several years before the

construction was even begun on the Titanic! In addition to this, other writers and thinkers had alsostarted to develop a mythology about such large ships. In the 1880‟s, the well known English

 journalist, W. T. Stead also wrote an account of a sinking ocean liner in the mid-Atlantic, and by 1882

had added the detail that an iceberg would be the cause of the disaster. There are also quite a number

of recorded premonitions on the part of passengers who cancelled at the last minute before boarding

the Titanic for its maiden voyage in 1912, citing that the ship would suffer a similar fate.

How could all these people foresee something like this? How could Robertson foresee this so

accurately? Well, it is quite possible that these men and women had a prophetic gift of sorts (after all,

even atheists will concede that some among us are at least more intuitive than others), but it is also

possible that they simply observed the world around them, thought about the possibilities, examined

the history of man leading up to the era, and imagined what an ocean liner like this might be like.

Clearly they did actually imagine something that was close to the truth of history. Now if a thousand

years from now we were examining the truth of the Titanic in history, and we discovered the story of 

the Titan, do you think we would find ourselves saying, “Hey, that story about the Titanic is a lie, it

was just a re-creation of a prior mythology called the Titan!” I hope not. I hope, instead, that we

would evaluate the evidence related to the existence of the Titanic, read the eyewitness accounts,

study the impact the event had on history, and then make a decision about the event. I would hope

that a prior mythology would not stop our search for the truth. And let‟s face it, the similarities

between the Titan and the Titanic are far greater than the similarities between Osiris and Jesus.

What Was in the Heart of Those Who Created Osiris? 

So, is there also something in the heart of man that drives him to seek God and try his best to

understand and know him? Is there something in the heart of man that encourages him to dream and

imagine mythologies about God, just like he might imagine a boat like the Titanic? The Bible certainly

maintains that God has placed the truth of his existence in the world around us:

Romans 1:18-20 

The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men

who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them,

because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God‟s invisible qualities-his

eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made,

so that men are without excuse. 

And the Bible also tells us that God has given us a conscience that testifies to his existence:

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Romans 2:12-16 

 All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be

 judged by the law. For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God‟s sight, but it is those

who obey the law who will be declared righteous. (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law,

do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have

the law, since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their 

consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.) 

Why should we be surprised that as people created in the image of God, we would have a mind and a

heart that dreams about the nature of our creator? If God has placed his moral truth in our heart, and

hinted at his existence with the wonder of the created world around us, it is reasonable that even

before anything was directly revealed in the Bible, men and women thought, imagined and dreamed

about the nature of God (just like some obviously thought about large ocean liners!) We would

actually expect these mythologies to bear a resemblance to the reality of God‟s nature once it IS

revealed to us, just as the Titan resembled the Titanic!! And that appears to be the case with Osiris.

But let‟s be realistic about the Osiris similarities. They are NOT all that powerful and striking;

especially when we investigate them and see that the vast majority of the claims of similarity are

simply not historically verified. They are lies.

But go back for a minute and re-read the reasoning of the creators of the Osiris mythology. Thinkabout what motivated them. They reasoned through the notion of God, based on what they saw in

their environment and the seed of God‟s conscience planted in their heart, and decided that if there is

a God, (1) His power and majesty would warrant His having titles that reflect His nature, (2) He must

be an incredibly powerful being who could emerge in our world in a way that defies the natural order

of things, (3) He would be the source of great wisdom, and (4) He would have mastery over death

and be able to control the powers of death and life.

So, How Did God Eventually Appear? 

OK, these four driving motivations have clearly contributed to the thinking of those who originally

created the mythology of Osiris. As humans, we can evaluate the environment around us and form a

reasonable notion about the God who created it. While Osiris is MUCH different from Jesus, it is

interesting to note that God eventually met and exceeded the expectations of those who dreamed

about Him. Jesus is everything we might have hoped for, and so much more. His power and majesty

have warranted His having titles that reflect His nature; as God incarnate, He emerged in our world in

a way that defies the natural order of things; He is the source of great wisdom; and He has mastery

over death and controls the powers of death and life. Jesus meets the expectation that early God

seekers had and exceeds their expectation in every way!

Paul Told Them That God Was Greater Than Their Expectations  

That really shouldn‟t surprise us, because Paul told early God seekers this very thing as he was

addressing the people of Athens on Mars Hill, two thousand years ago. He told these Greek thinkers

and seekers that while they had imagined the nature of God (just as Osiris believers had also dreamed

about God), there was actually a TRUE God, Jesus Christ, who came into the world and exceeded their


 Acts 17:22-31 

Paul then stood up in the meeting of the Areopagus and said: “Men of Athens! I see that in every way 

you are very religious. For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even

found an altar with this inscription: TO AN UNKNOWN GOD. Now what you worship as something

unknown I am going to proclaim to you. “The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord 

of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. And he is not served by human

hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else.

From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he

determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that 

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men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one

of us. „For in him we live and move and have our being.‟ As some of your own poets have said, „We

are his offspring.‟ “Therefore since we are God‟s offspring, we should not think that the divine being is

like gold or silver or stone-an image made by man‟s design and skill. In the past God overlooked such

ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. For he has set a day when he will 

 judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to all men by 

raising him from the dead.”  

Paul seemed to recognize that God had an answer for all those who had been dreaming about His

nature. God was not unaware of all the mythologies that preceded His appearance in the form of Jesus

Christ. He knew everything that these cultures had imagined and dreamed about Him. He saw how

they had shaped their gods. He knew how they had described them with miraculous powers and

abilities. Why should it surprise us that God would eventually appear and prove to mankind that He

was the ONE TRUE GOD by simply MEETING our expectations, point for point (and then surpassing

these expectations along the way)? It should not surprise us that God might, in some way, CHOOSE to

appear in a form that is consistent with the expectations of man, particularly when God wants his

creation to recognize him. God could simply be saying, “Children, I know you have imagined me to be

a certain way. In some small measure you have imagined correctly. In many other ways you have

been very far from the mark. Let me show you who I am. Watch me meet all the expectations you

had about my nature. Let me help you believe by the miraculous life that I will live among you. Let merescue you in a way you could never have dreamed of.”  

Jesus Ends the Search 

Maybe that‟s why in the long lineage of mythologies and descriptions of God, Jesus completes the list.

There are no significant mythologies that follow Jesus. Ever wonder why? Is it simply because the

human race developed past such fables? Or is it because the human race developed past its own

immaturity to the point and place where God finally determined it was time to appear in the flesh?

Perhaps God decided that the time in which he had “overlooked such ignorance”, was now complete,

so He presented himself in a way that ended all mythology. He appeared in TRUE power and glory,

putting all prior mythologies to rest forever; meeting and exceeding anything we could ever have

hoped for.

Christianity Continues to Thrive 

While there are actually very FEW similarities between Osiris and Jesus in detail, there are similarities

between them in the underlying expectations early seekers had for God. Jesus simply meets the hopes

and dreams of these seekers as the true incarnate God. While Osiris worship is now a dead religion,

Christianity continues to thrive. Why? Because the Osiris tradition is inconsistent with the geological

history of our world, inconsistent with the archeological history of humanity, and unsupported by

textual evidence. In contrast, Christianity still continues to speak to the minds of seekers today. It has

strong geological and archeological consistency with what we see in our world and strong textual

evidence to support the earliest of claims. Atheists have tried to portray Osiris as something he isn‟t in

order to make us believe that Jesus never existed at all. But the story of Osiris should only encourage

us to believe in the God who exceeds our expectations!

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The wise men found guidance in the Star of Bethlehem, for they saw His star in the east, and came to

worship Him. Let us establish the fact of a star-picture in the heavens, which was known to the writers

of the Old Testament.

"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day

uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where

their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the

world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun" (PSALM 19:1-4).

Further in this Psalm one sees the circuit through which the sun passes to clarify the heavenly lights.

The Bible declares, "He telleth the number of the stars, he calleth them all by their names" (PSALM

147:4). In JOB 38 we read of the Pleiades - better known as the 'Seven Sisters'; Orion - 'The Pot';

Arcturus - 'The Bear'; and the Mazzaroth - an old Hebrew word translated as the 'Twelve Signs'.

The Greeks translate these twelve signs into the word 'Zodiakos', meaning 'circle', and from thence wehave the word 'Zodiac'.

The centre of the heaven is divided into 12 sections, and each year the sun passes through these

twelve sections or 'signs'. This path through the stars in these signs is known as the ecliptic path.

It is believed that the major stars in these twelve signs depict God's message of redemption to

mankind, each sign having a Hebrew star name inspiring the picture story drawn on the heavens.

Wonderful Message

Before further explaining these signs and subsidiary stars, with their wonderful message, it isimportant to note the profound difference between astronomy and astrology. The term 'astro' means

'star' in both words. The term 'nomos' means 'a law or arrangement or plan', whereas the word 'logos'

means a 'word' or 'doctrine'.

It is from the study of astrology that the reading of the horoscope has developed. This word comes

from the Greekhora meaning 'know' and skopein, to 'view'. It applies to observation of the hour of 

birth and the practice is to endeavour to tell a man's fortune by the position of stars at the time of his


The Bible presents the wonders of the heavens as proof of a Creator and the details of the zodiac as a

series of pictures giving details of the plan of the ages.

The horoscope is a pseudo and vain attempt to transfer this story into individual prophecies, lucky

days and personal direction. God has challenged the claims of the astrologers on numerous occasions.

His warning to Israel as recorded in ISAIAH 47 speaks for itself:

"Stand now with thine enchantments, and with the multitude of thy sorceries, wherein thou hast

laboured from thy youth; if so be thou shalt be able to profit, if so be thou mayest prevail. Thou art

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wearied in the multitude of thy counsels. Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly

prognosticators, stand up, and save thee from these things that shall come upon thee. Behold, they

shall be as stubble; the fire shall burn them..." (ISAIAH 47:12-14).

The practice of astrology and the reading of horoscopes is unreal and useless.

The Twelve SignsThe twelve signs are fairly well known. They commence with Virgo, the Virgin, and conclude with Leo,

the Lion; these two signs being associated directly with the birth and subsequent return of our Lord

Jesus Christ. In Egyptian archives the sphinx is shown inserted as an asterisk between these two

signs, thus dividing the circle and solving its own riddle of the 'woman and lion'.

From here on each sign depicts some aspect of the Bible narrative: Virgo (the woman) with the branch

lies amid 140 stars, with the sun taking 43 days to pass through this constellation. The brightest star

in this sign is Tsemech (Hebrew) or Al Zimach (Arabic), meaning 'the branch'. The artist has drawn a

woman and branch.

ISAIAH 7:14 states, "Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a Son...". There are three smaller

constellations in each sign, also depicting similar aspects of the Bible story.

Next is Libra, which in Hebrew is Mozanaim, meaning 'the Scales'. Note that our own Southern Cross

is in this constellation.

Then comes Scorpio, which in Hebrew is Akrab, meaning „the Scorpion' or 'stinging (conflicting) one'.

In Arabic the word is translated as 'wounding him that cometh.' The Bible tells us that the "seed of the

woman" would bruise the serpent's head.

The sign Sagittarius, the Archer, depicts a disciple of the conquering Lord given us in REVELATION 6.

The dragon, Draco, is shown as cast down in the same constellation.

Next comes Capricornus, the Sin Goat. Our Lord was the scapegoat and we are His fish, a wonderful

symbol of the redemption plan as written in the heavens.

Aquarius, the Water Bearer, depicts the pouring on of water (See JOHN 7). One Hebrew star in this

constellation, Deli, means 'water container', and another star, Saad, means 'one who goeth and


Pisces is better known as Pisces Australis, the 'southern fish'. The Hebrew word simply means 'the

fishes', and speaks no doubt of the great ingathering of revival and restoration as promised.

Innumerable scriptures speak of all these terms. Andromeda, the 'chained woman', is also shown in

this constellation, symbolising Israel as the woman still chained in unbelief.

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Aries, 'the Ram or Lamb', which in Hebrew is Teleh, is an obvious picture of the many times our Lord

is presented both in the Old and New Testaments. Cassiopiea, 'the enthroned woman' is in this

constellation and speaks of the restored and crowned Is-ra-el people of God.

The sign for Taurus signifies 'the Bull'. The brightest star here is Al Debaran, meaning 'leader' or

'governor'. It is prophesied of Jesus in ISAIAH 9, "...and the government shall be upon hisshoulders..." (ISAIAH 9:6).

In this same constellation we have a cluster of stars called Pleiades, 'the congregation of the judge -

or ruler', with its brightest star Al Cyone, meaning 'the centre'. Many astronomers believe this star to

be the centre of the whole universe.

Also in this constellation is Orion, which means 'the coming prince'. In Hebrew, Oarian, meaning

'light', and Hagat, 'the triumphant one'.

Amos refers to Orion, which in Hebrew is Chesil, meaning 'the strong one - hero - giant'. In the right

shoulder of Orion we find Betelgeuz 'the coming branch', and in his left foot Rigol, 'the foot thatcrusheth'. A star in his left shoulder, Bellatrix, means 'quietly coming', and in the belt of Orion the star

Al Niyak, means 'the wounded one.'

Next is Gemini, the Twins. The Hebrew word is 'Thaumin' meaning 'unites'. Jesus the man, Christ the

God, the unity of man and God provides our recommendation as sons of God also. We find the star

Apollo here, meaning 'ruler' or 'judge'.

Cancer is derived from the Arabic words 'al sartan' and means 'one who holds or binds together.' One

large star in the sign of Cancer is Acubene, which means in Hebrew 'the shelter' or 'hiding place'. Also

in this constellation is Ursa Major, the 'great bear' recorded in JOB 9 and 38. Many other stars with

Hebrew names are associated with this sign, and depict the lamb and the gathering of the sheep withthe Lord.

Finally we have Leo, the Lion. The end of the Zodiac circle. The riddle of the sphinx is solved with the

head of the woman Virgo and the body of the lion Leo, which in Hebrew is Arieh. There are six Hebrew

words for lion. This one means 'the lion that herds its prey.' Star of the first magnitude in this

constellation is Denebola, meaning 'the Lord who cometh.'

"Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the

book..." (REVELATION 5:5).

Our future is written in God's Word and declared in the heavens. Satan, as the master of illusion ordelusion, still captivates the gullible. The present increase in the "occult", the ouija board, seances,

and horoscopes, all side-track the unsuspecting and superstitious, and endeavour to replace the

ideology of God with that of man.

As an alternative to the wonderful "outpouring of the Holy Spirit" as shown in the Word of God and

confirmed in the Zodiac, millions have now turned to the vanity of their own devices. Don't read your

horoscope - read the Bible.

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This Christmas look for your Guiding Star to appear in your life. The Lord Jesus Christ is our own

personal Star of Bethlehem, and as you place that star on top of that tree remember its true meaning,

not its pagan godless alternative, but rather its message of hope and redemption.

"We have also a more sure word of prophecy, whereunto ye do well that ye take heed as unto a light

that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn and the Day Star arise in your hearts" (2 PETER 1:19).