Would Jesus Be Your Friend on Facebook?

Post on 28-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Would Jesus Be Your Friend on Facebook?

Would Jesus Be Your Friend on

Christian Legal Society 50th Anniversary Conference

Tom Ciesielka, TC Public Relations

So What?

Who Cares?


What does it mean for your clients?

How will employees be involved?

What does it mean for your ministry?

So What and Who Cares?

We believe that the Bible, God’s written word, is the ultimate guide for our values, attitudes, and behaviors. (excerpt from


CLS Community Life Statement


The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good.

Proverbs 15:3

How Would You React to Jesus’ Friend Request?

10 Commandments of Social Media

Thou Shalt Listen

Facebook Search

“LinkedIn was the most accepted social network for business use with only 1 in

5 reporting that it was blocked at work; Facebook's figure was 31 percent.”

Computerworld 10/14/11

Thou Shalt Choose Wisely

Thou Shalt Measure Time and Money Spent


God Thou Shalt Focus on Your Inner Circle

Social network users notice growing security risks (Computerworld 10/14/11)

20% of social media users have been negatively affected by information revealed

54.3% report phishing attempts 13% said they had their accounts hijacked

Thou Shalt Think Before Your Tweet

Thou Shalt Separate Wheat from Chaff

“Image is what people think we are; integrity is what we really are.”

John C. Maxwell

Thou Shalt Be Unblemished

Thou Shalt Be Relevant

Thou Shalt Not Be a Victim of the Medium

Inadvertent advertising?◦ Social media profiles could be subject to state

rules regarding attorney advertising.

Blog around advertising rules?◦ Websites are usually categorized as

advertisements. However, rules regarding “blawgs” are less consistent.

Thou Shalt Remember You Are a Lawyer

Protection with professional social media? “Ambulance chasing” on Twitter?

Thou Shalt Remember You Are a Lawyer

“The coming peril is the intellectual, educational, psychological and artistic over production…. People are inundated, blinded, deafened, and mentally paralyzed by a flood of vulgar and tasteless externals, leaving them no time for leisure, thought or creation from within themselves.”

GK Chesterton, one of Christianity’s most prolific writers, said this during a speech he made in the 1930s

Who Said this?

Name one takeaway from today’s program

Points to Ponder

Content is king and kingdom business is still key

Be top of mind, not a bottom feeder

The Shepard Knows His Sheep: social anything is still relational

Takeaway Tips

Tom Ciesielka312-422-1333
