World War II Posters and Propaganda Posters created during WWII were used as motivation and...

Post on 22-Jan-2016

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Transcript of World War II Posters and Propaganda Posters created during WWII were used as motivation and...

World War II Posters and World War II Posters and PropagandaPropaganda

Posters created during WWII were Posters created during WWII were used as motivation and propaganda. used as motivation and propaganda. As each poster comes up, look for:As each poster comes up, look for:

ColorColor SymbolsSymbols What is the messageWhat is the message ExaggerationsExaggerations

Masculine strength was a common visual theme in

patriotic posters.

American muscle was presented in a

proud display of national confidence.

In the face of acute wartime labor shortages, women

were needed in the defense industries, the civilian

service, and even the Armed Forces.

Poster and film images glorified and glamorized the roles of working women

and suggested that a woman`s femininity need not

be sacrificed.

Whether fulfilling their duty in the home, factory, office,

or military, women were portrayed as attractive,

confident, and resolved to do their part to win the war.

During World War II, racial restriction and segregation were facts of life in the U.S. military.

The Government was well aware of the demoralizing effects of racial prejudice on the American population and its impact on the war effort.

Consequently, it promoted posters, pamphlets, and films highlighting the participation and achievement of African Americans in military and civilian life.

During the war years, gasoline, rubber, sugar, butter, and meat were rationed.

President Roosevelt was a gifted communicator. On January 6, 1941, he addressed Congress, delivering the historic "Four Freedoms" speech. Eloquently, he appealed to Americans` most profound beliefs about freedom.

The most effective war posters were the ones that appealed to the emotions.

The posters shown here played on the public's fear of the enemy.

The images depict Americans in imminent danger-their backs against the wall, living in the shadow of Axis domination.

"Careless talk" posters warned people that small snippets of information regarding troop movements or other logistical details would be useful to the enemy.

Well-meaning citizens could easily compromise national security and soldiers` safety with careless talk.

To guard against complacency, the Government promoted messages that reminded civilian America of the suffering and sacrifices that were being made by its Armed Forces overseas.

Poster AnalysisPoster Analysis

What are the main colors?What are the main colors? What symbols (if any) are used?What symbols (if any) are used? If a symbol is used, is itIf a symbol is used, is it A. clear (easy to interpret?)A. clear (easy to interpret?) B. memorable?B. memorable? C. dramatic?C. dramatic? Are the messages in the poster primarily visual, verbal, or Are the messages in the poster primarily visual, verbal, or

both?both? Who do you think is the intended audience for the poster?Who do you think is the intended audience for the poster? What does the Government hope the audience will do?What does the Government hope the audience will do? Is this an effective poster? Does it do what it is intended to Is this an effective poster? Does it do what it is intended to
