WORLD WAR II - Pleasantville Middle

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Transcript of WORLD WAR II - Pleasantville Middle


Brink of World War II

• Soviet Union


Dictator – complete power

• Totalitarian State – controls government and every aspect of people’s lives

-Obey without question

-executions & forced labor camps

• Collective Farms – run by the government (those who resisted were executed or sent to labor camps – millions)

• Industry expanded

• Steel and Oil production rose

• Modernized military and industry (Five Year Plan)

GULAG • Have you ever been late to work?

In the Stalin era, a person who arrived late to work three times could be sent to the Gulag for three years.

• Have you ever told a joke about a government official?

In the Stalin era, many were sent to the Gulag for up to 25 years for telling an innocent joke about a Communist Party official.

• If your family was starving, would you take a few potatoes left in a field after harvest?

In the Stalin era, a person could be sent to the Gulag for up to ten years for such petty theft.

• Maria Tchebotareva

Trying to feed her four hungry children during the massive 1932-1933 famine,

the peasant mother allegedly stole three pounds of rye from her former field

confiscated by the state as part of collectivization. Soviet authorities

Sentenced her to ten years in the Gulag. When her sentence expired in 1943,

it was arbitrarily extended until the end of the war in 1945. After her release,

she was required to live in exile near her Gulag camp north of the Arctic

Circle, and she was not able to return home until 1956, after the death of

Stalin. Maria never found her children after her release.

Courtesy of the Gulag Museum at Perm-36.

Brink of World War II

• Italy


Dictator – complete power

Fascist Party

(1920’s – comes to power)

• Totalitarian State – controls government and every aspect of people’s lives

-Obey without question

• Prevents Communism

• Promises to fix economic problems

• Invades Ethiopia (1935)

1935 – Withdraws from League of Nations

Brink of World War II


Emperor Hirohito

General Tojo

Military leaders take control – Militaristic

General Tojo

• Need for resources (coal and iron)

• Expansionism

• Japan felt that they had the right to

start an overseas empire, just as

European countries such as Britain

and France had.

• Invade and conquer Manchuria 1931

• 1931 Japan withdraws from League

of Nations

• League of Nations –weak – fails to

help China

Brink of World War II

• GERMANY Nazi Party


Dictator – complete power

• Totalitarian State – controls government and every aspect of people’s lives

-Obey without question

Hitler appointed Chancellor in 1933 AND

1933 Germany leaves League of Nations (joined 1926)

Crushed by the economic depression and harsh reparations of the Treaty of Versailles

Ignores treaty – builds military

Justifies taking land

1936 – takes Rhineland

1938 – takes Austria & Sudentenland

1939 - Czechoslovakia

• Strong, persuasive public speaker

• Scapegoats Jews (minorities)

Terms Dictator

Totalitarian state

U.S. Foreign Policy

Neutrality Acts

Good Neighbor(FDR)


Ruler with complete power

controls government and every aspect of

people’s lives -Obey without question

• Ban arm sales to countries at war

• Americans not to travel on ships of countries at war

• Avoid conflict

Friendly relations with Latin America

withdraw troops

cancel Platt Amendment

• Do not get involved in affairs of other countries

Germany Italy


France Great Britain United States

Soviet Union

Totalitarian – Fascist

Dictators - Militaristic

Capitalistic Democracy


& Totalitarian

AXIS Powers Allied Powers

+45 +6

Causes of WWII

(1) Treaty of Versailles

Treaty leads to Fascist leaders

• Reparations harsh - $ 33 billion – Germany unable to pay

• Blamed Germany for WWI

• Germany disarmed

• Germany lose of land

• Hitler refuses to obey treaty

• Italy angry about treaty – cheated by not receiving land it wanted

Causes of WWII

(2) Great Depression

• People afraid

- no food

- no jobs

• People want direction – promises by leaders (People blame existing government and look for new leaders)

• Fascism promised Law and Order

Causes of WWII

(3) Failure of League of Nations


• Not all nations had joined

- Germany not allowed, Russia (fear of Communism),

some nations joined but left

• No army (no effective military forces)

- soldiers supplied by member countries but fear of


• No power

- member countries not to trade with aggressive;

however, global depression

• Acts slowly

-meet four times per year and ALL nations have to


• Nations do not follow through

• No Control of Major Conflicts

Causes of WWII

(4) Appeasement Neville Chamberlain

“Peace in our time”

Now we have “peace in

our time!” Herr Hitler is

a man we can do

business with.

• Giving in to aggression or demands to avoid war or larger conflict

• Treaty of Versailles had placed unfair restrictions on Germany; therefore they had right to re-arm

• Germany can defend herself and fight off Communism

• Rhineland was part of Germany – reasonable for troops to be there

• Munich Agreement – Sudetenland returned to Germany and NO further requests for land

Causes of WWII

(5) Militarism

(6) Nationalism

• Strengthen military – prepare for war

• Feeling of patriotic pride, devotion to country and country’s superiority

Causes of WWII

(7) Aggression

• Military (war like) actions taken by one country against another without just cause

Italy invades Ethiopia

Japan invades Manchuria, China

Germany sends troops into Rhineland, Austria, Sudetenland

World War II Begins

• Sept. 1, 1939

• Sept. 17, 1939

(see timelines)

• Battle of Britain

July Oct 1940

Edward R Murrow

• Hitler invades Poland

• Soviet Union invades Poland

• German planes drop bombs on London (bomb them into submission )

• Britain stands alone

Winston Churchill – “We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets…we shall never surrender.”

• Hitler gives up his planned invasion of Britain – Germany’s FIRST defeat

U.S. reporter – live from London on radio

World War II Begins

• “Cash –and-Carry” Sept 1939

• U.S. prepares for war 1940

• Lend-Lease Act –

March 1941

• Atlantic Charter –August 1941

• Allies had to pay cash ($) for any goods and transport them in their own ships

• Peacetime draft (Selective Service Act -1940) Men ages 18 – 35 register

• More $ for army and navy

Still some isolationists oppose

• Arsenal of democracy

sell or loan war materials to any country whose defense is vital to U.S. defense

• FDR and Churchill

set goals for postwar

World War II Begins


Dec 7, 1941

2,400 killed

19 ships sank or destroyed

200 planes destroyed

The memorial straddles over the sunken Arizona. The wall above has

the names of all who perished in the Arizona. Any survivors have the

right (and may have done) to be cremated and interred with their


Some interesting facts:

* kamikaze pilots were aged between 14 & 19 years old

* whereas the Japanese representative removed his hat and gloves and sat down before

signing the surrender, the Japanese general refused to "bend his knee" to the enemy.

* the Japanese were late to the signing ceremony so MacArthur went back to his quarters

so he would come out after the Japanese.

* there was a kamikaze pilot who actually crashed into and landed on the Missouri. Rather than just

dumping his body into the water, they sewed and wrapped his body in a makeshift Japanese flag and

gave him a proper burial at sea just minutes before another kamikaze attack. Per the captain, he was

only following orders for his country.

During WWII, Japanese Americans were sent to internment centers primarily because they

1) Were considered illegal aliens

2) Had been convicted of spying for Japan

3) Refused to enlist in the U.S. military

4) Were thought to be threats to national security

4 – thought to be threats to national security

To help win WWII, the federal government found it necessary to

1) return to the gold standard

2) Outlaw labor unions

3) Impose rationing and price controls

4) Integrate the military

3 Impose rationing and price controls

World War II video 3 min mark to 12 min

America Enters the War

Home Front

• Economy – Government Controlled

Is this Constitutional?

• Rationing

• Victory Gardens

• War Bonds and taxes

• Wages of workers

• Price of goods

• What products produced

War Production Board

from consumer goods toguns, ships, aircraft, tanks, trucks. . .

• Ration coupons issued by government

coffee, sugar, meat, gasoline, tires. . .

• Food shortage


• Women - replace the men in factories, gas stations, police, buses – answer the call

same job – same pay

from dresses to trousers


women join Women’s Army Corp (WAC)

Army Nurses Corp

Women Accepted for Voluntary Emergency Service (WAVES)

Great Depression no more!

“Rosie the Riveter”

Home Front

• African Americans

• Military

• Discrimination and Racial Tension

• 1 million blacks migrate North during war

• FDR – prohibits discrimination with

FEPC-Fair Employment Practices Commission

• Competition for housing and jobs leads to TENSION and RIOTS

Marines EXCLUDED blacks (pre-war policy)

Navy build bases in Pacific

Army creates separate units

Red Cross segregates blood plasma

“…just carve on my tombstone, here lies a black man killed in fighting a yellow man for the protection of a white man.”

Black Soldier


• Tuskegee Airmen • Fighter pilots Over 15,000 combat sorties (including 6000+ for the 99th prior to

July '44)

· 112 German airplanes destroyed in the air, another 150 on the ground

· 950 railcars, trucks, and other motor vehicles destroyed

· 1 destroyer sunk by P-47 machine gun fire (Lt. Pierson's flight)

Sixty-six pilots killed in action or accidents

Thirty-two pilots downed and captured

A nearly perfect record of not losing U.S.

bombers, a unique achievement

150 Distinguished Flying Crosses earned

744 Air Medals

8 Purple Hearts

14 Bronze Stars

watch “Red Tails” movie trailer



• Navajo Code-Talkers

• Sent messages in own language which could not be understood by Japanese



• Ghost Army •


• Bracero Program (work hands)

• Mexican-Americans serve WWII

• Southwest in need of labor on farms

• Several hundred thousands arrive to work on farms and RR’s

• Farmers welcome them – Labor unions resent the competition

• Discrimination, tensions, gangs and VIOLENCE

Japanese Internment

Japanese-American Internment

• War Relocation Authority

• Resettles 100,000 Japanese-Americans in internment camps scattered states

• Relocation camps?? Minimum security prisons??

committed no crimes

locked behind barbed wire fences

crowded in wooden barracks

World War II video 12 min mark to 24 min

D-Day Invasion • Operation Overlord

June 6, 1944


• General Eisenhower appointed commander of all Allied forces in Europe – directs the invasion

• 5,000 ships

• 150,000 soldiers land on shores of NORMANDY

• 13,000 Parachute

Omaha Beach – most difficult landing Saving Private Ryan

Opening scene )

Sword, Juno, Gold, Utah

Allies Advance 1942-1943 • North Africa

• Italy

• Stalingrad & Leningrad

• Battle of El Alamein – British push back Germans

• Dwight D Eisenhower on one side – British forces on other squeeze Rommel

• Italy invasion

• Italians overthrow Mussolini

• New Italian government sides with Allies

• Rome freed from Nazi control – June 1944

• Among the Bloodiest battle in history of warfare

• Soviet Union will defeat Germans

Estimates of 1.5 million Axis (killed, wounded, POW)

1.1 million Soviet causalities

Allies Advance 1944-1945

• Paris

• Battle of Bulge

Dec 1944 – Feb 1945

• Allies free Paris – August 1944

• German counterattack (surprise – U.S. unprepared)

• Winter 1944-45

• Americans 75,000 causalities

• German causalities 80,000-100,000

Yalta Conference Crimea Conference (Russian Resort in 1945 later Ukraine but TODAY – Wow!!)

• Churchill, FDR, Stalin

U.S. wants Soviet support vs Japan

G.B wants free elections and democratic govt. in Europe

Soviets want sphere of influence in eastern Europe

All discuss how to handle post war Germany

United Nations will evolve

Feb 1945

• April 1945 – FDR

• April 30, 1945 -Hitler

• FDR dies – Harry Truman is President

• Hitler commits suicide

• Germany officially surrenders a week later

May 7-8, 1945 Victory in Europe

World War II video 24 min mark to 32 min

Allies Advance 1942 • U.S. Surrenders in


• General Douglas MacArthur – “I shall return”

• Bataan Death March

• “The men, already desperately weakened by hunger and disease, suffered unspeakably during the March. Regardless of their condition, POWs who could not continue or keep up with the pace were summarily executed. Even stopping to relieve oneself could bring death, so many chose to continue walking while relieving themselves. “

Batann Death March • U.S. Surrenders in


“Some of the guards made a sport of hurting or killing the POWs. The Marchers were beaten with rifle butts, shot or bayoneted without reason. Most of the POWs got rid of their helmets because some by Japanese soldiers on passing trucks hit them with rifle butts. Some enemy soldiers savagely toyed with POWs by dragging them behind trucks with a rope around the neck. Japanese guards also gave the POWs the "sun treatment" by making them sit in the sweltering heat of the direct sun for hours at a time without shade.”

American POWs with their hands tied

behind their backs. The effects of hunger,

sickness and fatigue are evident. (U.S. Air

Force photo)

Bataan Death March • U.S. Surrenders in


“The Death Marchers received almost no water or food, further weakening their fragile bodies. Most POWs only received a total of a few cups of rice, and little or no water. Sympathetic Filipinos alongside the road tried to give POWs food and water, but if a guard saw it, the POW and the Filipino helper could be beaten or killed. Some POWs had the water in their canteens poured out onto the road or taken by the Japanese just to be cruel. Although thirst began to drive some of the men mad, if a POW broke ranks to drink stagnant, muddy water at the side of the road, he would be bayoneted or shot. Groups of POWs were often deliberately stopped in front of the many artesian wells. These wells poured out clean water, but the POWs were not allowed to drink it. Some were killed just because they asked for water. The POWs marched roughly 65 miles over the course of about six days until they reached San Fernando. There, groups as large as 115 men were forced into boxcars designed to hold only 30-40 men. Boxcars were so full that the POWs could not sit down. This caused more to die of heat exhaustion and suffocation in the cars on the ride from San Fernando to Capas. The POWs then walked seven more miles to Camp O'Donnell. At the entrance to the camp, the POWs were told to lay out the few possessions they still had; any POW found with any Japanese-made items or money was executed on the spot.”

To emphasize their complete victory,

Japanese guards forced horrified

Filipino citizens to view murdered

POWs. (U.S. Air Force photo)

Allies Advance 1942

• Battle of Midway

• Guadalcanal

• U.S. sinks several Japanese Aircraft carriers

• Destroys hundreds of planes

• Stops the Japanese offensive

• U.S. starts to turn war around in Pacific

• August 1942-February 1943

• Japanese stronghold close to Australia

• U.S. defeats Japanese

Island Hopping

• Island Hopping

• Strategy (after Midway) of attacking and capturing Japanese held islands

• At first bypass the strongly held islands – attacking Japanese weak points

• Battles were bloody and fierce (Japanese fight to the last man)

• Tropical disease

Island Hopping

Kamikaze pilots

Island Hopping - Casualties

• Iwo Jima (estimates)

• Okinawa (estimates)


• 20,000 U.S. soldiers / Marines died

• 19,000+ wounded

• Over 250,000 die

approximately 150,000 are civilians

approximately 100,000 Japanese

5,000 U.S. Navy killed

7,600 U.S. Tenth Army killed

The Atomic Bomb

Atomic Bomb Video

The Atomic Bomb

Potsdam Truman, Churchill (and Atlee), Stalin

Declaration Warning sent to Japan to surrender –

Agree to immediate unconditional surrender or “face prompt and utter destruction.”

August 6, 1945 Enola Gay drops A-Bomb on

Hiroshima kills 70,000+

injures 70,000+ City destroyed

August 9, 1945 Nagasaki 40,000 killed


August 14, 1945 SURRENDER

World War II video 32:40 min mark to end

“The Holocaust refers to a specific genocidal

Event of the 20th century: the state sponsored,

Systematic persecution and annihilation of European

Jewry by the Nazis and their collaborators between

1933 - 1945.

Basing their actions on anti-Semitic ideology and

using WWII and a cover, they targeted Jews as

their main enemy, killing six million Jewish men,

women and children by the time the war ended

in 1945. “

“As part of the wide reaching efforts to remove from German territory all those whom they considered racially, biologically or socially unfit, the Nazis terrorized other groups as well, including Germans with mental and physical disabilities, homosexuals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Poles and Soviet prisoners of war.”