WORLD WAR II Chapter 16. Think-Write-Pair-Share What were Hitler’s goals?

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Transcript of WORLD WAR II Chapter 16. Think-Write-Pair-Share What were Hitler’s goals?

WORLD WAR IIChapter 16

Think-Write-Pair-Share• What were Hitler’s goals?

Hitler’s Lightning War • Nonaggression Pact – Soviet Union + Germany

Blitzkrieg – “lightning war” • Works in Poland (1939)

• The blitzkrieg was a military strategy that ___________________________________________________________________________________________.

Finns vs. Soviet Union

Hitler’s Lightning War • After Germany attacks Poland, France + G. Britain

declare war • Hitler attacks Denmark and Norway

The Fall of France

• Hitler sends troops through the Ardennes and reaches the French coast

• Allied forces are trapped in northern France

• Go to the beaches of Dunkirk

• G. Britain rescues 338,000 Allied soldiers

• French surrender 1940• Germans control the north• Vichy France (south)

The Fall of France• Charles de Gaulle, French general, sets up a government-

in-exile in London• Organizes Free French military forces

Battle of Britain • Winston Churchill = Prime Minister

Battle of Britain • Hitler’s plan = use the Luftwaffe (air force) to bomb

factories and then cities before deploying 250,000 soldiers• RAF (Royal Air Force) has radar and Enigma • Hitler calls it off

Assignment• 1. Why did Great Britain and France declare war on


• 2. Why was the outcome of the Battle of Britain important for the Allies?

The Mediterranean

• North Africa• Mussolini moves forces

into British-controlled Egypt

• Suez Canal = reach the oil fields of the Middle East

• Hitler sends in General Erwin Rommel’s Afrika Korps

• Axis powers win

• ____________ and ________________ join forces to defeat the Allies in the Mediterranean.

The Balkans

• Hitler’s plan = build bases to eventually attack the Soviet Union

Hitler Invades the Soviet Union

• Surprise attack (1941)

• Soviets retreat and used scorched-earth strategy

• 1 million people die in Leningrad but Hitler cannot gain control

• 500,000 Germans die trying to take over Moscow

• Hitler made a mistake invading the Soviet Union because _________________________________________________________________________________________.

United States• Neutrality Acts (1937)• Lend-Lease Act (1941) • Atlantic Charter – free trade and choice of government• German U-boat sinks an American destroyer• FDR orders navy to shoot German submarines

• The significance of the Atlantic Charter was _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• The ________ - Lease Act benefited the U.S. because _________________________.

• Irony = an outcome of events contrary to what was, or might have been, expected

Tora!Tora!Tora – Justification Paragraph

• Which events/factors led to Japan attacking Pearl Harbor and declaring war against the United Sates?

• 1. State your claim - Provide at least two factors – “One factor that led to Japan attacking Pearl Harbor and attacking the U.S. was ____________” “Another event that led to _________________.”

2. Use academic language to cite evidence – “As a result of ……..” “If …….. then ……..” “This was a cause or effect of ……..”

• 3. Support evidence – At least one additional sentence per factor.

• 4. Use content vocabulary (at least 3) – Pearl Harbor, radar, alliance, Axis, Allies, Manchuria, embargo, sabotage, emperor, etc.


• How did Japan justify attacking the U.S.?

• Was the attack on Pearl Harbor a “surprise?”

Surprise Attack on Pearl Harbor• Chinese resistance puts strain on Japanese economy• Japan looks to take colonies in Southeast Asia• Dec. 7, 1941 – Pearl Harbor, Hawaii is attacked

Japanese Victories

• American-controlled Guam + Wake Island are taken over

• Bataan Peninsula (Philippines)

• Hong Kong• Singapore• Dutch East Indies• Burma

Japanese Victories• Ruled as conquerors• Bataan Death March – Allied prisoners of war march 50

miles -> 16,000 die

The Allies Strike Back

• America bombs Tokyo • Battle of Coral Sea = Americans and Australians stop Japan’s advancement

• Battle of Midway = key American naval base • Americans destroys four

Japanese aircraft carriers

• Turns the tide of the war

An Allied Offensive

• General Douglas MacArthur – commander of Allied forces in the Pacific

• “island-hopping” = go after weak islands near Japan• set up a base• slowly move closer to Japan

• Battle of Guadalcanal = 24,000 Japanese soldiers die

• 1. _________________________ went on the Bataan Death March because ____________________________________________.

• 2. The Battle of ________________ turned the tide of the war in the Pacific and allowed the _______________ to go on the offensive.

• 3. ________________ masterminded the “island-hopping” campaign where ______________ islands were attacked by the Allies.

• Log onto a computer

• Take out paper for notes


• The systematic mass slaughter of Jews and other groups judged inferior by the Nazis

Beginnings• Anti-Semitism • Nuremberg Laws – 1935• Kristallnacht – 1938 • Hitler encourages emigration • Immigration quota laws• Jews are forced into ghettos = segregated Jewish areas

Hitler hoped they would die of starvation and disease


“Final Solution” • Genocide – the systematic killing of an entire people• Keep Aryan race pure• Killing squads arranged by the SS• Concentration camps – forced labor• Extermination camps (1942) – huge gas chambers kill

6,000 a day• 6 million Jews die

• What steps did Hitler take to eliminate Jews from Germany?

• How was the “Final Solution” a natural outcome of Nazi racial theory?