World religon (islam & judaism)

Post on 08-Feb-2017

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Transcript of World religon (islam & judaism)

Judaism & IslamComparison between


The word Islam means “Submission” or “Surrender” to the Will of God. The word Muslim means “one who submits to Allah.” Islam is a religious system begun by Muhammad (P.B.U.H). Muslims follow the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah and strive to keep the Five Pillars.


In the seventh century, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) claimed the angel Gabriel visited him

During these angelic visitations, which continued for about 23 years until Muhammad’s (PBUH) death, the angel revealed the words of Allah. These dictated revelations compose the Qur'an, Islam's holy book. The Quran was sent down to make people and jinn, attain the consciousness of servitude


It came down to give guidance, happiness and peace to the human heart and mind. As mentioned in the Quran:

“We have sent down to you (this Book) in order that you bring mankind from darkness to the light by the permission of your Lord, to the Path of the Almighty, the Praised.” (Ibrahim 14:1)

The teaching of Islam

Belief in One God. Belief in Prophets. Belief in Angels. Belief in all the revealed books. Belief in the final Day of Judgment. Belief in the supremacy of Allah’s


The 5 pillars of Islam

The testimony of Faith.

Prayer (Salat).Zakat.Fast (Roza).Hajj.

Rituals in Islam

Prayers Fasting Pilgrimage Charity Purification Animal sacrifice Marriage & death rituals


A Jew is a member of tribe of Judah. Monotheistic religion. It is a 4000 years old tradition. Abraham is the founder of this religion. Moses is the most important Prophet in this

religion. Holy book is Tanakh, Torah or Old testament. Holy Language is Hebrew.

13 Articles of Faith 10 Commandments

Jewish Worships

Jews performs worships in following ways: Special prayers inside the Synagogues. The western wall is of great importance to them. Recite the verses of Torah. Kept verses of Torah with them in Skull caps

(Kippah), Prayer shawl (Tallit) and in Tefillin.

Jewish Rituals

Some of the rituals are: Circumcision Bat-mitzvah & bar- mitzvah Sabbath Marriage & death rituals. Dietary laws Menstrual purification

Comparison of prayer in Islam and Judaism

In Islam Namaz is only one way to communicate with Allah

S.W.T Namaz is one of the most important and second pillar

of Islam. Namaz is the form of Worship of Allah S.W.T

performed by Muslims Namaz has been made compulsory for Muslims 5

times daily It is the first thing to be asked about on the day of


Cont.…In Judaism: The Hebrew word for prayer is tefilah. It is derived from the root Pe-

Lamed-Lamed and the word l'hitpalel, meaning to judge oneself. This surprising word origin provides insight into the purpose of Jewish prayer. Jewish prayer are the prayer recitations and Jewish meditation traditions that form part of the observance of Rabbinic Judaism. These prayers, often with instructions and commentary, are found in the siddur, the traditional Jewish prayer book. However, if the Talmud mentions tefillah, it refers to the Shemoneh Esreh only.

Prayer—as a "service of the heart"—is in principle a Torah-based commandment .It is not time-dependent and is mandatory for both

Jewish men and women.

Language/Direction of prayers


Prayers are said in Arabic Muslims face Mecca


Prayers are said in Hebrew and Aramaic

Jews face Jerusalem

Prayer times


At dawn Muslims should pray fajr “when white thread can be distinguished by you from a black one” until sunrise

Shuchar after noon until Asrr in the afternoon Maghrib after sunset but

before dusk Isha’a at night


In the morning Jews pray brachot “When one can distinguish between blue and white [thread]” until the first quarter of the day

Shacharit from sunrise to noon

Ashrei / Mincha in the afternoon

Maariv at night Shema before sleeping -

Dress code during prayer in Islam

In Judaism:-

Similarities between Judaism and Islam

Similarity between Judaism and Islam is that‘It is preferable to pray with a congregation’

Comparison between Zakat & Tzedakah

The fourth Pillar of Islam is an obligatory charity. The deep meaning of Zakat is:

Increase, Purification and Blessing or praise


The word Tzedakah (comes from the Hebrew word tzedek, meaning righteousness or justice.

It refers to the Jewish practice of giving money in order to help those less fortunate—using our financial resources to create a more just and righteous world.

Similarities between Zakaat and Tzadakah

 Amount A Jew is commanded to give between 10% and 20% of

their income to charity A Muslim is commanded to give 2.5% of their wealth

to charity Attitude Charity should be given ungrudgingly Preference There is a special obligation to give charity orphan, the widow and the poor -

Difference between Zakat and Tzedakah

Charity will be instigated by feelings of love or compassion for an individual or a cause. In Judaism, however, it is a mitzvah, a commandment, to give a certain percentage of ones income to charity

Zakaat is compulsory when Islamic law is in effect; it is in practice a tax. customarily collected by an official to be redistributed to the needy

Tzedakah, means literally means, "justice," is person-to-person charity, enforced only by social expectation in Jewish communities,


in Jewish communities, one could also fulfil those expectations by giving to an organized charity, which many do.

Ideas behind the two concepts are Zakat is an obligation to the Ummah,  Tzedakah is an obligation to one's fellow man.

Comparison of ritual of Judaism and Islam.

Jewish Wedding: Ketubah (marriage contract) which is signed by

two witnesses. A wedding canopy (chuppahor huppah). A ring owned by the groom given to the bride. Breaking of glass.

Islamic Wedding: Signing of the marriage contract. Marriages are sometimes held in mosques. Giving of Maher to bride.

Differences in marriage RitualsIn Judaism: The betrothal(erusin),the groom must give something of value to the bride. The wedding(nissuin),the bride and groom marry under a wedding canopy

which they called chuppa. The bride circles the groom seven times under the canopy. Seven blessing are said over wine, which the bide and groom then drink. A glass is then smashed to remind everyone that even during the happiest

movement the Jewish people are still in exile. Jews are only permitted to marry Jews.

In Islam: The bride grants her guardian permission to marry to the groom. The guardian and groom agreed to the terms of marriage


In Judaism: A amount of money which is called mohar is set aside for bride which is

paid if they divorce. A marriage contract stipulating the mohar is drawn up. The marriage contract announced publically. A wedding banquet usually follows the marriage. A marriage contract which they called Ketubah is signed between the

bride and groom under two witness.

In Islam: A mahr is paid to the bride from groom. A marriage contract stipulating the Mahr is drawn up. A marriage contract is announced publically. A wedding banquet usually follows the marriage.

Death Rituals in Islam & Judaism Both Islam and Judaism highly regulate the burial of the

deceased within their communities.

The Jewish tradition tells of a raven that showed Adam and Eve what to do with the body of their dead son Abel by scratching at the earth to reveal the buried body of one of its own.

In the Quran, a crow is sent by Allah to show Chain how to bury his brother Abel.

As a result, burial of the dead is a religious obligation in both religions and for a body to go unburied is a great affront.


In Judaism: If possible one should say the confession prayer followed by “ hear o’

Israel, the lord is my God, the lord is one. The corpse is buried as soon as possible(ideally the next day). The body is buried facing Jerusalem. The immediate family mourn for 7 days by sitting Shiva after which

they arise and continue to mourn for another 23 dayIn Islam: If possible one’s last word should be “There is one god

and Muhammad(saw) is his messenger. The corpse should be buried as soon as possible ideally

the same day. The body is buried facing Mecca. The immediate family mourn for 3 days.


In Judaism and in Islam:

The body is washed and wrapped in a shroud. Cremation is strictly forbidden in both religion. Both teach of immorality Of the soul, the righteous

are rewarded with the garden of paradise While the wicked are punished With gehniom(JahanNam).

Jumu'ah and Sabbath.

Similarities Both are considered as holy days for

respective Religions. Both Muslims and Jews recite special verses

on their holy days. Muslims and Jews take bath and Dresses up

for Jumu'ah and Sabbath.

Jumu'ah(Friday Prayer)

Jumu'ah is a congregational prayer. Muslims hold Jumu’ah every Friday, just after

noon instead of the Zuhr prayer. “O you who believe! When the call to prayer is

proclaimed on Friday hasten earnestly to the remembrance of God, and leave aside business.  That is best for you if you but knew.” (Quran 62:9)


Sabbath is Judaism's Holy day of rest. The Sabbath begins on Friday evening at

sunset and ends on Saturday night with the appearance of three stars.

"Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of Adonai your God." (Exodus 20:9-10)



Muslims carry on their work after offering Friday prayer.

Muslims recite Quran Kareem and listen to Khutba.


Jews are Prohibited to perform worldly acts on Sabbath.

Jews attend synagogue services on Sabbath.



Preparations Candles, candlesticks

• Wine• Kiddush cup• Three loaves of Challah• A base and cover for the challah• Salt in a saltshaker or (preferably) a dipping bowl• A beautiful white tablecloth
