Post on 16-Jul-2015

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2/28/15: The last draft of 5/31/142/10/15 now showing.Now displaying, the very first draft of years ago. 1/1/15 Irony Blessing. This work in HistoPossum, Opiomes and Severed Head must be taken in the same sense as the bridges in the Ring of Saturn, Grandville’s 1844 book Un autre monde, celebrated by Walter Benjamin, and Kakfka's so called mistaken bridge from New York to Boston in Amerika. Editors (Max Brod) thought they had to correct Kafka. That is, these writings are all rag pickings, collectibles, and faux to make iron look like wood, or wood iron. Oh would that you'd turn it to gold! Shut up thou Lethe sunk. I'm interested in fishishes but am not much of a philosopher. There are birdges in space, but mine are bridges of time, which I feel preoccupied to display because they consume my meditations, time see I dare not say it, it sounds so absurd. Naivete is the calling card. A low light on the horizon rising. You will also note my Ishtar Hotel is undeviously Kafka's Occidental Hotel amped to the max, all these places and times amped to the max. Like K's Statue of Liberty with "the arm with the sword now reached aloft" they need to be apologized for but aren't. No doubt here comes someone to restore the text, add coherence, defeat montage, refuse, the half-concealed dream of citations, torsos, data base, data base. I sought my analyst, but found she was everything I was not. How's tat for irony Blessing.31 May 14 Tightened p. 78 to the end30 Jan 14 It's a shame that E Pluribus Unum is pagan, but it doesn't say "Gather Together In One All Things In The Messiah, both in heaven and on earth in Him." Dozens of Americans grope toward their seclorum millennial end, but it is not of the Son of Psalm 2, Kiss the Son whose kingdom is set upon the holy hill. It sounds more like Hosea 13.2, the work of craftsmen where the sacrificers of men kiss the calves. Calf kissing and human sacrifice is being pursued downtown in the kidney at The Severed Head and the Ishtar Hotel.22 Dec 13 How could anybody penetrate this chaos. Some slight improvements entered today.30 July 13 Tramp Wine sounds like something made under bridges from sterno. I can't say it's not, I can't say it is. It came from seeing the leaves spell out letters on the walk so to speak, spelling words we can't bear to hear, so I was out tramping them down to obscure them, but then, won't you know, the sea did the same with the sand. That's my Tramp Wine. 28 June These forces in history are called HistoPossum, because they play dead but are very much alive. 21 Feb If you can see an effect you can reason its significance 15 Jan 13 This take is for any Gobbets who might have wandered off the nipple. 8 Jan 13 Dear Anybody, This could be a journal of a letter, not to confuse. Other sources are forthcoming, but hopefully not here. You have been patient enough, if you have been at all. This is the way of it. It is why The Third Policeman never got out. But there was no Scribd then. Alors. 30 Nov 2012 This Version organized to welcome the Charles Bowden brain-beheaded world, Hopefully the narrative will survive. His other absurd monograph, Opiomes, facetiously argues the America nation given to Iraq (meaning Babylon) at the Obama inauguration in Denver, in architectural icons designed as a gigantic (st)age and genre of super events. Buildings and art culminate in the arrival of super mensch. Wold says genetic art, science, weather manipulation, chemtrails on postage stamps, unspeakable government experiments,psychological manipulations hold prisoner these institutions. Wold was held twice, escaped thrice. This exploration of the underworld and iconic Altar frieze of Gigantomachy are prima facie evidence to him of the giant arms. It is as if the successor to William Burroughs were Hunter Thompson and to Thompson, Charles Bowden (Bloo


Histo PossumTramp WineTroy HorseNeptune WarRoundupHistory Impossible World ThoughtNot Bot Wold Roundup Cartoon UBoo-ty Experiments Of The Head History of theWest Faerie Tale Fro Gromets Severed From Collections in A Fictional History ofthe Future Fan Faux NonFic Hypno, Mysto,Crypto Possum Starchitect Kurk WoldI.U-Booty ImprovementsI did not ask to investigate the spread of Ubu beyond earth, the beginning of weirdness, as if weirdness had a beginning.We all wake up to it individually while the others sleep. Rays popped off the levels of meaning, original incarnation of Gulags and Babelpounded into the ground, the pit of Babel to ! levels. But on the tower, as one climbed higher, gravity decreased. "onstructed on the e#uator, gravity disappears. $istancefrom the planetary center, pluscentrifugal force, increases with distance. %t the top of the tower, &.& radii above the earth '((,)** miles+, gravity is eliminated.,siolkovsky -./!&0, and below -10.(I went down stairwells into caverns with no markings e2cept codes, wandered .*, . levels below the capitol. ,he walls went from stone to carved out cave rock. $own there they stored the artifacts and statues. I was stuck for hours until I found a way leading up. 3one of them connected one floor to the other. I kept walking to an elevator, pushed the up button and found myself in a non4public area. I had my clearance tag. %sked by security, I told them I was lost. ,hey escorted me to one of the main hallways. I made at least . levels below.5assages slope up and down from there to where the hearts and livers are stored. 2.,his was when I was drove down "onstitution %venue toward the "apitol. 6aw the giant kidney hook up, ferreting out impurities from the nation7s blood. 8aybe you know the kidney regulators. Blood in the brain. I saw buildings spurt like giant livers, hearts and lungs stood on either side. % giant spiritual finger shot up, as if in respect of the organs. % hand gave out pamphlets in the street. I asked, 9if that7s $ick:where7s ;ane1< 5ointing atthe "apitol, shaping an upside down bowl, like a kid revving hot wheels, 9can7t you see the bud1, he said,vroom, vroom=< Then I saw the giant heads floating over the city. Great balloons waited to be assembled )with the rest ofbody parts, interiors, lungs, liver, small intestines. >rom tombs, hands and feet were dug below. Would be pedestals mounted one thought. ,he religion of the day was assembled. Its idol out of giant remains was connected by cords.I ?ust took it for granted, don7t know why it all seemed so acceptable at the time, like a dream. ,here weredifferent sects in this region of this Bethshemesh4Washington4@eliopolis.%t the comple2 they worshiped organs along the river. I suppose it was a river but there was no water I couldsee, only Babylonian high towers of fertility, 9erect and circumspect< remaking the cosmos into a body. A6tarslike Bradiant eyes,< said the brochure called Face of the Moon.The sun heart transmits heat and light like blood;earth and sea thebowels and bladder,moon between sun and earth the liver.5arks 6ervice 5lutarch said that when the sun7s first rays shoot down the 3ational 8all on that one special morning of the world, at dawn 9the o4BbelB4isk shaft of BelB 6un god lights up the "apitol, and impregnates the new world.ertility gods pro?ecting worship ofthemselves1 ,hose dump piles are veins, roads, nervous intestines. $rive out of the city on bridges of bone=,his is all circumstantial. %rtificial satellites, 8ars wars, obelisks, but the motive1 $o advanced civiliCations need an audience1 Got nothing better to do than watch the earth1 Why communicate with unless they need something there1 >riendship1 3atural resource1 3o, no, something else1 ,he only way to ?udge is by motive.,he obelisk points stand out so the temples can be seen from a distance. "ities have organ temple high towers in the midst to point to the sun, the 9erect circumcised penis< of 9Bethshemesh I @eliopolis.aces pulled the wool over the kids7 eyes, who thought themselves important for being wise. ,hey thought they would be treated !lus, but then they weretreated ,@U6. %ll rise= Worship at the Beast. $ome. Kneel.%s the streets circled around the hybrid studied to find out how much artificial intelligence it would need.Indefinite mind e2pansions in the tank produced this memoir of an Ubu %ge. @ow to dance around the sacred pole1"an 5riapus stand up against the gods1,ell it to the prince of the 9divine self.< ,ell it to the mice who lost their mammal fortress. Is that sudden1 If the god does to the human what the human did to the mouse, no longer human means changes in phenotypes of children and different genes forever.I wanted to know if this organic machine was a wonder bo2 on wheels or ?ust a perfect conscienceless man who had no cure. I wanted to know who undressed poetry in the labs and took the %& hors d'oevre. @umor me. "onditioning it says, look like the h, but be the @R under. ,hey give 3ietCsche in the >iber Bath to Uber Man= 3o need for microwave hearing effect, prebot 8onarchs, electrosmog disassociations,amnesia walls. 3o /need 9all creatures create something beyond themselves,< as s!ake the - Man overcomeJ 9would you, the last of the great,return to the animals whenyou could overcome1 6uperman is coming to the earth=rom worm to man and worm. Mverman of earth eats man=ather,prevented from being forsworn by Mne who completely incorporated his mistake, how you gonna beat that1 6pend all day confusing the godlings, but the last thing they want is for @ to find out he like Bear. *. %ybridalityEou got hybridality, walk hybridality, charm hybridality ,rans4,itans should stay away from earth..*Beowulfripped off Grendel7s arm. Gilgamesh died. ,he new world assembly got even with ;ungBs mind. @ybrids sought their god when analogues chucked Invisible Giants into disemboweled cows. "hickens and reader4thinkers of the day eat that artificial feed the way we do herds. @ow many hybrids does it take to start a heart1 If youBre a hybrid stay away from earth. Mne thing you should know. 41ll institutions are demonic. >rom The 2olden 3oughJ "ulture is not your friend. @a. donBt need that= 4 % fine day inthe life of the 5ara48ort rings up 6ky3et to see if they caught the h up yet. "arefully prepared viruses, false pluses made 6arah "onnors true. @ow could it be a 3ew 8an if it7s in the movies1 "ompetition of machine and @R3ewbie 8an1%tom winks at wifi bubbles, e2tra4cranial neural continental caps ferret out revolutionary Asilent talk,A the DDGs of intended speech, If you Mps wonder what Atele4presenceA means, or mobile B"I cognitive threatfear, read the lin+s,Mur symposia this report. 3ot ?ust earth life, radical alterity details planets, terra4formed comets, atmospheric corrections on 8ars. 3ew universes built then wars -de Garis, ;an (*..0. I7m wondering to raise the alarm. Mne if by land, two if by sea.-.Msem of !merican %istory of ./ploding !rt@ow does the @istory of D2ploding %rt begin1 ,hese e2hibits In The $eavenlies surprise careerists. @istory is an engineering pro?ect. $on7t ask ifpublic events are staged like the cosmos. % ,ro?an @orse for fun1 %ll events staged as real are reported real, motion4written floods, hurri#uake guns, BenghaCi storms, 9destroyed by homogeneity.lower Bomb, mushroom clouds ornamented with eyes and nose, necks and arms, cute 4awaii, and acht bomb tots washing, mashing cats and bunnies around. Bomba4transformed gravity don7t talk. 3eeds no mouth. ,ransformated hun4ploding subatomic cultures of bombs, space ships and aliens flit like prepubescent bomb smooth faces with sweet eyes. Fittle Bloy,Fittle Giryl name the @iroshima bomb. Mkamote says, 9art, si= D2plosion=or brood only. ,hese, mainly women to cultivate the new race of earth UnderGround. Will there be no men1 Will there be no culture fueled by6tanford faculty, human culture stock prere#uisite for growth, litterature, musik, art and competition. ,hus it were seemly, permanently drugged, live out of their heads, men included, but whether these gene people raise their own children:no dogs or pets. "ontrols must diametrically oppose proles. &eth 'eal3. %ow To "et ! %eadIt being impossible to bring a railing accusations against super power, 8ichael could not sling against the "overing "herub. 6taging depends on mood. >ellow writers, compartments wall off intellect to prevent the conclusion heinous. What if speech were staged, the whole event too1 Great #uestions subte2t lossJ 9I hope that over the ne2t several days, ne2t several .)weeks and ne2t several months we all reflect on how we can do something about some of the senseless violence that ends up marring this country.< 3ever ask muck, and if what. "ompartment sense because conclusion unthunk. Goldman 6achs worship.1ll institutions inherently demonic specks in the "herub eye. ,he good deed "herub transfers from 3%>,% to dispossess "entral %merican farmers of their land. %gribusiness then remarkets the loss by attracting them to >lorida and "alifornia to pick irradiated to2ified crops. Broken by sprays and incompetent at * liberals bemoan immigration policies to further advantage Goldman. % win win for agriculture investments, farmers from @anford Washington run the 5entagonwith gold tumors. 9Mne breasted women from Utah, uranium miners wheeCing, s#uads of wolves and mountain lions discover what happened to the forests, glowing radioactive tortoises, mobs of shoeless 8e2icans, dolphins and orcas with embedded radio collars each lunging for their files where their lives are buried alive.< -Blood Mrchid0.45.I don7t know if I mentioned I had been kidnapped, a longer story in itself, but otherwise I wouldn7t have met Wold, who was kidnapped too by the 5hone $ogs, switching stations that filter cell phone and email talk %lgorithms of Fe2ican syntactic, fre#uency of wordsto ferret out the unsilent .@e and I repaired machines. I was mainly the dish washer, but we both were employed to clean and to fi2. Wold had the touch. It wasn7t his fault the heads didn7t talk. I worked the west #uadrant where dissidents from new life,I mean the camps, e2ited the ships, e2cept the ships were trains. $on7t worryif human cells have an impact on animals, they said, don7t worry if planes are trains, or if they aren7t. It depended on what paradigm they want.The 6ayer MonmentWold told me his first sighting came lateon the ;ersey ,urnpike, after one had been abandoned after a wreck. I urged this analogy of a beast fallen from the sky, and a dog7s nose with a wall socket= But that don7t fly. It wasn7t really a bo2car either, this pterodactyl ofthe rails. We argued at breakJ .7$ho woldn8t want a gillotine in the closet for that stray rooster in the head) where when not performing its design) cheese cold be ct) meat) bread9: %ll who ?oin the guillotine throng to 8adame ,ussaud7s with the honorable 6ir ,homas 8ore, and?oke in lighter moments underground, maintain that sales dummies would have no home complete without.7Ta+e off yor cloa+ so it doesn8t get blood fastidios Mengele. %ave some more scopolamine. #lay the governart.: 9@url the wolf at the deer, dawg, that7s how you treat the wurst. 6t. 6tephen in a rushJ 9they rushed him and dragged him out of the city but took their clothes off first.acebook wouldprevent being used for tyranny because of 9the wisdom of crowds.< But 6ingularity was of the @EBRI$ %GD, as was his rhetoric where human organs in pigs and dinosaurs reconstituted from /* million year old $3% stored in their bones were grown. "onsidered fantasy to the culture, an unserious effort of government and business to remake dinosaurs and pair allkinds of human and animal genes for human enhancement as well as parading nanobots in MrDweil8s brain) the Godens went all myth.(& 5reparing the Underground Work in ,e2as ,hese environs were the work and life of Kurk Wold, who backtrackedreversals of field in lit, philosophy and science. ,raditional lit authorships designated as 8oses, @omer, $avid, Fao ,Cu, "huang ,Cu had been turned upside down. ,hey were turned back up, partly to confuse the mortals, but partly because it couldn7t be helped. @ow do you teach empiricism when therabbit is out the hat1 3ot many read this lively stuff. In the end lit was what it said, retranslated into the mutant phrases of the @eads. ,urned up, turned down, down up, the nineteenth century righted in the twenty first. It must have been fun to be an editor. Mf course the @eads, old e2istential Bostrom at the >uture of @umanity Institute who rolled out the New Silmiril got an %cademy. In the face of near e2tinction it was as if 8oses had begun to write= Bringing back 8oses and @omer was a problem for Eeats and "rowley delivering their own megalomaniac epic4shaking mythogomies. 8ythogomies, misogogynies, they harnessed their wives to crude precursorsof the %nimation 8achine and got magnum opuses. 1 (ision, and The 3ook of Thelema were both works of Fevel >ive. 9Georgie< spent hours with Eeats though this and had him all to herself. %utomatic script gave Eeats his best myth. %ll the ..* thought it. ,he ,wo "ultures roared past each other at a hundred, @orus riding the backs of 8ichael Robartes and Mwen %herne, and the rock and roll got good oh aybelline! why "an#t you be true$ %ou &one starte& ba"k &oin# the things you use& to &o' 3at, 3aty, supnat, sought the nat4not Abotcollect.A Mtherworld spirits, Ado you want it whole1 ,his law was the 9ethicsriedrich Gauss almost a hundred years earlier. @is brain was studied by Rudolf Wagner who found its weight to be .,!( grams and the cerebral area e#ual to (.!,&// s#uare centimeters. %lso found were highly developed convolutions, which was suggested as the e2planation of his genius -$unnington, .!(L0. Mther famous brains that were removed and studied include that of Hladimir Fenin and the 3ative %merican, Ishi. ,he brain of Ddward @. Rulloff, philologist and Acriminal of superior intelligence,A was removed after his death in ./L.G in .!L(, it was still the second largest brain on record -3ew Eork ,imes, 3ov. L, .!L(, p. )L0.rom booklet ,he @iggs e2hibit interprets that it doesn7t think they are pursuing particle physics in this. Its paradigm of the 6tandard 8odel is flat space time but not curved. 6o while they pursue the half speed dream of @iggs, their thinking isskewed, as if it were being done to them and not by them, and they deny the e2istence of the longitudinal wave. ItemJ after removing all the gases there is radiation in the vacmthat persists even if the temperature is loweredto absolte Dero. ,his is called 9Dero point< radiation.< here ,his is time energetics,scalar electromagnetics. 6o the 7emptiness: of empty space is in fact not empty, but a great ocean of energy. Bearden7s Gravitobiology 2. Data-Dada. In this world of make believe, to borrow the analogue from data base is the real, not the original4real or its copy, where dolls, games, fanCines are as much data base as e2periments,manga, video, film, 6hakespeare and >aulkner, fau2 is real, which is to say fau2 science is real. ,he comic market is a comic market. %mateurs e#ual in the database with the Greats or scientists who have never loved. Identity diffusion is a condition of piracy. Writers who 9stripped the ancients7 -Hida0in the unconscious database called original through citation their infinite imitation.Dat the cake and leave the bread. @uman brains in?ected with mice wereonestage, but you fliege;hausen know that far below the smoke to make a better life for cows the cows were mad. ,o #ualify as %4@eads they began prion contamination and encephal4opathies, not as easy as it sounds. ,he rare 3eanderthal gene resists its "aveman 6wellings. 6tacked at the 6ufi 5ort on my floor, cage upon cage, they flew according to their manifests. %t crater level this space was callednihil cognentesis, invisible to the naked eye, or metaversal flesh if you believe. >ragmented fan groups substituted for societal narrative. ,he bomb blew it apart, but global culture was the bomb to all native cultures. %ll got to be %merican. What greater bomb than that1 Blown apart, otaku made a shell flip its dermal fantasies, rewriting film, manga, collecting dolls, biology, comics literature and peer groups to replace families. Whether these shut ins were cast outs or new realists, Mtakus shut in to their fandoms, they replacedthe social with fictional identities. @obby communities replaced nature, (!woman, art, scientific communities made 9neurotic construction of shells of themselves out of materials from ?unk subcultures.< ,hese were the shells of the Olippoth. Gangs, games and 5h$sreplaced, fau2 characters replaced thereal. 3ews broadcasts were anime flatted. "ommercials were animed, eyelit star4styled animations, close to politics anime, passionate reality Mbamaites, %kirans. %rtificial reality, fau2 the moe= coined the term 9anime manga4like realism.lood. Were imitation true it was ,rue to $atabase, not to nature as use. % new model ofunconsciousnesssimultaneous narratives imitating themselves shared disparate parts. Unless you say the unconscious belongs to you, you either borrowed it, without attribution, yes, 8r. Dlephant or stole. What a harsh word that has such matter in it.% word, an act, an art notreal or true to nature, gurus cited Bearden7s Warg, and Kenyon helped raise thevibe. 5ensinger shot out the top of a pyramid blaCe. Would4be gods of the data base displaced.98oe4elements became the gods< -PP, @iroki %Cuma in Fandom /nbound0. %ll elements of documentation, subordination, logic, custom sacrificed to database4piracy. "at Girl, Bunny Girl, >o2girl, $og Girlnot innocent, $iacon IH Bunny Girl was second only in search to 5layboy Bunny. "atgirl Research >oundation disclaimed at the bottom of its pageJ 9While some girls may en?oy acting like cats, there are no girls who actuallyhave long furry tails or large cat ears as parts of their body. ,hough this is unlikely to change in the near future:.rom 1pace,he hybrid realities of 6ingularists, full blown three decades, once called pathetic fallacy to attribute human #ualities to nature, now, sub?ect to gene splicing, were moe anthropology, might have taken from Kafka, e2cept anime must be cute ( $. Dffects which lend to combination of bestiality and pedophilia -with big boosts from 8icrosoft and Windows 8e0, girls hybridiCed as guns, ships and tanks - 8echa 8usume0, were not unlike $onne7s 9oh my %merica, my newfoundland.< @elen7s face4dock wharf knew no bounds once launchedJ 9Is the universe strait4laced I when I can clasp it in the waist.< %mong erotic appliances, laws, politics, angels who loved their washing machines and cell phones, "onrad7s 8arlowe 9cried out twice, the cuteness, the cuteness, a cry that was no more than a breath,nston. Wat did they there. >ound 6panishflu fly virus under the chair. Beagle beagle on the wall, a potato from Mars but not aware of two minds, holes drilled in s+lls, butagain, some of them did not have heads. It7s the old remarkable #uestion, what is it that we are part of and what is that we are1 ,ails up, heads down, peptides waving, a flying hat searching for heads, but a floating ball cannot )Lserve two masters. 3euschwaben land, terrestrial ufos, ufc, uhp, hup, Kammler, @ans yep, two.pronged cattle, raeleans vs shineriansJ starchyld= Fike a slot pays off big. @uge silver dollars roll across the floor like in the days of 3oah at the daystar rise. Biological contact with 6agan= 6agan saganon the wall who7s the best transhumanist of all. ,hen they began to eat each other. Mberfmacher 6erbottendorff, the spear, the spear= 8yth became history, history fact, fact myth. OD$ folds. Warcrime acts of compassion, research embryosJ "alling $r. Graefenberg. 'Ge7lIpGease cplese come to the waiting roomq+. $riven to distinction was e2tinction it was hungry death hungerhauser to make room for $wight Baby3auer. "an you imagine if any of this is true thatwe ar witnessing the emergence of a new type of artist, the artist4scientist4researcher who build the dome in a cat, a cow in a monkey, a spider in a goat, a flounder in tomato, sheep, goat, they were growing breasts in ?ars at the Whitney 8useum e2hibitions of art, a rabbit with the head of ?ellyfish that glows in the dark and liCards grafted on earlobes, tongues as eyes and all this as we speak. It made the elves ?ealous to learn the new ,urnstile ,urnspeak, whole assembly lines of this art turned out. Eou should see what they did to their pets=r"onsenus of Kubla -%.B. Dngland, 9Kubla Khan %gain,< .!L)0 says it is a poem about creative process, making a poem, that the dome is the poem. %rbitrary assignations of meaning make it an allegory of the unconscious which contradicts the phrase, 9lifeless ocean.< 6o the contrast between the fountain and the caves that bursts into life is the pleasure4dome. Dngland uses "7s letters to buttress the preoccupation with caves and dens but misses the point of "oleridge7s actions in climbing 8t. 6trand, outward, not inward, opposite the torture of reflection between philosophy and poetry.,he tumult between river falling into the cavern creates the ancestral voices, the waters sound like wars, so more allegory, nuts and bolts of sounds, male meanings only in play.Dngland refers to ". that AIn 6hakespeareBs !oems the creative power and theintellectual energy wrestle as in a war embrace. Dach in its e2cess of strength seems to threaten the e2tinction of the other. %t length in the $ R % 8 % they were reconciled.A But the Atwo rapid streamsA which fight against each other A within narrow and rocky banksA could as easy refer to the birth canal and the life force of the spirit to be born, bardo states or plant life cotyledons emerging from )/earth. Biology, psychology can7t make up their mind. 6o he thinks the war between two kinds of mental activity. 9Kubla is a creative artist himselfThe has built the pleasure dome: a building which involves a miraculous union of opposite forces.< 9,hus, when either the spontaneous energy or the analytical intellect seeks to dominate its opposite it engages in a battle with it, and the result is Atumult.A "ertainly, A war A would not be an inappropriateword.9Given thiswhy can7t we have ". a porphot, a precog of post human science1 ,hanks very much. %5oets who argued, 9everything is holy,< also said it was a crime to shrink a god, meaning themselves.5oets were their own pushers. 3obody took moredrugs. Ginsburg played his tambourine and sang 9smoke dope, smoke dope,rank said. Blow them back up= ,he 3eptune forces invented more and more @eads, had continuous programs on every stationJ peace and happiness for every man= '5haraoh 6anders, 4arma, LJ.!4/J&*+. 5eace and happiness got all ?aCC. When Barney >rank achieved =ontact,he said, 9>or sure you can be a godling too, knowing good and evil dude=< Which is where we open the ball. -. The Ceptne $ar . 3eptune forces provide a list of Blow Ups to restore these godsJ %nectine, BenCedrine, bufotenine, bulbocapnine, cocaineI$emerol, dihydro4o2y4heroin, harmine, F6$P, mescaline, muscarine, scopolamine -Benway, 5aked reedom >ighter7s 8anuals dropped over 6andinistas, reprogrammed wheat brought down whole systems of government and politics, the first tower. 6cience and religion followed soon, unleashed their gene guns. 9,wo hundred million were unleashed.rom $old We give in every possible way what Wold said happened when thepolitics of Gigantomony got married in the Ishtar @otel. Dear Mosier)5eople believing in Aa land like our present earth, but to which our earth bears the relation of a distant skyTor the sky of our earth penetrated by those who find another earthlike realm above it< -Ben?amin Whorf 0 appealed to ,he >lood.3%6% scientists, aliens and artifices, sphere and anti4sphere rotated its facets. Belief and counter belief provoked crowds in )lobbies. ,he twin towers of politics and religion were coming down. Fanguage, an infallible lie detector failed. ,his was not a good thing. Dlites pro?ected the perfect lie. 6cience became The 5aked lash mobs burned Fondon. ,hey were disenchanted. 8icrochips, sonic blasts, chemicals made them numb. ,hey had a point. 9"heese whiC and bag of ,winkies.< techno4antic anarchists said, Ahemmed in by a universe of intensely stupid people:political whores and cabbage patch corporates who7d rather see me recycled as fertiliCer 'or eat me for dinner+ since I won7t ever buy their shit or work for them. %round me I see apatheticconsumers and worker drones who live life thinking the ne2t best thing is being a pensioner. Below me are teeming masses of undereducated and genetically challenged morons who never had the opportunity to ade#uately blossom their mind.A -"omment V(, "aught in the 8iddle0 hereIn this contest, I, Kurk Wold, won the genie limerick priCeJBring back "aligula.@e7ll have a barrel of fun.Roll out old 3ero6hine up his face on the moon.Fite up the billboards.@elp them to skywrite the guy.%ll he ever wants is be worshipped,3ight and day.$e Wold has left the building in his M$.,ranscendent corporate government biological andpsychological means tosecure myriad incursions hid in sight. Eou could have higher intelligence4advanced techni#ues of consciousness, nucleotide templates, galactic organism mystery schools, new worlds discovered in $8, magic blood rites, visitations of spirit4transcendent human manipulations all in one night. 9Feary, Watts, Gurd?ieff,Rasputin, 6ufi< transcended. 96agan, "rowley, Eeats, @ubbard, Burroughs< responded the &ergeant *e!!er "over Band.Dear Mosier) L$own on level four, we learned to love the checker, the immigrant, the human we never saw. I don7t say go there and e2tend the sympathy bond to cages of headless bots, which was our slang for the 6evered :persevered heads some said. Who would have liked us to despise the remaining human @ class, but then go the markets1 It was harder when elites despised ordinary@ as fit only for e2termination. Imperfection was not so loved then as it was when seen from space, in ourselves, but even the less communicative side ofthe $octrine Wero boys grappled with the neo4Gnostic complaint. IEou have lived your entire life in the darkened basement of reality,A and were afraid.$own in the basement= @o, ho, ho in spades downJ Abased upon the idea thatone could, in principle, remove the various perceptual filters imposed by ourbrains and societies, and perceive a much wider arena of Reality than that previously thought to e2ist,A first they took off the epidermis, then the bio4 derm. $own, down the transplant rid those filters and freed the mind= Mld spellbound boundaries like livers, hearts and spleens were eradicated. ,his made possible spiritual vision, to see the way ,erence 8cKenna did. If you feel bad when we compare people to mice or insects, who can see the UH spectrum when you canBt, then bingo, take an insect eye= Want an insect brain1 3o prob. @ow Ubout some drug to go along1 We treated the new % @eads with respect. ,hey7re nonhuman so of worth. ,he old standard issue was the problem. ;ealous that its visible was so ill defined by the eye, it was almost worth closing them and looking within. They ain)t got no home in this world any more0Mr+ $old,o therefore further relate the Woldite, any e2planation should make clear that powerful new government agencies marketed emperor worship from Rome as a pre4digested pretend4alien event4prevent takeover. ,he definition of this alien being diverse, you did not know whether he was your neighbor was the point. Dditors of this milieu were forced to turn to turn essays into fiction to belay consciousness. ,he pretension of transcendence, 9to find outthe universe,< meant use drugs under the many names, like demons, to find your self.9@ow do you know there are no flying saucers if you haven7t asked to see them1au2>an>ic "artoon @istory Wild at the Dnd of the World.O. Bro+en 1ymmetriesDvery media event is staged for effect. Dvery public event is staged. %ctors perform their lines because it gives them fame. ,hey are for sale for Fimelight, money, and the illusion of power, because people AlistenA when they speak. %ctors will do and say the most appalling things. Dmbody horror. 5lay "ommit every worst imagined deed and then wail when somebody does it for real. 6uppose this venture models for us the increasing deadness of our souls1 %sk this. Why is itnecessary to be so brutal1 %nd thereBs the rub. 5eople are still living outside the media, donBt actually become its virtual reality. 6till. Babies are being born and men and women are marrying. 5eople are digging gardens, talking to neighbors about the weather and the street. ,he stars at night and the sun during the day are yet to be overcome. ,he force of life defeats death every outing. ,ry as the actors may they cannot defeat the sun. ,his only needs saying in order to see.%ll the occultism and search for power and control devoted by so many cabalists priests and criminals culminates in 6atellite DF> transmissions. &eth'eal4. %fter the election they turned up the waves of sleep, dead echo in conversation, dull repetitions, one note charges anesthetiCed as wished. ,he agenda deep, but not too much to say drone broadcasts overheadJ vertigo, sleepless, discoloration, diCCiness, symptoms of heavy metal poisoning in the air. 6leepers in the trance ofthe matri2 down. 3ever have dispirited sorewinners been shocked by so sandy upset. Ouicksand nature do that= Goya myth movie people killed for entertainment )*** killed to .& million killed,then *,then ** to the billion. What is yet seen is uncompared to the movie not many will see. Incorporated mind imagined this doneby denial and substitution, the not happening happening.MaDers feared under4incorporated areas might resist, even with a Google search for its own sake, even with the ?oy of e2istence.,he e2hibit statesJ ABy drawing attention away from actually e2isting effortsof atmospheric e/perimentation and maniplation, such coordinated efforts 'offering carbon trading, "o( pollution, human caused greenhouse effects, coal, etc. as causes+are complicit in the impending environmental catastrophe they profess to be rallying against. ,he repeated claim of "M(4&)driven climate change without acknowledgment of geoengineering4related environmental intervention is a severe revision of both meaningful scientiforific opinion wit overwhelming implications for all life on earth.A here 6calars, $DW $irected energy weapons, D8BW 'Dlectro8agnetic Biological Warfare+ Russian WMM$5D"KDR6 electromagnetics4unified field theory and gravitation saidJ $ear 5epele, 9"landestine BW attacks4stop4insidiously hidden and cleverly employed that the Western nations T because of their present scientific and intelligence shortfalls and biases Sstop4 will not even comprehend that the BW 9slow strike< T on several fronts and employing differing agents and methodologies Tdeliberate, until it too late Sstop4clandestine 9slow biological warfare strikeurther, i unrecogniCed.< Eour ,om Gravitobiology. -.!!.0.The whole Banana Soviet gravitobi after initial operational capability (IOC) got abyto the second round advent Soviet Woodpecers! "#$% weather over &orth '(erica) 'no(alous) Science eventually pointed out that such ano(alous weather decadee*pected only once in "+,, years) -o it again do it agin."/ In this paper the biological effects of scalar electro(agnetics "#01 was the specific target year to have all these weapons online and ready to go! "2 "$ +2 hyup. CHINA BLAMES U.S. FOR USING HAARP PROGRAM TO CAUSE EARTH QUAKES/ 3une +,,0 electromagnetc n!"cton o# eart$%"a&e' confir(ed by -efense Sec Cohen ("##$))%n electric charge is automatically broken symmetry, release of energy. %ll the air, a leaf is charged, all manifest ion is broken symmetry charged with what @opkins called the grandeur of God. 9shining out like shook foil.< ,he current manifest, increases .&* to )** volts per meter as you go up to the electrosphere from the surface of the earth. In the average thunderstorm the bottom of the clouds are charged oppositely to the electrosphere . %s a stormmoves in the .&*at surface, then decreases to *, then reverses when the thundercloud is over you, this reversal cleans biological systems.,he ionosphere surrounding our planet is electrically positive charged whilstthe earthBs surface carries a negative charge, we must conclude that this amounts to a prevailing electrical tension within the earthIionosphere cavity. &,his tension is discharged when thunderstorms develop in this cavity. In physics two concentric electrically charged balls, one placed inside the other,are called ball condensers, or capacitors.+ earthbreathing5otential pure voltage is an influ2 of energy from the time domain, says Bearden, after ,esla, a th a2is and translation of it as outputas longitudinalwave energy into three space. 5otentials involve a very powerful set of changes between the time energy.$o not assume flat space time. 5olarity is driven by charge and charge distribution. ,hen we know that we have broken symmetries everywhere. Bearden, %pplied 6calar Wave ,echnology . *f / "urved space time is a broken e#uilibrium. 5rediction of broken symmetry .!&L 3obel, Fee and Eang. httpJIIwww.frankwilcCek.comIWilcCekvDasyv5iecesI)PPvInv6earchvofv6ymmetryvFost.pdf,he world is a multilayered, multicolored, cosmic superconductor. %ir >orce Research Fab $irected Dnergy $irectorate8icrowave congruence with schiCophrenia6treet theater and gaslighting8unchausen, 6tockhausen, 6tockholm3roken &ymmetries 2. ;eremiah lived in Babylon among evil celebrated as good. In the Mrgan "apital, in the Brroghs Q 1toc+hasen Msem,prophets of bad weather, nano tech, scalar crocodiles floated by. We fed them from a bridge. In their mouth seed teeth sprout butBurroughs and 6tockhausen, not together, figure manga rock. ;apanese pop Burroughs trust fund for babies, while each baby is innocent, #uirkly become more. ,hat7s why Burroughs was not prosecuted for shooting his wife in the head in 8e2ico, it was an e2emption of state craft since these same think he was part time for groups unnamed. ,hey say at the "I% that 9,ell< is ?ust a handy man. William7s skill at weapons must be measured by the number of guns he owned, a gun in every room, near to hand, a gun in his belt, one under the chair. But his imagination was worse armed, that 9sweet guy< who wouldn7t hump Kurt "olbain. Fike all mass murdering serial killer demons with afriendly face and heart4fire fire, the ravenings absorb language as it is, full of the transliterations of Baal and 8ammon, 6aturn and Baal 5eor. Burroughs swallowed these3aked Funch Uole, a metaphor he would have liked, death in life sought by the desperate from "oleridge, Baudelaire, @uysmans and &&Rimbaud, idoliCed therefore by those who entrain, even if they know it not, what 8r. Mbama calls the mass murderers of his watch. ,he worshipers of evil do like their gods, or their controls. FanCa, @olmes, Foughner:the chorus, but woe to those who do not oppose. If it be said thatthese were actors in the play, and the current academics the chorus, still a cutabove the audience passive who parrot remains s of the death in life in their inward minds entrained.6tockhausen, you7d think ?ust made odd noises, stray bits of sonar, radio, static and be done, how could that offend1 ,hey all have two selves, the public celebrants of accolade,burnished like an idol by the lips of those who kiss, the degraded one hidden in recluse. What if we find 6tockhausen7ssounds the accompaniment of Burroughs mind1 %nd that is not to say that they do not speak the truth about themselves. ,he audience, do not defame the woeshipers with guns. 8aybe the best use of these two together is that they give in western tones the science of the 8ang.3. "odDilla from another planet. @ugo de Garis sold copies ofhis %rtilect machine to ,e2as @old7em BOue. ,he shoe was however on wrong, like a dog that wanted to be cat or a chicken, or a man that wanted to be a girl. Mr acow that wanted a fly over satellite. ,hese remedies are being provided in ,hailand and they7re likely to know more in friendly disbelief when intellectuals maybe get a woman, have children, read "huang ,Cu and burn Kharsag, but don7t bury dirty in the garden. ,hen they can know if there7s anything artificial about a hu4man. Why are space gods androcentric1 Why they are interested in breeding1 @ow does GodCilla land1 9If mankind7s original owner4creators were suddenly to return,< %nunnaki come down from 5hobos moon Iapetus, where7er, but really coming up from the floor, from Gen,ech, boys not looking for ;esus, although grant an outside chance the %nunnaki sold their rights to "elera "orp, so look too for "elera.9Is there a code within the genetic code< to suggest who we are -.&/01 9Is there a hint of artificiality of modern man1< ,wo views of @u came to rest at the loading dock whereJ&P.0 the human oppressed by the planets and gods idoliCed in Babylonian ritual was victimiCed yet again with another sometime visit or(0 the planetary astrology of 6umer, %ssyria and Babylon hardly mentioned becauseJ the human origin based on a law of the heavens taught liberty where sun and moonlegislated law, and the man given dominion over creation.%s the fingers are part of hand and that @and made the heaven, dominion over the fowl of the air and the fish of the sea e2tended to Feviathan and under foot below, and by e2tension, though 6D,I is more interested in finding it above, the heaven. ,he human of this second seems imploded somewhat from the first.! 6anding #lace

,he God4ens, or 6t. Gauden, as we might call ;oseph 5. 5arnell on Daster .!.P born from his M7Brien placenta, propose a new morality for the space god landing. In place of blood, give semen, and for murder, take ovum. 3ot clear. @owever could it be1%sk yourself why D,7s think of nothing of traveling space and time but to act like men, and supplant them, like the Greek gods1,he obvious androcentric bias of the space god program makesus ask why Weus wants to be mortal, being immortal1 Weus thinks any woman would vie for the privilege.But not ?ust any woman will do for there are millions to be had with no fuss or mess, so why are scientists taking women and being caught on Eou,ube."oden !ge 2eligion,he god4en age religion theory states there two ideas to entertain -entrainment0 that presume the woman broods after space gods, 9the shining ones,< man of course being irrelevant, a mere byproduct of these 6hiners so they might breed and rebreed arace of mutant breeds, hybrids and mulattoes, to borrow a term from their so racism. 3oah described as shining 9white as snow,< long hair 9white as wool.rench son should stay home and care for his mom or ?oin the Resistance. 3o ?ustification for either, but the choice is forever and the choice for one is the choice for all -D2istentialism and @uman Dmotion0. ,he anguish of %braham7s sacrifice of Isaac or any other is that the choice comes alone as an act of will, absurd in all aloneness and opposed to those who say the choice is madeafter discourse and politics, tasteless considering that protocols and secret controls e2ercised upon all such bodies forbid choice, and especially considering 'evelations .) where the merchants of the earth grow fabulously rich as Goldman ensues commerce. 6o the balances of deceit are in his hand. $iscorse prevents choice with plenty of politic and rhetoric. In seeking to determine the original choice e2istential psychoanalysis lays bare corruption of the will.In the imagination of deception and profit motives of history and politicsthe transhuman saysJ all people will be givenhealth and immortality in e/change for their complete e/tinction. If there is no one for us we shall all be against us, to decide for us, says 6artre, 9there is at least one being in whom e2istence precedes essence, a being who e2ists before he can be defined by any concept, and this being is man, or, as @eidegger says, human reality.< ,ranshumanists who continually bring human identity into #uestion to substitute it with another, the not4man, avoid 98an, with no support and no aid, is condemned every moment to inventman.ields of creation. Mf course to get the girl you have to get rid of the man, 3o4%dam. P.Ideas came to a people in earth air water and fire that they used and felt every day. When was your last fire1 ,he girl, the mother, the child were allsub?ect to con#uest by the man, politics, war, religion. Why1because they could, did. It was power. ,hese people were not so afflicted with individualism that they lived and died without the mercy that their name, family, tribe, people, way of life went on when they passed, so death was notanything e2cept a part of life, not something to be resisted so much that all the life was held hostage to it, so that while you lived you didn7t live. >reed to live, work, suffer, they did so without the heroic measures science forced upon us all. 8ore than heroic measures, artificial fingers, liver, kidneys, hearts and toes. It was better to die to them than receive such amendments tolife. Without these things they lived and died. ,hey were let go and not held prisoner in test tubes, beakers, $3% samples, cryonic tanks to be raised withthe evil of science to contradict all that life on earth held good from the first, life among herds with the girl, a wife, and children under sky in fields.6cience took it all away and substituted neuroses for long life without corrective of pain, choice. Eou can ?ust get a new heart, reprogram genes. Into this counterfeit age came a new epic) as if another mercy to save from all the death science had made from its tubes, animal e2periments and tortures it kept under wraps that even the super rich didn7t know.,he new epic came to restore the old life. ,hat is why we are here today, to restore what life was by casting off the false assurances we have had that we are safe because all the lions are e2tinct and the wolves are on reservations and nature is not fearful. The new myth means to restore fear so we can live e2istentially again, for this was forfeit in the (*th century suburb bombs and rights of the individual. 5eople still go without fear to the mall. 6o back to ancient Israel and Greece, Babylon and 6umner and the interplay oftime space moment. It is a good we rediscover faith that life is worth more than wealth, life is worth dying for, that lifeis vested with truth because there is Mne who made it all. ,he last phase of this war started from the noble cause that hatched artificial life, to give children to infertile couples through invitrio fertiliCation. But then the catch was that the children were fed to 8oloch, as if anybody were to notice. ,hey also came in handy for wars and e2periments. Dvents moved #uickly. Bovine humans were turned to lab rats. 6o many mockeries of the man and women occurred in so little time it was hardly believed. ,he tree of P(knowledge substituted for the tree of life to gain immortality, so among philosophers the Fesser Key of 6olomon substituted for the real name the "umaean sybil could not speak in the th eclogue in announcing the eon of Msiris. It is no more Msiris than %pollo. >lourishes of many names come from devotees. We would leave this dark e2cept for hubris that gains power to find and speak the unknown unspeakable 3ame. ,his, it says, is hidden in the bottom of the last of nine vertical vaults buried one atop another.3uKuelhad these guys cry out %donai= in his D2terminating %ngel, but it did no good. ,hose who escaped the dining room in the house were caught in the "hurch when the angel came down, and it was not a bad angel. ,hese namesappear in the Fesser Key.3aming lesser things goes only so far. ,hese sometime gods wanted to knowthe 3ame %bove %ll 3ames written in hearts of flesh, of blood. ,hey could not believe that name the bodies bore, so they killed them. ,hat was hubris. Mf)** or a thousand names they think worth knowing, like Borges, the page burns ?ust faster than can be read, as if, where they go looking for death, each is summoned to life. ,hisis their +rbis Tertius,their 3ook of Imaginary 3eings, which subterfuge confuses in the utterance of geomancy.3. 444When 8r. G said this head had been 9transplanted to someone7s empty neck,< did he know it was the new world order of the age1 @e said that neck was empty, circular, inviting a head. Mne sees them skipping about in a circle looking for chairs. ,hat7s >ilostrato strapped to a machine, that Fewis took off "haucer,slobberers who drool in % ,rip to the @eavenlies. 6o many heads so little time, this artilect fellow7s gone mad. Brain cells cut off from nature have nowhere to go. 3o wonder he is afraid in his cell. ,o materialiCe these proper we sent a book to greet the 6hiners inJ,hen the etheric mold of humans breaks1nd madness sei=es the sane, these rulers,Im!risoned mentally by the thought they makeMf 3aCi earth, willcall it the %#uarian %ge.6o to take Behind the 8irror and into the Wall, they coming, o you hear the roar1 %nd while they7re coming, and as buildings fall, the giants who eat people in The $obbit and 3arnia, +dyssey, Icelandic sagas, Rubens, Goya, WagnerBs 5iblungLs 'ing -6ee 6haw, The *erfect ,agnerite0, in $as Rhine Gold as much as in BabylonBs 8oloch, are always a blind, a mask, as much as the lust of the sons of god for the daughters of men that got the whole P)thing rolling back in 2enesis. ,hey donBt want the woman. ,hey wanted her child= But you knew that too=Giants hunger for something besides flesh, but they7ll take it. 8ind is what they monster, which after all is what blood is all about, energy, the gene=In feedlot libraries and slaughterhouse universities , what is consumed is not merely seen. Blood sacrifices to giants are about life itself, not a specific life, but all hman life) which is why they8re ta+ing the child. ,rans,itans, a head of the many4headed, want immortality by any means, including human e2tinction. ,o them the @, the human, is as vestigial asan appendi2. ,hey reason this as 6aturn did.6aturn didn7t eat children out of malice or ?ealousy, but because he felt guilty, to make himself feel betterJ AabronCe statute of "hronos, with his hands palm upward inclined toward the ground so that the child put on them rolled down in a pit full of fireA -$iodorus 6iculus, also 5lutarch of the 5hoenicians0. 6aturn is the "hronos of 8oloch. 8any gods, many names. "hildren were sacrificed to 8oloch and animals AdevotedA to 8oloch. Whatan honor, ,anith, here and here, Ban of the Bori,liCard shaped among the @ausa,mail order Russian brides,passing through the fire, firewalking, abortion, child killing sacrifice,8onster 848achineswallowing workers, >ritC Fange, #abiri, >eremiah M.NB,9to burn their sonsand their daughters in the fire,< antasy, the making or glimpsing of Mther4worlds, was the heart of the desire of >aerie. I desired dragons with a profound desire. Mf course, I in my timid body did not wish to have them in theneighborhood, intruding into my relatively safe world, in which it was, for instance, possible to read stories in peace of mind, free from fear. But the world that contained even the imagination of >afnir was richer and more beautiful, at whatever cost of peril. ,he dweller in the #uiet and fertile plains may hear of the tormented hills and the unharvested sea and long for them in his heart. >or the heart is hard though the body be soft. ,olkien, Mn >airy 6tories, in Tree and or children,< he '"hesterton+ says, 9are innocent and love ?usticeG while most of us are wicked and naturally prefer mercy.< ,his verbal cartoon, to share a leaf with ;onah is like a window shade that snaps up suddenly when pulled, revealing the cartoon at the end of the world.RRROI. Before the 2evivalBefore the revival in "leveland had begun this had already been rolled up soyou could smoke it. Eou were wanted to roll your own. ,he thing got fat soaked in brandy, dried and dusted with sugar. 6omething nice sliced into rounds. ,aken as a loCenge, it was better for the lungs. Whoever presumed togetto >aerie West could then could meet Gurd?ieff, %lan Watts, ,imothy Feary and shamans on the runway east. ,hey said, 9don7t you want knowledge, don7t you want power1< and that7s what it really felt like when you could be a god. %mong the welcome parties assembled on these occasions, I mean that assumed these descensions were real, we ?oined on the airstrip with the elite 6ky 6enators to welcome them in. ,hese contacted the gods by raising their hands and fingers at the stars, in welcome so to speak, and they sang a tune from Rodgers and @ammerstein. P/,rained as it were for the event, perfection of the finite, 5erfection of the3ew Fanding 6ticks at airports made it possible. ,he 6enators then and therewould sing to get the mood,Eo @o @eave @o, and othersongs. Finkedarm in arm, they swayed in the dimension of time. 6yncophants waved hands and middle fingers at the stars in case they could believe. %ll wished themselves to be immortal gods in the infernal heart fire. Fightening bugs flew up from the sides. 5erhaps you saw the lights shoot up from lasered fingernails like Kmart beacons messaging a peace sign, 9come by, come buy.< ,hey however failed to trim their wicks. @ygiene is important to bring in ships, so the %lternates were directed to close their eyes and 9fasten seatbelts.< ,hen they could attain the priCe. 95ut your head down and swallow doubt. There will be a coming out, but leave the bags and you won7tneed the cards. 3uminor is rising in our yard.< ,hey slip in the ne2t world to get dressed. Being good company and no prudes, those leaders who were unable to go gave one parting thoughtJ 9If ever you return to earth bring your memory of today7s show, that)s all ye know and all ye need to know. Those now ready may 7terminate their larval perio&7:Bang, pop, mass, but if you didn7t make the cut don7t worry, not all have to be a god. ,his is reserved for the nouveau riche in neurons, although the restP!may fit into a feudal society of lords, landowners, shopkeepers, peasants. Gory= It7s back to the medieval again. %fter all this progressa simple breathof air:e2cept life as a slave to the internet, simple death by ,erminator hurts44sorry @ollywood got there first.Bilding #andemonimAll you nee& is love! said Uncle 8iltie in Book II, where the gods incinerated on the Burning Fake and built 5andemonium. It shows howvigilant news media predicted futures of the fall, a seismic shift of paradigm.,ransgenic brings obsolesced the human. %ccording to the planned technology surprise, government and crisis management were to be revealed.Greater and greater catastrophes were to occur until the Great #arte 3lanche@ealing Universe invitation was made. @eal the universe= %tmosphere, oceans, forests, you can name them all, were to send an invitation, 9come down, come down.< 6o get out those landing sticks friends and raise a fingerto welcome da puta ali7n. >urther shifts ofparadigm supersede the physical whenserved. ,rans4,itan, gnostic entrances in earth as unbelieved as the metaphysic of machine,were impaired, the 5rophet Fewis said. "reative thought, metaphysic neo4con, computed the trillion trillion brain, but not unconsciousness, so it could n7er sleep and turned mean. 8urdered sleep, that contradiction made a soul. ,herein lay the transparado2 of the ,rans, the transrational =aum, forthe human already had spirit, ceded to the machine= '6aid in deep bass voiceJ+ 9the machine found a way to entrance biology, bypassing species confines through chimeric mutation.< Government grants= 5o one knows what it will be today or tomorrow0 if it is planned to keep the worker bee around. 5ropagation by eugenics makes 3rave 5ew proud. If the machine little concerned about the physical that does not mean it might not need the bestial.*retendthe machine7s human= Redirect, you gooey things, tolerated forthe mess, intest4ines. Is not the cow worth the brain1 Dducation and library will beretained, propagated themselves by Brain. Ready now class1 6how your neurons=%nother decap= 6hrunken heads are a coming, the heads are in sight.9,his e2traordinary historic collection includes a lock of "he GuevaraBs hair."omparing the hair $3% with $3% from the body resting in the mausoleumin 6anta "lara, "uba, would finally put an end to the controversy L*surrounding the death of the man Time magaCine included in its list of (* A@eroes X IconsA in A,he .** 8ost Important 5eople of the (*th "entury,A concluding, Athe eyes of "he Guevara are still burning with impatience.AInterview with "stavo Oilloldo on the =aptre and Death of =he "evaraL ,rack . ,rack ( ,rack ) ,rack httpJIIamericana.ha.comIcommonIviewvitem.php16alev3oZPL&XFotv3oZ)*&/*XtypeZXicZrightcolumn4guevara4*/()*L 9% @aCmat Herse 6uit would protect from this, like w songs w in literature,important when you see the to2ic waste dragged behind this Mmnibus. 3umbers of those links being to2ic, haCmat suits should be wornwhen singing, a reference to our last letter to spa"e where 89:bore those ha;ar&s&arkly! fearfully afar:The way to re"ogni;e truth /s view them all an& look for "ounterfeit'OII. The Boo+ of 6ightMnce there was a book that understood thisage of myth, but the knowledge wasac#uired. %mericans didn7t read, so didn7t know their gods. If only 8c$onald7s mounted on its arches, or the Times;1merican Idols were on full view, on ,H, then everyone who followed Weus or prayed to IshtarBs face would know. %ncient 3imrod however had long before begun to persecute those who &isbelieved in #ontact. @e threw %braham in the fire like 3ebuchadneCCar threw the boys. ,heydidn7t respect the gods. It was also the chorus against 6ocrates, as if the book of 7odus were a deadly headline.L.Whatever contacted these harpies at the Ishtar %otel of 1pielberg8s delirim where faeries flew over his head, nobody called the police. What good would that do1 ,hey took their kids to the dining room and barred the door, hid under the table. 5rophetic artists had long scenarioed Bunuel7s takeon the D2odus, Dl xngel e2terminador, that an angel would fight fire with fire. %ncient scriptures declared In that day the or sure astronomers think there is a universal outer space. ,hey call it the universe. $ickBs Aspace phobiaA says Amy conception of inner space differingfrom person to person is very radical and politically subversive,A throwing out all of ;ung, his archetypes and all the Dgyptian @ermes, thrown out because they are part of the program. 6t. 6ophia, the Buddha, 6iddhartha, %pollo, Anone of these other names allude to God in the sense that E@W@ does. It is as if the others are attributes or cultural -i.e., man4made0 hypostases, and E@W@ is E@W@G viCJ there is no God but God, i.e., the God who Ais what he is,A the tetragrammaton. ,he others are names humans give to GodG E@W@ is the name by which God referred to himself...A@e brings into e2istence what is.AA Back indoctrination, the inner Roman impass. he says, that in the prison A6atan pretends E@W@ wonG E@W@ will cause to e2ist what 6atan pretends -i.e., occludes us into believing0 e2ists. It is a sort of trick played on6atan, but in deadly earnestJ to make 6atanBs AfalseworkA -pretense0 real. % wise strategy.A ,he corollary ofthis opposite is that 6atan is allowed to think he won, even to the e2tent of driving E@W@ from the urwelt, in order to work some much greater, inconceivable act. ,hus AGod turns the lie -AGod wonA0 into the truth, and 6atan is surprisedG he didnBt foresee this.A ,he facetious is the real all right and the defeated are victorious, Athose mostduped are most right, parado2icallyG E@W@ takes advantage of the irony and ambiguity to cause to be what seems to beG this is his fundamental powerInature 'right out of Romans &, Acalling what is not as though it wereA+. ,hus Athis is a prison. 6atan won in L* %.$. and the Dssenes are deadG but E@W@ is instilling them in some of us in the present...,he battle is going on, but 6atan is at the center44of government, of church. "hris @edges said, 9all institutions are inherently demonic.< -6ee ,he Gates of @ell, at Mpiomses0.96till, E@W@ has the crucial advantage of a priori foresight. It was revealed to me that ltimately he wins every hand.ATA.0 C6F6