Workshop 4: NodeJS. Express Framework & MongoDB.

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Workshop 4: NodeJS. Express Framework & MongoDB.

Node.js, Express & MongoDBA brief introduction

Cristina Hernández &

Alberto Irurueta

What is Node.js?

- Is an implementation of a web server based on Javascript

- Is not a web framework, it’s a platform! (It’s like saying that .net is a web development framework)

Pros & Cons of Node.js

PROS:- Is very very efficient in

resources usage. - Javascript code is compiled.

- Runs on a single thread.- WTF?- Takes advantage of I/O locks to

handle several requests almost concurrently on a single thread.

- Useful for I/O, not for intensive computations

- On production systems typically one thread is spanned per processor

- Javascript both on frontend & backend

- Easier for designers

CONS:- Configuration on

Windows systems is a pain in the ass.

- Not useful for computation intensive tasks or enterprise applications.


Runs on a single thread I

- All I/O call are non-blocking and event based

- Your code is the only part not running asynchronously, hence computation intensive code (i.e. computing an image thumbnail) blocks the whole server.

- Asynchronous code can be made using solutions similar to WebSockets, but then thread synchronization issues will appear.

It is typically better to run computationally intensive code in backend servers and use an API REST or similar.

Runs on a single thread II

- But how can we attend several requests on a single thread?

- A bit of history:- One process per request:

- process memory is copied for each request. Too much memory usage!

- One thread per request: - typically using POSIX accept(). Memory does not need to be copied but the OS has

additional work scheduling all the threads.

- Single asynchronous thread: - using select() multiple requests can be attended while waiting for other I/O operations

on other requests on the same thread! Less work for the OS!

POSIX accept:

POSIX select:

Node.js event based

var result = db.query("select x from table_Y");

doSomethingWith(result); //wait for result

doSomethingWithOutResult(); //execution is blocked!!



db.query(“select x from table_Y”, function (result) {

doSomethingWith(result); //wait for result


doSomethingWithOutResult(); //executes without any delay!


Node.js comparison

- Asynchronous thread handling is not exclusive of node.js!- It is interesting for AJAX intensive applications or for

push model implementations (i.e. websockets, chats, etc)

- Other platforms have implemented this model too:- Java: Servlet API 3.0 (December 2009)

- ASP.NET: .NET platform 4.5 (August 2012)- PHP? Django?

Node.js installation

Mac OS X:- Go to: Click the big green button to download the setup


Linux:sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install nodejssudo apt-get install npm

Running & debugging

- Starting/stopping: node <file.js>

- Debugging: nodemon --debug <file.js>

- Debugger: node-inspector

Installing nodemon && node-inspector:npm install nodemonnpm install node-inspector

Node.js - when to use it

- Chat / Messaging

- Real-Time applications

- High concurrency applications

Node.js - Built-in modules

- assert- buffer- child_process- cluster- crypto- dgram- dns- events- fs- http- https- net

- os- path- punycode- querystring- readline- repl- string_decoder- tls- tty- url- util- vm- zlib

Node.js - FileSystem

var fs = require("fs");

// Asynchronous read

fs.readFile('input.txt', function (err, data) {

if (err) {

return console.error(err);


console.log("Asynchronous read: " + data.toString());


// Synchronous read

var data = fs.readFileSync('input.txt');

console.log("Synchronous read: " + data.toString());

console.log("Program Ended");

What is Express?

It is a node.js based web framework

It’s the equivalent to a Servlet + web.xml in Java!

npm install --save express

Express - HTTP Server

var express = require('express');

var http = require('http');

//create express app

var app = express();

app.set('port', process.env.PORT || 3000);

http.createServer(app).listen(app.get('port'), function(){

console.log('Express server listening on port ' + app.get('port'));


Express - Routing

app.get('/', function(request, response) {

response.send('¡Hello, Express!');


app.get('/users/:userName', function(request, response) {

var name = request.params.userName;

response.send('¡Hello, ' + name + '!');



app.get(/\/users\/(\d*)\/?(edit)?/, function (request, response) {

var message = 'user number #' + request.params[0];

if (request.params[1] === 'edit') {

message = Editing ' + message;

} else {

message = 'Viewing ' + message;





Express - Routing POST'/users', function(request, response) {

var username = request.body.username;

response.send('¡Hello, ' + username + '!');


Express doesn’t parse request body by default



Express - View rendering

app.set('views', path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'templates'));

app.set('view engine', 'dust');

app.get('/', function(request, response) {

response.render('index', {

title: '¡Hello, Express!',

username: 'Benítez'



view parameters

Express - NODE_ENV

Linux and OSX: export NODE_ENV=production

Windows: SET NODE_ENV=production

- Environment variable NODE_ENV

- development

- production

- By default, Express switches on view caching on production

Express - Connect / Middlewares

function uselessMiddleware(req, res, next) { next() }

// A middleware that simply interrupts every request

function worseThanUselessMiddleware(req, res, next) {

next("Hey are you busy?")


- Connect is an extensible HTTP server framework for node, providing high performance "plugins" known as middleware.

- A middleware is simply a function with three arguments: request, response, next

error -> request interruption

Express - Connect / Middlewares

// a middleware mounted on /user/:id; will be executed for any type of HTTP

request to /user/:id

app.use('/user/:id', function (req, res, next) {

console.log('Request Type:', req.method);



// a middleware with no mount path; gets executed for every request to the app

app.use(function (req, res, next) {




Express - Router-level middleware

var app = express();

var router = express.Router();

// shows request info for any type of HTTP request to /user/:id

router.use('/user/:id', function(req, res, next) {

console.log('Request URL:', req.originalUrl);


}, function (req, res, next) {

console.log('Request Type:', req.method);



// mount the router on the app

app.use('/', router);

Express - Error Handling

app.use(function(err, req, res, next) {


res.status(500).send('Something broke!');


- Error-handling middleware always takes fourarguments.

Express - Official middlewares


It’s a non relational databaseIt’s non-transactional: Only guarantees that read/write operations are atomic, but rollback cannot be doneBetter performance than most relational databasesNot suitable for highly concurrent applications (i.e. commerce or financial applications where account balances or product stock must be synchronized between requests).Suitable to work on non-concurrent and large amounts of data (i.e. timeline, logging, analytics, etc)Uses Javascript as programming language!MongooseOther relational & non-relational databases

MongoDB - NoSQL Database

NoSQL Database - Not Only SQL Database

Many different types: - key-value stores

- document databases

- wide-column stores

- graph databases

MongoDB - SQL vs NoSQL

SQL Databases

- Individual records stored as rows in tables

- Structure and data types fixed in advance

- Transactional- Consistent

NoSQL Databases

- Document: table-and-row model stored in single document

- Dynamic structure- Atomic operations- Not all, MongoDB is


MongoDB - setup

It’s a node package:

Start database (from cmd):

npm install mongodb

mongod //service


default port is 27017

MongoDB - structure


Collection Collection Collection

Document Document







var Mongo = require(“mongodb”).MongoClient;

//connect to ‘test’, if not exists, create itMongo.connect(“mongodb://localhost:27017/test”, function(err, db){

if(!err){ //We are connectedvar collection = db.collection(‘users’);//insert into collection, if not exists, create itcollection.insert({name:’Lionel’, apellidos:’Messi’}, function(err,

collection){});collection.update({apellidos:’Messi’}, {$set:{name:’D10S’}});collection.remove({apellidos:’Messi’});



var stream = db.find({apellidos:’Messi’}).stream();

stream.on(“data”, function(item){//fired on each result found


stream.on(“end”, function() {//fired when there is no more document to look for
