Workplace Etiquette Slides

Post on 02-Apr-2015

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Transcript of Workplace Etiquette Slides


Workplace Etiquette –Part 2



To define workplace etiquette and stress the importance of creating a work environment conducive to positive interaction among employees

To identify behaviors considered important for maintaining workplace etiquette

To develop skills in addressing coworkers’ behaviors that are unpleasant, rude or offensive


Etiquette: Some Definitions

“The practices and forms prescribed by social convention or by authority.”(The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition).

“Rules governing socially acceptable behavior.”(WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University)


How Do You Score?

1. I say “good morning” to co-workers when I enter the office each morning.

2. I clean up after I use the restroom, cafeteria or snack area.

3. I say “thank you” when someone does something nice for me.

4. I arrive on time for meetings.

5. I keep my emotions under control.


6. I think its good to gorge on eatables as soon as they are served.

7. I think it’s okay to take things which are not meant for me.

8. If I send an email message, I make sure that it is relevant, appropriate, clear, and checked for spelling and grammatical errors.

9. I always listen to what others talk and look at others computer screen.

10. I make promises to others that I am unable to keep.



Q 1-5: 1 point for True; 0 for False

Q 6, 7: 1 point for False; 0 for True

Q 8, 9: 1 point for True; 0 for False

Q 10: 1 point for False; 0 for True


Score Interpretation

0-5 Uh oh, it’s time for charm school. Seriously, you seem to be committing a number of etiquette faux pas. Hasn’t anyone

said anything to you about your behavior? If you keep it up, your career is probably going nowhere (and you may not have a job).

6-8 Not bad. You seem to have your office manners mostly in control. But don’t stop here—take a look at areas you can improve upon and you should see your career rolling


9-10 Congratulations! You are probably one of those people described as “a pleasure to work with.” Your mannerly behavior and sensitivity to others should move you far along on the road to success.


What Bothers You the Most?


Employees Are Bothered by Co-workers Who:

Have poor personal hygiene Don’t clean up after using the office kitchen, sink, restroom or

appliances Leave trash or personal belongings in other people’s work spaces Don’t follow through when they say they will do something Don’t acknowledge you unless you speak to them directly Use language that is overly familiar, e.g., calling you “honey” or

“dear” Wear clothing that is dirty, too casual in some other way Wear too much perfume or after-shave


More Examples

Drop in on you while you are working and don’t ask if it’s okay to interrupt

Habitually arrive late at meetings Have outbursts of anger or yell and curse Brag Talk too much about their personal lives Speak too loudly on the telephone. Using Office Telephone Eat food at their desks that has a strong smell Tell jokes that involve race, gender, sexual orientation. religion,

ethnicity or national origin


And More

Keep asking you the same questions even though you have given them answers previously

Start meetings late and/or don’t end them on time Carry on loud conversations outside of your office or cubicle Borrow money and forget to return it Frequently complain and/or criticize others Block walkways or doorways when carrying on conversations Don’t pay attention when you are speaking to them People who form groups and talk during office hours and disturb

others.(Other than lunch time and tea breaks)


And More

Keep you waiting Leave you voice mail messages that are difficult to

understand (in particular, those who say their phone numbers so quickly you have to listen three times to get them right)

Use emoticons (those little faces that express an emotion) in office email

Leave the coffee pot empty Forward you on email everything they think is interesting

without asking you if you want to get this information

Some Eating Ettiquetes Eat at a relaxed pace and try to match your fellow diners. Keep your

mouth closed and noise to a minimum. Never smack your chops. Never gorge on food as soon as it is placed in front of you , wait for

others to join. Never take food forcefully from others plates. In a hotel, the waiter will know you have finished and will remove your

plate. Do not push your plate or any utensil away. It is the waiter’s job to remove them.

Always say please when asking for something. Be sure to say thank you to your server after they have removed any used items. 

Turn off your cell phone or switch it to silent or vibrate mode before sitting down to eat, and leave it in your pocket or purse

If you are served a meal that is already on the plate, wait until everyone round the table has been served before starting. When group dining, offer side dishes around the table and hold them for the person next to you.

Never ever take something from others plates during eating. It is termed as a very bad manner. The other person may not like it and will start avoiding you. 13


Some Final Thoughts

You don’t have to read Miss Manners to learn how to have good manners. Workplace etiquette makes the work environment respectful, pleasant, and productive.