Working paper cover proposal v5.1 - Quantum Global...

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  • April 2018

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    Copper Price Forecasting Models Dr Jeremy Wakeford, Senior Macroeconomist, QGRL

    April 2018

    Contents Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 2

    Global Copper Market Dynamics .................................................................................................................. 3

    Supply ........................................................................................................................................................ 3

    Demand ..................................................................................................................................................... 8

    Historical movements in copper prices .................................................................................................... 9

    Futures prices .......................................................................................................................................... 11

    Specification of Forecasting Models ........................................................................................................... 12

    Univariate models ................................................................................................................................... 12

    Models incorporating futures prices ...................................................................................................... 13

    Structural models .................................................................................................................................... 14

    Structural breaks and shocks .................................................................................................................. 16

    Variables and Data ...................................................................................................................................... 16

    Preliminary Data Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 17

    Stationarity tests ..................................................................................................................................... 17

    Graphical and correlation analysis .......................................................................................................... 19

    Summary ................................................................................................................................................. 29

    Model Results ............................................................................................................................................. 30

    Univariate ARIMA models ....................................................................................................................... 30

    Models based on futures prices .............................................................................................................. 33

    Structural models .................................................................................................................................... 37

    Comparison of ex post model forecasts ................................................................................................. 41

    Ex ante forecast for 2018 ........................................................................................................................ 42

    Conclusions ................................................................................................................................................. 43

    References .................................................................................................................................................. 44

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    Introduction Copper has played a significant role in human society since the dawn of civilisation about 10,000 years

    ago. First used for ornaments and coins, copper was subsequently fashioned into tools. Later, the

    discovery that bronze could be formed as an alloy of copper and tin ushered in the Bronze Age circa 3,000

    B.C. (Doebrich, 2009). Copper has several useful properties: it is malleable and ductile, it conducts

    electricity and heat efficiently, and it is resistant to corrosion and has antimicrobial properties (ICSG,

    2017). Consequently, the metal has a wide variety of applications in construction (such as wiring and

    plumbing), electronic products, electricity generation and transmission, telecommunication networks,

    industrial machinery, motors, transportation vehicles and semiconductors (Doebrich, 2009). Copper also

    combines well with other metals to form useful alloys such as brass (with zinc), bronze (with tin) and

    copper-nickel alloy (e.g. used in the construction of ships’ hulls to reduce corrosion).

    These qualities help to explain why copper is today one of the world’s most important and widely traded

    base metal commodities. International copper prices are determined on three commodity exchanges,

    namely the London Metal Exchange (LME), the Commodity Exchange Division of the New York Mercantile

    Exchange (COMEX/NYMEX) and the Shanghai Futures Exchange (SHFE). These exchanges enable

    producers to sell to consumers through offers and bids, as per market participants’ understanding of

    prevailing supply and demand conditions on a given day. The exchanges thus facilitate a transparent

    process of price setting, for both spot prices and futures prices (ICSG, 2017).

    Copper prices have fluctuated markedly over time, especially since the early 2000s (see Figure 1). There

    are three main driving forces underlying price trends: (1) supply side factors (such as mine production,

    recycling rates, refinery capacity and utilisation, and refined copper stocks); (2) demand side factors (e.g.

    rates of economic growth and industrial production in the world at large and especially in key consuming

    countries such as China); and (3) speculative trading by commodity traders and asset managers. Being

    able to predict the future path of copper prices would assist in economic planning and investment

    decisions involving infrastructure and products that use copper intensively, as well as copper commodity

    trading. Hence, there is a need for reliable copper price forecasting models.

    This paper seeks to develop econometric models that forecast copper prices on a monthly basis, up to

    twelve months into the future. Three main types of models are developed: univariate time series models,

    which use only the information contained in historical copper price series; models incorporating futures

    prices to help predict future spot prices; and structural time series models, which relate copper prices to

    various determinants, including fundamental drivers and financial variables.

    The paper is organised as follows. The first section provides details on the global copper market, including

    supply, demand and historical price movements. The second section outlines the three types of

    econometric models, while subsequent sections describe the variable and data, and conduct preliminary

    analysis of the relevant time series. The fifth section presents the modelling results and compares their

    ex post forecast performance, and presents ex ante forecasts for 2018. The final section concludes.

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    Global Copper Market Dynamics


    Copper occurs mainly in two types of deposits (Doebrich, 2009). The most important is Porphyry copper

    deposits, associated with igneous intrusions, which are the source of approximately two-thirds of the

    world’s copper supply. Significant Porphyry copper deposits are located in mountainous areas of western

    North and South America. The other main type of copper deposit is that found in sedimentary rocks, such

    as in the central African copper belt. Sedimentary copper deposits contain about a quarter of global

    copper resources. Figure 1 shows the global distribution of known Porphyry and sedimentary copper

    deposits as of 2008.

    Figure 1: Global distribution of known copper deposits in 2008

    Source: Doebrich (2009)

    An assessment of global copper deposits by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) in 2014 estimated

    that identified resources (i.e., geologically identified resources that could be extracted with current

    technologies) contained approximately 2.1 billion tons of copper (USGS, 2018). Reserves, which depend

    on prevailing economic conditions, including prices, as well as technologies available to extract copper,

    were estimated at 794 million tonnes (mt) in 2017, representing 40 years of supply at current rates of

    production. Chile is the top reserve holder, with an estimated 170 mt, followed by Australia (88 mt) and

    Peru (81 mt) (see Table 1). The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Zambia each have estimated

    reserves of 20 mt, which would sustain these countries’ 2016 levels of production for 24 years and 26

    years, respectively.

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    Historically, the estimated quantities of copper reserves and resources have trended upwards as a result

    of continued geological exploration, improved mining technologies and changing economics. Since the

    1950s, reserves have continually been at a level that would meet 40 years of the then prevailing demand

    (ICSG, 2018). Improvements in copper recycling have also contributed to annual supplies. The USGS (2018)

    estimates that are about 3,500 mt of undiscovered copper resources. As a result of all these factors, there

    is not likely to be any major resource constraint on copper supplies in the foreseeable future.

    Nevertheless, the continued depletion of high-grade ores will tend to raise production costs – although

    improvements in mining technologies could temper this.

    Table 1: World’s leading mined copper producers (2016) and reserve holders (2017)

    Country Production




    Chile 5 550 170

    Peru 2 350 81

    China 1 900 27

    United States 1 430 45

    Australia 948 88

    D.R. Congo 846 20

    Zambia 763 20

    Mexico 752 46

    Indonesia 727 26

    Canada 708 11

    Other Countries 4 160 260

    World 20 134 794

    Source: USGS (2018)

    The United States was the world’s foremost copper producer until 2000, when Chile took over the top

    spot on the rankings. The USGS estimates that Chile accounted for 27% of copper output in 2017, followed

    by Peru (12%), China (9%) and the US (7%) (Figure 2). Africa’s top copper producers, DRC and Zambia,

    each contribute about 4% of global copper supply. The top 10 producers account for over three-quarters

    of global supply.

    Global copper mine output has grown at an average annual rate of 3.2% since 1900 (Figure 3). The bulk

    of copper has historically been produced through metallurgical treatment of concentrates. From the

    1960s onwards, copper has also been extracted through leaching (solvent extraction) and electrowinning

    (SX‐EW process), from primarily low grade oxide ores and also some sulphide ores (ICSG, 2017). However,

    primary production of copper contracted by over 2% in 2017, the first substantial decline in more than 15

    years. This follows several years of low investment in production capacity as a result of low copper prices.

    The only major new mining project set to come on stream in the coming few years is First Quantum’s

    Cobre Panama mine.

  • 5

    Figure 2 : Shares of world copper mine production by country, 2017 (estimated)

    Source: USGS (2018)

    Figure 3 : World copper mine production, 1900-2016 (thousand tonnes)

    Source: ICSG (2017)




    United States7%


    D.R. Congo4%





    Other Countries22%

  • 6

    In addition to primary copper production from mining, so-called secondary copper is produced from

    recycled metal. Copper can be readily recycled because the metal and its alloys can be melted down

    without loss of their physical or chemical properties (ICSG, 2017). Since almost all products manufactured

    from copper can be recycled, it is among the most recycled of all metals. Since 2011, secondary copper

    has comprised around 17-18% of total refined copper production (see Table 2).

    Table 2 : World copper production and usage trends

    2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

    World mine production 15 964 16 691 18 185 18 432 19 148 20 357

    Mine capacity utilisation (%) 82.1 83.4 87.6 85.5 85.2 86.7

    Primary refined production 16 133 16 598 17 255 18 576 18 925 19 473

    Secondary refined production 3 468 3 596 3 803 3 915 3 945 3 866

    Total refined production 19 601 20 194 21 058 22 491 22 870 23 339

    Secondary Refined as % in Total Prod. 17.7 17.8 18.1 17.4 17.3 16.6

    World refined usage 19 713 20 473 21 396 22 885 23 040 23 507

    World refined stocks 1 205 1 376 1 325 1 350 1 521 1 391

    Period stock change 7 171 -52 25 171 -130

    Refined balance -113 -279 -337 -394 -169 -168

    LME Copper Price 8 811 7 950 7 322 6 862 5 494 4 863

    Source: ICSG (2017)

    As can be seen in Figure 4, global output of refined copper has been steadily increasing over the past

    several decades, with a particularly rapid growth rate over the last 10 years.

    Figure 4: World refined copper production, 1900-2016 (thousand tonnes)

    Source: ICSG (2017)

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    Supply outlook, risks and challenges

    Copper mine capacity is anticipated to grow by an average rate of 2.5% per annum in the coming few

    years, as new capacity is added at certain existing mines and some new operations come on stream (ICSG,

    2017). Provided the capacity utilisation rate remains steady, as it has done in recent years (see Table 2),

    then global copper mine supply should grow at a similar rate of about 2.5% per annum.

    In general, the fact that copper production is geographically dispersed across the globe means that the

    risk of major supply disruptions is relatively low, at least compared to minerals that occur in more

    concentrated deposits (Doebrich, 2009). Nevertheless, disturbances to supply chains can and do occur

    from time to time. There are approximately 700 copper mines in operation globally, the largest 20 of

    which contribute about half of world production (Dizard, 2018). Thus, a disruption at one or more of the

    biggest mines can have an impact on prices. For example, in 2017 various supply issues – mainly declining

    ore grades and labour disputes – resulted in a 2.5% decline in global mine production, which in turn

    contributed to the rise in copper prices (USGS, 2018). In particular, copper mining in Chile – the source of

    over a quarter of world mine output – is subject to periodic labour disputes, which can affect the global

    market. In early 2018, there were labour disputes at mines accounting for over 75% of Chile’s production

    capacity (Dizard, 2018).

    Another important dynamic in the copper market is that the supply response to rising copper prices is

    rather slow. This is because the lead time from an investment decision to commission a new mine to

    actual production can be many years, even decades in some cases (Dizard, 2018).

    Copper mining has occurred for millennia, and consequently many of the most easily accessible deposits,

    and those with the highest ore grades, have already been exploited. Increasingly, the frontier for new

    copper mines is in more challenging environments, such as underground or in logistically remote areas

    such as central Africa. These factors tend to raise the costs of production. For lower ore grades and sub-

    surface mining, more capital has to be invested per tonne of copper produced, raising operating costs.

    Furthermore, the cost of capital may rise in times of protracted price volatility, reflecting increased risk

    perceptions surrounding new and existing mining ventures (ICSG, 2017).

    Tighter tax and royalty regimes can also affect supply by influencing investment decisions. For example,

    in late 2017 the DRC parliament passed a new mining code that raises taxes and royalties due by mining

    companies – although as of this writing it has yet to be signed into law by President Joseph Kabila. In

    January 2018 the CEO of the state mining company, Gecamines, stated his intention to renegotiate all

    contracts with foreign mining firms in the next year, in order to garner a larger share of revenues for the

    DRC (Aglionby & Hume, 2018). This applies mainly to cobalt and copper mines in the country’s south.

    However, recent research suggests that, in general, tax regimes are less significant than resource

    endowments and quality (ICSG, 2017). Other constraints on new mines include stricter environmental

    regulations in many countries, which can delay the start-up of new projects, as well as skilled workers

    capacity constraints.

  • 8


    Copper consumption has grown steadily over the past century, rising from under 500,000 tonnes in 1900

    to 23.5 mt in 2016 – representing a compound annual growth rate of 3.4% per annum (Figure 5). Between

    1980 and 2008, consumption of copper declined slightly in the advanced economies, but grew strongly in

    many emerging economies, especially China and India. China surpassed the United States as the top

    consumer of refined copper in 2002 (USGS, 2018), and since then has come to dominate the global market.

    World usage of refined copper reached 23.5 million tonnes in 2016, up from 19.7 mt in 2011 (Table 2).

    Figure 5: Copper production and usage, 1960-2016

    Source: ICSG (2017)

    In 2016, Asia accounted for over two-thirds (69%) of world refined copper usage, whereas Europe’s share

    was 18% and North America’s, 10%. China’s apparent consumption of refined copper was about 11.7 mt

    in 2016, i.e. 50% of the world total (ICSG, 2018).

    Figure 6: Refined copper usage by region, 2016

    Source: ICSG (2017)







    1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015






    Mine Production Refined Production Refined Usage




    2%10% 0%

    Europe Africa Asia Latin America North America Oceana

  • 9

    Asia’s share of global copper smelter production climbed from 27% in 1990 to nearly 60% in 2016, mainly

    as a result of rapidly growing smelter output in China (ICSG, 2017). Asia is the only region of the world

    that has seen a significant and sustained increase in smelter capacity over the past two decades. Europe

    had a slight increase in the late 1990s, while American capacity declined at the same time. These trends

    reaffirm Asia’s – and especially China’s – centrality on the demand side of the copper market. China

    accounted for more than one-third of global copper smelter output in 2016, followed by Japan and Chile

    with 8% each (ICSG, 2017). Cuddington and Jerrett (2008) found evidence to support the hypothesis of a

    Chinese-driven commodity price super-cycle in the early 2000s.

    There are several major long-term drivers of demand for copper. The most basic are growth in the world

    population and in developing economies, where there is a great need for basic infrastructure that relies

    on copper, as well as copper-containing devices, machines and vehicles. A more specific driver is the

    transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, which increases the need for copper for

    generation equipment and transmission cables. This shift is compounded by the transition from internal

    combustion engine vehicles to electric vehicles, as the latter require more copper (Dizard, 2018).

    If copper supplies were constrained relative to demand, forcing up prices, this could induce a substitution

    of other materials for copper. Substitutes are available for several applications of copper (USGS, 2018):

    “Aluminum substitutes for copper in power cable, electrical equipment, automobile radiators, and cooling

    and refrigeration tube. Titanium and steel are used in heat exchangers. Optical fibre substitutes for copper

    in telecommunications applications, and plastics substitute for copper in water pipe, drain pipe, and

    plumbing fixtures.” Such substitution could restrain longer-term increases in the copper price, although

    aside from pricing, copper is still the material of choice for these applications.

    Historical movements in copper prices

    Figure 7 clearly shows that the price of copper closely tracks the metals price index over the entire period

    1960 to 2017. This is confirmed by the pairwise correlation coefficient of 0.97. This close association is

    hardly surprising, given that copper is the largest component of the base metals price index, with a weight

    of 38.4%. However, it does also show that copper prices follow similar broad trends and fluctuations to

    the other base metals.

    Historically, the trend in the nominal copper price can be split into two eras, before and after 2003. Up

    until that year, there was a very gradual upward trend in nominal prices, but in fact a downward trend in

    real copper prices. Beginning in 2003, there was a rapid acceleration in the nominal price, which rose from

    US$1,687 per tonne in June of that year to US$8,414 per tonne in July 2008. The abrupt change coincided

    with the entry of China into the global market as a net copper importer, and the Asian country’s double-

    digit rates of economic growth during the ensuing years. This development was part of a general trend of

    rapidly rising demand amidst stagnant supply across many commodity markets in the early 2000s (see

    Hamilton, 2009; Kilian, 2009). The dramatic copper price rise was also fuelled by a speculative commodity

  • 10

    bubble, which swept up most commodities in 2007-2008 (Irwin, Sanders & Merrin, 2009).1 This was

    followed by a sudden and spectacular price collapse (to US$3,072 per tonne) in late 2008, as a result of

    the collapse in asset prices and world demand in the wake of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC).

    Subsequently, the copper price rebounded swiftly and peaked at US$9,869 per tonne in February 2011.

    This surge was driven partly by the cyclical recovery in economies and asset markets following

    unprecedented and coordinated intervention by monetary authorities in the major economies. In

    addition, the strong price recovery was fuelled by a rapid rise in Chinese demand, propelled by the

    country’s massive fiscal stimulus package, which centred on infrastructure investment and construction –

    both of which are copper intensive. For the next few years, the price of copper gradually receded as the

    Chinese economy's rate of growth decelerated. This price decline continued until January 2016, after

    which time the copper price has gradually risen again as Chinese and global demand has picked up steam.

    As shown later in the report, fluctuations in the value of the US dollar against other currencies has also

    played a significant role in movements in copper prices over the past 15 years.

    Figure 7: Copper price and base metals price index

    Source: World Bank

    As described above, Chinese demand has had a major influence on global copper prices over the past 15

    years. With China still consuming about half of the world’s supply, it will likely continue to be the main

    price driver for the foreseeable future, aside from possible financial shocks. Structural forecasting models

    therefore need to take Chinese demand into account. Other large emerging economies, such as India and

    Indonesia, are also becoming increasingly important sources of copper demand.

    1 Cheng and Xiong (2014) argue that risk sharing and information discovery provided two economic mechanisms through which financialisation affected commodities markets.
















    1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 20152


    0 =







    Copper price Metals price index

  • 11

    Futures prices

    Futures prices for commodities are assumed to reflect the collective expectation of market participants

    about where the price will settle at a future date, based on all currently (publicly) available information

    and taking into account a risk adjustment. For example, the futures price for copper may be expected to

    reflect the ‘collective wisdom’ of suppliers, consumers and traders about where the spot price will be

    upon the expiry of the futures contract. Thus the 3-month futures price should, in theory, predict the level

    of the spot price in 3 months’ time, although there may be a differential based on the expected return

    that investors require (alternatively, a compensation for bearing the risk). Instead of purchasing copper

    forward, investors could earn interest in low-risk assets such as US Treasury bills. Therefore, the interest

    rate on T-bills can be seen as a proxy for the return commodity investors will expect. In a very low interest

    rate environment, therefore, the spread between the expected spot price and the futures price will be

    smaller than in periods when interest rates are higher.

    Figure 8: Copper spot and futures prices, 2000-2017











    2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016

    CPS CPF03

    CPF15 CPF27

    Source: Bloomberg

    Figure 8 displays the spot price of copper (CSP) and the prices of three futures contracts at 3 months

    (CPF03), 15 months (CPF15) and 27 months (CPF27) ahead. What is really striking about the chart is the

    way that a spread opened up between the three futures contracts from early 2004 (when the big

    acceleration in prices began) until August 2008 (when prices collapsed following the Global Financial

    Crisis), after which point the spread almost disappeared. The situation in which futures prices are below

    expected spot prices is known as “backwardation”. Thus the copper market was in a very large

    backwardation between 2004 and 2008. This could potentially be explained by the fact that US interest

    rates rose during this period, but were lowered dramatically during the GFC and have remained very close

  • 12

    to zero for much of the period since then. Generally, commodity traders buying forward contracts would

    expect a return benchmarked on the interest rate on risk-free assets. Therefore, the expected return in

    terms of the spread between the futures price and the expected spot price at the time of contract maturity

    should be at least as large as the risk-free rate of interest.

    Figure 9 plots the US federal funds rate (USFFR) along with the spread between the spot and 15-month

    futures prices of copper. It does seem that, overall, there is some association between the two series,

    although there is clearly a lot of volatility in the copper price spread that cannot be explained by the

    interest rate.

    Figure 9: Copper futures-spot price spread and US interest rate

















    03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17


    Specification of Forecasting Models

    Univariate models

    According to the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH), asset prices fully incorporate and reflect all

    information available to market participants at a given point in time. This implies that market prices should

    only react to new information, or ‘shocks’, and that traders should not be able to consistently ‘beat the

    market’. This theory underpins the view that many asset prices should follow random walk processes,

    such that the best prediction of tomorrow’s price is today’s price, assuming that there is no systematic

    ‘drift’. If there is drift (e.g. reflecting expectations of positive returns or underlying economic growth),

    then the forecast for each period ahead will merely increase (or decrease if the drift term is negative) by

  • 13

    the amount of the drift parameter. We test the random walk hypothesis in the case of copper prices in

    the next section using standard unit root tests, which are based on the following simple model:

    CPSt = α + βCPSt-1 + δT + et (1)

    where CPSt is the current spot price, T is a deterministic trend, α is a drift parameter and et is a white

    noise error process. If β = 1, the copper price series contains a unit root and should be modelled as a

    difference stationary process. If β < 1, the price series is stationary in levels and follows a first-order

    autoregressive process, AR(1). More generally, we can allow for a higher-order AR process as well as a

    moving average error term, as follows:

    ΔdCPSt = α + ∑βpΔCPSt-p + ut + ∑λqUt-q (2)

    where ut is white noise. The above model is an ARIMA(p,d,q), where d represents the order of integration

    of the CPS series.

    Models incorporating futures prices

    As noted earlier, commodity futures prices are assumed to incorporate all available information about the

    future direction of spot prices. If, for example, today’s 3-month futures prices are higher than current spot

    prices, then this is taken to indicate that market participants expect an upward movement in spot prices

    over the ensuing three months. Conversely, 3-month futures prices below current spot prices should

    indicate that the market anticipates a decline in spot prices. Thus, in theory, futures prices are commonly

    regarded as a reliable guide to the likely path of spot prices, and can therefore be used in forecasting

    models. Under the efficient market hypothesis, futures prices are expected to be unbiased predictors of

    future spot prices. Thus a simple forecast model can be expressed as follows (Bowman & Husain, 2004):

    CPSt = α + βCPFt|t-k + et (3)

    where CPFt|t-k is the price in period t that is implied by the futures market in period t-k. In other words,

    the futures price in period t is used to predict the spot price in period t+k, where k is the length of the

    futures contract in months. The appropriate modelling strategy is to test for the presence of unit roots in

    both CPSt and CPFt, and if both series are nonstationary, to test for cointegration. If evidence of

    cointegration is found, then a Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) can be estimated, which

    incorporates the long-run relationship between the two price series as well as short-run dynamics. The

    VECM can then be used for forecasting CPSt. The specification of the VECM is as follows:

    ΔCPSt = αs + β0sεt-1 + ∑βiΔCPSt-i + ∑γjΔCPFt-j + ut (4a)

    ΔCPFt = αf + β0fεt-1 + ∑δiΔCPSt-i + ∑θjΔCPFt-j + vt (4b)

    where the error correction term is εt-1 = CPSt-1 – λCPFt-1

  • 14

    Structural models

    Structural econometric models take into account variables that are regarded as determinants of, or are

    expected to influence, the series of interest, in our case copper spot prices. They may also include

    economic variables that serve as indicators of financial market activity and expectations of future market

    movements. Thus, structural explanatory variables can be divided into ‘fundamental’ factors (supply,

    demand and inventory variables) and financial variables (such as proxies for global risk appetite and

    financial market activity) (Buncic & Moretto, 2015). The financialisation of commodities, including copper,

    has been driven by legislation governing futures trading as well as trends within markets, such as the

    substitution of copper for gold and silver in asset portfolios (Buncic & Moretto, 2015). The explanatory

    variables considered in our forecasting models are briefly described below. For the purposes of

    forecasting models, our preference is for monthly data series, and this imposes some constraints on the

    variables that can be included, since some variables are available only with an annual or quarterly


    Fundamental variables:

    Since China accounts for around half of world copper consumption, but less than 10% of copper mine

    output, it is expected that China’s imports of copper products have a major impact on global copper

    prices. Since 2004, China has been a net importer of both unrefined copper (copper ores and

    concentrates) and refined copper.

    China's demand for copper is related mainly to infrastructure investment, manufacturing and

    construction activity. We use as a proxy for this demand the growth in China’s industrial production

    index (CHIP). In addition, we investigate the usefulness of industrial production growth in India and

    the Advanced Economies as alternative demand-side variables. Issler et al (2014: 310) demonstrate

    “theoretically that there must be a positive correlation between metal-price variation and industrial-

    production variation if metal supply is held fixed in the short run when demand is optimally chosen

    taking into account optimal production for the industrial sector.” They confirm this empirically with

    “overwhelming evidence that cycles in metal prices are synchronized with those in industrial


    The supply of copper tends to be very inelastic, since as mentioned earlier it takes several years at

    least for a new copper mine to be developed. Supply shocks can trigger price cycles that occur over a

    number of years (Labys et al., 2000, in Buncic & Moretto, 2015). However, global copper supply data

    is available only on an annual basis; hence it is not useful for short-term forecasting models based on

    monthly time series.

    Financial variables:

    The strength of the US dollar relative to other major currencies has a major influence on dollar-

    denominated commodity prices (Akram, 2009). Hence we investigate the influence of the US dollar

    index (USD), expecting a positive relationship between the dollar index (measured in terms of dollars

    per foreign currency unit) and copper prices. For example, if the dollar weakens relative to other

    currencies as a result of domestic economic conditions in the US, then commodity prices should rise

    in dollar terms so that the price in foreign currency units remains the same.

  • 15

    The exchange rate of major copper producing countries may be expected to provide information

    about the future supply of copper from those countries and also expectations of future copper prices.

    Evidence for the capacity of commodity currencies to predict commodity prices is provided by Chen

    et al. (2010). We therefore follow Buncic and Moretto (2015) in investigating the significance of the

    Chilean peso (CLPESO).

    The oil price (OILP) is also tested for co-movement with the copper price. Although oil prices may

    influence the cost of copper production (since oil is used to fuel mining equipment and

    transportation), this effect is probably marginal. However, we expect a close association between the

    two series due to general economic factors at work in commodity markets, which are expected to

    drive oil and copper prices in similar directions.

    The Baltic Dry Index (BDI) is a composite index reflecting average time-charter hire rates for three

    sizes of ocean-going vessels, namely Capesize, Panamax and Supramax, along 20 main shipping

    routes. The BDI therefore provides an indicator of global dry bulk shipping costs, and also serves as a

    proxy for the global shipping market and hence international trade.

    The S&P 500 share price index (SP500) is one of the standard benchmarks of international equity

    markets, and serves as a gauge of investor sentiment. Hence, it is expected to be positively correlated

    with the prices of internationally traded commodities, including copper.

    The volatility index (VIX) provides an indicator of risk appetite on global asset markets. The challenge

    with using the VIX as an explanatory variable in a standard linear regression model is that volatility is

    high when assets prices are either increasing rapidly or decreasing rapidly. Therefore, it is unlikely to

    be correlated well with a commodity price such as copper, which has undergone large upswings and

    downswings during the period under review.

    The general structural model including the above explanatory variables would looks as follows:

    CPSt = α + β1IPt + β2USDt + β3CLPESOt + β4OILPt + β5SP500t + β6BDIt + et (5)

    where IP = industrial production of a relevant country or group of countries, and the other variable names

    are defined in Table 3 below. Each explanatory variable may be lagged by one or more months, depending

    on whether its movements precede those of copper prices. In general, fundamental factors are expected

    to have slower-moving impacts on copper prices (i.e., prices may take several months to reflect changes

    in demand and supply conditions), while financial drivers can result in short-term volatility since

    commodity traders react to news immediately. In the empirical section we employ Autoregressive

    Distributed Lag (ARDL) models, which extend (5) by allowing for lagged values of both the dependent

    variable and the explanatory variables on the right hand side. The ARDL framework allows us to test for

    cointegration among a set of I(1) (nonstationary) and I(0) (stationary) variables.

    In theory, structural models such as (5) can be used for ex ante static forecasting, provided the explanatory

    variables are all lagged and/or can themselves can be reliably forecast into the future. However, in the

    latter case this may be onerous in terms of the number of additional forecasting models that are required

    for the individual structural variables.

  • 16

    Structural breaks and shocks

    There are two important empirical issues to consider before embarking on the forecasting model-building

    exercise, namely structural breaks and exogenous shocks. First, as shown in Figure 7, there is a clear

    structural break in the copper (spot) price series in 2003/4, when China became a net importer of copper.

    The fundamental dynamics in the copper market changed at this time, with prices rising dramatically and

    becoming far more volatile. Therefore, we will focus on the subsequent period for building forecasting

    models. Clearly, in order to generate reliable forecasts, models should be based on prevailing structural

    market dynamics. Second, major swings occurred in the copper price between mid-2008 and mid-2009,

    when the price plunged steeply and then rebounded rapidly. The collapse was triggered by the Global

    Financial Crisis, which resulted in a massive sell-off of financial assets as well as a 25 per cent collapse in

    global trade as the international trade payments system (letters of credit) partially froze. Subsequently,

    copper demand rebounded following the Chinese government’s massive stimulus package, which boosted

    infrastructure and construction spending. It may be necessary to include a dummy variable for the period

    August 2008 to May 2009, to account for this extraordinary event. Alternatively, the sample period could

    be reduced, to begin only in 2010. A third approach is to include structural variables that capture the 2008

    downturn and subsequent recovery.

    Variables and Data Table 3 provides a list of the time series variables used in the forecasting exercise, including both price

    series and explanatory variables used in the structural models. The source for all data series is Bloomberg,

    unless otherwise indicated. The series are of a monthly frequency, using end-of-period values (i.e. last

    trading day of the month) when the underlying data were daily series. Copper spot and futures prices are

    those quoted on the London Metals Exchange.

    Table 3: List of time series variables with descriptions and units

    Variable Name Description Units

    CPS Copper spot price USD per tonne

    CPF03 Copper 3-month futures price USD per tonne

    CPF15 Copper 15-month futures price USD per tonne

    CPF27 Copper 27-month futures price USD per tonne

    AEIP Advanced economies industrial production1 Year-on-year growth rate

    CHIP Chinese industrial production Year-on-year growth rate

    INIP Indian industrial production Year-on-year growth rate

    CHCOPIMP Chinese copper imports (ores & concentrates) Tonnes

    CHRCOPIMP Chinese refined copper imports Tonnes

    OILP Brent crude oil price USD per barrel

    USD US dollar index USD per foreign currency unit

    CLPESO US dollar/Chilean peso exchange rate USD per CLP

    BDI Baltic Dry Index Index

    SP500 S&P 500 stock index Index 1This series was drawn from the IMF’s International Financial Statistics database.

  • 17

    Preliminary Data Analysis

    Stationarity tests

    The first step in time series modelling is to determine the stationary properties of the data. This is

    performed for copper spot and futures price series using the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) and Phillips-

    Perron (PP) tests for unit roots, both of which have a null hypothesis of a unit root being present (i.e. the

    series is nonstationary). These tests may be sensitive to the choice of sample period, with a longer sample

    generally being preferred. However, the tests are also sensitive to structural breaks, in which case it may

    be preferable to reduce the sample period to exclude clearly defined breaks. As stated above, our

    preferred sample period is 2003M01 to 2017M12, which is a 15-year period containing 180 monthly

    observations. Both ADF and PP tests consistently fail to reject the null hypothesis of a unit root

    (nonstationarity) for all four spot and futures price series in their levels, but reject the null for the first

    difference of each series. Hence, the evidence suggests that copper spot and futures price series each

    contain one unit root, i.e. are integrated of order one.

    Table 4 : Unit root tests for copper prices (2003:01-2017:12)

    Price Series Augmented




    lag length Phillips-Perron




    Spot -2.24


    0 -2.39



    first difference -11.51*


    0 -11.50*



    Futures (3-month) -2.19


    0 -2.35



    first difference -11.57*


    0 -11.60*



    Futures (15-month) -2.02


    0 -2.18



    first difference -11.70*


    0 -11.77*



    Futures (27-month) -1.19


    0 -2.04



    first difference -12.06*


    0 -12.15*




    Null hypothesis: series contains a unit root.

  • 18

    For the ADF tests, lag lengths were determined by minimizing the Schwarz information criterion. An

    intercept was included in the test specification, but not a deterministic trend (which was found to be

    highly statistically insignificant in all cases).

    For the PP tests, Bartlett kernel estimation is used and bandwidth estimations are made according to

    the Newey-West (1994) procedure.

    * Significant at the 1% level.

    Table 5 : Unit root tests for structural variables

    Series Sample Period Augmented















    CHIP 2003:01-2017:12


    -4.12 [0.01]

    -0.98 [0.76]

    -3.89 [0.02]

    -1.84 [0.36]

    5, C, T3

    3, C

    5, C, T3

    4, C

    -3.92 [0.01]

    -1.42 [0.57]

    -3.12 [0.11]

    -1.95 [0.31]

    1, C, T3

    6, C

    1, C, T3

    2, C

    INIP 2003:01-2017:12


    -2.04 [0.27]

    -1.78 [0.39]

    12, C4

    12, C4

    -2.50 [0.12]

    -2.21 [0.20]

    5, C4

    4, C4

    AEIP 2003:01-2017:12


    -3.75 [0.01]

    -4.74 [0.00]

    6, C4

    2, C4 -3.02 [0.03]

    -2.65 [0.09]

    9, C4

    8, C4

    USD 2003:01-2017:12


    -1.52 [0.52]

    -2.47 [0.35]

    0, C

    0, C, T

    -1.68 [0.44]

    -2.65 [0.26]

    5, C

    5, C, T

    CLPESO 2003:01-2017:12


    -2.17 [0.22]

    -1.66 [0.45]

    0, C4

    0, C4

    -2.17 [0.22]

    -1.70 [0.43]

    0, C4

    1, C4

    OILP 2003:01-2017:12


    -2.38 [0.15]

    -2.36 [0.15]

    1, C4

    1, C4 -2.18 [0.21]

    -2.00 [0.29]

    4, C4

    4, C4

    SP500G 2003:01-2017:12


    -3.06 [0.03]

    -2.32 [0.17]

    1, C4

    1, C4

    -3.26 [0.02]

    -2.56 [0.10]

    7, C4

    6, C4

    BDI 2003:01-2017:12


    -2.76 [0.07]

    -2.40 [0.14]

    1, C5

    1, C5

    -2.28 [0.18]

    -1.95 [0.31]

    7, C

    8, C


    Bold t-statistics and p-values indicate rejection of the null hypothesis of nonstationarity at the 5% level. 1 Lag lengths were determined by minimizing the Schwarz information criterion. 2 Bartlett kernel estimation is used and bandwidth estimations are made according to the Newey-West

    (1994) procedure. 3 Coefficient on deterministic trend was significant in test regression, and therefore trend was included. 4 Trend was not significant in test regression, and in most cases did not affect the result of the unit root

    test. 5 Although the trend term was significant in the test regression, the graph shows no evidence of a

    deterministic trend.

  • 19

    According to the balance of evidence in the unit root tests above, we can conclude the following about

    the order of integration of the series:

    CHIP is I(0) when a deterministic trend is included, and I(1) without a trend

    INIP is I(1), which is somewhat surprising considering that the series is a growth rate

    AEIP is I(0)

    USD is I(1)

    CLPESO is I(1)

    OILP is I(1)

    SP500G is I(0) for the period 2003-2017

    BDI is I(1)

    In almost all cases, the test result does not change when we restrict the sample period to begin in

    2006M01 instead of 2003M01. The one exception is SP500G. Since unit root tests have lower power

    when the time span is short (i.e., there is a greater chance of not rejecting a false null hypothesis), as

    well as the fact that SP500G is a log-differenced series, it seems reasonable to assume the series is I(0).

    Graphical and correlation analysis

    Chinese refined copper imports

    Contrary to expectations, the charts below show that, by and large, there is no clear relationship between

    Chinese copper imports and copper prices – aside from the strong rebound in prices in 2009, which were

    preceded by a massive spike in refined copper imports. Unrefined copper imports began in 2004 and have

    shown a gradual upward trend ever since. Refined copper imports have been more volatile, but have also

    trended upwards – driven by China’s economic growth. (Both import series have been smoothed with 3-

    month moving averages to highlight the trends and cycles.) These charts suggest that financial conditions

    may be more important drivers of copper price movements than fundamentals like Chinese demand for

    the metal. Indeed, copper spot prices are negatively correlated with both unrefined (r = -0.27) and refined

    (r = -0.26) Chinese copper imports. Consequently, these variables are not expected to provide any

    predictive power for forecasting copper prices. Instead, we analyse industrial production as a more

    general proxy for demand.

    Table 6 : Correlation matrix for copper price and Chinese copper import growth

    CPS CHCOPIMPGS CHRCOPIMPGS CPS 1.000000 -0.274703 -0.258048

    CHCOPIMPGS -0.274703 1.000000 0.270902 CHRCOPIMPG

    S -0.258048 0.270902 1.000000

  • 20

    Figure 10: Copper price and Chinese copper imports





















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    Figure 11: Copper price and growth in Chinese copper imports



















    05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17



  • 21

    Industrial Production

    Figure 12 displays industrial production (IP) indices for the Advanced Economies, China and India. All three

    series represent growth rates of industrial production, and have been smoothed using three-month

    moving averages in order to reduce excessive volatility and to highlight trend and cyclical features. Over

    the period 2003M01 to 2017M12, China’s IP index is reasonably well correlated with India’s (0.63), but

    weakly correlated with industrial production in the Advanced Economies (0.29). All three indices exhibit

    a major slump in 2008-2009, coinciding with the Global Financial Crisis. However, China weathered the

    crisis considerably better than the Advanced Economies and India.

    Figure 12: Industrial production in Advanced Economies, China and India

    Table 7 : Correlation matrix for industrial production indices

    CHIP INIP AEIP CHIP 1.000000 0.629977 0.293658

    INIP 0.629977 1.000000 0.536816

    AEIP 0.293658 0.536816 1.000000











































































    r gr




  • 22

    China Industrial Production Growth

    The relationship between copper prices and China’s growth in industrial production is not as clear as might

    be expected. CHIP was growing at around 16% between 2004 and 2008, and China’s entry into the global

    copper market as a net importer from 2004 appears to have significantly boosted copper prices. CHIP

    plunged during the GFC in 2008, and this downturn was reflected in a steep drop in copper prices. CHIP

    subsequently recovered in 2009-2010 as the Chinese government initiated a massive fiscal stimulus

    package, aimed mainly at infrastructure and residential construction. Copper prices rebounded and even

    exceeded their previous levels. Since 2010, CHIP has been on a downward trend, from highs around 16%

    to a stable average around 6% since 2015. Copper prices reflect this deceleration in CHIP until 2016, when

    they began picking up again. The cross correlogram suggests that Chinese industrial production leads

    copper prices by about two months, with a highest correlation coefficient of 0.558. This two-month lead

    makes sense, in that a rise in CHIP would likely result first in a decline in copper inventories, and then a

    rise in prices signalling excess demand.



















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  • 23

    India Industrial Production Growth

    India is the world’s second largest emerging economy and has been growing mostly at high rates over the

    past 15 years. It is therefore also expected to have an impact on demand for commodities including base

    metals such as copper, although on a smaller scale than China. However, the figure below shows that

    there is no clear association between copper prices and India’s industrial production index, aside from the

    plunge in 2008 and subsequent recovery. This is further borne out by the cross correlogram, which shows

    a negligible positive correlation no matter what the lag length.





















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  • 24

    Advanced Economies Industrial Production Growth

    Industrial production in the advanced economies has been fairly steady over the past 15 years, with the

    major exception of the 2008-2009 Great Recession. For the remainder of the period, there is no clear

    evidence of a direct association with copper prices. At the very least, however, AEIP may serve as a proxy

    that can capture the effect of the Great Recession. The correlation between CPS and AEIP is 0.51 at zero






















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  • 25

    US dollar index

    The figure below plots copper spot prices along with the US dollar index. Clearly, the two series exhibit

    similar trends over most of the period 2005 to 2017, suggesting that at least some of the movement in

    copper prices can be explained by movements in the USD. The cross correlogram confirms that there is a

    reasonably strong correlation coefficient of 0.63 at zero lags, and this damps down at successively higher






















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  • 26

    Chilean Peso

    As discussed earlier, Chile is the world’s leading copper producer, with a 27% market share in 2016.

    Furthermore, copper accounts for about half of Chile’s exports. Therefore, it is expected that the value of

    Chile’s currency, the peso, on international markets would (partly) reflect the market’s perceptions of

    future movements in copper prices. Indeed, as the chart below shows, there has been a close association

    between the USD/peso exchange rate and the spot price of copper. This is further confirmed by the cross

    correlogram, which shows that the contemporaneous correlation coefficient for the period 2003 to 2017

    is 0.75. However, the highest correlation occurs at a zero lag between the two series, suggesting that

    knowledge of today’s peso exchange rate may not help predict future copper prices. Essentially, it could

    be that the same information that is available about fundamental drivers of copper prices is incorporated

    into the current spot price as well as the peso exchange rate.





















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  • 27

    Oil Price

    Crude oil is the most-traded global commodity, and as such it serves as a strong indicator of major global

    economic events. It is therefore expected that the prices of oil and other globally traded commodities,

    including copper, will tend to track each other fairly closely. Of course, there are some fundamental

    drivers that are unique to oil markets, including supply-side issues and geopolitical risks. As can be seen

    in the chart below, there has been a strong association between crude and copper prices over the past 15

    years. This is confirmed by the correlation coefficient (at zero lags) of 0.83. The cross correlogram suggests

    that changes in copper prices might lead changes in oil prices by one month.



















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  • 28

    S&P500 Share Price Index

    The figure below plots the 12-month log price returns from the S&P500 against copper prices, and

    shows that the two series are reasonably closely associated, at least since late 2007. The cross

    correlogram shows the contemporaneous correlation coefficient is 0.51, while correlations decline as

    the lag length increases. As in the case of other financial variables, therefore, the evidence suggests that

    there is limited predictive value in current stock prices for future copper prices.





















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    CPS SP500G

  • 29

    Baltic Dry Index

    The BDI experienced a massive surge in 2007 and early 2008 during the commodity price super-cycle, but

    subsequently crashed during the Global Financial Crisis. Since then, it has fluctuated within a much

    narrower band. Although both the spot price of copper and the BDI experienced the effects of the

    commodity boom and bust cycle of 2007-2009, overall there is essentially no correlation between the two

    series over the period 2003-2017, as confirmed by the cross correlogram.





















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    Based on the above analysis, it appears that the following variables are likely to provide the greatest

    explanatory and forecasting power in structural models: CLPESO, USD, OILP, CHIP, AEIP and SP500G.

  • 30

    Model Results The following subsections present the model and forecast results for ARIMA models, a VECM using spot

    and futures prices, and structural models, respectively. The fourth subsection provides a comparison of

    the various models’ performance in ex post forecasting.

    Univariate ARIMA models

    The first step in ARIMA modelling is to determine the order of integration of the time series in question.

    As shown above in Table 4, the copper spot price series (CPS) contains a unit root. The autocorrelation

    function (ACF) of CPS provides further evidence of nonstationarity, in that the autocorrelations are close

    to unity at one lag, and decay slowly (Figure 13). In contrast, the ACF of CPS in first differences displays

    the typical pattern of a stationary process, and in fact suggests that the differenced series might be white

    noise. The Q-statistics test the null hypothesis that the sum of the first ‘n’ autocorrelations are not

    significantly different from zero. We fail to reject the null at a 5 per cent significant level up to a lag length

    of 10. The ACF is therefore indicating that the CPS series follows a pure unit root process, or possibly an

    ARIMA(1,1,0) process.

    Figure 13: Autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation functions of copper spot price (CPS) in levels

  • 31

    Figure 14: Autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation functions of CPS in first differences

    The next step in the ARIMA modelling process is to estimate models according to the patterns observed

    in the ACF and PACF. These suggest that the first differences of CPS follows at most an AR(1) process, since

    only the first AC exceeds the standard-error band. An ARIMA(1,1,0) process was estimated, and although

    the AR term was significant, the coefficient was very small. The model was an extremely poor fit (R2 =

    0.02). Estimating a more complex model with two autoregressive and two moving average terms, i.e.

    ARIMA(2,1,2), resulted in no significant AR and MA terms.

    An alternative modelling approach is to use the EViews ‘automatic’ ARIMA modelling procedure, which

    runs many combinations of ARIMA(p,d,q) models and selects the one that minimizes a preselected

    information criterion (in this case we use the Schwarz criterion, with maximum AR and MA lags of 4 each).

    This procedure selects an ARIMA(0,1,0) model, i.e. the underlying series CPS is differenced once and

    regressed on only a constant, with no AR or MA terms. The model suggests that D(CPS) is essentially white

    noise. The second best model according to the SBC is an ARIMA(1,1,0), which is also selected by the Akaike

    information criterion. The forecasts from the ARIMA(0,1,0) model and the ARIMA(1,1,0) are almost

    identical, although with slighter larger forecast errors in the latter case.

    Estimating the model on a reduced sample period, beginning in 2010M01 so as to avoid the price swings

    induced by the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), resulted in poorer ex post forecasts for the year 2017: the

    forecast trends downwards whereas the actual valued trended upwards. Finally, a dummy variable was

    included for the GFC, taking on a value of one for the months 2008M09 through 2009M07 (D_GFC) and 0

    otherwise. This dummy is significant at the 5% level, and does not substantially change the model, in that

    one AR term is significant at the 5% level. The resulting forecast for 2017 is marginally better than that

    from the original ARIMA(1,1,0) model.

  • 32

    Table 8: Regression output for ARIMA(1,1,0) model

    Dependent Variable: D(CPS)

    Method: ARMA Maximum Likelihood (BFGS)

    Sample: 2003M01 2016M12

    Included observations: 168

    Convergence achieved after 3 iterations

    Coefficient covariance computed using outer product of gradients Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. C 41.17062 48.95050 0.841066 0.4015

    D_GFC -247.3053 120.2268 -2.056990 0.0413

    AR(1) 0.139323 0.057140 2.438263 0.0158

    SIGMASQ 241423.5 18090.19 13.34554 0.0000 R-squared 0.036085 Mean dependent var 23.69345

    Adjusted R-squared 0.018452 S.D. dependent var 501.9572

    S.E. of regression 497.3046 Akaike info criterion 15.27992

    Sum squared resid 40559145 Schwarz criterion 15.35430

    Log likelihood -1279.513 Hannan-Quinn criter. 15.31011

    F-statistic 2.046467 Durbin-Watson stat 2.006838

    Prob(F-statistic) 0.109415 Inverted AR Roots .14









    2016 2017

    Forecast Actual

    Actual and Forecast

  • 33

    Models based on futures prices Table 9 presents a (contemporaneous) correlation matrix for copper spot and futures prices (futures

    prices for 3-month, 15-month and 27-month forward contracts). As can be seen, all of the cross-

    correlation coefficients are extremely high, namely 0.97 or higher. These figures confirm the very tight fit

    among the four series that is visible in Figure 8.

    Table 9: Correlation matrix for copper spot and futures prices

    CPS CPF03 CPF15 CPF27 CPS 1.000000 0.999545 0.990456 0.971383

    CPF03 0.999545 1.000000 0.993573 0.976287

    CPF15 0.990456 0.993573 1.000000 0.994064

    CPF27 0.971383 0.976287 0.994064 1.000000

    Given the theoretical relationship between futures prices and future spot prices as represented in

    equation (3), one could expect that the correlation between spot prices and lagged futures prices would

    be even higher. However, in the case of copper prices this result does not obtain. Rather, the closest

    correlation between CPS and CPF3 is contemporaneous, not lagged (see Figure 15). The same is true in

    the case of CPF15 and CPF27, i.e. the correlations are highest at no lag, and gradually decay as the lag

    length increases. The implication of this finding is that copper futures prices may not help to forecast

    future spot prices – all the major information is already contained in the current spot prices.

    Figure 15 : Cross correlogram between spot and 3-month futures prices

  • 34

    Indeed, this turns out to be the case when we regress CPS on CPF03. Although most of the diagnostics

    look reasonable (such as a highly significant coefficient for CPF03(-3) and a reasonably high R2 of 0.86),

    the Durbin-Watson statistic (0.53) reveals a high degree of autocorrelation in the residuals. This is even

    more clearly shown in the graph of the actual, fitted and residuals. Clearly, the actual and fitted values

    are out of sync, i.e. the fitted values lag the actual values. This induces serial correlation in the residuals.

    If autoregressive terms are added to the model to account for the serial correlation, then CPF03 becomes

    insignificant and the AR terms dominate. [The RMSE of the 12-period forecast is 474.4.]

    Table 10: Regression output for lagged futures prices

    Dependent Variable: CPS

    Method: Least Squares

    Date: 02/23/18 Time: 08:59

    Sample: 2003M01 2016M12

    Included observations: 168 Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. C 988.3855 196.5508 5.028651 0.0000

    CPF03(-3) 0.860891 0.030919 27.84298 0.0000

    D_GFC -1001.696 267.6669 -3.742323 0.0003 R-squared 0.830152 Mean dependent var 5980.692

    Adjusted R-squared 0.828093 S.D. dependent var 2150.317

    S.E. of regression 891.5580 Akaike info criterion 16.44151

    Sum squared resid 1.31E+08 Schwarz criterion 16.49730

    Log likelihood -1378.087 Hannan-Quinn criter. 16.46415

    F-statistic 403.2270 Durbin-Watson stat 0.536623

    Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000














    03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

    Residual Actual Fitted

  • 35

    Cointegration tests were performed between spot prices (CPS) and each of the three futures prices (using

    the contemporaneous futures prices). The results are presented in Table 11. The appropriate lag length

    for the test was determined by minimizing the Akaike information criteria for each pair of spot and futures

    prices, with a maximum of 6 lags tested in each case, and a minimum of 2 lags selected (so that there is

    at least one lagged difference term in the cointegration tests). The sample period is 2003M01 to 2017M12,

    and the dummy variable for the 2008 shock is included in the test VAR. An intercept but no time trend is

    included in the cointegrating vector and the VAR, but the results (for CPF03 and CPF15) are robust to the

    inclusion of the intercept in the cointegrating vector only. The results support a cointegrating relation

    between copper spot prices and each of the three futures price series, since in each case the null of no

    cointegration is rejected but the null of at most one cointegrating vector is not rejected.

    Table 11 : Cointegration tests between spot and futures prices

    Trace Test Maximum Eigenvalue Test Lag length

    k = 0 k

  • 36

    Vector Error Correction Estimates

    Date: 02/23/18 Time: 09:21

    Sample: 2003M01 2016M12

    Included observations: 168

    Standard errors in ( ) & t-statistics in [ ] Cointegrating Eq: CointEq1 CPS(-1) 1.000000

    CPF03(-1) -0.978622



    C -157.2530 Error Correction: D(CPS) D(CPF03) CointEq1 -1.315257 -1.175380

    (0.54260) (0.53321)

    [-2.42397] [-2.20435]

    D(CPS(-1)) 1.641331 1.755648

    (1.20876) (1.18783)

    [ 1.35787] [ 1.47803]

    D(CPF03(-1)) -1.510862 -1.632854

    (1.23045) (1.20914)

    [-1.22790] [-1.35042]

    C 37.95822 36.42127

    (39.4086) (38.7263)

    [ 0.96320] [ 0.94048]

    D_GFC -245.6866 -221.9732

    (151.394) (148.773)

    [-1.62283] [-1.49203] R-squared 0.071877 0.066532

    Adj. R-squared 0.049101 0.043625

    Sum sq. resids 39053098 37712497

    S.E. equation 489.4789 481.0042

    F-statistic 3.155806 2.904429

    Log likelihood -1276.325 -1273.391

    Akaike AIC 15.25387 15.21894

    Schwarz SC 15.34684 15.31191

    Mean dependent 23.69345 23.66369

    S.D. dependent 501.9572 491.8524 Determinant resid covariance (dof adj.) 2.14E+08

    Determinant resid covariance 2.01E+08

    Log likelihood -2082.949

    Akaike information criterion 24.93987

    Schwarz criterion 25.16301

    Number of coefficients 12

  • 37

    Structural models

    We employ a general-to-specific modelling strategy, i.e. starting with the most general model that

    includes all of the potential explanatory variables. The first step is to estimate an ARDL model, with the

    lag length for each dynamic variable chosen according to the Schwarz Criterion (SC), subject to a maximum

    of 4 lags. As can be seen in the regression output, the coefficients of CHIP, AEIP, BDI and SP500G are

    insignificant even at the 10% level. Therefore, these variables were dropped one at a time, and the model


    Table 12: Regression output for initial ARDL model

    Dependent Variable: CPS

    Method: ARDL

    Sample (adjusted): 2005M01 2017M11

    Included observations: 155 after adjustments

    Maximum dependent lags: 4 (Automatic selection)

    Model selection method: Schwarz criterion (SIC)

    Dynamic regressors (4 lags, automatic): CHIP AEIP CLPESO USD OILP

    BDI SP500G

    Fixed regressors: C

    Number of models evalulated: 312500

    Selected Model: ARDL(1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0)

    Note: final equation sample is larger than selection sample Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.* CPS(-1) 0.885336 0.036256 24.41895 0.0000

    CHIP 14.17044 17.71616 0.799860 0.4251

    AEIP -5.334533 11.25646 -0.473908 0.6363

    CLPESO 2276917. 640735.5 3.553599 0.0005

    CLPESO(-1) -1753727. 669534.9 -2.619322 0.0098

    USD 68.94486 20.01945 3.443894 0.0008

    USD(-1) -79.84120 19.53805 -4.086447 0.0001

    OILP 18.12781 6.223907 2.912609 0.0042

    OILP(-1) -15.65693 5.778118 -2.709694 0.0076

    BDI -0.012941 0.020239 -0.639387 0.5236

    SP500G 4.585607 3.378945 1.357112 0.1769

    C 516.8669 879.6128 0.587607 0.5577 R-squared 0.945977 Mean dependent var 6554.079

    Adjusted R-squared 0.941821 S.D. dependent var 1617.801

    S.E. of regression 390.2192 Akaike info criterion 14.84555

    Sum squared resid 21774758 Schwarz criterion 15.08117

    Log likelihood -1138.530 Hannan-Quinn criter. 14.94126

    F-statistic 227.6362 Durbin-Watson stat 2.024375

    Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000 *Note: p-values and any subsequent tests do not account for model


  • 38

    This process resulted in CHIP and AEIP and BDI being discarded from the model, but SP500G is retained as it has a p-value of 0.06, which is borderline. All of the other variables enter with a contemporaneous term and one lagged term. (The sample period begins in 2005M01 because that is when the USD index series drawn from Bloomberg begins.)

    Table 13: Regression output for final ARDL model

    Dependent Variable: CPS

    Method: ARDL

    Date: 03/08/18 Time: 13:47

    Sample (adjusted): 2005M01 2017M12

    Included observations: 156 after adjustments

    Maximum dependent lags: 4 (Automatic selection)

    Model selection method: Schwarz criterion (SIC)

    Dynamic regressors (4 lags, automatic): CLPESO USD OILP SP500G

    Fixed regressors: C

    Number of models evalulated: 2500

    Selected Model: ARDL(1, 1, 1, 1, 0)

    Note: final equation sample is larger than selection sample Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.* CPS(-1) 0.877392 0.033963 25.83402 0.0000

    CLPESO 2436979. 620576.7 3.926959 0.0001

    CLPESO(-1) -1764499. 645562.7 -2.733272 0.0070

    USD 68.77676 19.18942 3.584097 0.0005

    USD(-1) -77.51501 18.79866 -4.123433 0.0001

    OILP 17.30869 5.916774 2.925360 0.0040

    OILP(-1) -15.74160 5.470440 -2.877575 0.0046

    SP500G 4.214525 2.228766 1.890968 0.0606

    C 292.3698 537.1813 0.544267 0.5871 R-squared 0.945435 Mean dependent var 6558.264

    Adjusted R-squared 0.942466 S.D. dependent var 1613.421

    S.E. of regression 386.9999 Akaike info criterion 14.81069

    Sum squared resid 22016034 Schwarz criterion 14.98664

    Log likelihood -1146.234 Hannan-Quinn criter. 14.88215

    F-statistic 318.3810 Durbin-Watson stat 2.003381

    Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000 *Note: p-values and any subsequent tests do not account for model


    The next step in the ARDL modelling procedure is to test for cointegration among CPS and the selected

    explanatory variables, using the bounds test. The results show that the test is inclusive, since the F-statistic

    is smaller than the upper bound (thus we cannot reject the null hypothesis of no levels relationship), but

    is greater than the 2.5% lower bound (indicating that we cannot conclusively fail to reject the null).

    Dropping the marginally significant variable SP500G from the model did not change the result of the test.

    Nor did the result change when an unrestricted constant is specified (i.e., the constant does not appear

    in the error correction term) instead of a restricted constant (i.e., the constant appears in the error

    correction term).

  • 39

    F-Bounds Test Null Hypothesis: No levels relationship Test Statistic Value Signif. I(0) I(1)



    F-statistic 3.045368 10% 2.2 3.09

    k 4 5% 2.56 3.49

    2.5% 2.88 3.87

    1% 3.29 4.37

    Actual Sample Size 156 Finite Sample:


    10% 2.303 3.22

    5% 2.688 3.698

    1% 3.602 4.787

    A Johansen-type cointegration test was also performed within a VAR(2) model including four I(1) variables,

    but excluding the I(0) variable SP500G. The results are mixed, with the Trace test finding one cointegrating

    vector at the 5% level and the Maximum Eigenvalue test finding no cointegration. Again, therefore, the

    result is inconclusive. However, considering that our primary interest is in constructing a forecast rather

    than testing theoretical relationships, we proceed to use the ARDL model for forecasting purposes.

    Sample (adjusted): 2005M02 2017M12

    Included observations: 155 after adjustments

    Trend assumption: Linear deterministic trend


    Lags interval (in first differences): 1 to 1 Unrestricted Cointegration Rank Test (Trace)

    Hypothesized Trace 0.05

    No. of CE(s) Eigenvalue Statistic Critical Value Prob.** None * 0.148830 53.61845 47.85613 0.0131

    At most 1 0.091846 28.64118 29.79707 0.0675

    At most 2 0.065595 13.70829 15.49471 0.0913

    At most 3 0.020384 3.192226 3.841466 0.0740 Trace test indicates 1 cointegrating eqn(s) at the 0.05 level

    * denotes rejection of the hypothesis at the 0.05 level

    **MacKinnon-Haug-Michelis (1999) p-values

    Unrestricted Cointegration Rank Test (Maximum Eigenvalue) Hypothesized Max-Eigen 0.05

    No. of CE(s) Eigenvalue Statistic Critical Value Prob.** None 0.148830 24.97727 27.58434 0.1040

    At most 1 0.091846 14.93289 21.13162 0.2936

    At most 2 0.065595 10.51607 14.26460 0.1802

    At most 3 0.020384 3.192226 3.841466 0.0740

  • 40

    Max-eigenvalue test indicates no cointegration at the 0.05 level

    * denotes rejection of the hypothesis at the 0.05 level

    **MacKinnon-Haug-Michelis (1999) p-values










    M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12


    CPS_F_ARDL Actuals ± 2 S.E.

    Forecast: CPS_F_ARDL

    Actual: CPS

    Forecast sample: 2017M01 2017M12

    Included observations: 12

    Root Mean Squared Error 514.0704

    Mean Absolute Error 396.5811

    Mean Abs. Percent Error 5.985965

    Theil Inequality Coef. 0.041939

    Bias Proportion 0.392168

    Variance Proportion 0.538467

    Covariance Proportion 0.069364

    Theil U2 Coefficient 1.762121

    Symmetric MAPE 6.266457

  • 41

    Comparison of ex post model forecasts

    The figure below plots the 2017 ex post forecasts from four different models. The visual comparison is

    confirmed by the measures of forecast performance in Table 14, namely the Root Mean Square Error and

    the Mean Absolute Error. It should be noted, however, that the VAR model provides a better short-term

    forecast (6 months) than the ARIMA model. The 12-month forecast performance ranked from best to

    worst is as follows:

    1. VECM with spot and 3-month futures prices [CPS_FVEC];

    2. structural ARDL model [CPS_FARDL];

    3. ARIMA(1,1,0) [CPS_FAR];

    4. VAR based on structural variables [CPS_FVAR].

    Figure 16: Comparison of ex post model forecasts for 2017









    2016 2017



    Table 14: Comparison of forecast errors for 2017

    Model RMSE MAE

    Univariate: ARIMA(1,1,0) 657.64 545.12

    Futures: VECM 412.57 346.94

    Structural: ARDL 514.07 396.58

    Structural: VAR 749.35 575.25

    RMSE = Root Mean Square Error; MAE = Mean Absolute Error

  • 42

    Ex ante forecast for 2018

    The final step is to use our models to generate ex ante forecasts for 2018. Unfortunately, using the

    structural model for ex ante forecasts would require prior forecasts for all of the contemporaneous

    explanatory variables (USD, OILP, CHLPESO, SP500). Such an exercise is beyond the scope of the current

    paper. However, the other three models can be solved to produce dynamic ex ante forecasts, since in

    each case the explanatory variables enter the equations with one or more lags. All three models, i.e. the

    ARIMA(1,1,0), the 4-variable VAR and the VECM incorporating 3-month copper futures prices, forecast

    that copper prices will continue their upward trend for the remainder of 2018. The VEC predicts the largest

    increase (to $8008/tonne in December 2018), followed by the VAR and then the ARIMA model. These

    forecasts are consistent with the judgement based on market dynamics that sees demand rising on the

    back of faster global economic growth while supply from copper mines is constrained in the short term,

    resulting in upward pressure on prices.

    Figure 17: Ex ante copper price forecasts for 2018














    Jul 16 Sep16





    Jul 17 Sep17





    Jul 18 Sep18






    Copper price AR fcst VAR fcst VEC fcst

  • 43

    Conclusions In this paper we set out to develop a range of forecasting models for copper spot prices. Three classes of

    models were created, namely univariate ARIMA models, bivariate Vector Error Correction Models using

    spot and futures price series, and structural models utilising a range of fundamental and financial

    explanatory variables (both ARDL and VAR modelling approaches were tested). Preliminary analysis using

    graphs and cross-correlograms revealed several notable features of the monthly data series: (1) copper

    spot prices appeared to undergo a structural break around 2003/4, coinciding with China's entry into the

    global market as a net copper importer, following which the series has exhibited much greater volatility

    and a higher average price than previously; (2) the 2008 global financial crisis had a major impact on

    copper prices, as well as on many of the explanatory variables considered; (3) spot and futures prices are

    contemporaneously correlated, with the gap between them (the "cost of carry") effectively disappearing

    following the GFC; (4) unit root tests indicate that copper prices follow a difference stationary (random

    walk) process; (5) most of the structural and financial variables also contain unit roots, with the exception

    of the series that are in growth rate form, such as industrial production. Given the structural break

    mentioned above, it was decided to limit the estimation sample period to 2003M01 to 2016M12; this

    allows ex post forecasting over the twelve months of 2017.

    An ex post forecast comparison of the four types of models showed that a VECM based on 3-month futures

    prices performed best (evidence for cointegration between copper spot and futures prices was found),

    followed sequentially by a structural ARDL (incorporating the US dollar index, Chilean peso exchange rate,

    oil prices and S&P 500 index), a structural VAR (with the same variables, except S&P500), and finally an

    ARIMA(1,1,0) model. Nevertheless, the random walk behaviour of copper prices suggests both that

    copper markets are operating efficiently, and that forecasting future prices will remain an arduous task.

    Contrary to expectations, Chinese copper imports are not correlated with copper prices, which suggests

    that financial factors may be more important than fundamentals as determinants of copper prices in

    today's context of financialised commodity markets. The strength or weakness of the US dollar against

    other currencies emerged as a key determinant of copper prices.

  • 44


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