Working Identity

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Working Identity

Working Identity

Is Your Work Your identity?

You are not your job title. Your job does not define you. You are more than an 8-to-5.

“Your employer has no control over your value, but you do." Jim Rohn

When you work for money you are less likely to develop new skill sets.

If you are in a comfort zone, you are on cruise control down the path of least resistance.

You will be exposed to less business scenarios disabling you from developing the deep -

problem solving skills that you will need to make money outside of your current achievement level.

Instead of working for money, master a few financial skills that can pay you for the long haul.

Trading time for money can only go so far. What if you run out of time, then what?

“The no. 1 reason most people don't get what they want is that they don't know what they want.”  T Harv Eker

Learning how to take daily financial actions will be more lucrative than putting more work in your current job.

Remember these simple investor rules. 1. Do not investment any money you cannot afford to lose.

2. Start small and work up to bigger investing platforms from the profits you have already earned (re-invest).  

Key Point. It takes discipline to become financially successful, plus the financially

disciplined have money advantages that the financially un-disciplined simply do not have.


Take responsibility for pushing your income off the charts and let everyone else wonder what happened.

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