Workflow Management Coalition Terminology & Glossary · 2008. 10. 28. · Workflow Management...

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Copyright 1994 - 1999 Workflow Management Coalition Page 1 of 65

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any formor by any means, electronic, mechanical, photographic, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of theWorkflow Management Coalition, except that reproduction, storage or transmission for non-commercial purposes may beundertaken without such permission if all copies of the publication (or portions thereof) produced thereby contain a noticethat the Workflow Management Coalition and its members are the owners of the copyright therein.

The Workflow Management Coalition Specification

Workflow Management Coalition

Terminology & Glossary

Document Number WFMC-TC-1011

Document Status - Issue 3.0

Feb 99

Workflow Management Coalition2 Crown WalkWinchesterHampshire SO23 8BBUnited KingdomTel: +44 1962 873401Fax: +44 1962 868111Email: wfmc@wfmc.orgWeb

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Table of Contents1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................... 5

1.1 BACKGROUND ....................................................................................................................... 51.2. PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................... 51.3. SCOPE ................................................................................................................................... 51.4. CROSS REFERENCES............................................................................................................... 51.5. REVISION HISTORY ................................................................................................................ 6

2 - BASIC CONCEPTS.................................................................................................................... 7

WORKFLOW GLOSSARY - RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN BASIC TERMINOLOGY ............................................. 7WORKFLOW ........................................................................................................................................ 8WORKFLOW MANAGEMENT SYSTEM .................................................................................................... 9BUSINESS PROCESS............................................................................................................................ 10PROCESS DEFINITION......................................................................................................................... 11ACTIVITY ......................................................................................................................................... 13AUTOMATED ACTIVITY ..................................................................................................................... 14MANUAL ACTIVITY ........................................................................................................................... 15INSTANCE (AS IN PROCESS OR ACTIVITY INSTANCE) ............................................................................ 15PROCESS INSTANCE ........................................................................................................................... 16ACTIVITY INSTANCE.......................................................................................................................... 17WORKFLOW PARTICIPANT ................................................................................................................. 18WORK ITEM ...................................................................................................................................... 19WORKLIST ........................................................................................................................................ 20WORKLIST HANDLER......................................................................................................................... 21PROCESSES AND WORKLIST STRUCTURES - OVERVIEW........................................................................ 22WORKFLOW REFERENCE MODEL........................................................................................................ 23WAPI............................................................................................................................................... 24

3- PROCESS CONCEPTS & STRUCTURE ................................................................................ 25

PROCESS DEFINITION MODE .............................................................................................................. 25PROCESS ........................................................................................................................................... 26SUB PROCESS .................................................................................................................................... 27ACTIVITY BLOCK .............................................................................................................................. 27DEADLINE......................................................................................................................................... 28PARALLEL ROUTING .......................................................................................................................... 29SEQUENTIAL ROUTING....................................................................................................................... 29AND-SPLIT ...................................................................................................................................... 30AND-JOIN ........................................................................................................................................ 31OR-SPLIT ......................................................................................................................................... 32OR-JOIN ........................................................................................................................................... 33ITERATION ........................................................................................................................................ 34PRE-CONDITION................................................................................................................................ 35POST-CONDITION .............................................................................................................................. 36TRANSITION...................................................................................................................................... 37TRANSITION CONDITION.................................................................................................................... 38

4 - WIDER WORKFLOW CONCEPTS & TERMINOLOGY.................................................... 39

GENERIC WORKFLOW PRODUCT STRUCTURE ...................................................................................... 39WORKFLOW PRODUCT COMPONENTS & INTERFACES .......................................................................... 40WORKFLOW APPLICATION ................................................................................................................. 41CLIENT APPLICATION ........................................................................................................................ 42INVOKED APPLICATION...................................................................................................................... 43WORKFLOW DATA STRUCTURES - OVERVIEW..................................................................................... 44APPLICATION DATA........................................................................................................................... 44WORKFLOW RELEVANT DATA............................................................................................................ 45WORKFLOW CONTROL DATA ............................................................................................................. 46

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PROCESS STATE ................................................................................................................................ 47ACTIVITY STATE ............................................................................................................................... 48STATE TRANSITION ........................................................................................................................... 49DUMMY ACTIVITY ............................................................................................................................ 49EVENT .............................................................................................................................................. 50AUDIT DATA..................................................................................................................................... 51WORKFLOW DEFINITION.................................................................................................................... 52PROCESS EXECUTION......................................................................................................................... 52ORGANIZATIONAL ROLE .................................................................................................................... 53ORGANIZATIONAL MODEL ................................................................................................................. 53PROCESS ROLE .................................................................................................................................. 54ESCALATION ..................................................................................................................................... 55CONSTRAINT..................................................................................................................................... 56WORKFLOW MONITORING ................................................................................................................. 56WORKFLOW ENGINE.......................................................................................................................... 57WORKFLOW INTEROPERABILITY ........................................................................................................ 58WORKFLOW INTEROPERABILITY CONTRACT ....................................................................................... 59WORKFLOW ENACTMENT SERVICE..................................................................................................... 59WORKFLOW DOMAIN ........................................................................................................................ 60WORK ITEM POOL ............................................................................................................................. 61ADMINISTRATOR............................................................................................................................... 61

INDEX OF ENTRIES .................................................................................................................... 62

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1.1 Background

The Workflow Management Coalition is a non profit organisation with the objectivesof advancing the opportunities for the exploitation of workflow technology throughthe development of common terminology and standards. It has been recognised thatall work flow management products have some common characteristics, enabling thempotentially to achieve a level of interoperability through the use of common standardsfor various functions.

The WFM Coalition has been established to identify these functional areas and developappropriate specifications for implementation in workflow products. Suchspecifications will enable interoperability between heterogeneous workflow productsand improved integration of workflow applications with other IT services such aselectronic mail and document management, thereby improving the opportunities for theeffective use of workflow technology within the IT market, to the benefit of bothvendors and users of such technology.

1.2. Purpose

This document contains technical definitions for terms used in the workflowmanagement coalition specifications and discussions. The definitions themselves willhelp in establishing a consistency in the use of terminology across the industry.

1.3. Scope

This document identifies the terminology used to describe the concepts and generalstructure of a workflow management system, its major functional components andtheir interfaces. It also provides a list of synonyms variously used within the industry asalternative terms to the preferred WfMC terminology It may be read in conjunctionwith the Workflow Reference Model, which describes the architecture used by theWfMC within its standardisation programme.

1.4. Cross References

WfMC-TC-1003 Workflow Reference ModelWfMC-TC-1009 Workflow Client Application APIs (WAPI)WfMC-TC-1012 Workflow Interoperability SpecificationsWfMC-TC-1013 WAPI - Naming ConventionsWfMC-TC-1015 Workflow Audit Data SpecificationsWfMC-TC-1016 Workflow Process Definition InterchangeWfMC-TC-1020 Workflow Security Considerations - White PaperWfMC-TC-1022 A Common Object Model - Discussion Paper

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1.5. Revision History

Issue 1 was the first issue (1994) providing an initial definition of industry standardterminology relating to workflow systems

Issue 2, June 1996, was a significant update of version 1, incorporating:• standard background material describing the WfMC• the standard WfMC document structure• revised terminology in some areas to improve clarity• new terminology in various areas• an index of terms and cross references

This issue, 3.0, February 1999, is a further update introducing new material covering:• Events and related terminology• Organisation Model and related terminology• Additional Workflow interoperability materialplus minor revisions to existing material in certain areas.

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This section identifies basic concepts and terminology associated with workflow as ageneral topic.

Workflow Glossary - Relationships between basic terminology

Business Process

Process Definition

is defined in a

composed of

Manual Activities

(i.e.. what is intended to happen)

(a representation of what is intended to happen)



is managed by a

Workflow Management System

Process Instances

which may be

Automated Activities(which are not managed as

part of the Workflow System)

(controls automated aspects of the business process)



used to create& manage

(a representation of what is actually happening)

include oneor more

Activity Instancesduring execution

are represented bywhichinclude


Work ItemsInvoked


(tasks allocated to aworkflow participant)

(computer tools/applicationsused to support an activity)

Figure 1 - Relationships between basic terminology

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The automation of a business process, in whole or part, during which documents,information or tasks are passed from one participant to another for action, accordingto a set of procedural rules.


• The automation of a business process is defined within a Process Definition, whichidentifies the various process activities, procedural rules and associated controldata used to manage the workflow during process enactment

• Many individual process instances may be operational during process enactment,each associated with a specific set of data relevant to that individual processinstance (or workflow "Case")

• A loose distinction is sometimes drawn between production workflow, in whichmost of the procedural rules are defined in advance, and ad-hoc workflow, in whichthe procedural rules may be modified or created during the operation of the process.


• Workflow Management

• Workflow Computing

• Case Management

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Workflow Management System


A system that defines, creates and manages the execution of workflows through theuse of software, running on one or more workflow engines, which is able to interpretthe process definition, interact with workflow participants and, where required, invokethe use of IT tools and applications.


• A Workflow Management System consists of software components to store andinterpret process definitions, create and manage workflow instances as they areexecuted, and control their interaction with workflow participants and applications.

• Such systems also typically provide administrative and supervisory functions, forexample to allow work reassignment or escalation, plus audit and managementinformation on the system overall or relating to individual process instances.

• The WfMC have published an architectural Reference Model, describing thestructure and interfaces of a Workflow Management System..


• Workflow Automation

• Workflow Manager

• Workflow Computing System

• Case Management

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Business Process


A set of one or more linked procedures or activities which collectively realise abusiness objective or policy goal, normally within the context of an organisationalstructure defining functional roles and relationships.


• A business process is typically associated with operational objectives and businessrelationships, for example an Insurance Claims Process, or EngineeringDevelopment Process. A process may be wholly contained within a singleorganisational unit or may span several different organisations, such as in acustomer-supplier relationship.

• A business process has defined conditions triggering its initiation in each newinstance (e.g. the arrival of a claim) and defined outputs at its completion.

• A business process may involve formal or relatively informal interactions betweenparticipants; its duration may also vary widely.

• A business process may consist of automated activities, capable of workflowmanagement, and/or manual activities, which lie outside the scope of workflowmanagement.

See also: Process, Process Definition


• Process (colloquial)

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Process Definition


The representation of a business process in a form which supports automatedmanipulation, such as modelling, or enactment by a workflow management system.The process definition consists of a network of activities and their relationships,criteria to indicate the start and termination of the process, and information about theindividual activities, such as participants, associated IT applications and data, etc.


• The process definition results from work during the process definition mode. andmay include both manual and workflow (automated) activities.

• The process definition may contain references to sub-processes, separately defined,which make up part of the overall process definition

• The process definition may make reference to a separate Organisation or ResourceModel to enable participants to be indirectly defined, for example by reference toattributes such as role or organisational position.

• The WfMC Reference Model includes an interface for the import and export ofProcess Definitions; this incorporates the Process Definition Meta-Model, whichidentifies the top level entities within the Process Definition


• Model Definition

• Routing Definition

• Flow Diagram

• State Transition Diagram

• Flow Schematic

• Workflow Script

• Instruction Sheet Definition

• Case Type

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WfMC Process Definition Meta-Model

may reference


is implementedas

Workflow Process Definition

may invokemay use

consists of

is performedby





WorkflowRelevant Data

may refer to



Specificationmay use

Workflow ProcessActivity

may use


* including loop control

System & Environmental



may include

Figure 2 – WfMC Process Definition Meta-Model

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A description of a piece of work that forms one logical step within a process. Anactivity may be a manual activity, which does not support computer automation, or aworkflow (automated) activity. A workflow activity requires human and/or machineresources(s) to support process execution; where human resource is required anactivity is allocated to a workflow participant.


• A process definition generally consists of many process activities which arelogically related in terms of their contribution to the overall realisation of thebusiness process.

• An activity is typically the smallest unit of work which is scheduled by a workflowengine during process enactment (e.g. using transition and pre/post-conditions),although one activity may result in several work items being assigned (to aworkflow participant)

• Wholly manual activities may form part of a business process and be includedwithin its associated process definition, but do not form part of the automatedworkflow resulting from the computer supported execution of the process.

• An activity may therefore be categorised as “manual”, or “automated”. Within thisdocument, which is written principally in the context of workflow management, theterm is normally used to refer to an automated activity.


• Step

• Node

• Task

• Work Element

• Process Element

• Operation

• Instruction

(Each may be further described as a manual .... , or as an automated or workflow ....)

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Automated Activity


An activity which is capable of computer automation using a workflow managementsystem to manage the activity during execution of the business process of which itforms a part.


During process execution, an automated (or workflow) activity is managed by theWorkflow Management System (WMS). This may result in:

• an invoked application being activated directly by the workflow managementsystem (with no workflow participant being involved)

• one or more work items being assigned to a workflow participant, with supportingtools or applications being invoked and managed by the workflow managementsystem

• one or more work items being assigned for a workflow participant to processindependently of the workflow management system, with the completion of theworkitems being notified to the workflow management system by the workflowparticipant (within a workflow system these may sometimes be described asmanually executed work items)

For other aspects of usage see Activity


• Workflow Activity

• Activity (colloquial)

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Manual Activity


An activity within a business process which is not capable of automation and hence liesoutside the scope of a workflow management system. Such activities may be includedwithin a process definition, for example to support modelling of the process, but donot form part of a resulting workflow.


See Activity


• Non-automated Activity

• Manual Step

• Human Task

• Manual Work

Instance (as in Process or Activity Instance)


The representation of a single enactment of a process, or activity within a process,including its associated data. Each instance represents a separate thread of execution1

of the process or activity, which may be controlled independently and will have its owninternal state and externally visible identity, which may be used as a handle, forexample, to record or retrieve audit data relating to the individual enactment.


• A process or activity instance is created and managed by a workflow managementsystem for each separate invocation of the process or activity.

1Where a process includes parallel activities, a process instance may include multiple concurrentthreads of execution. See Parallel Routing, And-Split, And-Join

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Process Instance


The representation of a single enactment of a process. (See also general entry onInstance).


• A process instance is created, managed and (eventually) terminated by a workflowmanagement system, in accordance with the process definition.

• Each process instance represents one individual enactment of the process, using itsown process instance data, and which is (normally) capable of independent controland audit as it progresses towards completion or termination. It represents the unitof work with respect to a business process which passes through a workflowmanagement system (for example, the processing of one insurance claim, or theproduction of one engineering design).

• Each process instance exhibits internal state, which represents its progress towardscompletion and its status with respect to its constituent activities. (See ProcessState)

(Some business processes may never “complete” within a defined timescale in theaccepted sense of the word, but achieve a protracted, persistent dormant state, whichmay require the process instance to be placed in an archive state, for example tosupport legal requirements on the maintenance of process data.)


• Process Definition Instance

• Case

• Workflow Definition Instance

• Instruction Sheet Instance

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Activity Instance


The representation of an activity within a (single) enactment of a process, i.e. within aprocess instance. (See also general entry on Instance)


• An activity instance is created and managed by a workflow management systemwhen required within the enactment of process, in accordance with the processdefinition.

• Each activity instance represents a single invocation of an activity, relates toexactly one process instance and uses the process instance data associated with theprocess instance. Several activity instances may be associated with one processinstance, where parallel activities exist within the process, but one activity instancecannot be associated with more than one process instance.

• Each activity instance is normally capable of independent control and audit andexhibits internal state. (See Activity State)


• Step Instance

• Node Instance

• Task Instance

• Work Element Instance

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Workflow Participant


A resource which performs the work represented by a workflow activity instance. Thiswork is normally manifested as one or more work items assigned to the workflowparticipant via the worklist.


• Τhe term Workflow Participant is normally applied to a human resource but itcould conceptually include machine based resources such as an intelligent agent.

• A workflow participant may be identified directly within the business processdefinition, or (more normally) is identified by reference within the processdefinition to a role or organisational entity, which can then be filled by one or moreof the resources available to the workflow system to operate in that role duringprocess enactment.

• Within the WfMC Process Definition Meta-Model, the workflow participantdeclaration may identify a participant as one of four types – human, (machine)resource, role, or organisational_unit. Alternatively reference may be may to anexternal Organisation Model which provides details of participants fitting theselected criteria. (See also Organisation Model)


• Actor

• Agent

• Player

• User

• Role Player

• Work Performer

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Work Item


The representation of the work to be processed (by a workflow participant) in thecontext of an activity within a process instance.


• An activity typically generates one or more work items which together constitutethe task to be undertaken by the user (a workflow participant) within this activity (In certain cases an activity may be completely handled by an invoked applicationwhich can operate without a workflow participant, in which case there may be nowork item assignment.)

• The work item(s) are normally presented to the user via a work list, whichmaintains details of the work items allocated to a user, and a worklist handler,which interacts with the worklist on the behalf of the user

• The control and progression of work items rests with the worklist handler and theuser, rather than the workflow engine, which is notified of workitem status (e.g.completion) via the worklist handler interface. (The WfMC WAPI interfaceincludes standard API calls for this purpose.)

• Tools or applications may be invoked to support the processing of a work item, orit may be processed independently by a workflow participant, with the workflowmanagement system merely notified of the completion of particular work items


• Work (e.g. document review, fill-in form)

• Work Object

• Work Queue Item

• Element

• Work Pool Item

• Task

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A list of work items associated with a given workflow participant (or in some caseswith a group of workflow participants who may share a common worklist). Theworklist forms part of the interface between a workflow engine and the worklisthandler


• Generally, a worklist handler will request work items from a workflow engine inorder to create such a list. This is sometimes done via a query mechanism.

• In some workflow management systems workitems may be placed in the worklistby a workflow engine for subsequently access and actioning by the worklisthandler.


• Work Queue

• In-Tray

• To-Do List

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Worklist Handler


A software component that manages the interaction between the user (or group ofusers) and the worklist maintained by a workflow engine. It enables work items to bepassed from the workflow management system to users and notifications of completionor other work status conditions to be passed between the user and the workflowmanagement system.


• A worklist handler may be vendor supplied as a component of the workflowmanagement software, or may be developed as a standalone custom application. Aworklist handler may communicate with several workflow systems, consolidatinguser work items into a single list of tasks for presentation to the user. This principlemay be extended to include other external information sources such as mail in-trayitems.

• Possible functions that may be performed by the worklist handler include:• Selecting a work item• Reassigning a work item• Notifying completion of a work item.• Invocation of a tool or client application as part of the work item


• The WfMC WAPI interface includes standard API calls for worklist handlercommunication with a workflow engine.


• WFM Front End

• WFM Application

• Workflow To-Do List Application

• Task Manager

• Active Work Performer

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Processes and Worklist Structures - Overview

W ork List 1

Work Item 1

Work Item 2

Work Item 3

Process Definition Process Instance Worklist

Activity B

1st Process Instance

2nd Process Instance

3rd Process Instance

Activity DActivity A

Activity C

Process Definition A

Activity B

Activity D

Activity A Activity C Activity E

Process Definition B Work Item 20

Work Item 22

1st Process Instance

2nd Process Instance

Work Item N

Work Item N

Work Item 4

Work Item 21

W ork List 2

Work List 1

Work List 2

Figure 3 - Showing relationships between key terminology

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Workflow Reference Model


An architectural representation of a workflow management system, identifying themost important system interfaces, developed by the Workflow Management Coalition.


The Reference Model provides the general architectural framework for the work of theWfMC. It identifies “interfaces” covering, broadly, five areas of functionality betweena workflow management system and its environment.

• The import and export of process definitions

• Interaction with client applications and worklist handler software

• The invocation of software tools or applications

• Interoperability between different workflow management systems

• Administration and monitoring functions



Process Definition Tools

Administration & Monitoring


Interface 1

Interface 4Interface 5

Workflow Enactment Service

Workflow API and Interchange formats

Other WorkflowEnactment Service(s)



Interface 3Interface 2




Figure 4 - The Workflow Reference Model

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WAPI is an abbreviation for Workflow APIs and Interchange Formats, published bythe Workflow Management Coalition, and incorporating specifications to enableinteroperability between different components of workflow management systems andapplications


WAPI includes

• A range of API calls to support functions between a workflow engine andapplications or other system components

• Interchange formats and protocols to support interoperability between differentworkflow engines

• Formats for the exchange of information such as process definitions and audit databetween a workflow engine and other external repositories.


• Workflow API's

• Workflow Management System API's

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This section includes terminology used within the process definition and during processexecution to describe the nature of the process flow and its interactions.

Process Definition Mode


The time period when manual and/or automated (workflow) descriptions of a processare defined and/or modified electronically.


• Process definitions are initially defined prior to workflow enactment, and may be

• modified at a later date, or

• modified during run time (usually under conditions of privilege oraccording to a particular user role).


• Process Modelling

• Business Process Modelling

• Build Time

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A formalised view of a business process, represented as a co-ordinated (parallel and/orserial) set of process activities that are connected in order to achieve a common goal.


• Example: An eight activity process

Activity A

Activity B

Activity C

Activity D

Activity E

Activity F

Activity G

Activity H


• Activity Network

• Directed Graph

• Petri Net

• Model

• Instruction Sheet

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Sub Process


A process that is enacted or called from another (initiating) process (or sub process),and which forms part of the overall (initiating) process. Multiple levels of sub processmay be supported.


• A sub process is useful for defining reusable components within other processes

• A sub-process will have its own process definition, and may include parameterspassed on its initiation and completion

• The WfMC Interoperability scenarios identify various ways in which sub-processesmay interact during workflow execution (e.g. nested sub-process, chained)


• Subflow

• Sub Workflow

Activity Block


A set of activities within a process definition which share one or more commonproperties which cause the workflow management software to take certain actionswith respect to the block in total.. For example a group of activities may be classifiedas a block if they require a common resource allocation policy.


• A workflow system may support the concept of an activity block, which theninitiates particular action by the workflow management system


• Activity Set

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A time based scheduling constraint which requires that a certain activity (or work item)be completed by a certain time (the “deadline”).


• Activity scheduling by a workflow management system will attempt to meetdeadline constraints set against particular activities.

• The deadline may be expressed as an attribute of the process definition or withinworkflow relevant data.

• Escalation procedures may be invoked if deadlines are not meant.


• Completion Time

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Parallel Routing


A segment of a process instance under enactment by a workflow management system,where two or more activity instances are executing in parallel within the workflow,giving rise to multiple threads of control.


• Parallel routing normally commences with an AND-Split and concludes with anAND-Join

• Example:Once the form filling activity is complete the three sections of form X, sectionsA, B and C, are processed in parallel by the corresponding activities, ProcessSection A activity, Process Section B activity and Process Section C activity.


• Parallel workflow processing

• Concurrent Processing

Sequential Routing


A segment of a process instance under enactment by a workflow management system,in which several activities are executed in sequence under a single thread of execution.(No AND-Split or AND-Join conditions occur during sequential routing.)


• Example:A purchase order is processed in three consecutive activities.


• Serial Routing

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A point within the workflow where a single thread of control splits into two or morethreads which are executed in parallel within the workflow, allowing multiple activitiesto be executed simultaneously (see Parallel Routing).


• At an And-Split separate threads of control within the process instance are created;these threads will proceed autonomously and independently until reaching an And-Join condition.

• Example


• In certain workflow systems all the threads created at an And-Split must convergeat a common And-Join point (Block Structure); in other systems convergence of asubset of the threads can occur at different And-Join points, potentially includingother incoming threads created from other And-split points. (Free Graph Structure)


• Split

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A point in the workflow where two or more parallel executing activities converge intoa single common thread of control (see Parallel Routing).


• Each parallel executing thread is held until the set of all thread transitions to thenext activity is completed (Synchronisation), at which point the threads convergeand the next activity is initiated.

• Example


• In certain workflow systems all the threads created at an And-Split must convergeat a common And-Join point (Block Structure); in other systems convergence of asubset of the threads can occur at different And-Join points, potentially includingother incoming threads created from other And-split points. (Free Graph Structure)

• The AND-Join may be modelled as a Pre-condition of the joining activity.


• Join

• Rendezvous

• Synchronisation join

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A point within the workflow where a single thread of control makes a decision uponwhich branch to take when encountered with multiple alternative workflow branches


• An OR-Split is conditional and the (single) specific transition to next activity isselected according to the outcome of the Transition Condition(s).

• Example







• Conditional Branching

• Conditional Routing

• Switch

• Branch

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A point within the workflow where two or more alternative activity(s) workflowbranches re-converge to a single common activity as the next step within theworkflow. (As no parallel activity execution has occurred at the join point, nosynchronisation is required.)


• A thread of control may arrive at the specific activity via any of several alternativepreceding activities.

• Example



• Join

• Αsynchronous join

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A workflow activity cycle involving the repetitive execution of one (or more)workflow activity(s) until a condition is met.


• Example

Iteractive activity loop

activity activity activity


• Workflow Loop

• While Loop

• Activity Block

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A logical expression which may be evaluated by a workflow engine to decide whethera process instance or activity within a process instance may be started.


• One or more pre-conditions may be defined as entry criteria to a particular activityor process instance.

• The pre-condition may refer to workflow relevant data within the expression andmay also test system variables such as date or time. . It may also refer to anexternal event of some kind.

• The pre-conditions are defined within the process definition

• An AND-Join may be specified in the form of a pre-condition, where the conditionrequires that each of the independent converging threads has achieved a specificstatus


• Entry criteria

• Activity start rules

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A logical expression which may be evaluated by a workflow engine to decide whethera process instance or activity within a process instance is completed..


• One or more post-conditions may be defined as completion criteria for a particularactivity or process instance. Such conditions may form part of an iteration, inwhich one or more activities are repetitively executed until the defined post-condition(s) is/are met.

• The post-condition may refer to workflow relevant data within the expression andmay also test system variables such as date or time. It may also refer to an externalevent of some kind.

• The post-conditions are defined within the process definition


• Exit criteria

• Activity completion rules

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A point during the execution of a process instance where one activity completes andthe thread of control passes to another, which starts. See also State Transition andTransition Condition


• A transition may be unconditional, such that completion of one activity alwaysleads to the start of another, or conditional, where the sequence of operationdepends upon one or more Transition Conditions.

• Transitions, including any conditions, are defined within the process definition


• Navigation

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Transition Condition


A logical expression which may be evaluated by a workflow engine to decide thesequence of activity execution within a process.


• One or more transition conditions may be defined for evaluation at run time afteran activity has started or completed, or following an external event of some kind

• The transition condition may refer to workflow relevant data within the expressionand may also test system variables such as date or time.

• Transition conditions are defined within the process definition

• Transition conditions identify the flow relationship between activities and are usedto effect the desired sequence of activity execution, which may include parallel orsequential execution conditions.

(Note - Some workflow management systems may not define explicit transitionconditions but use a combination of pre- and post-conditions to achieve an equivalenteffect.)


• Navigation Rule

• Routing condition

• Process Rule

• Transition Rule

• Business Process Rule

• Conditional Routing

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This section includes terminology used within the wider context of workflowmanagement systems.

Generic Workflow Product Structure


User Interface







Interact via


Definition Tool




Organisation/Role Model

May reference

Interpreted by



External product/data

Software component

System control data

Administration& Monitoring



App dataWorkflow


Workflow Participant

Figure 5 – Generic Workflow Product Structure

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Workflow Product Components & Interfaces

The diagram following shows the key workflow product components, theirrelationships and the 5 functional interfaces identified within the WfMC WorkflowReference Model.

Process Definition

Process DefinitionTool / Task

Process Instance


Work Item

Process InstanceHistory

creates / modifies

is instantiated by



Process & ActivityControl / Interoperability


Organisational Model

generatesmay invoke

create &destroy

maintainaudit trail

mayrefer to

mayrefer to


processed by

presentedfor action by


Worklist Handler I/F


ApplicationInvocation I/F

Process DefinitionInterface

Workflow EnactmentService

Audit Specifications

ExternalS/W object


Tool Agent

may use


WorkflowRelevant Data


Figure 6 –WFMS Components & Interfaces

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Workflow Application


A general term for a software program that interacts with a workflow enactmentservice, handling part of the processing required to support a particular activity (oractivities).


The Workflow Reference Model recognises two broad types of workflow application:

• Client Applications, which request facilities and services from a workflow engine

• Invoked Applications, which support the processing of particular activities, orwork items, and are initiated by the workflow management system


• Client Application

• Invoked Application

• Tool

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Client Application


A client application is an application which interacts with a workflow engine,requesting facilities and services from the engine.


• Client applications may interact with a workflow engine for a variety of reasons.Common functions which client application may perform are:

• worklist handling

• process instance initiation and other control functions (e.g. suspend/resume)

• retrieval and manipulation of process definition data

• various system administration functions (for example suspending the use ofcertain process definitions)

• The Workflow Reference Model includes an interface for client applicationinteraction which supports APIs for a variety of the above functions.


• Front-End Application

• Client Program

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Invoked Application


An invoked application is a workflow application that is invoked by the workflowmanagement system to automate an activity, fully or in part, or to support a workflowparticipant in processing a workitem.


• Application invocation may be a function of the workflow engine, and/or of theworklist handler.

• The application may be invoked directly by the workflow management system ormay be invoked indirectly via an application agent (or “tool agent”). Theapplication agent provides a general mechanism for application invocationindependently from any native workflow management system facilities

• The Workflow Reference Model includes an interface for application invocationfunctions.


• Tool

• Work Performer

• Application (colloquial)

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Workflow Data Structures - Overview


Build TimeBusiness Process Analysis,

Modelling & Definition Tools

Run Time

Workflow Enactment Service

Process changesProcess Instanciation& Control

Applications& IT Tools

Run Time

Interaction with Users & Application Tools

Process Design& Definition

W orkflow Control Data

W orkflow Relevant Data

Application Data

Figure 7 - Types of Data in Workflow Management Systems:

Application Data


Data that is application specific and not accessible by the workflow managementsystem.


• This is data that the workflow management system generally will never see. It isdata that is strictly managed by the applications supporting the process instance.(Such data may become process relevant data if it is used by the WorkflowManagement System to determine a state change.)


• Application Case Data

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Workflow Relevant Data


Data that is used by a Workflow Management System to determine the state transitionsof a workflow instance, for example within pre- and post-conditions, transitionconditions or workflow participant assignment.


• Workflow relevant data may be manipulated by workflow applications as well asby the workflow engine

• Workflow relevant data may be made available to a subsequent activity or anotherprocess instance and thus may affect the choice of the next activity to be chosen(for example decision data and/or reference values to be passed between activities)

• Data may be of two broad types

• Typed - the structure of the data is implied by its type (typically a workflowmanagement system will understand the structure of such data and may beable to process it)

• Untyped - the workflow management system will not understand the datastructure, but may pass the data (or a reference to the data) to workflowapplications


• Process flow data

• Case data

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Workflow Control Data


Data that is managed by the Workflow Management System and/or a WorkflowEngine. Such data is internal to the workflow management system and is not normallyaccessible to applications


• Workflow control data represents the dynamic state of the workflow system and itsprocess instances.

• Workflow control data examples include:

• state information about each workflow instance• state information about each activity instance (active or inactive)• information on recovery and restart points within each process• etc..•

• The workflow control data may be written to persistent storage periodically tofacilitate restart and recovery of the system after failure. It may also be used toderive audit data.


• Workflow system data

• Workflow engine state data

• Workflow enactment service state data

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Process State


A representation of the internal conditions defining the status of a process instance at aparticular point in time. Most workflow management systems maintain such statusinformation as part of their workflow control data.


• The state of each process instance under enactment is maintained by the workflowmanagement system. Different vendor systems have different ways of representingprocess state and may have their own set of state definitions

• As the execution of a process instance proceeds it follows a series of transitionsbetween the various states which it may take. The complete set of process statesfor a process definition fully defines the internal behavior which its processinstances may follow.

• The WfMC Reference Model identifies a number of common states which aprocess instance may take:

• Initiated - the process instance has been created, but may not yet be running• Running - the process instance has started execution and one or more of its

activities may be started• Active - one or more activities are started and activity instances exist

(Further sub-states may be supported by particular implementations torecord more detailed information about active activities.)

• Suspended - the process instance is quiescent; no further activities arestarted until it is resumed

• Complete - the process instance has achieved its completion conditions andany post-completion system activities such as audit logging are in progress.

• Terminated - the execution of the process has been stopped (abnormally)due to error or user request.

• Archived - the process instance has been placed in an indefinite archivestate (but may be retrieved for process resumption - typically supportedonly for long-lived processes).

• The WAPI interface defines a number of calls to manipulate process stateinformation, for example to interrogate process state or force a transition to a newstate


• Workflow state

• Model state

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Activity State


A representation of the internal conditions defining the status of an activity instance ata particular point in time. Most workflow management systems maintain such statusinformation as part of their workflow control data.


• The state of each process instance under enactment is maintained by the workflowmanagement system. Some systems extend this to maintain state information abouteach activity instance which has been created. Different vendor systems havedifferent ways of representing activity state and may have their own set of statedefinitions

• The WfMC Reference Model identifies a number of common states which anactivity instance may take:

• Inactive - the activity instance has been created, but may not yet beenactivated; no work item exists for that activity

• Active - one or more work items have been created and assigned forprocessing

• Suspended - the activity instance is quiescent; no further work items arestarted until it is resumed. (Note that some activities may not besuspendable.)

• Completed - the process instance has achieved its completion conditionsand any post-completion system activities such as audit logging are inprogress.


• Step state

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State Transition


A movement from one internal state (of a Process or Activity Instance) to anotherwithin a workflow, reflecting a change in the status of the workflow, for exampleinitiating a particular activity. The state transition may be in response to an externalevent, a user API call, a routing decision taken by the workflow engine, etc.


• A series of state transitions occurs as the workflow progresses its execution. Suchtransitions can be recorded by the workflow engine and presented as audit data.



Dummy Activity


An Activity which has no inherent processing related to the business process, butwhich is used to represent and evaluate complex routing or process control conditionswhich may be too complicated to define efficiently using conventional processdefinition notation.


• A Dummy Activity is represented as a node within the process routing network,with incoming and outgoing transitions, but has no associated work, resource orapplication definition



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An occurrence of a particular condition (which may be internal or external to theworkflow management system) which causes the workflow management software totake one or more actions. For example the arrival of a particular type of email messagemay cause the workflow system to start an instance of a specific process definition.

An event has two elements:1. A Trigger, or cause, which is the recognition of some predefined set of

circumstances associated with the operation of the system, which causes aparticular action to be taken

2. The Action (or response) – which is the pre-defined system response following atrigger condition


• A workflow system may react directly to particular events or the event may bemonitored and processed by a (client) application, which then initiates action by theworkflow system by API call or setting workflow relevant data, etc.

• A Workflow Event is one in which the which the linkage between the triggercondition and the resultant system action involves the workflow managementsoftware.

• Other types of event may be used internally within applications which participatewithin a workflow but do not involve the workflow management software

• A particular type of event is that used for signalling between different workflowprocess instances ot workflow threads within a parallel synchronised workflow


• Trigger• Action• Signal• Notification

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Audit Data


A historical record of the progress of a process instance from start to completion ortermination. Such data normally incorporates information on the state transitions of theprocess instance


• Example information that may be collected as part of the historical record is date,time and type of work performed per state transition.

• The WfMC Audit Data specification identifies a range of standard audit datarecords for logging, associated with specific events and transitions during theworkflow.


• Workflow History

• Case History

• History Repository

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Workflow Definition


That part of the process definition which comprises the automatable activities.


• Where a distinction is drawn between a process definition and those activities withinit which are capable of automation, the term workflow definition is used for thelatter.


see Process Definition

Process Execution


The time period during which the process is operational, with process instances beingcreated and managed.


• The process execution phase may sometimes be differentiated from the processdefinition phase, during which the process structure and activities are defined. (Insome systems, for example where much of the process definition is createddynamically during its execution, this distinction may be irrelevant.)


• Process Enactment

• Run Time Operation

• Workflow Execution (strictly this refers only to the automated parts of processexecution)

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Organizational Role


A group of participants exhibiting a specific set of attributes, qualifications and/orskills.


• Typically any of the participants within a particular organisational role group canundertake an activity or work-item requiring a resource with that set of attributes.

• Examples of an organisational role are:• Supervisor role• Insurance Underwriter role• Etc

• A workflow participant assumes a role given that he or she has the appropriate skillset.


• Role

• User Groups

• Organisational Groups

Organizational Model


A model which represents organisational entities and their relationships; it may alsoincorporate a variety of attributes associated with the entities, such as skills or role.Such a model may be realised in a directory or other form of database.


• The model normally incorporates concepts such as hierarchy, authority,responsibilities and attributes associated with an organisational role. It may bereferenced by a workflow management system as part of the mechanism by whichprocess role is established.

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• The Process Definition may make reference to an Organizational Model, allowingWorkflow Participants to be specified in terms of attributes contained within theOrganizational Model. During process execution the Workflow ManagementSystem can obtain details of participants matching the attributes from theOrganizational Model.

• Example model, showing typical attributes:

is covered by has coordinator

Workflow Participant

has superior

is part of

is a


has proxy


contains of



• The WfMC Process Definition Meta-Model includes a simplistic in-builtorganisation model and can also make reference to an external model.


• Role Model

• Organisational Directory

Process Role


A mechanism that associates participants to a collection of workflow activity(s).


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• A workflow participant assumes a role to access and process work from aworkflow management system.

• The role defines the context in which the user participates in a particular process oractivity. The role often embraces organisational concepts such as structure andrelationships, responsibility or authority, but may also refer to other attributes suchas skill, location, value data, time or date, etc.


• Role

• Activity Group

• Workflow Performer Definition



A procedure (automated or manual) which is invoked if a particular constraint orcondition is not met.


• Escalation procedures typically involve a higher level of authority (see OrganisationRole).



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A condition (typically pertaining to activity/work selection and/or completion) whichmust be met during work processing; failure to meet a constraint may causes anexception condition or other defined procedure.


• Constraints may be:• time based (see deadline)• resource based (e.g. consumes less than ...)• cost based (e.g. costs more than ...)


• Controls

Workflow Monitoring


The ability to track and report on workflow events during workflow execution.


• Workflow monitoring may be used, for example, by process owners to monitor theperformance of a process instance during its execution.


• Workflow Tracking

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Workflow Engine


A software service or "engine" that provides the run time execution environment for aprocess instance.


• The workflow engine provides operational functions to support the execution of(instances of) business processes, based on the process definitions.. Thesefunctions include:

• • Interpretation of the process definition.• Creation of process instances and management of their execution, including

start / stop / suspend /resume, etc.• Navigation between activities and the creation of appropriate work items

for their processing• Supervisory and management functions• etc

• The workflow engine normally excludes functions such as worklist handling, whichare user centred, although these may share a common platform with the enginesoftware.

• One or more workflow engines make up a workflow domain; which provides anhomogeneous process execution environment. A workflow enactment serviceprovides support for the execution of specific workflows over one or moreworkflow engines, which may be in one or more separate domains.

• Two or more workflow engines may co-operate to share the execution ofworkflows. See workflow interoperability


• Workflow Management Engine

• Case Processor

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Workflow Interoperability


The ability for two or more Workflow Engines to communicate and work together toco-ordinate work.


Workflow interoperability embraces several important concepts:

• The ability to make two or more workflow engines appear to provide a singleworkflow enactment service, with process execution shared between engines.

• Several different interoperability scenarios exist, describing alternative ways inwhich the execution of a process instance is shared between workflow engines.

• Hierarchic (Nested Subprocess)• Connected Discrete (Chained)• Connected Indiscrete (Peer-to-Peer)• Parallel Synchronised

Further details can be found in the WfMC Workflow Reference Model andInteroperability specifications.

• The ability to interoperate between both homogeneous and heterogeneousworkflow engines; possibly with different levels of functional capability.

• The Workflow Reference Model includes a functional interface (Interface 4) tosupport interoperability between (heterogeneous) workflow engines.


• Interoperability

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Workflow Interoperability Contract


A pre-established contract between organisations which defines the scope, businessand technical framework of workflow interoperability.


• Typically this will include agreements on the cooperative business processes,process naming and addressing, security and audit requirements, etc.

• The Contract will normally include legal, commercial and technical elementsnecessary to support co-operative process automation in a E-Commerceenvironment.



Workflow Enactment Service


A software service that may consist of one or more workflow engines in order tocreate, manage and execute particular workflow instances. Applications may interfaceto this service via the workflow application programming interface (part of WAPI).


• A Workflow Enactment service consists of one or more workflow engines.

• A workflow enactment service may operate within a single (homogeneous)workflow domain, or using the facilities provided within the WfMC interoperabilityinterface enactment may occur across engines within several (heterogeneous)domains.


• Process Execution Environment

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Workflow Domain


A workflow management service that consists of one or more workflow engines whichare managed as an homogeneous unit, operating to a common administrative model.


• A single workflow domain will normally exhibit common administrative functions,including:

• common workflow naming (processes/activities)• common user naming• common interpretation of process definitions and state transitions• a common organisational model and roles• a common supervisory interface• common audit data• etc

• Typically a workflow domain is built from a common, homogeneous product set.

• The Workflow Reference Model identifies an interface (4) to enable workflowinteroperability between workflow engines, such that an enactment service forparticular processes can span more than one domain, and incorporateheterogeneous products.


• Workflow Service

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Work Item Pool


The representation of all work items accessible from a particular workflow engine


• A Worklist Handler may (exceptionally) undertake operations requiring a globalview of all available work items. The work item pool can meet this need.


• Total Work Queue



A workflow system user who has special privileges allowing various system set-up,control and management functions to be performed. In some systems these tasks maybe shared between several administrators, each taking responsibility for separate areasof administration.


• Administrative functions may include:• Set up and management of user names, passwords and roles• Assignment or re-assignment of work items• Processing exception conditions• Control of process definitions or versions thereof• Monitoring of work or process instance progress• System audit functions• etc

• Administrators may make use of specialised administrative tools.


• Supervisor

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AAction ...................................................................................................................................................See EventActive Work Performer........................................................................................................See Worklist HandlerActivity ............................................................................................................................................................12Activity Block..............................................................................................................................27. See IterationActivity completion rules .........................................................................................................See Post-ConditionActivity Group............................................................................................................................See Process RoleActivity Instance...............................................................................................................................................16Activity Network ................................................................................................................................See ProcessActivity Set.............................................................................................................................. See Activity BlockActivity start rules ....................................................................................................................See Pre-ConditionActivity State....................................................................................................................................................49Actor ............................................................................................................................ See Workflow Participantad-hoc workflow.................................................................................................................................................7Administrator ...................................................................................................................................................63Agent ........................................................................................................................... See Workflow ParticipantAND-Join .........................................................................................................................................................31AND-Split ........................................................................................................................................................29Application Agent.............................................................................................................................................43Application Case Data ......................................................................................................... See Application DataApplication Data...............................................................................................................................................45Asynchronous join .............................................................................................................................See OR-JoinAudit Data........................................................................................................................................................52Automated Activity...........................................................................................................................................13

BBranch..............................................................................................................................................See OR-SplitBuild Time .............................................................................................................. See Process Definition ModeBusiness Process ................................................................................................................................................9Business Process Modelling..................................................................................... See Process Definition ModeBusiness Process Rule ....................................................................................................See Transition Condition

CCase ..................................................................................................................................... See Process InstanceCase Data ................................................................................................................ See Workflow Relevant DataCase History..................................................................................................................................See Audit DataCase Management ..................................................................See Workflow Management System. See WorkflowCase Processor.................................................................................................................... See Workflow EngineCase Type.......................................................................................................................... See Process DefinitionClient Application ......................................................................................................................................41, 42Client Program .................................................................................................................. See Client ApplicationCompletion Time..............................................................................................................................See DeadlineConcurrent Processing .......................................................................................................... See Parallel RoutingConditional Branching......................................................................................................................See OR-SplitConditional Routing..................................................................................See Transition Condition. See OR-SplitConstraint.........................................................................................................................................................57Controls........................................................................................................................................See Constraints

DDeadline...........................................................................................................................................................27Directed Graph...................................................................................................................................See ProcessDummy Activity ...............................................................................................................................................50

EElement......................................................................................................................................... See Work ItemEntry criteria ............................................................................................................................See Pre-ConditionEscalation.........................................................................................................................................................56Event................................................................................................................................................................51

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Exit criteria .............................................................................................................................See Post-Condition

FFlow Diagram.................................................................................................................... See Process DefinitionFlow Schematic ................................................................................................................. See Process DefinitionFront-End Application ....................................................................................................... See Client Application

HHistory Repository.........................................................................................................................See Audit DataHuman Task ..........................................................................................................................See Manual Activity

IInstance ............................................................................................................................................................14Instruction ......................................................................................................................................... See ActivityInstruction Sheet.................................................................................................................................See ProcessInstruction Sheet Definition ............................................................................................... See Process DefinitionInstruction Sheet Instance ..................................................................................................... See Process InstanceInteroperability .......................................................................................................See Workflow InteroperabilityIn-Tray ............................................................................................................................................. See WorklistInvoked Application....................................................................................................................................41, 43Iteration............................................................................................................................................................34

JJoin ........................................................................................................................... See OR-Join. See AND-Join

MManual Activity................................................................................................................................................14Manual Step ..........................................................................................................................See Manual ActivityManual Work ........................................................................................................................See Manual ActivityModel.................................................................................................................................................See ProcessModel Definition ............................................................................................................... See Process DefinitionModel state................................................................................................................................ See Process State

NNavigation......................................................................................................................................See TransitionNavigation Rule..............................................................................................................See Transition ConditionNode ................................................................................................................................................. See ActivityNode Instance.......................................................................................................................See Activity InstanceNon-automated Activity .........................................................................................................See Manual ActivityNotification ...........................................................................................................................................See Event

OOperation .......................................................................................................................................... See ActivityOrganisational Directory............................................................................................... See Organisational ModelOrganisational Groups .....................................................................................................See Organisational RoleOrganizational Model .......................................................................................................................................54Organizational Role ..........................................................................................................................................54OR-Join............................................................................................................................................................33OR-Split...........................................................................................................................................................32

PParallel Routing................................................................................................................................................28Parallel workflow processing ................................................................................................ See Parallel RoutingPetri Net.............................................................................................................................................See ProcessPlayer ........................................................................................................................... See Workflow ParticipantPost-Condition..................................................................................................................................................36Pre-Condition ...................................................................................................................................................35Process .......................................................................................................................... 25. See Business ProcessProcess Activity................................................................................................................................................12Process Definition ............................................................................................................................................10Process Definition Instance................................................................................................... See Process InstanceProcess Definition Mode...................................................................................................................................24

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Process Element ................................................................................................................................ See ActivityProcess Enactment..............................................................................................................See Process ExecutionProcess Execution.............................................................................................................................................53Process Execution Environment .........................................................................See Workflow Enactment ServiceProcess Flow Data ................................................................................................... See Workflow Relevant DataProcess Instance................................................................................................................................................15Process Modelling ................................................................................................... See Process Definition ModeProcess Role .....................................................................................................................................................55Process Rule...................................................................................................................See Transition ConditionProcess State ....................................................................................................................................................48Processes and Worklist Structures.....................................................................................................................21production workflow...........................................................................................................................................7

RRendezvous ....................................................................................................................................See AND-JoinRole .................................................................................................... See Process Role. See Organisational RoleRole Model................................................................................................................... See Organisational ModelRole Player................................................................................................................... See Workflow ParticipantRouting condition ...........................................................................................................See Transition ConditionRouting Definition............................................................................................................. See Process DefinitionRun Time Operation ...........................................................................................................See Process Execution

SSequential Routing ...........................................................................................................................................29Serial Routing .................................................................................................................. See Sequential RoutingSignal....................................................................................................................................................See EventSplit ..............................................................................................................................................See AND-SplitState Transition ................................................................................................................................................50State Transition Diagram................................................................................................... See Process DefinitionStep................................................................................................................................................... See ActivityStep Instance ........................................................................................................................See Activity InstanceStep state...................................................................................................................................See Activity StateSub Process ......................................................................................................................................................26Sub Workflow .............................................................................................................................See Sub ProcessSubflow.......................................................................................................................................See Sub ProcessSupervisor ................................................................................................................................ See AdministratorSwitch ..............................................................................................................................................See OR-SplitSynchronisation join .......................................................................................................................See AND-Join

TTask ..........................................................................................................................See Work Item. See ActivityTask Instance........................................................................................................................See Activity InstanceTask Manager......................................................................................................................See Worklist HandlerTo-Do List........................................................................................................................................ See WorklistTool......................................................................................... See Invoked Application. See Invoked ApplicationTool Agent .......................................................................................................................................................43Total Work Queue ................................................................................................................. See Work Item PoolTransition.........................................................................................................................................................37Transition Condition.........................................................................................................................................38Transition Rule...............................................................................................................See Transition ConditionTrigger ..................................................................................................................................................See Event

UUser ............................................................................................................................. See Workflow ParticipantUser Groups ....................................................................................................................See Organisational Role

WWAPI (Workflow APIs & Interchange Formats) ................................................................................................23WFM Application.................................................See Worklist Handler, Client Application, Invoked ApplicationWFM Front End ..................................................................................................................See Worklist HandlerWhile Loop........................................................................................................................................See IterationWork ............................................................................................................................................. See Work Item

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Work Element ................................................................................................................................... See ActivityWork Element Instance.........................................................................................................See Activity InstanceWork Item ........................................................................................................................................................18Work Item Pool ................................................................................................................................................63Work Object .................................................................................................................................. See Work ItemWork Performer..................................................................... See Invoked Application. See Workflow ParticipantWork Pool Item ............................................................................................................................. See Work ItemWork Queue ..................................................................................................................................... See WorklistWork Queue Item .......................................................................................................................... See Work ItemWorkflow ...........................................................................................................................................................7Workflow Activity ............................................................................................................See Automated ActivityWorkflow Application ......................................................................................................................................41Workflow Automation ................................................................................... See Workflow Management SystemWorkflow Computing ..................................................................................................................... See WorkflowWorkflow Computing System ........................................................................ See Workflow Management SystemWorkflow Control Data.....................................................................................................................................47Workflow Data Structures.................................................................................................................................44Workflow Definition.........................................................................................................................................53Workflow Definition Instance ............................................................................................... See Process InstanceWorkflow Domain ............................................................................................................................................62Workflow Enactment Service............................................................................................................................61Workflow Enactment Service State Data.................................................................... See Workflow Control DataWorkflow Engine..............................................................................................................................................58Workflow Engine State Data...................................................................................... See Workflow Control DataWorkflow Event ....................................................................................................................................See EventWorkflow Execution...........................................................................................................See Process ExecutionWorkflow History ..........................................................................................................................See Audit DataWorkflow Interoperability.................................................................................................................................59Workflow Interoperability Contract...................................................................................................................60Workflow Loop..................................................................................................................................See IterationWorkflow Management .................................................................................................................. See WorkflowWorkflow Management Engine........................................................................................... See Workflow EngineWorkflow Management System ..........................................................................................................................8Workflow Manager........................................................................................ See Workflow Management SystemWorkflow Monitoring .......................................................................................................................................57Workflow Participant........................................................................................................................................17Workflow Performer Definition ..................................................................................................See Process RoleWorkflow Reference Model ..............................................................................................................................22Workflow Relevant Data...................................................................................................................................46Workflow Script ................................................................................................................ See Process DefinitionWorkflow Service..............................................................................................................See Workflow DomainWorkflow state .......................................................................................................................... See Process StateWorkflow System Data .............................................................................................. See Workflow Control DataWorkflow To-Do List Application........................................................................................See Worklist HandlerWorkflow Tracking.......................................................................................................See Workflow MonitoringWorklist ...........................................................................................................................................................19Worklist Handler ..............................................................................................................................................20