Work Package 5 - Dissemination Work Package 5 - Dissemination P5 has an overall responsibility to...

Post on 26-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Work Package 5 - Dissemination Work Package 5 - Dissemination P5 has an overall responsibility to...

Work Package 5 - Dissemination P5 has an overall responsibility to ensure the timely achievement of

the targets and deliverablesfor this WP – Application form pag- 19

Deliverable number - 15

• Type of outputs / products / results– Promotion and marketing materials

• Delivery date – September 2014 • Delivery date refers to the date by which all such materials will

have been produced and distributed. Intermediate dates are numerous and determined by need to publicize and promote project training courses, website, conference, etc. major items include:

Paper and web-based versions of the course brochure in all EU countries. Available initially in English for two courses delivered within project lifetime

Web-based promotional brochure and introductory guide to project website and its products in the language of each partner, suitable for download, priniting and dissemination.

What needs to be done… What Needs to be done When By Whom State

Produce a leaflet about the RECIPE project in English

Until 10th December 2013 Portuguese Delegation Done Translate the leaflet to each national language of each partner

Until 31st January 2014 All partners Done

Introductory guide to project website and its products in the language of each partner, suitable for download, priniting and dissemination

Until 31st January 2014 Portuguese delegation in dialogue with P1 and then all partners

To do

Paper and web-based versions of course brochure in all EU countries. Available initially in English for two courses delivered within project lifetime

Until 30th November 2014 ? Portuguese delegation in dialogue with P2 Ongoing




Deliverable number - 16

• Type of outputs / products / results– Dissemination Materials

• Delivery date – October 2016 • In English and partners’ languages:• 3 RECIPE -based articles published in refereed and other

academic and professional journals;• 30 Presentations /potential publications at/for conferences

and symposia organised by partners and/or members of their networks;

• 20 Print and Web based publications such as textbook chapters, educational pamphlets and best practice guides based on project products such as course handbooks or other elements.

What needs to be done… What Needs to be done When By Whom State

Write and publish articles, newsletter, press articles , minutes of meetings or other relevant events concerning the project

Since November 2013 until the end of the project

All partners Ongoing

Disseminate and publish articles, newsletter, press articles , minutes of meetings or other relevant events concerning the project

Since November 2013 until the end of the project - (more information on the next slide )

All partners Ongoing

Complete the grid of dissemination activities and send to P5

Since November 2013 until the end of the project (more information on the next slide )

All partners Ongoing


Let’s clarify...

Short articles (In English and partner languages) could be anything with a page or two

- 30 articles / 5 partners = 6 articles per partner 2 articles each year e.g. On the teachers magazine...

Subjects e.g. The state of the art; case studies, finding and conclusions, the work done between or during meetings

• 3 RECIPE -based articles published in refereed and other academic and professional journals;

• 30 Presentations /potential publications at/for conferences and symposia organised by partners and/or members of their networks;

• 20 Print and Web based publications such as textbook chapters, educational pamphlets and best practice guides based on project products such as course handbooks or other elements.


“State of the art” concerning dissemination materials at the end of the 1st year of the

project • According to your feedback...

• No – 2 (?) articles• Dk – 2(?) articles• Gr – 3 articles and presentations • Ir – 5 (?) articles on newspapers • Pt– 3 articles / 2 PowerPoint presentations We are on the target for the first year of the project

We have counted 69 dissemination activities reported by all the partners Suggestion: Maybe we could give more details on the grid of dissemination…


From the minutes of the Copenhagen meeting

9.5 Dissemination activities. Discussion of completed grid from Denmark as a guide for what should be submitted regularly by all partners to the project coordinators. Partners confirmed agreement in Thessaloniki that each one would keep a monthly record in the agreed format as a basis for these submissions.

9.7 Publications, papers and presentations. It was AGREED that this cluster of deliverables would be kept under review, with the State of the Art reviews and Case Study reports used as the basis for major publications.

• See also 3.3. – page 4


Deliverable number - 17

• Type of outputs / products / results– European RECIPE conference

• Delivery date – October 2016 • To present the project's findings and outcomes in

conjunction with key-note speakers and policy makers from the field of education-

• Particular focus on the case-studies and other work within partners’ local networks. Members of the latter will be key participants and co-presenters with the partners providing, inter alia, accounts and analyses of their own experience as RECIPE implementers in schools. Several hundred delegates are expected to attend from across Europe.

• We suggest – we can organize the conference

What needs to be done… What Needs to be done When By Whom State

Paper and web-based versions of course brochure in all EU countries. Available initially in English for two courses delivered within project lifetime

Until 30th November 2014 ? Portuguese delegation in dialogue with P2 Ongoing

Concerning dissemination To do

Concerning dissemination To do


Deliverable number - 18

• Type of outputs / products / results– EU RECIPE website

• Delivery date – October 2016 • « RECIPEs for European Success in reducing ESL » will be a

renewable and sustainable website, publicly available during and after the project's lifetime it is:

1. A means of communication and dissemination linking partners, local networks and their network

2. A resource base for wider and more effective RECIPE implementation

3. An EU-wide forum for discussion and development of RECIPE theory and practice

4. A host for the project and other products for RECIPE support and training

What needs to be done… What Needs to be done When By Whom State

Write a sort description of our organization according to the guidelines (insert also logo and link for your webpage)

Until 31st January 2014 All Partners Done Write suggestions in order to improve the web page and ask to all partners to collaborate sending adequate contributions to the webpage

Until the end of April 2014

Portugal, Norway and next all partners Done *

Introductory guide to project website and its products in the language of each partner

Until 1st of June 2014

All partners To do Find suitable links in English or in your own language about the scope of the project (ONG, best practices, ...)

since January 2014 until the end of the project

All partners Ongoing

* See document in your folders…


From the minutes of the Copenhagen meeting

9.4 Public website

9.4.1 PF reports from Brussels meeting that links should not be used to newspaper articles but scanned in. This will be relevant to the “Recipe in Media” section of the website.

9.4.2 PF also reports from Brussels meeting that public websites should take account of people with special needs. ES responds that wordpress system makes that possible and he will investigate and take action.

9.4.3 Discussion of whether "RECIPE in Media" means enough to the public. There is a danger of confusing readers by downloading verbatim lots of items without clarification or context. It was AGREED that all dissemination items should be uploaded to Fronter to help record all the project’s outputs. However, not all such items need to be put on the public website.

9.4.4 It was AGREED there was no need for minutes from each meeting to be lodged on the public website. A summary and illustrative photos were more appropriate. It was suggested and AGREED that this might be done by the host of each meeting.


Let’s have a look…18

Facebook statistics

• 33 posts • 200 likes mainly from the country of the

partners• Women – 46% ; men 54% • External visitors – From google, personal blog;

PT partner webpage, • An average of 60 views per post.


From the minutes of the Copenhagen meeting

• 9.6 Facebook. It was AGREED that partners would send materials to JPP and that he would consult with co-ordinators on editing and proof-reading


To remember…