Words of My Soul

Post on 03-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Words of My Soul

_ " v1d f?re ,bu\a~-W~ln-~ inZ'>id.t ~ ~QCO~\QQr ~~(O..J... _:__

./ uvn.hl'i\'4 ~-ro\n d h~~ -:- W-oRd~- , ~ · , ~ f'0-J..S~. io_C>~-i-\U---\-\\dl~~ ~ffi..z_ ·O~ol -to htCU. :SC~'(_ tct:h1~ 1-Q{T-cl\i?~ ~ -~~~ \± j-o__~~ ~TQ.G~lr-\~-e.D~ ~1'<\~- -~ '--\\,"n- - -

13ut- ~ ov <:!_0..~'-\___ ~-\'"- -\'1\_&,t ~lf) uJ )'()

5~,~ _L\Cv.J 5cL. -UC\JnQ~ .Jo _ s__~e::\~, 5~ , so~1~ _ _ _ Gex,1 1.~ QaQ t:.O!Nl. '1Jou ~o~od ~Q~ _ w\-Thi<"'

I :U w~ \<5t>U .swee:\- w~~(.).d~ e>~ ~a\R_. _ ·

D()~ U0(.C>tl c.\OJS~ 6.D l]Gu YvLOJ _ ·_ -~ Prnd _Some~_ - ~0-0 'r1 fb\A) T 'm ~Ovr Lo\i~.-~()~ _ ¥)!)ow ~ "!:'~ ~-0JvJ~S '\\ 'iou'<' ~cu-,_ ~ou ~nov ~

-- _____..r;.. - - - - ~ - --

' 'o (d~ l us:.e. ~~s J.&'B: ~ o.Qo(\_Q_ _

sm;n~ +o~ -to ex:_prt~s-~Q.Al~ __ lo ru~cxl~- -\ir11fl~J 5how~ ) ,~-v\\\)now\\ - ;i-- ±o_ s_ha~ ~ 'tnili5cr\b_o..b.h- _ , ~ o wi rL ~~ r Old l O.JI Q.Q.. o ~ _ -\-\\..R.__ ~·; m ~ w Q.:iter F Q...LQ

-- ~ c__QdLn;)_ _sc ~ _ d..Q~r ,.Jrlon-Q.S+ 1 ~ · ~~d.,_ ,+- t0 w,dJLnt-, ~ ~()._~ic ·

- o::>. ~. ·tnc~.-~J~ ~v so 5oP-\ ~ ~ \(\~{;..\~0\~ ~ ~ -k'oJU.... o..nct caurt._ ~ ';)'\-(Q~\)~ \om ~ ctOJds

\\' -\-- \N\~("\Q_ ~e 0ee.Qj~ l .::>c Q~m -- © C..GJ\ -eK \) re.s~ +h..Q_. _'bounds

so ~ , CA.l-- J(o-5'& of wo-rd'S

I fbssi~, ~~ Q~'AV:>"'" '-ta-rn.~ fiK T~\)t\~ tuu(turouS om1---ll.

C. ui .s l t"--\'0 YY\.L ~ _ LD \'fu GUN I~ \)nC.o-nlT-oiQb~ ~so.non o\- _-\-Yu b~ Q.nCj m\rd jlhovq ~tS D t ~0 \~ 0tU T: Q_C}J) (ifrl r~t(}_dl\n~ I ~OS-\-' \-urd~ l" ~ Q})\.ass ·:t-t Is so _ob\Ji003 \ \t~ y_<R) ·r: miSS

~,.x~rr\"~ ot -\h.l ro·10d e_Q.,~~ como~ ~ bo~ v(){ sn ~ -wu~ \l.Qrd~ rend\ oJt ear ~ l-~~+ bo.n:. _o.i.oru..1 un D ~ _

D~ \0~\cu._ Cf\~ ~~ _1 ~~ ~R ~ 0~3- ~Row io-n~ until T' 'm 10 ~ Ox-m"S

IT CQ0 SJLo., 4-ho~ 5~ri~..ti~ ¥ ,Liq\f\ ~ ~·nh J,__av~ \ o.nq ~~

1 I"'a'tl'"'\n_~ QU ~ c~ ~d ~ o.rd mo~ f T COS"\ \)\ etu(:U.. h"' m\r Nl\'()d ~t ~m\..Q J ~j~ , Sll%~~ eroo~ tQKw~ Covu\~ ~cnx -tno-vcants


BJ.c~~ f'i\.~ m\_\\c\ ()ov.J _ _

tx·..u \1\ro ~- --ton·'%\\+ 00ffi.L_now ~- - C~('\., .~ · ~~ 0\)'\- ot- ~ ~Qd

·Th·~ \S who..,-t ~ Q,OJJ.. l~ _ ? _ _ t:>< \~ ~'ts ~ ~ ~ Q.oJl lo<S"t ._


----~- - - .

I And I'JJ ~ ~~ dcu:Jn l~1lli , P\U .'--\\Ja~ .-\-u).rs :r \\\c:l,.-, And r '» 0rr-), ..L.

- ----

_ FoJ~ety__ ~~~ ~\t- .

. 'To cov& up a2J ::-H11s Bh i+ 'N)J! T ~b.er ~ . LO:>rcts to ~. to <crou l Or h+ ~0Uv. VO~CJL ~X wno.:\:_ lS Qru~d?

I kt 'tOJ. C:Qrrt.;t on , i0f0\QH+1 b)~S~NJ.. } 'N'n!JU T \Yl ~~~ )()3\ili , _ fN_c) T::_ ~:,,0_ no \:to~ \'li~ _

, , I'Jo J. oncyx' be_ CCDD~t) ~ b'd dcu\<; <:>1(4s _ J\nd lf'--~, 1:: ('('\~ Joat ~ - ,

f f'l~ Q!lof\w- \)Ctr~ o\; '11\..L Q;,es _

l J~

t- -

l ~

+ --+-:-


xcn ~t ::Jmlh --e-- -:-inoJ~.s ·\(\0\fu ~om ·-1hoj·· S'<Y\\ r \-<,

~ :.:r\ 'o::lr~ yoVY ~s e>YLOL.u 9<-orv-'\ u<tCi.u 'iovr ho.tr = C-0.£\ \'(Y\Q<t\ru. .. -\h.Qt- ~(-\<h. -"I_ y)'(\OW ~ \~ ~ , :tu.)11{\ ~\(\\ w"i-\h QCl)f~­

\)~0(\ QOd dJL~I~ J_\(les)CiJL -~rt. ·,(\ ~au(l 0"'\Gc:l

\\j ca~u 5~ .-\-o ~(\0 00'iYu:tY')I~~ 3'\i:Q~ 5m\~ (\_~ Q~ ~()u ~- \YU.... ~<:>uv \LQ.ad ~\n~ "\'().Q-t 3~\<'IJ~l\\.} D.nd wn C.O\\-\-foj_,a.b-L.. G..ci')e ~~ ~uc.h f \1\e. <:51'\...L 3 ve__ _jlQ.Q.cC1...Q_d +o .Qcv-e_ So (YH.lGh _

Ju~'\- :so~~~ ·r ~~cl ~QV{" \)Q~\a0 A0o ::t, rn~s~\\ ~ c CA.~ 'tr'\ ~~ct...o_

'\hl0 '10 -1-\le '"'"'rYV- LDe d~Y\ '-J> hQ\fe. ta ~\<::h.. ~ .Q1 -\-VIe_ _ -ti~ \" ~e. wor ..9..d CX..r< _bodl_eS eo;J!.I clt.



·r. ~e.d- \\GUC \gg " e:~ ~!(\, () eo rrf\ec...<\ L.O(fu m\~ }:\·~ ~03\- on_ ~~ c~ -+trru....

~JJ.- T \vY"\ h~-\- LD fu.. _{)c:>l..-0 \~ -the. me.xY~Cf'~ 1- a.()d -\hi~ ~h~ln.;..

N6 mo..-1\e.( \J cx.u m()s) ~ ro.me s <2.xo.~ 'fn 't mind -:t ').l CU~s lac_ --\-\\1 <"\~\l[)s._ .o~ 'iouRS

No ffiO-~ ~<:::>~ ffi"'J'\lr cn\·z:z .. JLD.o \i~vrt-~ <:Aoss \'0i;- fU-""th J '_» QQ.,wo..tp ~ -fu_lt\K,\t\~ ~ ~Q.. 1ouch \-\OW _ > ~C"'C_ 1 _.\3 \-\- ~<:5\J oiW~S hMe._ \'AA_ WO-n't\(\~ 0-.tw93 h~ ~ .-¥N0.~'1\& abou-t 'cfu ,


M\(\Q \'5 -~CLQ ) 'Do~ wo~l-r ~~()() T n..Q9_d mo~, 0~0 ~mind To Ca.heh ~ LDim -~ oo~

- ---

I+\s 5o +R.,ue, ao r ~~ hJ.xt I _ knoco T CRQvt ~ouR J..Gve._ -~\~ \)]OJ11::S ex~- J(' ~YL-1: T t -,~ 0--~ ·, Y. T ~d \~ --to 5-u~v1~ ()( r _ wj_,Jj__ - U.)\~ CluJ~ OJJd d\-e -

tLS \\- .So U\\ 'c\.Q__QR(j 0~ ?_ ~ -~D'V~ J..\ \-<.L :.\h \ G?

C,v~ ~c.ond uJr--rtrl ~ou is _().),Ondu2~~

·. "). .

- -

r tAJOcJJd ~- 'fl(\\_ctd\ U)().\\\~ Uf -:.rr '1- _eou.Q.d ol;.D~ wQJ<J.,_ y p -tso cru W~- up to ~r 6m-eU ~ - i(!)Uf' u.XlJ ~ \-\o~d- ¥'M. C),oSL , ~C5U -..QQ\J{_ (Y\.9.- -~'\~

:I JJ.Unt ~ -+o ~nC>w. r~ .love. ~ru fu~ No P~cli~ 16 _a~ -~o.;:;t- and ~oa A.:s ~ov ~W-cli..~ .ffiJL oo~t~ ·lha::t" _-+1 ~ -..too ¥f 1'-0 ~our ~-5

~-1ow ~ 0..0 ~OJ d~ ~-\-' b 0t.0k ln+o ~ - ~OU( --t;-p~ ~ GtS ~C>U b~ 5o 5v.J~ ~ ~C>V( ..J(AfJ~-

i WiBh ·-to ~~ ~ .i~LJ-t ·r don+ wOf\t -~ L0~ lfD 1 1-t-Dw~VJ'W- "'!:" do ~~-s~ _


So .so~+~ 10-To LtJCJU! .to.x~ __ r-+ls f6rL- . on~ ~0\) .-to tLL___~-~~ ~-~ CZ.'Jen -~~ "j:: \JS\B'X ~ ~ ~- _ whok wcrR.9.d -x: J Dve "-aov


~- Ptl;n1umJ --~ -\ ,

{}('cW~ -ID ~

Now --tYGs Qu.>~wAAd~, - ~_u ~e \'& eo~ir~ Vn~ot\~ . Te..QQ_ \Y\JL \..f;O'V co..n '--{)eU \ t -T-oo . De'"' -Si'Y1\....QQ, --t!hcv~h"\'--:5 ~ L.OelUted o..nd W~P.d o o.£.4_

U5e~SS. \-\.~ m\~ Y"O Q ~cm~d vYU?..&S. r 1


~~~ tD _Q_o~ GU.u~ &., -thou~ 1 ~ ci~ not ~in~ o-1. --r1\.L _+ho~+ ov5 CL ~frdl~ ....Qove.

- ---- - -------- ---


~~ 'd- ~eA O~d :t:_ \<now -t'YuL ~CLDJLt _) _ lDC'W.d _ \QQ., Y'r\ \ Y\JL ~

Pts i \' 't;C5D lOOJ.9ol bReoJ< rn~ 'h e.Qfl't:-~ N'cr ~\nd .BT?.~ ~

A-nd ~n'& ser\oU~ d -r: ~now --ThL \o\)e

-you oQvt Por ~ .Jd etno -+nere \ ~ DD ~ ·r d..Q.,~~ ~ o\J d ov dcou--ve. o.n~i:tl'~ o-ou do 9or t'YUL ~

- - -

~ i~ ncthin'b -..Qa.\)-\::, -1u 5eJL t l}J~' ve_ ~ot 80~\~ ~~



- do l+

I-t's obv\ov5 -~-me__--t:11\o~ ~~ V\J(Q()~ - - - - -- ---- - -

~ou\ )\ YlCNV~ \T- L-0\~ ~ur ~~R.B't:.~_ .JovC:

wnQt ; ~ ""!: den'+ \...UG..n +- i-t -t-o e..nc:l?

Ge_T \\--\-1\-T 0\)1 o'f . youR rrE"-~D .

I 1\JLQ.d o...nofuer ~hot

'ou-t- "Th\ ~ l).X)D · -\- su bS1'dJ-

\1\)e ~ (\.Q.()._c\ ~ -the end :C_ need 5evm bo·tf'Jl.Qs oP Fh1e.S

5e._\/tn ) CQ~~Q~\~ \ 5u~\or _ M0vo~ mo~

A--nd \ \ C..CMJ a t:o< _-\-:be roo\'lths Pts m~ ~mt5 Qs -the d~

M~oc -:r: ron ~a_~ ih a- b~n­- BfCo~6"- _ \N8ANE-


~~ ~- \0 ~ _ poSS1\?1P.__ -w~

I _ c:.auJtd bfeo..\>\ _ \-T ~99 __ w '11h 0o u _ \ 9 yev Y\_QJJ _g__ Xl' '-&- h.e_OJ;L:t

wYr\ ah ~ov Q\c)

bv-t :s~\\\R..X:h\ ~ :L~ LJJ\O~

QUid \t' 0 VYUt.

\jJ ::> 0 -1



I" C(UO'+ ·-tQ.kLL_ i:foi5, \!ooes+ bvlls~-+ T 1 '5 So v6ru8 ~tGr Q;Gi ~ . l"o CoJ.Ll QS It ~cYld wer lDO .. vt Qfou~

lr '~r-s~5' ~ -m beL\.VJ£ '-30\.) ~ tJ)ouJ/d [l,.l.ek -r:'m qo\~ To -f;GR Q 6mih

1~c:ccws.t. '-T LD(L()+ us -+D_ ~r-\<\

.5o bCld\y

r don'+ WOU'Vt; -+o h_.or t; I ~,., hG.nd~ ~ e/a·+rcDnl ~

t r-rom ~~ n ·4.:" JLC)\J~ '6ou ') fu-\-1 do ~ov 0~\lit JtavQ_ ~ -too~

0(U.. · rn.o ~ L.0~

. "\\·\,5 c...ov~dl'\ '·+- Jta.s-r ~o'( ~ \J-e.J (Who ~ I -kiddtr::fu

] No lfn~ holD ba.d~ T 'ol U)CUJt- ) +- +o~ '1-\- c....o...n Y\_Q_.l)'if be hou) ·~ :t- 0 ~d +-o

+-I'm t \ n _9..ovc LO"\ +\-"\ yo D ..

-i· +-

o..nd v\ • ('(\ () Q y 50~ \ \- ~oes 'ooih w ~.s

t ::c- ~\-\- ~ ~(\_fL. t \-1ow '<Ylvch \-\- 'n~f t -\h\ S -+i0U-;:r \-n ~o\ ~ -+o 'no.Qct \ ·\- \') CV>d ~Ql<R_ c 5 ·1e

~ -

l JQS+ ~Y' Q._ ~*JLL u:h:VJLL


~ I

\;'NUy~i~ :r do T do W yo<.J C ou 1dl y 0 0 e;.; w be.., so -ih "'i) h t (-;; I ? .

~ y

~ A'\\ 6 tt16 / \ ~~ OJnd -t~ ~ \)orteS\ , Q QJ\ ~ ~ ~~0'

. ~ I ~Q;::t-- ~ , 5--;.; (\-\(t:_ . yoJ I +f-Jn>O

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-:Ttl Q:;t- \ ~ 0 ~ ..

-1 +f-Jr\9 ~~~ ~u l)Y) - ~\~ for ~

c ~i t


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~ --tne- h>ct< o.m T supt?~ -m do ~ e ~~ 0noD\d_ r CA.-~r~ -1\=' Qf'yoD~ dtSCL~ctYV~

i-bne.o ~ ~ \- ID()Jl:!- _To__ 1<-rcw i'fl y --\hcG<(jht5 '?

-r -\-~- 5b- -Eu_arwG _ CD_N_TUSE 0!


when r 'm LD\±'D_ \fa u ~ ~ _.. T ~ee\ m~Ye. v..m~ -+han I _dQ _t).)Det\ T o.xn ___ Qorn.pict~ ~ Mlj~~

---- - ___.

'T ~G:lfV\_Q_o) (1- Jt-OVYt y6U ~~ +\ JQ\N 6 -~tv\ L__IH006.t-t ·;-.s ~N 0 f""6G2-i t-.Je:,S

e... ~s . , a~ 'nov.) ·,-;- vSeu. -rc ;{)~ \>e--n.P~ ~OJ Qlrd. <1U...>

1 '~ 5o - 9Jo ~o.d _Qfld -~\ ~t m..L-

VJ\tn ·the \QVL yov -~\\\t ca\ve _-t-o me II


t LOVE l=hr L.USI

r -tYIQ.;t wa..s du.. oleQd~ TRaoL.... .

l{\5 \ ~ -mue t.l)Q.S o..n op-tiof\ +o hO-Ne.. b:Yth

ttnd sti J..t_ be-- 50 cJoSe....

l ,lhe sm\ \es a.x-e \)a_d ~ n

l f1 \on~ w i-th my emo of\.3

\1<::.+- 1 Pts I -w.y -to k ~ 5 on'D ne d·~ Cof\\1~0.·0~ roy3e-1t -to te 4JI>~ca.L 0- c I \ (C-1\:.n'H i f\~ Q..QJl.., --m CAt "I ~ Por y:D \{) f l \ 0 ~g\CND8HiP 1 , 'But T. CW\ on~ ~·~e:nd. '-fJtY fu . .Qo~

d ~ ·:t=. \'Y\\J()·"\- be- V\J'{On~

£ 0_ - j5r~ Q~ ~00 ~ _ _ _

cLJ B JIOu'Y\..L ('(\JL t- ~e. 4J Q,U~ \s. m~ _ o w n :'! ~ ':) 1 F\-5 T ch::ul~d -m~ wcu.a- 'aw --f)eU- ~or I'YV2...

· f ~ :5-. - N S \J E R ~vr~o5e%~ v f _ ~ ·r-r C.{)..,(\ _ n.Q.,Ve.f be -the u.)~ \1- V5ed ·tD ba.. __ _

E-- . <[) t _ _ _ 'Be"h..0cen LAov o...nd _me. __ _ __ ~f ,- 0

~ _t . ~'l:th o. \Jeo.v'<k ~ !x ernp~ ~~ r ::t '5to.fl-JL b..QOJ\1<-~ into -4k _dOJ~S>S , <il a I mc.re 1s no mo<e ~~<.\e. i" *'nc>se ~

I (.\+ ~()f)-t not w rne

I ~d -r _ b_Q~ rn~

_, ... .

-:[ uJQ5 GoNG

. '--6or ::xJ ~on.~

-r. '\'Y\ not RJLo._c::U.-f-

t>e ca~ Q~ GU-n


-1 :1: \\Q ~ -to 5-\-op c> & 0 -eJ.J f.fy ~ _ vvvy d~

r I -t-h\n~ on\y o~ \\ov :,n ~e.r-o- w~ ~ - Q.r)_ d ~-\" \ .s - Y\0-\- -a\<~

No moR.Q._ ctue5f\ on\~ your \n-te;Yti OT)S "-Jo mo ~ se co'rd ·- ~0:e..SS ,n0 -you-f a. ~Pc 0f\oos

I - t ~ m\\\o\ 10 So ~nd ~~ I Goodbye OtKtd 50 -1o~ ·

lhi.s is rn'O- ~a...(; ~'Ys- GJ\JGV 'OcJV

:[ <f'r) ~ S\G\<. 0~ m~ h_Q~ ~'f-.)~ A-~uS'e-P 0

~o rn~k i ('- :r 'rr--, 4" ~oM 91~ 1~ -+h~ ar ~~ c0vn re.o.ch C1\..Q._ 1·-:r._ \U._Q_cj rn oQQ_ I fu .::r don• +- bccorn.c Q bo~


j ~ •.. ~

~ 1x.. }() ?{o~

- f

1 'f\)GK L ()\J e

l\-1\~ 1'1-s ·,iJ r u:n3 ~ ~rod J :::t've_ \ v w up r l

l t


I LOV& YCJ u wi-+n oJ! -~ ~

-thOJ-t \5 -me \)Q)~~t ~--11) I - . :I do flat wCU~-1- -+o ~c~ ·r do t~ot: w~-t -+o s"to\J fe-eJL{~


·::r: do _ wo....n t--+o .be. --tn u e.. 0br y Q) \J

r de ~ove. '1:Jm;

!J0~1~ So ~ou ~\low . , , case._. '-\- dee&\\'\- ohow

I l-OV6 YO\J

bot i~ ~~tl-S -O~Q~ tou .ru .. scd 1-1- s yourS

'~ l \' ~~ ~rf\...L ~()\.) ~ its yours

tJ c ~ --<l


T. . W-l Jl.Q, u.)o..A, T G\0 j{ 0() ~ QS i + --\-Qs~.e.S .Just- ~ \X) mlf\d

-+'\JOL+ :t: _ I ove__ you

\1 f1/0(p ~

1 AY~ ~- YuCJu:lA


~3 -hJ ~ U)lt{, ~ CJU

I ~~ow ~ bl·~ ~ t %T•s ov£R ~

r f1rd it -enruol _ T

t OLS p~~v~ + Q~ i +-- Oeca-Cvr\_;

lr ive ~o..A"e d ~- J2.ot-J - -l frrd r ~:now l

I _ m3"53_ ~~o ±e.cci'o~ T w\s h %e. _p~ wou...QcL Cjo OLW~

j_ COL0 '-l 5t CLct cl__0-x) o~ d ~

1 Wi 5 'nl n<a T \.0ov-1d h~\l'e.- 1\.l E V£ ~ so.; d '-fhCS!i: 1....20rdS -

fu+ yC)v yov \Scl,.{)_s~ _ _ i \- wou \c\_ \)_~ve \r\o___ppe.t)ed Cu\d_w~

- - - - -\\Ja-'r\\~~G 'I _do

C:,Q)u)d V\~.~, -p me ~ o ver -yaJ

1\ tJ':f /Olp

1 AY~ ~ VuC\UlA

) etcfle.s +a be_. colih ~ru l=r .K\>00-) ~ bi-t-te.r~ ~ t IT•.S OV€R.

~ . -Ard ~ t -enrud OLS p~~v~ f Q5 i +- be~Q.r\.., .

l:r ive ~cu--ne d ~- _Qo+-

!T A H STKoNG l b'bbVVV'VVP~ I 1


X_ m\ '55 _ J_~ou :t-CLci 0~ - --T w\sh -+De _p~ wouJl<L Cjo OLW~

-L COU"\_1 -t 0~ cut d_ _Qn oitvu- d ~ -

tJJr 5\\~()~- T u.Javld ho..\Jt t\J EVER so...Zd '-fh_c~ \...LOrdS

~+ y ov -yov \5-d.P_s~ _ I\- wou \d \lo.__ve V\Q.\)per,ed DJ\d w~ ~ -

-\\l<Yt"\ \'J_(? _'I _do

CQ)u)d_ V\~.p rne ~ over yoJ - - --- -

·~ w\l~ ycl) _ 0t1~ hQve my ~o...rt

_ Wh00t_ 1 D ~-fO·,n_Z: _·tP- wOJ<\nt[} up. _ _

1 'To .5~ -me d~ OLW~

_ Wculd b;:: 5o mu~ 6-e::fre.r fhon paln,

me. Of\~ -thih<j :r ho._ve.., ' [ _ \'5 tQ.,m I~

[ND _ ~ G-xn no"tt \~\t~ Pcr-wOu'"d -to

~ I -+RU~ wou.Qd hCAV6

NOT\-t-\NG ~Y \;Y:.Ae yo m , e ec - 'l· 9-~ -

- 1 'Be.C0-0~ I W ·e. yov my reo.r~ t .:X,0)

_ ~ _ cwd yov _wort+ ~~ve ;~ hruc.~ ___ _ -

~- fr\OS 'io ~ ~ ·-rn ~'~ ~Pe_

-- r - ?\m~ \tl -t\1ere be me~

1I doY"\\-\- wo.-nt- -in be Jon~ _ r do"01 -t WO •. .cy\- -\-o ~c:> bQC\<. -\-o lJ.)ish'\V)ca :I" hod -tha..+

t 'Bu·\ NOW rT'.s _V\JoR36 J

[ ~CCLUSL :t: d\d ha\Je -tho:/t ~ fb(' -\co $Jo't t _ Cl. ·-t\ me.


- -ft \ -:-fus:.re_ \ S kP-+ ·t S _ =t-e_ b-e- cold

____ cinci a..Qo~ .

_HOPG L eP-\- +o -+he- do.__,rt< g;~~.e:::;-~

- - -

p:_ s\\ou\d \'l.o.\f<- k\'nowY"\ ts., 6' ~ yo'-' ~~ -¥-~ -

~X.Qe;t~ now fu -~()r'C) _ VYve.- _

<2-o\d-; b,·t+tr- - - -

-~ -

, _


? eQ P- Ob8or8e.d ~ ~ :r:_ -t"QJ k OLbou+ Is YYUL ~ :n Y f'ecl-1 rc,-s ;y ~rYlfl~ -\-d \ VYu- --to p 1e.a Se_ shu +- up

- - - --

- I'd Cj1ve o.n\),-th'()9r -to ro\}e xou Pw ~~J ~ Wha.;t mQdsL \'"\ oJ::9- c.hCU~_~ ·

1 w~ dor. ':\- 'fJD0 re.ct --'<'N:.. ""'~ ( 1 0-.()d why wou\dr'l'+ yoy just -\-e.\\ me..

~~ \A)Q':') i+- YY)e.. ~ i -r+ m0st ho.~ beeA

f ii cou~d hlve.r be- ijcod ettCJD<Qh Par you.

4I u.XlS who LJou v..:>cut-k..d me.. +o be-1When ·.:r: no \en coer cou \ol be --\ho.+ Por you

You CJJO-~ up _ L1 KQ.. ·~0u rlQV€- ~ad . ti\OU<Q~ I _ -€J.JU L-()C>s\::::t-e.d \..0QS your \eve.

lher-e'5 no w~ d~ ~\lo~\n-~ I Wh.o.;t ~ce3 O\\ \'\\S\Cl.L '-\hcu rua.d e~ ycnxs

[13u+ T '..U.. a.lW¥ 1.D00d..Jv •• -

' I _ wro.ts so


t . ft ~~e\ Q~ -\hou~Y\ :[ Co:.~ \le.Are..v 1 ove QJ~Y\


-::::- 1)1 bro~ dow("), ·-h~d ( and weo...~

Torn ~\-Th :0\-\i-ti(\Q.~~ o..nd -'?~ <au-e T co..n \+ mo..~ '-0cu J..ove_ -u'YUL-

k\rd no m ~e..,r nol.0 X -T:v-J\8"\- "(Y) y wc:rrds yav \..1-.)t \\ V\..U..)_ec._ res~nd -roc__ ~ :r w) s h. y 0 u i.£XJul..d Jvs-\ re yoo...J sca;.d fho:* \s w\-ro yov .~

j Nesvu- -tt> ~ v\) , Q..1.J..u ~s o.._ . C()O i ·1+€.-r So you CjO.\Je._ vp 011 ou..- \c vq_

G>0'v·\- ~e . .\ \cr ~ 1_ e5(JeCHAJ \ \) Po r me..

T f>r-C:Tt.nd ye>-> \J-)i \\ 'i-Q..\ k -\-o nc C!>l)e_ o9 yovr Pee {t "§s "Eeca...use you wov\dn~-t +n\\<. -To ~

13-v -t -\he -tt-0-\--\-r ~ vr 1-S

L ovG h0ri-S } -this \'5 ·-\he mo~+ po.:(')~l e:x~1en<:.a­my _ heo..c~ has~e\1-u hQd -to endure.

'1\Jex-e 'iS (JC oore f\t'\y rebound co.nnc:rr co~ c:.\oSe. -tc you

11:- could sea..rch -:Yne whc\e LA.)cv- ld ~rou<ah

j ~ ne\/er ~ ~~d G..\\o-tbe.L you +-t3ot :r u.i1t\ 5--top -+el\i~ yov Ot your pe('~c;bionS

I 'I+ 5Q.a...rnS -+h~ on t y u:>~ T _ eNQJ ~Qd you WCtS when ::I: d \dn ~--\= •

When.. :r f>"VBhed you OJ..U~.

1\nc_ en \ y- -.h rrve.. :I:_ e.Nef ~ad you J

You UJUe._ n e. \1 e.r o (\ my rn'\ '<1d o..nd you L.Ue<"tn-' ·+ m;"f'le .

5: · : :: ~u 'no.d o.ny ~ +o bo..ve_ yo o~o.: _ -e. -To nevu na..ve.. 'r)Qd you


r whctt h{)JV-{ . r <j9f ~ to .SLivc ~? A 8;ivre... :L" 1m Ut\Su-e oP? T4J J:

1m GlLV~-S %v\~ in ---tN_ fUSt" tD~ ~~ ~ 02JL_ -

0 ~ 9o'lrcr on -tn --11-u ~0 ture._.


r p i 1-- LAl)S ~ \. ·" Pur \'i1 y beQJ eos Cln()l VY\~ v/JG..Yh i~

T bf 010( _ ~~3


1Y) ~Qd you~ + w~~~

- -

N i a -to -h'now '--lh:vr a~ I- h--,_ ~i "(f--- ~

~ovrt ho.. vi no- ~ [ -+lm-t o~ _your Jl k

hnQn k'S 1Jor '-fhe _ 1\f\ i P€

y6u ~ dig~y· ,_0 1nt-c

-- ----fh () rA .. . ~ ~ + UJeJ -~l u ~~- \UC\_ _ -~

C1ff _ OW£_-

- -- ___._ -- -

'?\~Q5R- l.(X)n ' ~ _ you ~\ \\ J'A.Q..? L·~tt£~.. Ta+<..q_ - 'R EFt L -Kn'\ ~- j"Q _my hecv+. It-·(1 Pe--e.JL_ .5c) m0ci) be+i-e.r - bjc.. when 1~ wo~ over\ = te. ove.r. I woo \deY-\- ho.\le t-o ~-e.Jl. _.~~-f'YIO(e. T why de>()'~ YO L} <:.~ ~ p \{Xl3R.,.) 4? 'm

.._,_..~'"'-...~ !j you ) \ ~- '-\-het"e _u.JQ0 ~~~n~ ~,f\ - - -to do riW'+·.~ ~d my m\~

-ro -\ G HT

--·- -_ _Z)

- £ Q..._

ct -f:?

B :>v E


{J \)

~ '4.1

CJ \ 0 _j

0 - (J

- \ _-

¥ Q--


To brectk n_ ~oo.so.nd h..e_o.r-1-.s 5~er- ~ m, {lion ~u~

·-tto:\':s +he only u.Jc-u.c -to h.eQ.Q....

t 'Teo_r .,,+ cot-, o..nd ~mr-np v \o \er,1" ~ t . ~u--ti) JULSS~ ·1 ~ ~\nd~ o(2~ i~t- baok ~ ~ WOJ-k'il<j CluJ~ - k\now\n5\ O'D''J txun

feeQ\n~ on \y polK _

::t:-1'.s_? vYnJch ~o..sle:x· -t-o d.Qsnoy 0-.. )'t.Q~+­'~ you Yn\Jetll~ one oP your OL0f\

\-\ucnex--G-~ \ t \S . ~ c e

·-t\-u.:t I ca.n t \- - Rno\ o.rty heort·S> '-To brco. k

-i -\-\ieee ase_ no l}eOJ-1--S -to ~ -i<JL

- - a

- 'j r


\hue u), \\ bG -these ~s 1 When ·:r: :Ih\n~ o9 me o..nd. ycu t ·+no~ \)\ 0-Nre 6 ~ \)oJ. n 00 1 -to 5e..L

'lhexe w ", \\ _ be d~s ..Q\\<'e -this LDhen I l('eo.JL·,~e who..-T T do. a.nd de

wi-th_ wee-kends rv I\ 0 (] e-VY'L{Yty hopes "I: 'rlAV6 ·+o .puS~ ""fu('ou~h

-~ ~ +hrou~ QC' ..

·-+here 'i ~ NO KOR E ''me OJid you 11

I ~s ~~- h<:NU <j~'"O.S()i~ ~s wQJ..n\n~- -Forever ..Q.Q.o_rni~ _

·-r_ n evve to Sin{) +he~ ·-thcD'Z) hi"S 7



&:re ye;v ~ IQ:.{)"'y' • ')

de you ln\53 h>e. '")

why sho0\cl r ca.("e .

who we yoo u..;;·, \b~ A • 0 ') ue yo\) i~ilrd( ov me.

wil-y S~Q\.) \d I CO..fe '""?

\f\1 \-\ y? +-here's ho v~ -+R,y'\n~ ·+c tr.03e you

Du we.x:.e Q . fX:U+ o ~ rn y .JU (?e. ) _

Q 5()\endid merno1y S~net\meS J: \..0\Sh ·-thQ.,i' ~n· -\- all you O...re +c k

you meo...nt- BO rn uch w ~

- ~ = re ~ -\-c ~ocs e:-r- you --YrO;i.o 0+ I. u:>i \\ movt:. on~~ _

-ee..p yov on 'Y \ n rn y rnc.rn o< ~ e-S ~e s no _ x-oo""' i\"'1 ---1-h~ 'n..e.w T" o ~ rn ;~

ri ed --0\ ~6 \'0\.)oh ~ ~

- I .

: 9-\'~\0 (p

} \1\Jho. t does 0he no..ve.. ---thQt r danf~7

1 N h y C ()J) --\-h \n<jS \[\)Or I< Oll <f fbv- her •. .




__)Dst o.:s T 2? --thro~h 'hell?

'f\[\O...y be - ·\r; I c I U.:Oo ' -\- LCO. -<.::


r '11 U)Q\<.e_ up 6m\ \\~

\\o. 0 Q 0

now ~e..re's t:;t::>me+h~n5 e\~

--thCL -t ;r co.n·-t en 'J~s\cn -

Je>St- -..Q\~ VYJQ\<.·,rt ~ ~-D.SCV\~ ~<W~-t:.S LV )+hoD~ yov \I\ ---\h~ ,

~\\9\0le r hO..ve no (eQSOn +o took PorwOJd Noth~ rt;_J to look rorLLDJ"d ·-t-o \)Jhat-.s ·fue _ ~10t in -th·13 J21 Pe... Tr _ f:N.txy rnocn\n~ I u.n~ l.)-P

w\5nl ·~ I neJe-r did A-nd wery Y' f ~~

X CLUJ cU---t- -me -+101e whEY~ .r l m Jon~ 3d~ t='"Qded QW~ ... ~ o. 9JbconcJoUS rn'"qyj

''Ii s --tY-ie o eo.c..e_ r co..n. Ard Aw~ ~ . s _A/. {:e

+ W\+h o s ---- ()__(\ y

~Qm) y \-tow w = e:.x_pecttd +o speQk a9 love.. \.0\le.n = o.. e no ·'nED..-r \- -to \ave- wi~

~ 0

- .... _ da..un '+hi.SrL -+h:lU(J~rts 0--- ~---..,~ -To e~. my heo.d

Lac~ c =- eJCj_"/ ~~ . etr~~ . I Y1l ---:." '- r 1 t at ~ Wit- t6 ~fQQK

c Or

- ~ J"" 0 To() \...).)€; Q" = {)..ffi cUOf\Q..

Cr\_Q__ :To CQl\ my~ Owf)

..... e~ -r-ews s QW o.-a --thJL_ ~fun s-- Qn

m-y eN€.c .b..JJ.Jtidi~

l\~t - {7

\i~'rvt h<DW- it 'ol De, Ylic(; -+o -er QSQ.__ i'Y1..Q.AYI c9 n~ e ~ o P Yjou- I ~oxe ~~s ~'(\ ~

-- - -

"D(o~ dow0 'h00~ry_ Foe youc o.n d n () w~ -ro <--().e.ed i t- ''

i o \Je..

~I e<.uid .\<i~ Q m<\\ion iJUYS, t o.nd l'leve.r \l~ve..., ·-the h(~ \ N,S-3 ·x 1 w~ t\1 S81'n ettiO('c

wh~ ~r<.i SS i f\5- ~ _

~e-r & d~ i¥Lto , " ..

DE FF<£SS ToN?_ -

:I ~a,n L t- P ee.Q__ OJ\lj Lh \ ~ but p~

t5t<Y'd\"~ ~ohe -mt\f() yo\Y n~ Ql<\~ sv\?R:J\N(r ..

0~'Y9u 'rt cxu-zy . .. a .. I r

- ~.. \J \.l b /( J- ·,, ,, n. '' - o. ov\-- y~v


tiT~\~ -m you _ _ ~­

Pr only mm<-es me _ l:f:eL Wo(SQ.. ~ · 5 \jOU -CjO 0 ut- _ --

~Q_\1€_ tiL~ _ t\vn.Q, o9 _ ~ovr Li 1J ~ _ no wocc_Le3- oc c o__r::es_o~ my P e_~ ~s _ w~_ o.J.t r · -e ~Q)t ~-+ ~ ---tYu_~ ---thOUSj h T.:S 0 p yo ll

Ob\1\ QUS \ y y cu OJ.)._Q_.(l'-\- \)e.r ~ec0t £ut r uJ0..3 dQ.Q.o..xni~ _you w~ ~~~d.l ~ you -mouz/>t_op rYVL _

QS I --ttx:x_)~ _a~ you

-rheK"<:'5 n.o ho\dinCj -you down no \Jo\dln<J you bQCck.

fore do...ca-- r JLQ.. \'Y")O~ a"_ ~-.

i OJJd 2:: _Q_Q_ ~ 8\\0'it - - - -

'50+ c- -tore _:\(\TO my Bo_u~- _

w-d = r\Qped ou+-- my- heQfJ-- tor yo u yeo_h "~ s true

OYlci K no (}) i v:t {hoi vvJ thJ--( () p 03

- - -- - - -

dJs_efved 'ttLL o~

~~.~~~~~--~--~~~==~~ 5o \coLD


.f [ ~ \IJ-o\D{p cc. . ~ &c __ + ---_ _ j V\J YlO.iT i 5 -t-he fP' (\ t-.

: if) Woh\n~ U\) eJ.Juy mornV"Llj- w\Sh'~ r hodn~ +-c o- I LooK\~. ro<"u.:>a..rd a Qj I Or'! ~ {)uture :C don~t hcx\/e cf. Insecur\tle3- r 1m So uosv{'e t H I e..QJL rY\.sL ~ e. :s · Q cure...

J2 == ~ t Wha.:t \5 JUvtr:a- \~ . T 'm no+ -h'v~ JUv~~ -.E~ 1 Yov co_nno~ §J. ve. v,:) o 0-t- \ave.. .

3 ·- t Love 0o\( f\~e. PeAs.&\ o(l ~of \


, ~e ~ J~ ca.n - D-L \LQcvd

~ \0~ e-m·\ \e. c..~l +- be_ ~ '-- ~\ ·~ J: \rn eX \)fe.&S- e_

'= c::::::: -to s~ -1"\ - -


\-\ow OJn I \)eeQJnc -dow)) CLn d ) C>\.0 -

Lon~ ~d a-nra_;_

No cuve_


on\y deo:th .... .. ·fu.e. eu.ey u:>o..:y o1 .. Yt" ..... ..

--the t'le.vu end~~ s\umlber

I C().{'") on\~ <)reo..,{'('\ <J-b60+

- -

_ I \"-you QJ.W~s hO.Jv'.£_ CL Cj0od --\\me.'1


-- -_ yeClh- '(exnember __me _-\ha-T _w~ _ llo .s~0~ _eouJ.. j-od~ __

Jv0\- 0.. ~())JQ.n Q.L..nd _ Q em\ \e. __ ·T~ \)0~ 0 ~ 0

\S - _--to -~-ee..Q__ 'ih~10 bJJ"j<S-3

Lcs- y \'J\\N_D ~ - _ . ~ \\-1€-_ G _OO_D _T}i--16S

- -

~has'"' ,.._.... ·"neJrYJor\ es _ ~ a._w ~ aJ.i _ -t-h0SL ;flj ~0~~~

~ ~- -~ i. -, - --~t-~ -Hl\1~

-thiS is \i\J\n~ ~ _ _ _

-p~.._~ "· · ~ ~. mo.~. 'the ~t- 0~ _L0h1t- :L 3ot :r. -Know 1-T ~-S a_ /.ot _

Jhis 5· . e Q,/n' t- PCL-ke -Jn:s ~~ \\ker_\~ .:h< ue

_ bot 9or ~,.- b1\e~ \'YOYY\_Q_n:t \+ 0-top.s -

-+ ___ Q)J_ r do ;s --th iq K of -+


do T ~-ve_ -th18 <~ ·--rnou~hts oP Soie10C..

1 wha..;t , rtCAJvf.t -t-' 9JOT +o i ~~ ~ ·t ,. -r ve ~oS-F- m\1 m-v~ __

I ~ I . I

~1 - e-t.. +hov(\nts o9 Su1c\ill

~3: 10\ s o(" pM~ -th.o.,~ +eo.x-s Q.Ken t+ '(ec(

"I've 9ot no-1\riln<(J 0J1d eJJery\hin5 -tt, h as.. t & -tho\.xz}\ 1-s o9 su \ c) ctsL L l G\ve rn e _ 5ovnJL -til i~ _ 1-D . QR.t hLQ._ b / t g ~ + me \.J hi 3 W i ~ rne ()J)yw\lexe but- here 1 LAJ .. t-til -H>e~

*" e.'\Je.<y-Kme I wa..\<.e ur · W'15'il\o:J T \--)QQ\'1'-\- &_ Wonder\~ wby ~'m here*

.!:)'~( cund eo'ct

- b\OtC,~ ~ -b\+tet

c'f(Q(- uJ\~- Q.,u.)~ -the_~&-

J T- .Str\\ \\f!~- it '..s on'y ?oi~ :r\n \l\d\~

In drea..xni 'L~ ffiu e ()f't':- no ~-ern-e-G'_es _

~" u .(?~ i~ NDJ er u..X)..,kt~ s.e..u__.p. ~ lh...a..... 1"\\nd w~ y0u w~ .vp wonole...r• ~ .. ., .... \\ \Nho Qrrl ·:r:: 'N"'~ ()_,rrt r? u

'Pcun 1.5 b\i rd fn<J my -+haV<J h+s lA.)o..Q.~ ~ '\ (\ ~ dQ -z..e. J cxa. 2-e.cL d..£QO( No 5M\\e3 ) no \~t,~f hO ·tea...r-s

jsere 0--mln~ .3onc~/~ u ~ \ my +h,rOCX;t" burn-s fD ~ow f)\~ my C> pa.ln Q..r-) ol So r- r o""<-0 LA.) i ·t-\r) QA.}t,S i · \)()I SQ.. ; C>..r\ ~

'1)o(\l.t roc~ -+Y\JL '-f>c ~: bJm-S -+ru CLnter ~p~


--n-u_, one r COJ\ c.A!oo Se... - o re

0 r JlJ.:t i +- co '08DCY"\.L 'fYl. y e-. "" ""e~ """ l Le,ffi~ .~o oP o..u +Y\o\JO . ...c: = _ 1 - ~~ CAo c:.~ ~ c__.

pJ~h:1- ~ ~ ~ &.A~ ~ 0()~ 9u- -e..::::. - ~ e.,Y)·( 0Ql.Lr

D~ -+f) e_ 9 ...QQo.s o.. b--t:..

.-th~ '-J\S'h-e ~

[I~ _you -+n .. , f\ \< -;-\t""Du~h·i-S -I :Jre.n_ -they con&.,--.,-·~ eNery:'thk~ you QJ1::

t-\1 ex-ym\n~ i5 rne...n+QQ....., phys\coJL o...r.ot. evnot{cno.SL

\)C\.ln~ &. p~Q,SUv-cF~ -

I :+:'\' \ ~ oJ_R__,

~, l'l you r_ \-u~

·:c 'I\ Jlli:>..rr-. +o no+ toe_ ~ express!~

12.1 )o(f> T? <?()~ your oovl.) rno~e_r

2 :r: 'rt'\ on\y dici~- bot" :r '11 Srn\\e ·- _\r oLJ .

I iV\~_QQ...reo._cty odm~1ifed -t-h,e. obvioUS ::C'IL n.vv_u_ ?fX aver you

~o m~v- how ha...cd T rn~ ~ I CCA>\d 'f\9..).)if Gt"op \o'V\ ~ you

j - -

f\_ bvr n -=- oo m u 0.1\) heoJL i-rS er

. j L-£As·n~ CLnd sca...rri~ Cuts~ ·too me~S)! 1 wa ~ ·A- b0r~ \S .SYYJOC~ j a._.r-,d -\-he.. heQit

lhe.Prrt:. :r: C. OJ"\ \eJl~ -tc +he:. ~\('e..;

A- c..u t- is j u8T e \1 c:Jn~ po...A._f'\

~ --~on~ &V R~~~~. · · -~ -~"--' - - -

"1·t 5c.ho'lcl-u..S ~ e',-\\~ . ...Qj~ o.. NLAJ-e¥ md\ 1\~ ~ \ ~ _

S\J e.ry ·t\ ~ '\-\- ~c:., au o¥e.r -s _h-Q, Q:.t: --rY'tL bu\(\ <:.AJC'f\.Q.,~ _bQQ k ~·v-e_,_

t1Yld -+\\e.. ~'50-:Ai 00 ..Q.A \<-o.. n c

£) r with a: B car Ou~ ~f.;: 1 p~n \e&S

,... r ' L \ oc ~\ \'\.Q., - ,,

~- Ov C.OJ\ -~~\~--w~"l\-e d\e)~ ~t~ -- CQ\\ a._ b\CL~ -1-or+uCLd SOO\ -b'% =.... ~-- co.J,\ a._ 5'\DC)\(')...Q..r f~ e('f'l\)iy h-R...O-At- --61r'\JL

~'.T '"' p ~ ::= l '~ ·fu-c_g_ Q 0~ i \e H"lo\dn

.... .......,..._...~ -\-() Cot"rt ~t- y_QJJr w~rry





\\ 5\\t yo-v~ v-'rt~ts and ~le Q whore,_ I o \l'e. -to \ o\Je_ -m \o\Je ,,w hD.Jt- y(])u GLdore 11

0 <0

I I rn eN u~-fu'\ n~ ~ \ ;-e e.u -ex- d re()JY'\.Q_(j I md ye+ 'l\cnhin'2l r wu t>Jou<tm' to t:e

15 c:S v


f Nothi n<j v.J\ II C)n~ "(") '6 (1) i rlfl Qu.JCUS-€, X\) \CSS \ Of\S -infO <.JO ~ eD..J"y)_j A-0d phys\ca..L ~\9lcts

)/. c)

'd -~ >-- -c ()eovten up ~ ?-- r-~ -42..1)

"~. \o"fu\~d) b~ed) ~r\ ::_-r~of 6 r : ~ only ~ -rc s- s 40

; f ~\ ::C 'rn 'iJL? ct:.a.d o P . ~ ci..9_q "

-I-' 0 c

:L ·~eed '--- e Lp I I j j1

I 'need O­J 50 t")l,e ("'ne£\ To._)._ 8-~ ~ '-' _;_ Gt.A'\)(:)

I. c::.()Jl l -\- '-tClK J.- ~ 0

- ~0 ~ ~re&J 1 \-\ow CUo.d = !.L ~ t flB\~

I 5GR ~ -A \v s ~ill ('tu!_ ~

l '50Jn \hi ~-l-0 rvv... up

. L~ore..vev ~~h"hn~ -t\'\..Q_ ~r9f ~ er\d I I

l -I .

~D\\\ ~ ne)Lj) -7e 0Wl 'fYl\j Q CU\01 ~oln

~~ ;:::;- --

\\ Fo(ce~ myse\ ~ -th\Cu<j h GJ)o~ dOJ..f '' _ - -

\\.Dili\<. e>;e:3 \ Q( e you joo-\- \) Ke.. ·~ ( f l

'lT '(ll ~v-O:~d --Tc be ruohe- %(o1d -10 Cofa\.Q., ba_c,K horYUL 11

_ __ ·

- - -\J\Jo~ up O.<?\fu" w"\-\"h ~o.~ fee\\~ ~()·~ r~embe< -\he. \a.s+ -n('()e w~ -r a\~n'-T .. wn.ke ~ w\-th -Th' s ~o3h+ lh'o unje, ~ce_\\X:?\ - \ dea\~ ·To tO.de..- Qu)~ tn'-1-t> -the __ deQ:itb_ o~ v-nE>->

A-~~' eXJov<jh o0 ~ vh'~-~ burr!\ V!ur '\-~ ho_ \o~_e:r _

13u-\- do~~ '--\\)~ ('()Q.\<.L '\'YU_ OJn~ Bt-ro~-:: -

X.im scru---e.d ah·\-t-JlQ.5s 1XlS\d.JL O\- whQ;t .:r:. COJl do -to m\)s~

;JooK -CJX-ihis sKJrL :e \0~ ~rodr rJ 0Jifyo0-e d~

- , ..... _,.n no one- - no--lhl~- fuc:;U_ CU.O~

y ~+- wj~ -o 0

~ -tw iO'kd dw -t< '-fml[Jhts


~~ ~~o-F ~CUAb.o... ---t\rvL Q)rn'\ ~ ~.. CUK- o_ sccv--G~--r: I A- ~\ ·n_d.u-- 0 - ~~ o..e_o.;;t:h_ -

§ L'i Q..n Opvl ccr _

1i l T don :uvt- ~Js -

5 r CCLn. + e-t-o.n d ---t'\u... pcUn ~ t who.:;t _ moct:.. \8 a..._ ovt- l( o.._ burr\.

c 0

- 15

- ' -1-

jGod Sa.ve my s:>u) + L \Y\ y 81n r~i ~ 1-)a,s dQrrit\..WI' Y'Y\.L fo fu_Qt


I doQ' \- wCLnt- to ore-t-erd to b-e h~ _ u ~ V\}~ "t n ~) ru, ::r. l YYJ ·\ n '\f\ y _ _ow t.\ h -eJUl _ ~ ~ ~~ ~"i ppedl o.._.p:u-T b'ij bi ttor m~r~ es_

~ a <G vex y IJr\2... Yl c:rt\ ~0 Q ---6 o..A<Q_,_ 5 rni \ e ~~ - - e. 0-- dvt~-Pex'-a.:te J QU_~ -

~(l; ,wh.v! _-\-he ~0 ~o\\5't-oJ-l\-_ ono1 -()Odl~ ' R I - -~ Cl' r::c COJ()~T ~ ~- ~ec>K ~orl9_ 'fr, ~ ~ ~ ~ DiJ(Q.jd) ovO u.)h~ ~~· 1\ _ 5eJL in m.st-

:C can ~+- _h )dJl_, bel~ . ex pcescnve 0

- - -

IA.f\Shrv~ ~ l.J.)ilS sorn.d:hl~ ~ mo. k i+ s~ - - - vno. \<.Q. ) t- b4-tte/'

.bv+ +he_ -lyuth \S --rbexe'o" ncih\~

- -

~~ \Yl'\rd \'5 - so a"tron~ _ -rhCXJt- _.:r ~m _ \'y)O..K\\'l<j D'-Y be~ y~8 \ck

~ \~e is. -~Q -t)~l~T .=___ -- - -

bur nat- one -\hQX.- _ ·:L \YY) ~jcyi'~

- -- ---r Qrl ' t- :r e){cx;~ ·,\- fer

5D~\~ e_Qse_.. -

5 } c.o..n • ~ e-t-o..n d -ttuL poU,n .1- , w h o.::t, m o ~~ i 3 o._ c v t- .(, <A bur"

c 0

- "t5



/God Save rny .:bv\

+ -tny 81nn\ ~ lio.~ d~ ~. 1-o ~

- -I doQ! \- - WCLoT -to ore t-e.r-x) to b-e ho..wy -

2: V\j\\Ln ~t n 5) d..L X. 'YYI · t n _ 'r<'- y _ow\"'\-. h ·e.QJL _

' 8._ ~~ (i ppedl avp::u-T b'll bi ttur me.;rrorl e.s -

<'G vex y (YI\9- _ Y1 0t\ tt0 Q _ ~ aA<Q.. 5 m 1 \ e _ - e. ()._ Qt..s w o._:;t-e J QU_~ -

wh.ul -+he ~0 ~ o\\GTCU'J r _ OJJo1 -6aa7"'&


iA.lish,~ -t\'urt LJJO.S sorru:t\1\~ -'l1l ma ~ i+ s~ · - - . - VhQ \<.Q_ ) j- b4tte/

bv+ +he -Tyuth \S ~e'o nc'l"h1~ -

X 'm 86 co\d Co\C~\<XQ.. -

K~ m'\r-d \5 so e-rronG\ ~ex;t- _.:r l ~ - V"y')QK \ "l<:j D\ y bo ~ y 8 \c+(

~ I~L iS' fl ~)~-)-- :_ -- - -bur no\- cne ~a.±- "I\Yl) ~jcy~"~ -

.:sc r Q.y)' +- -:r- ~xcJn~ ·,.r- fdr 50~ .. ,~ dse..-



I '?J \8 \O'P

·1 QjJ . 5he ~~~ ~~d V\J_Q3 ·to be . ..Qoved QS sh_Q__ Qo vsc{


uJGtS "1 t S o CYI.Q..:tY\ i ~ :::C Snou\d -t-r"eO..Su·rt_. ~

101\\y -fuo~ li.S ~ QQ.Wcwgs -+hoo(Jhts

oP hlvYL -I .

yes - VLl tJ\-1

Y\0 more di re._c;t ~

0 ....c-3


Is ir_.poss\b\e +o d·1e o~ 0- bro~o w~t: LO \tin j n ---t-h...e_, CAl d (I ., "

~ It ?- ee.!LS ~K.t. - your who i-€ LUorl 0{

\1 QlS_ F a..A·1 ~ Oc-pOJrt--­-rru._ end oC o._ JJ--/)e you .Q.cveq

teiJ _me you Peel 1 r +o - +e 1) Y'Y"tR_. ·yo_u Pee I p a11\. C,od -Kn 01.03 ,-.-.. 'v~ ~d:t my Sh~

1_±- dotsn 1 t ~ -6a...tr-O- d~ o.nd y Ouc Ov-e.J \'1UL. _

a.. ~o..x t.. "1: 'J\ s·T\ \\ ~ -tn\f\f<\nS o8 you ::! ~~ ~ .-rru~

_ I C:.l)._.yt t'1JLU e.Y -~- v0 i-th you TeCDrs R 'fYVL wi-th CLn<ju'\~\) &. re.~ ~ c F -=r c.ou \d..- erOSJL -=ttvL pcu .. l)

().)ncJ.._ no+ dreOAn oP your -SW~ PaCQ.. · yo r ~O.,cJ~\\oq ¥S-=- GU~d _Qov~ .J.O.Jxjn-~

l till YJUL you m is'S Y'rL.L ·too ~ 1 o yeo --thin~< o_{2 (Y\_Q,~


E 8-

- don I +- -t-e \ {Y\_Q... ~ 0-..rlS~-e.- ·t 0.\ re a..dt y h new -=t:-+' 5 _ NO

:1: coo\d (\_Q_jJfJ \a~- a.no-tha...r T ·~,_;..)\\ \ 'f\..Q)...) Q.r _\C) I)Q_ Q..x)O~

I V\fl\\ no-t ·th)n\<. or , .. . ...Qove.. I mvS-+ S-top -\t·\'~\"6 Gp ydl) ~-

f I-t 's bet-teL not- +o ~t.Ie- Y\'LL oiovu.. do you ~ --u ho..;t. :t: c Q..n _do -to VY\.L

(/) L\\Q --thJ2. -1-oiurt:. ':t:" Pe.Lt inSidJL r brt~ 1 T ov+ ~ I c..o...n handJJ.L 5d m u ch ~WnaJ. pa..i/l J. ~ To hi.~.{> ril.L Porwt -\tt.t, ¥ill() ln m~ Yu..Qd CD 0-- J~ <:.ut- \n my h.w..r-1- 1 ~ burn \1') my 800 )

\ D ;-nu d..R..,Qd ·~ ~S oo+ o9 m..L

ll-i\'.L ~ s-re.ncJn o~ a.. ~Gndti 1\ oP wag-\-€..

~ .f L.ur':>W '1s my VJ~<y-th~~ whw H- ca~ -to f'QQCz

~ C(l 11'\lled wi-th ~~ -lhoCX)i"-1+-S o~ gore d -+ B\eedin!j bvrnl~ rc 0~ ou+- -toor+ure..

~ 5CKeo..m~no. ') o..nd ~ w \\l bR.. blLij~ti'\Q ~r rn.u c;y ~] l~+u- +hD.. PeW--. 0-0d ,:•;.; 9~r~ M'6~-3 -~ jnu. onht ~ et-c ~ vr\J~ \Je i~ +o posh --th ro<J~IJ (f) -+- ~~ word3 ~ r- y own Yu2nd 8p1nni~ 9 °~ ;WQ0.0i~ 0-.. lJJW Or ruad~ ~& + ") (But y~-r r~ot e.n.ovs ~r you ::tt> V101b~ S-uL

~ Oo 'I d 0 '-\h'ts \=C r a.;t?ve.-n.:t' 0() ~ ' t t ~Or -to ~eu:e ~ . ~ -+ho.:t ycv Sea. I .., rns.? E J:. ~" ' \)or ·byi :~ru_ 0

1hQ_ sho.do~ o~ my ~o~~o~S Q ~0\lef"erJ IY 1e. COJ""€ ess C OU('SQ.. <.!., ~ TU yo_~e_

o:J 0 Coe>SumR-d by ~Tio..-01 <J \='eo...r &. d.ao:t:h &. pa..lt\

~ ~ fhsSQs~ "\\:) -fo...KL \\ o1JL o u+ \1\ --4h \s pe-n & 'P ~ '- ._Wea.l< QJN)( Qb vS-Q..d I -hJr ~ i"O my on \y Prl e0d ]. d 0\Jt 0~ o.JJ.. ~ oruLS ::C

1"\J~ .fU.J.Rf h o..d '" s:: F '1'1'. 00 fbcu se-d n c '-"' > o..;rX}. yp}r st'i I\ ~ctd ins QW a-a ::} [Be-t yov C00\ 0i"\' -\- -\-e, \\._ :c u.)Q.S Pa.d r~ Qw~ H }JCJ w -\+o.t" ~, m :sm·l \i n() _ ~- ~.:-20-J...)_~ ~ ~ I,, u~>J"\ "--5~~ ~ h 05 'z)\ ~

Who.:t\s a..n~ d~ oF ~e.A?~ ~--th\s w~

FO~f:\jeR - f A-\N ~a~ \ nSOA'LR-.

'- I ro\~ r I fY\ sc.r e.o.m1 ~ for' ~ evvtf 0'1

\J\e3r'C\.Qxi2:ed by ~ ~i~ ;nsia(SL · '" 5tru , s n..a_ '5creeln:l8 ?n _8i I -e.ntti( I cov\d rvvJer '--'6-u.L _ ~Ovtn _

_ _ A\\ T ~e.e.__Q. ts ~'lS pQ.U\ 0 b \L \ OLX:) \ y <:j i \1\ et~ _au., no _-t$\ ~ +:o hJLaJL Re -o~ . ~ 3cdb1_ r-c.- cut ~ _Sc,Q./'

:r=- 1rn so _ob3Se3Sed ~ .. &h bQJn3 distr~t\/t N.~be T


lh 0-~t-NC- _ T w i3 h I C ou \d cr.e._a.::te SofY\..e_O~ _

ic c:U_Q_Q_ - \..0.,\~ -thls h. cct:"se..

I surpo~ X '\J€_ Qf'-e~d ~s.u.:~ -r\")exe, \3 no n:.Lie..& tor- my wea..Yy sou1 51-Yun~- OG-\ OJJQ u. .. )CI A 0\ow 1"\

T Cj\'1£ tn~ set(! no_ -i\n-uu W r<:co~ _ 3orY\.Q...~u) T. JlQ.:t it -~ ~ _best- ce I'"Y'ut. o_p ~n C)W I - swo c-e. y , d.__ r\..Sl-0--er ~ --th~ So cg.:t Q_Drun I --\-rQ~ ~ ~~ cP my h_eo.ri-\jeU..\ ro 'tt) t\Q..U~ C-('033 -1-h-L bc-uodr1es -+o~ lcrv-((. ~ :J\..UeW tY(}' 1 ;:ufS\~ lf\y Sou\ ...\p my d.estlfly .­"1\ru-~Q9... :x don{¥ ~\nd R-oM Qa em-pty bott_Q_Q_. \:h.Q__ cbl~ br'l~ _ oo rn~ ~...Q_~ I rn_0st ~\nd ~c~h~r0 4-o_ Fe..{)...QacJL. '+h..L ei~m ~ X J<~- f'r\y len~ b.R.od Q()J....()t} -to ~8+ . ~ ~ \('\9., ~ :r ~ p.orgp1\ -+Y-v_ ciGL<rl- I

----~ dellj , OR ~ -e-iNr~'it-t + 1~ woMerj

s~ <7t> --wu... bt\331\l.R Clk:tyss~ ~~ rto--tYJin() fout Sorr~ ·

CO \jJij" .. , t- up -\-D mo \\CW ~

b-v-T -tcctQJ - I re-eJL pQ..t/\J

fn.¥-t Q ~\ ~ g ~\\ ~\)li'J ky St>0\ \s Sf;) ~d ba~tQ/

~ 2 brtJ'I~ ~ ~ - -----

- l

~ ~ -

' ~CJ>



\v\h'e OvS w~ - k _cLLQol So 0tn \)+y tX\s1ClQ.. _ _ ~

Found a... lJ..)~ +o co\/'U ~- p~f\.., · \=ound G-. LDCUj +o 0·-t~ ~Q..cuL

cc Q _ so..n i 0·~ broo3h+· about By --\h\ s ('_)( Q-z,y fu ~ vl(J doud I C,rt.oct eQ vb ( Ol'Y'- -~ J!_ j 9J () f of ~ J V'e_,_

Lc.St ccun"T oQ ~ d.~ wno..t "1s -~ -flY'f\..R_. ~ _ - I 1m s\ow~y ~0~\~ JLo-w Of\_ ~ --(};K2-

~t"or YJ<)w \\\O-.D~ o\~s hOJJ{. ·r Pors0t-? \1\\_s_ t 3 CLU.. ~ G.Lk J: 'v.e_ ~CJT ty.ovt:> - 1 t- aJ n ' 1 o... ~o i-

1'-Jo I'fYl l)ot- Jao-ki'"'S- Pcx- J<,ove_ - - -

"I ~\J% -\-o <:Jv-e_ ~ (Y)rb<-e_ _QW~

lc us I Jost~ t t ili ..-o -=- :I \eo.JJ ~ '\'\- w\ \\ Y\.V.J.IU ~

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~ ~ "iS who.:t "1t-~ -

:; ~·~;'+hI~ i S Ove/'~

. rtm ---:::;--;;;- 9)-o-d T fbun_d -thl-.3

. ) !} I · rru_dfurvv

. ~ ~ 1w~ ~ \~1W -L'm 0-.Jmi~ QQJv(__

~ jbor- ::j:'ry-, .Jo..u~~ R 3ml\'(~ ,

& -' 0 1 I\ l \ bL bru\ SQ_d g bovtt-~q c t

~'i l , , :j: 1 SO\hJL ~\n.d o~ _co c~:- "


. ~tllLr "5 as 1 _ ~~ , .16th t ~- _

~ e-- --Y~ T don-- 2 ~ "'? " abeD+ '+hi0 \)~ X 1

m livi~


Cb,b"ll-+ ~now T ~ '-\r-i\~ 0--

QJJ0r- .QJn r--


- -- - - --OQO 1t ~ncH.0 _ e-x_a_~_Q.t~L. why I PeeJL paln 0 r w'r'. y ~.:x t-e.:c- n o.J- p a....t 0 - - - -

b(.<J\ "'3 5 o...b ou-+ 50 tnQ_~ ~' odo_:_ ': e_ fdeQc_9__

1 () ( w\"\y i'\u.. --o::.e~ br~~S- .. tn:x.n'60 L .. 2.H~ I .

0..WQA<..R.. p () <-\tvL f\ ta YLk _ -L- ClbW- i3e m~0 ~f<jhts w'"M-hir\ my. rn\rd t -t-Jc _a ruL C:.c_X-e_s -r-o ~ s-+en ~ rt\y r _Qv i 09r-t-J~ _Qn€ co.re~ Glbout- 'N\)L o/\es c~ +o ~ u::xsr(o/

- - - -

J l),S 'r 'nOvVt>.. __ --ttl ~ l€m.1 rd. I~ h'\.9...

J 0 Q

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Ql.u)~S ~y:~ -~~.s~on_ So ~ _ _ ~~ 5vP£;\~

+ ~ e e.) 1 ~ n-e cS ill e., _ w_ea. \< _ ...,- ;;;;e s..

- • 5 \5 -\-he cn'y- SCu::>i~ X c~'"' ~ _

_ iv i n3 unru..-r ll. --h..t..)l ghJ i ~h+ o~ _..sta..cs _ !h().j.:. 5h) n...e... for eoexyane._ buJ- V'Y1..L

l}u ~pOJ\<\e_6 sh)(\.Q._ \\o...s ...Q.os+ 1-hetc_ ...l.u_mi nosi-ha. I co...n •-t:_ ~ myac:.L--6 bu+ '-(;eeL paln 6 a9ony QQ. one 6 ~oS_:__t _ In -tbese d e.:::tperQ}:e.. +hoUjhts

Sev- eo..m\o'j 00-\- o.:t -~e..ry-+hih<j -+h~oo<jb _my ~es Wea.K _w\fu -~O.:~Cjue_ o.nd v5e \e:SS Y)'")emoxleS _

I ·+r'l :tc not h: -t_ show -the -te.a..r.s _:c _cry _ C..D\iex\ ~-u~ -\-\-... e._ <ed S_\..Vc\len_ sun~-~

L0\fu ones '-tarud o.nd boxcl~ h()_.v·<L co \or

lme" I '\t e. lOSt- Q}J._ ~ v:_ \ ~+cc '-'--N~_t 5ure ~~~ itS_ ft-on--t ·±he di~tQ..{)Q..Q.. :t.. ·-trteof io c.r~

6(' ()...__ 'f\.2..0~ _e.rd'ln~-:To~:er bui\4- o9 h~- _ Who.i_ \5- an o-Wex- \AJe> r_d ~ ~ ~5 ~D.Jj~ 0- be!rter d&SCr .. I{J-tlon ~cold soi~·Lbe-+fLr ~

~ O.i"\ooed ~eCUYJS w\-tb ~YitrcJ r0 . ..!i es _ LC\Iexed ·-U? \5 euery-th'lo~_de:u:::l 'fu_ rn.e.. _ \ts -the b\a.cK se~~ ctbrollJh ~y Inch -r\'u. ~ \-t. \.,() o'( K i ~ "'\t:s LOo..y OJ:T -fu roc:x:ct) rn y an-if\ 'B\cxrl red b\ac% srr.cmercd anp±~ *-eOJ3 _

Cl1.-w ~3 b~ i fYj ·- _ ne»if e.0 ot t n q "tbvCj"n , Y'Q-z,o-r oho.-<~ cu·t5 \n't'o (hy t:De..t- y-thfr()-1 wbttd ~~ cacrr te' ~ ( ~ ~f>-ed cy>cv-'1:. "'By ~ Jf..hy- ...UC60id ~ JLes_ :r con.SuYY\...A. Hop·,~ ic .\<1\\ -+he po..A..-, 1: '(Y\ ~ed.{~ r~c4 On\ y Y-'0 ~~ nd o-v-\' _ ~

::t ·-t< o f\ l Y ~s v~:/J l:fl.;

just ..sn.u-t <MA>~ ~y·+h?(1Q0 ~"ne> ~ ~ tio hicvr ~ Ifill \) '3 y co -' (\..A\11~ e t GJJ~ rr;-*'

8\ \0..\D\.Q

;f}ts ·--\ oJl¥ _ p Q)_Q],ii Cs Noihr~ QOY.Yt~~

ou~ pR.lk~dX~ to Qr\joy _

f!12 JJ re, r 'VL ~ ~ ven..,

~ 4halJ~,".J<5 ~ ~ '3 in



_ "'"'-.L reaS:Jn I \)few to \1 \je. \ n '#u. paB+ ~ . 0Cj 5o~ ow -to Cj 0 b:lc.R r n ·t-1 m.Q._

~ -_;jv-e me>~ piQQ.S.u'(~ vnLmories -~ O..<jcDn- now ~ onJy CQu..)~ rYLL pcit'l ~ R s t-~ \ a~ J..v.st- ~~d (),+;-e_.t- wo t""d.S L~ )<Q o.__ 'TI..o\0+ i~ YY~Y vfJMo'CI k hlovle

V) r ~~ \+ w0.3 ±h..u-e t r _b_ v+ \J ( e.te tided to (\.O.A)U" ~ :; +- corn r ~ l :r ~noV'\ o'j- i:Y'u-rh 03 -'\3 sto..sed _;_~ i Y') +'h c.. l?aCsL

1 ci\v'\n~ ~n ~ b\i~tDJ!russ _ .., · C('e_o..;tccl b~<-a . ) ~ t) () 1( a.n c..L--

-5 WhOL:t ge>od drd it do YYU- ? :> Now I ~bre;. -t'n("o\Xjb.. ~1LrY d~ E ~ com~o(·ttd by y-y-,y .pa1V'l g ~r'ic..~ :To wh7C-h

~'I C., OJ! 'f' d C?o{-e.. _

+ g

Oru_s :+haJt pvsh Fov-\.J-)Oxd __ my \o)tter- h~ 33)ended w .. \~ -the burns oY'I Vl'l y hautoJ

~e o.buSJL p-+h~ I .~: ~ys\ ~ ~ Ll~ ---H'u. p~() :r sorW ln8idJL ~ 5Q_ sceu-s I ll'Y'I havv\ n.CJ d1.ffi" Gv Jl.::;f;:-u

~i~ :tb h\cU:: - . -a--'fa e,;ver o.... ~o-ry , 'f't::.vn1_nde..r

NfV£R A~Ai"' ~ ru..Dlf CjiVf... c\(} ~ ~ ._.tvt ~~<!> -~ in

I'm R;r~ 50Pfd-l~

()O _ n_u_J_ 4o Odo( ().nO~-


(f) :J


~Cl'K'~ 0p ~ -tl!a;t -+urlbp_ --f)~ .. NJ-.-~ · ~ CLuJ e~ ui. If e- ace, l)( \\\ ~ '{)-eJl.JL -, ~ Somet't-l;n~ '\cs LD'<'on~- w\\y QL-rh _ I ~? \r\Jhl-;'\ d'\cl I WQ\Q I..J'f> to CL()Oth..R_r- d~ ().x,o~ d~ tu\ my_.. ---thoo~h -t~ -

EX\\)~ \C?-ed - 1(\ - ' 'j" fLu J\1 -. ~ 42 \-\ CA \1 e.. f'\otn\ n ~ ~ no OrvL rtn --t-orn -t-o o Y\J\'Ux~ \ ~ in'--;') t:' e.Q.Q.o.. ~ • o... s m l \ e--:: u? 15 ,f>r svn? k .sw€JL."1:::._-.QCL.u<(jh.ie.r_ '-{j(orn -\-h.Q_ souY-:Z a- 'I-\'~ ,__U-\V<._ T don·~ 4<ncw ~ ~ (J( CQ(\ ~ ~~ ?b-e.A VUb- h ~ py c~ (., WhoJ· 1 3 Cjat nut dOL0() .. f) * TCl.~ o.., JlOoK _o.x- aun d

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d ;r.:

-nu_ _.sun burf1S l(y)"Y e;yes-I ~\e.JL '-{)Ov ~ dO£+(

a.ncl yet- I'N~ S~-'\~ .,Qsz_~ -\-1\'JUL ~5oy)~ ~+-

+~ ~ -thl fJ-Ri t. -to(('\ Q,po_yi: Br~\<. Q..u.)~ ~'Co'OL blbod~ 0P 0-\wdcsn)p ~ ·,~ +he 1JS..q_, ~ I 'rn ~oL SJv\ ::TI­' fuex,~ CUD~ ird--o _brrl-cr d.e..c~ T n~\1-e. n0 ~Q6QJ'f\ -to ~ ~ \J RQQ.S6n ~ ~ ~

l'OO'(l ' + C.Cl\{__ -\0 YJtcve_ ov '\oc~ T-o. \ ~ve_

u.J~ y do :r: ho...\l~ -t-o WO..\~ l_j~ _

~y dOA.f +o ·+he ~ tp.··n N\~y -my ~~-~ -CCN)~o...xt~

No QVlQ__ Pn-h..O..SR..S \"hJL 1 - YIO-th10i) ~Q3-e_S VY\...9-.--> -


- J - 0r&-0U on happy I


cUS+iY1Q()\ Rr GJLs +r 0 ct1 (\_

I don'+ '--{)o0k1r:5 ~d -thiS Anat~ pt"~h +0 rro..~ -~ v6f'd...

_ l1l, ~ sm T - -l1u. C)(~ -tno_+ I · a.JJ.;ready 1\now r OAr\

--- - -

fuld hL ~s · · " !: _Jos-t- wQ.()t ~TO _b.._ un~0'i-ocd 1'

- - ~ - - .

\\ ND O\le. Ur'\d.u'StQ0dS \''Y\_s2. lJ

:I'YY\ so ViCK o{, \ua.ri(J-... ~ sh.Ai-


I na..ve_ rn y own _ g --tiruL. d \ ·~~-tr ell CJ__ -LS -

_I_~'cfon(+ COu=e__ ~cr ~Ct\.SL; ~ TO 4<no~ <J

:rl rn fuD~cct~ ~'"'j not ie h.it if sb~

bo-t · "1. ~ ho.v\ ~ -to x~mh~

rnl..j<?d..R to s\-)v~ up

If' --t-In\~ doe~~\+ -~ ~ t-0"t+Vl\ (") o._ ~ --:- +\tu..n

· Y"'n ~ b-€ .L uJ ~G\ "+h ts -~y \i<l.\....i- ·'1'\Jout... o 65 CoLD -... r • - - - ..J.J. ·}Q.Q_ my hko.rT

II w~ nofuJ~, I _ wu u__, OJL:ted jTorh.H.ed -by a__ .J.o'r'< ~ bi +ter- S o ..JL

1 8._ 0- e-old ~~ ~ct.r-t - !hiS ~-e.U..i i'ICj l.DOYI


f ~~ c-t a__CJ<.L God savve me - T t'YI otrcn..-U'\1 ~nCJ tn rn cu.;n

rYt 1 5-e-r y . g OLCj o ny T w~ 0ttd ~ \ n n_ b \ o..n \<.Q_;t

0~ S\0'-{)uJl ~OUCj h"t-3 OF ~U·I c"HJe Bu+ +Yli8 po1n )0 h\d. en

. '(\ay ~cl 60\y ___ ... CJl.4u ~ ~ PQA n e.V-- ~ <~ coY' coJ Eo~( w~ pC?Un_ \f'"/ c} -"" ~ .. 0 ,_ (\~o-0 NW« tncl. 1 ~ 0\\ .),:, '"" -0'-"'

"Ro.ndont ·~ou~hts - ~~ bitttr \1. ·::x: 1m not 0-.... CO t+t-er- Lt

Bot- .. r t s 5 C) e o.s~ y -tP 3 u81-- Cj ~ Vt': up q_ H . W hOJv •i5 -t'rte ?Co:\+ 1 ~~~ .? . 11J y~u ¥-YlO tyu._ 00~COTi\Jl i~-~a._; vW'rt_

~ 1'\<Lrno..:tter haw yo u ~ -bv +w i;s_t- _i +

-:[ - VlQQ- ol

\... 0 :;:.

f o.P.. v5'na_,'\- d: ~clcl. ·-to ba... we..ry+h't~

ifW-·,~ +a peAw

~ ~ ct_W\\ '" ·~ ·~~ ~~ Q~ ~us'n \rl.Q}S ~~ ·

---t'v\__~ ~-\- 0.~ .Vh.L ~

.,'<'~PJ~ ~110~ p;,ni-.0.~ d~ ~ ~1lled u.:id-h Cl.n'<f-' ~=-·'S-4 ~wn g. Oxt9JtSi~~ ~- _ . "' ? toruo~ my 3tt~ -To Crt~ Cu.DO.~ J +o _ 5t\CK l+

-\-hyov~n -to ~. -. t:\._.Q_,)(t _ d.~ _ "'-'---I CQn pQ.~\:Xld I'm ho__,pp~- g _J.<)~··,~ ~ ~ .

_j tAJin,\~ ~ .:, \\3\d.L ro"/ n~_q,t__Q~03~ --:- k>u'i-~~ <t >-- 'no \€Cl0ax, --N _ ,.9...d ~(1)1'1-JL ~now _ - u ~ tv\~¥Je_ -:r l__u_ ~ +o '+\ru__ -usp Q~cUr\ _

rj ~ --' f eeR rulv e & na..u ~ · =Y)Q_R.J)::\i ~ · i::n .V IJ-L <-tpr _ Z 0 ~ 00 ~ -to _ \~)-\- 'f.<. o ~ loo"t-\-6~ f'r'l on est_ ('()ORL _

4? .c I w~ 'i;ou cljZ)h to -~ ~ woJ\.S C.b\'YLQ_ dowh _ j 1 ~ ~ ~ ~WI -'&u---~oJ-~ -i.~ ctct 'iha;t ~QdS· -f6 ~ ~ c l+tu._ ~ ru~ · o~ YJU. ~ c~s\~ ~~ 1Y~50vt1~ ~ ;J;. ;f r rn -thlnt('~ I ~no·w whtoh. 0~ to 'tum _

8t1\-- my he\\ 'NOV(; \Je CC\\d & ro~ Y\d ~.0~ _

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