Wordpress VIP (Hosted) How To: Using The …...Step 4: Before you are able to use the plugin, you...

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Transcript of Wordpress VIP (Hosted) How To: Using The …...Step 4: Before you are able to use the plugin, you...

Wordpress VIP (Hosted)

How To: Using The ScribbleLive WordPress Plugin

What is the purpose of the WordPress Plugin?

The ScribbleLive WordPress (WP) Plugin optimizes your content to improve search visibility.

The plugin generates a search friendly shortcode from an existing ScribbleLive widget, which

allows search engines like Google to crawl and index the content featured in your post.

How do I Install the Plugin?

Step 1: Log into your WordPress account and you will arrive at your main dashboard. Hover

over “My Sites” at the top left of your dashboard, scroll to the “Network Admin” index, and select

“Plugins” from the dropdown bar. This experience should mirror the screenshot below.

Step 2: Select “Add New” underneath the main Plugins index and search for ScribbleLive in the

“Search Plugins” search bar. The experience should resemble the screenshot below.

Step 3: Hit Enter and you will have the option to download the ScribbleLive WordPress Plugin.

Select the download button to install the plugin.


Visit https://wordpress.org/plugins/scribblelive-wp/ to download the ScribbleLive plugin.

Step 4: Before you are able to use the plugin, you must submit the plugin to the Wordpress VIP

Team for approval. Simply zip up the plugin and submit it via the VIP Support Portal. You’ll

need to include the following information with your submission:

Name of Plugin: ScribbleLive WP

Expected launch date: August 2015

Short description of plugin: ScribbleLive WP is a plugin that allows the use of a simple shortcode to embed search-friendly ScribbleLive widgets in a post or page.

Brief architectural overview: In the ScribbleLive WP plugin, we define a shortcode that displays the ScribbleLive javascript widgets with a noscript tag that contains the content for search engines to crawl and index. Remote data is fetched from ScribbleLive’s REST API using vip_safe_wp_remote_get then cached using transients and wp_cache.

Is the code GPL compatible, or custom-code written in-house? YES

Does the code follow WordPress Coding Standards? YES

Does the code properly escape, sanitize and validate data? YES

Have you checked the plugin for “Blockers” as listed in our documentation? YES

Step 5: Once the plugin is approved, simply add the plugin to a “plugins” directory within your

theme directory, and require_once/include_once them in functions.php. e.g.: require_once(

__DIR__ . '/plugins/custom-plugin/custom-plugin.php' );

How do I Use the Plugin?

Once the plugin is installed you can generate search friendly shortcodes when you publish

content into WordPress.

Creating Content in a Stream, Article, Liveblog, Pinboard, or Timeline

Step 1: Format your content in your ScribbleLive account and hit publish to generate a script


Step 2: Copy the entire embed code then log into your WordPress account and add a new post

from your dashboard.

Step 3: In your new post you will notice the red ScribbleLive WordPress Plugin icon.

Step 4: Click on the icon to open the shortcode window and paste your embed code into the

new window.

Step 5: Press OK to generate the shortcode, which will now appear in your WordPress post.

Creating Content in Projects

Step 1: Format your content in your ScribbleLive account. However, instead of copying the

embed code, click the “View Project” button to return to your Project dashboard.

Step 2: You will have 3 publishing options in your main Projects dashboard - WordPress,

Microsite, and Embed.

Step 3: Select WordPress, choose the website that will feature the content in the “Select

WordPress site” dropdown list and hit “Publish Now.”

Step 4: Log into your WordPress account and select your most recently published post from the

dashboard. You will see an empty box upon entering your post.

Step 5: Notice the “Visual” tab and the “Text” tab at the top right corner of your post. The Visual

tab is highlighted by default. Switch to the Text tab and you will see your embed code from your

ScribbleLive account pasted in the post.

Step 6: Copy the code in the Text tab then delete the code (this will prevent your content from

featuring twice on the same page). Switch back to the Visual tab and click on the red

ScribbleLive icon to open the shortcode window. When the window is open paste your code into

the window.

Step 7: Press OK to generate the shortcode, which will now appear in your WordPress post.