WordPress and Pardot: The World’s Newest Power Couple

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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Join Cliff Seal, a Pardot UX Designer, as he introduces one of Pardot’s newest features – the WordPress plugin. This session will cover the basic functionality and use cases of the plugin, as well as the advantages of using open-source, self-hosted WordPress as a platform for web projects. After reviewing the plugin’s use of dynamic content, A/B testing and advanced content optimization, you will be itching to get back and implement this power couple solution. Combined, Pardot and WordPress can create a maintainable, flexible web presence that will generate leads and give valuable feedback.

Transcript of WordPress and Pardot: The World’s Newest Power Couple

The World’s Newest Power Couple Cliff Seal UX Designer & Resident WordPress Nerd


Who’s this guy?


Open Source vs.


So, why WordPress?

WordPress powers 22% of new active websites, and 14.7% of the “top 1 million”.

WordPress Now Powers 22 Percent Of New Active Websites In The U.S. TechCrunch

WordPress Dark Matter

54.7% of the 1 million most visited sites

(that run on a CMS) run WordPress.

Usage of content management systems for websites W3Techs WordPress Dark Matter

Joomla!   Drupal  

Staying Power Community Plugins &


Ah, yes. WordPress.

Tracking Code Forms Dynamic


Tracking code implemented.

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Holy $%!#, WordPress!

0-9: Greet

10-70: Nurture

71-100: Sell!

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