WordPress and Ajax

Post on 27-Jan-2015

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What you need to know to use Ajax within WordPress

Transcript of WordPress and Ajax


Presented by Ronald Huereca

at WordCamp Philly 2010

Presentation online at: http://www.wpajax.com/code

Who Am I?

- Author of the WordPress and Ajax e-book http://www.wpajax.com

- Plugin author of Ajax Edit Comments http://www.ajaxeditcomments.com

- WordPress developer at WebDevStudios http://www.webdevstudios.com

And third most imPortant person in WordPress (important with a capital P, dangit)

What is Ajax?

What is Ajax ? » What the heck does that mean?

When you click on a rating, an event occurs

The event and data is parsed and an Ajax request is sent

The server processes the request, sends back a response,And the output is shown to the user

WordPress and Ajax Foundation » What is needed?

- Load scripts and styles properly

- Use JavaScript Localization (to capture dynamic PHP content)

- Use Page Detection

- Know the WP Ajax actions and classes

WordPress and Ajax Foundation » Loading Scripts » wp_enqueue_script

WordPress function: wp_enqueue_script prevents duplicate scripts and allows for a predictable loading order via dependencies

<?php wp_enqueue_script('handle', 'src', 'deps', 'ver', 'in_footer'); ?>

handle - Unique name for the scriptsrc - Location of the scriptdeps - Array of dependencies (uses handler names)ver - Version of the script (string)in_footer - Load the scripts in the footer (boolean, default is false)wp_enqueue_script('my_script', plugins_url( 'my_plugin/my_script.js’ ), array('jquery', 'another_script'), '1.0.0', true);

WordPress and Ajax Foundation » Loading Scripts » wp_print_scripts

WordPress action: wp_print_scripts allows you to print scripts for the front-end and admin area

<?phpadd_action( 'wp_print_scripts' , 'add_scripts' );function add_scripts() {

if ( is_admin() ) return;wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery ');


Function name needs to be unique

Loads jQuery on every front-end page

WordPress and Ajax Foundation » Loading Scripts » admin_print_scripts

WordPress action: admin_print_scripts allows you to print scripts for admin area

<?phpadd_action( 'admin_print_scripts' , 'add_admin_scripts' );function add_admin_scripts() {

wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery ');}?>

Function name needs to be unique

Loads jQuery on every admin page

WordPress and Ajax Foundation » Script Localization » wp_localize_script

WordPress function: wp_localize_script allows you to capture dynamic PHP data for use in JavaScript

wp_localize_script( 'javascript_handle', 'javascript_object_name', 'l10n' );

Object name to be created in JavaScript

Same handler name used for wp_enqueue_script

An associative array of localized strings

WordPress and Ajax Foundation » Script Localization » wp_localize_script

WordPress function: wp_localize_script example

<?phpadd_action( 'wp_print_scripts', 'add_scripts' );function add_scripts(){

wp_enqueue_script( 'wp_grins', plugins_url( 'wp-grins-lite/js/wp-grins.js' ),

array('jquery'), 1.0 );  

$localized_variables = array('Ajax_Url' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ),'Location' => 'post','Manual' => 'false'

);wp_localize_script( 'wp_grins', 'wpgrins', $localized_variables );


Object name to be created in JavaScript

Localized variables

An associative array of localized strings

WordPress and Ajax Foundation » Script Localization » wp_localize_script

WordPress function: wp_localize_script allows you to capture dynamic PHP data for use in JavaScript

<script type='text/javascript'> /* <![CDATA[ */var wpgrins = {

Ajax_Url: "http://localhost:8888/ronalfy/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php",Location: "post",Manual: "false"

};/* ]]> */ </script><script type='text/javascript' src='http://localhost:8888/ronalfy/wp-content/plugins/wp-grins-lite/js/wp-grins.js?ver=1'></script>

The resulting HTML source:

jQuery(document).ready(function() {alert(wpgrins.Ajax_Url);


Localization used in JavaScript

WordPress and Ajax Foundation » Loading Styles » wp_enqueue_style

WordPress function: wp_enqueue_style prevents duplicate styles and allows for a predictable loading order via dependencies

<?php wp_enqueue_style('handle', 'src', 'deps', 'ver', 'media'); ?>

handle - Unique name for the stylesrc - Location of the styledeps - Array of dependencies (uses handler names)ver - Version of the style (string)media - Media type the stylesheet is defined for (e.g., screen, print, all)wp_enqueue_style('my_css', plugins_url('my_plugin/my_css.css'), array('another_css_file'), '1.0.0', 'screen');

WordPress and Ajax Foundation » Loading Styles » wp_print_styles

WordPress action: wp_print_styles allows you to print styles for the front-end and admin area

<?php add_action('wp_print_styles', 'my_styles_callback');function my_styles_callback() {

wp_enqueue_style('my_css', plugins_url('my_plugin/my_css.css'), array('another_css_file'), '1.0.0', 'screen');}?>

Function name needs to be unique

WordPress and Ajax Foundation » Loading Styles » admin_print_styles

WordPress action: admin_print_styles allows you to print styles for the admin area

<?php add_action('admin_print_styles', 'admin_styles_callback');function admin_styles_callback() {

wp_enqueue_style('my_css', plugins_url('my_plugin/my_css.css'), array('another_css_file'), '1.0.0', 'screen');}?>

Function name needs to be unique

WordPress and Ajax Foundation » Page Detection

What is page detection?

Allows scripts and styles to load only when needed.

Why is page detection important?- Helps loading time- Prevents script and style conflicts- It’s just the right thing to do

WordPress and Ajax Foundation » Page Detection » Front-end

WordPress Conditionals quick functions that alert you to a specific page, post type, or area of the site

is_home() - Are we on the home page?is_page() - Are we on a page template?is_single() - Are we on a post template?is_admin() - Are we in the admin area?comments_open() - Are comments open for a post? And much, much more: http://codex.wordpress.org/Conditional_Tags

WordPress and Ajax Foundation » Page Detection » Front-end

Example: Loading Scripts Only When There are Comments<?phpadd_action('wp_print_scripts', 'my_plugin_load_scripts');function my_plugin_load_scripts() {

global $post;if ( !( is_single() || is_page() ) || !is_object($post) ||

$post->comment_count == 0 ) return;wp_enqueue_script('jquery');


- Makes sure we’re on a post or a page- Checks for the existence of the $post object (needed to get the comment count)- Checks that there are comments on a post or page

WordPress and Ajax Foundation » Page Detection » Admin Area

WordPress actions: admin_print_scripts and admin_print_styles

Page detection can be performed by adding the page name as a suffix for both actions

- admin_print_scripts-suffix (e.g., admin_print_scripts-post.php)

- admin_print_styles-suffix (e.g., admin_print_styles-comment.php)

WordPress and Ajax Foundation » Page Detection » Admin Area

Example: Adding a Script When Editing or Creating a Post uses post.php (when editing a post) and post-new.php (when creating a post)

<?phpadd_action('admin_print_scripts-post.php', 'my_plugin_load_scripts');add_action('admin_print_scripts-post-new.php', 'my_plugin_load_scripts');function my_plugin_load_scripts() {

if (get_post_type() == 'post')wp_enqueue_script('jquery');


Please note that admin_print_scripts and admin_print_styles use the same suffix format.

WordPress and Ajax Foundation » Page Detection » Admin Area

Example: Page Detection for a Settings Page

<?phpadd_action('admin_menu', 'my_admin_menu');//Function to initialize the admin menufunction my_admin_menu() {

$page_hook = add_menu_page( "My Plugin Name Options", "My Plugin", 'administrator', 'my_plugin', 'my_plugin_admin_settings');

add_action("admin_print_scripts-$page_hook", 'my_plugin_load_scripts');}//Build the admin menu interfacefunction my_plugin_admin_settings() {

echo "My Plugin Page";}//Load our scriptsfunction my_plugin_load_scripts() {


When you add a menu page, the function returns a page hook you can use as a suffix for admin_print_scripts and admin_print_styles

More menu hooks are available here: http://codex.wordpress.org/Adding_Administration_Menus

WordPress and Ajax Foundation » Admin Ajax

WordPress action: wp_ajax

<?phpadd_action('wp_ajax_getcomment', 'callback_function');add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_getcomment', 'callback_function'); function callback_function() {

//process data and send Ajax responseexit;


The wp_ajax WordPress action takes an Ajax action name (e.g., getcomment) and optionally a nopriv suffix for users that aren’t logged in.

More information: http://codex.wordpress.org/AJAX_in_Plugins

The Ajax action is passed via JavaScript to admin-ajax.php, which alerts WordPress to run the callback function when the action is detected.

A common mis-conception is that admin-ajax.php is used for just admin Ajax requests. You can use admin-ajax.php in non-admin areas as well.

WordPress and Ajax Foundation » admin-ajax.php

WordPress file: wp-admin/admin-ajax.php

The admin-ajax.php file is WordPress’ built-in Ajax processer.

WordPress and Ajax Foundation » WP_Ajax_Response

WordPress class: WP_Ajax_Response

<?phpadd_action('wp_ajax_getcomment', 'callback_function');add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_getcomment', 'callback_function'); function callback_function() {

$comment_count = wp_count_comments();$response = new WP_Ajax_Response();$response->add(array(

'what' => 'getcomments','supplemental' => array(

'awaiting_moderation' => number_format($comment_count->moderated),'approved' => number_format($comment_count->approved),'spam' => number_format($comment_count->spam),'trashed' => number_format($comment_count->trash)



The WP_Ajax_Response class is useful for returning a XML-formatted document back into JavaScript for parsing. It’s extremely useful.

WordPress and Ajax Foundation » WP_Ajax_Response

XML Format

<wp_ajax><response action="getcomment_0">

<getcomments id="0" position="1"><response_data><![CDATA[]]></response_data><supplemental>




The WP_Ajax_Response class sends back an XML document for use in JavaScript

WordPress and Ajax Foundation » WP_Ajax_Response » JavaScript Use

JavaScript object: wpAjax Uses a script handler of wp-ajax-response

wp_enqueue_script('my_script', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() .'/my_script.js', array("jquery", "wp-ajax-response") , "2.3");

The wpAjax JavaScript class is useful for parsing the Ajax response

The wp-ajax-response dependency

WordPress and Ajax Foundation » WP_Ajax_Response » JavaScript Use

Example: wpAjax parsing in JavaScript

var res = wpAjax.parseAjaxResponse(ajax_response_data,'ajax-response');

Variable res now has a structure similar to:

WordPress and Ajax Foundation » WP_Ajax_Response » JavaScript Use

Example: jQuery parsing of parsed data

var res = wpAjax.parseAjaxResponse(ajax_response_data,'ajax-response');jQuery.each( res.responses, function() {

if (this.what == 'getcomments') {var moderation_count = this.supplemental.awaiting_moderation;var approved_count = this.supplemental.approved;var spam_count = this.supplemental.spam;var trashed_count = this.supplemental.trashed;

}//end if});//end each

The wpAjax object makes it super easy to parse an Ajax response into variables

Ajax Registration Form

Let’s create an Ajax registration form

Ajax Registration Form » Features

Features we want

- A shortcode for inserting the form on a post or page

- Page detection for the shortcode

- No page re-loads (uses Ajax)

- Data validation is done via Ajax

- Error messages are shown via Ajax

- User is notified by e-mail when the registration has succeeded

Ajax Registration Form » Plugin File Structure

Registration form will be written as a plugin

- ajax-registration.php (main plugin file)- registration.js (our script file)- registration.css (the plugin’s styles)

Ajax Registration Form » Class Structure

Class structure for ajax-registration.php<?phpclass Ajax_Registration { 

//Constructorsfunction Ajax_Registration() { $this->__construct();}function __construct() {

//actions and shortcode}//Add the registration script to a pagefunction add_scripts() {}//Add Styles for the formfunction add_styles() {}function ajax_process_registration() {} //end ajax_process_registration//Perform shortcode page detectionfunction has_shortcode() {}//Add/save shortcode informationfunction post_save( $post_id ) {} //end post_save//Print out the shortcodefunction rform_shortcode( ) {}

} //end class//Instantiate$ajaxregistration = new Ajax_Registration();?>

Ajax Registration Form » Main Class » The Constructor

The class constructor will add all the actions and shortcode callbacks we need

function __construct() {//add scripts

add_action( 'wp_print_scripts', array( &$this, 'add_scripts' ) ); //add css add_action( 'wp_print_styles', array( &$this, 'add_styles' ) ); //ajax add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_submitajaxregistration', array( &$this, 'ajax_process_registration' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_submitajaxregistration', array( &$this, 'ajax_process_registration' ) ); //when saving a post add_action( 'save_post', array( &$this, 'post_save' ) ); //shortcode add_shortcode( 'rform', array( &$this, 'rform_shortcode' ) );}

- The wp_print_scripts and wp_print_styles actions are used for scripts and styles respectively- The wp_ajax actions are used for a JavaScript action of submitajaxregistration- The save_post action will be used to assist us in page detection- A shortcode of rform is created, with a callback method of rform_shortcode

Ajax Registration Form » Main Class » Shortcode Creation

Class method: rform_shortcode Returns the form data as a string

function rform_shortcode( ) {$return = "<form id='ajax-registration-form'>";$return .= wp_nonce_field( 'submit_ajax-registration', '_registration_nonce', true, false );$return .= "<ul id='ajax-registration-list'>"; $return .= "<li><label for='firstname'>First name: </label><input type='text' size='30' name='firstname'

id='firstname' /></li>";$return .= "<li><label for='lastname'>Last name: </label><input type='text' size='30' name='lastname'

id='lastname' /></li>";$return .= "<li><label for='username'>Desired Username: </label><input type='text' size='30' name='username'

id='username' /></li>";$return .= "<li><label for='email'>E-mail Address: </label><input type='text' size='30' name='email'

id='email' /></li>";$return .= "<li><input type='submit' value='Submit Registration' name='ajax-submit'

id='ajax-submit' /></li>";$return .= "<li id='registration-status-message'></li>";$return .= "</ul>";$return .= "</form>";

 return $return;


- Nonce action name of _registration_nonce (will be verified later)- Form ID of ajax-registration-form (used in JavaScript)- Input IDs and names of firstname, lastname, username, email (used in JavaScript)- Status message ID of registration-status-message (used in JavaScript)

Ajax Registration Form » Main Class » Shortcode Creation

Adding the shortcode to a post

Ajax Registration Form » Main Class » Page Detection

Class method: post_save Find out if the post has the rform shortcode, and set a custom field if so

function post_save( $post_id ) {//Retrieve the post object - If a revision, get the original post ID$revision = wp_is_post_revision( $post_id );if ( $revision )

$post_id = $revision;$post = get_post( $post_id );

 //Perform a test for a shortcode in the post's contentpreg_match('/\[rform[^\]]*\]/is', $post->post_content, $matches);


if ( count( $matches ) == 0 ) {delete_post_meta( $post_id, '_ajax_registration' );

} else {update_post_meta( $post_id, '_ajax_registration', '1' );

}} //end post_save

- Retrieve the original post ID if a revision

-Test the post content for the shortcode rform

- If the shortcode is present, set the _ajax_registration custom field. If not, remove it.

Ajax Registration Form » Main Class » Page Detection

Class method: has_shortcode A conditional that lets us know if the post has the rform shortcode or not//Returns true if a post has the rform shortcode, false if notfunction has_shortcode() {

global $post;if ( !is_object($post) ) return false; if ( get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_ajax_registration', true ) )

return true;else

return false;}

- Checks for a custom field of _ajax_registration.

- If the custom field exists, return true. If not, return false.

Ajax Registration Form » Main Class » Add Scripts and Localization

Class method: add_scripts Add the registration script file and some JavaScript localization

//Add the registration script to a pagefunction add_scripts() {

if ( is_admin() || !$this->has_shortcode() ) return;wp_enqueue_script( 'ajax-registration-js',

plugins_url( 'js/registration.js' ,__FILE__ ), array( 'jquery', 'wp-ajax-response' ), '1.0' );

wp_localize_script( 'ajax-registration-js', 'ajaxregistration', array( 'Ajax_Url' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ) ) );}

- Uses conditionals is_admin and has_shortcode for page detection. Will only load on the front-end where the shortcode exists in the page’s content.

- Localizes a JavaScript object of ajaxregistration with a variable called Ajax_Url. Ajax_Url points to WordPress’ admin-ajax.php, which we’ll need to make our Ajax request in JavaScript.

Ajax Registration Form » Main Class » Add Styles

Class method: add_styles Add the registration CSS file

function add_styles() {if ( is_admin() || !$this->has_shortcode() ) return;wp_enqueue_style( 'ajax-registration-css', plugins_url( 'css/registration.css' ,__FILE__ ) );


Uses conditionals is_admin and has_shortcode for page detection. Will only load on the front-end where the shortcode exists in the page’s content.

Ajax Registration Form » Main Class » The Ajax Processor

Class method: ajax_process_registration Processes the Ajax request and returns an Ajax response

function ajax_process_registration() {//Verify the noncecheck_ajax_referer( 'submit_ajax-registration' );


 } //end ajax_process_registration

- The first thing we do in the Ajax processor is check the passed nonce.

- The nonce is checked with check_ajax_referer.

- The nonce action named submit_ajax-registration was set in the rform_shortcode method. - - The JavaScript file is responsible for setting a $_POST variable called _ajax_nonce, which is what check_ajax_referer checks for.

Ajax Registration Form » Main Class » ajax_process_registration

Parsing the data

//Need registration.php for data validationrequire_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/registration.php'); //Get post dataif ( !isset( $_POST['ajax_form_data'] ) ) die("-1");parse_str( $_POST['ajax_form_data'], $form_data );

- The WordPress file registration.php is included (includes such functions as validate_username and username_exists)

- Checks for $_POST variable ajax_form_data (the JavaScript file will set this variable)

- Parses the data into the $form_data array via parse_str- $form_data['firstname']- $form_data['lastname']- $form_data['email']- $form_data['username']

Ajax Registration Form » Main Class » ajax_process_registration

Data Validation: Sanitizing the entries Uses the sanitize_text_field function to sanitize the form inputs

//Get the form fields$firstname = sanitize_text_field( $form_data['firstname'] );$lastname = sanitize_text_field( $form_data['lastname'] );$username = sanitize_text_field( $form_data['username'] );$email = sanitize_text_field( $form_data['email'] ); $error_response = $success_response = new WP_Ajax_Response();$errors = new WP_Error();

- Uses the sanitize_text_field WordPress function to sanitize the form inputs

- Instantiates an instance of WP_Ajax_Response (for sending the Ajax responses)

- Instantiates an instance of WP_Error (used as part of the Ajax response)

Ajax Registration Form » Main Class » ajax_process_registration

Data Validation: Checking required entries We’ll use the WP_Error instance to add any errors if any fields are empty

//Start data validation on firstname/lastname//Check required fieldsif ( empty( $firstname ) )

$errors->add( 'firstname', 'You must fill out a first name.', 'firstname' ); if ( empty( $lastname ) )

$errors->add( 'lastname', 'You must fill out a last name.' ); if ( empty( $username ) )

$errors->add( 'username', 'You must fill out a user name.' ); if ( empty( $email ) )

$errors->add( 'email', 'You must fill out an e-mail address.' );

The first argument in $errors->add is an error code. However, the code also doubles for the form input ID that will be used in JavaScript.

Ajax Registration Form » Main Class » ajax_process_registration

Data Validation: If any errors, send a response We’ll be using the WP_Ajax_Response instance to return a response if errors are present

//If required fields aren't filled out, send responseif ( count ( $errors->get_error_codes() ) > 0 ) {

$error_response->add(array('what' => 'errors','id' => $errors



-The WP_Error get_error_codes method is used to determine if there are any errors saved

- If there are errors, we build the Ajax response using fields what and id

- The id portion allows for a WP_Error object

Ajax Registration Form » Main Class » ajax_process_registration

Data Validation: Check for a valid username

//Add usernames we don't want used$invalid_usernames = array( 'admin' );//Do username validation$username = sanitize_user( $username );if ( !validate_username( $username ) || in_array( $username, $invalid_usernames ) ) {

$errors->add( 'username', 'Username is invalid.' );}if ( username_exists( $username ) ) {

$errors->add( 'username', 'Username already exists.' );}

- Username is further sanitized via the sanitize_user WordPress function- The $invalid_usernames array can contain usernames you don’t want users to select.- If the username isn’t valid (via the validate_username function) or a username is reserved, we add an error- If the username already exists (via the username_exists function), we add an error

Ajax Registration Form » Main Class » ajax_process_registration

Data Validation: Check for a valid e-mail address

//Do e-mail address validationif ( !is_email( $email ) ) {

$errors->add( 'email', 'E-mail address is invalid.' );}if (email_exists($email)) {

$errors->add( 'email', 'E-mail address is already in use.' );}

- If the e-mail address is invalid (via the is_email function), we add an error - If the e-mail address already exists (via the email_exists function), we add an error

Ajax Registration Form » Main Class » ajax_process_registration

Data Validation: If any further errors, send a response We’ll be using the WP_Ajax_Response instance to return a response if errors are present

//If required fields aren't filled out, send responseif ( count ( $errors->get_error_codes() ) > 0 ) {

$error_response->add(array('what' => 'errors','id' => $errors



- We have to assume that all fields aren’t empty at this point

-Only invalid username/email errors will be sent

Ajax Registration Form » Main Class » ajax_process_registration

Create the User Object All data has been validated. Create the User object.

//Everything has been validated, proceed with creating the user//Create the user$user_pass = wp_generate_password();$user = array(

'user_login' => $username,'user_pass' => $user_pass,'first_name' => $firstname,'last_name' => $lastname,'user_email' => $email

);$user_id = wp_insert_user( $user );

- A user password is generated (via wp_generate_password)

- A $user array is created with fields user_login, user_pass, first_name, last_name, and user_email- - User is created by passing the $user array to function wp_insert_user- - Function wp_insert_user returns the new user’s ID

Ajax Registration Form » Main Class » ajax_process_registration

Send the Registration E-mail User has been created. Send a registration e-mail.

/*Send e-mail to admin and new user - You could create your own e-mail instead of using this function*/wp_new_user_notification( $user_id, $user_pass );

- A user e-mail is sent by passing the variables $user_id and $user_pass to the wp_new_user_notification function

- You could skip this step and instead create a custom e-mail (using wp_mail)

Ajax Registration Form » Main Class » ajax_process_registration

Sending the Ajax Response User has been created. Let’s send back an Ajax response.

//Send back a response$success_response->add(array(

'what' => 'object','data' => 'User registration successful. Please check your e-mail.'


} //end ajax_process_registration

The data field in the Ajax response is used for sending a string message back to JavaScript. This message will be used in our form’s status area.

Ajax Registration Form » The CSS » registration.css

Adding the CSS Code Code will go into the registration.css file

#ajax-registration-list {list-style-type: none;

}#ajax-registration-list label {

display: block;}#ajax-registration-form .error {

background-color: #FFEBE8;border: 1px solid #CC0000;

}#ajax-registration-form .success {

background-color: #FFFFE0;border: 1px solid #E6DB55;


Basic CSS is used here for the form layout and the error/status messages.

Ajax Registration Form » The JavaScript » registration.js

JavaScript structure A jQuery namespace called registrationform is used

jQuery(document).ready(function() {var $ = jQuery;$.registrationform = {

init: function() {  

}}; //end .registrationform$.registrationform.init();


- A jQuery object named registrationform is created

- Within the registrationform object, a there is a placeholder function named init

-The function is initialized by calling $.registrationform.init

Ajax Registration Form » The JavaScript » registration.js

JavaScript function: init - Capturing the submit event The form has an ID of ajax-registration-form, which we’ll use to capture the submit event

init: function() { $("#ajax-registration-form").submit(function() {

return false;});


The form ID (ajax-registration-form) is used with the jQuery submit event.

Ajax Registration Form » The JavaScript » registration.js

Form Submit Event: Clearing any error messages In the event the form has previously been submitted, we’ll need to clear all previous messages

$("#ajax-registration-form").submit(function() {//Clear all form errors$('#ajax-registration-form input').removeClass('error');//Update status message$("#registration-status-message").removeClass('error').addClass('success').html('Sending...');//Disable submit button$('#ajax-submit').attr("disabled", "disabled");

 return false;


- All form inputs are cleared of errors (by removing the error CSS class)

- The status message (with ID of registration-status-message) is updated with the success CSS class and given the text “Sending…”

- The submit button (with ID ajax-submit) is disabled so the user can’t click it again during the submission process

Ajax Registration Form » The JavaScript » registration.js

Form Submit Event: Parse the Form Data We’ll use jQuery to parse the form data into a string we can pass via Ajax

//Disable submit button$('#ajax-submit').attr("disabled", "disabled");//Serialize form datavar form_data = $('#ajax-registration-form input').serializeArray();form_data = $.param(form_data); return false;

- All form inputs are captured and serialized to an array via the serializeArray function- The serialized form data is then converted to a url-encoded string via the param function.

The form_data variable now has a value similar to: _registration_nonce=0ca8be2b7b&firstname=Ronald&lastname=Huereca&username=ronalfy&email=ron%40ronalfy.com

Ajax Registration Form » The JavaScript » registration.js

Form Submit Event: Submit the Ajax Requestform_data = $.param(form_data); //Submit ajax request$.post( ajaxregistration.Ajax_Url,

{ action: 'submitajaxregistration', ajax_form_data: form_data, _ajax_nonce: $('#_registration_nonce').val()


//Success code goes here}

);return false;

- The jQuery post function acts as an Ajax POST event- We pass it the URL to WordPress’ admin-ajax.php file (via localized JavaScript variable ajaxregistration.Ajax_Url)- The Ajax action submitajaxregistration is used for the WordPress wp_ajax action- A post variable named ajax_form_data contains all our form data- A post variable named _ajax_nonce contains the form’s nonce- Finally, a callback method is created to handle the Ajax response (the response will be held in the data variable)

Ajax Registration Form » The JavaScript » registration.js

Parsing the Ajax Responsefunction(data){

var res = wpAjax.parseAjaxResponse(data, 'ajax-response');if (res.errors) {

//errors} else {

//no errors}


- Data is parsed via the parseAjaxResponse function

- If errors are detected, spit out errors

- If no errors are detected, display a success mesage

Ajax Registration Form » The JavaScript » registration.js

Parsing the Ajax Response - The parsed data (if errors are detected)

Ajax Registration Form » The JavaScript » registration.js

Parsing the Ajax Response - The errors data

Ajax Registration Form » The JavaScript » registration.js

Parsing the Ajax Response - The errors data Iterate through each response, and iterate through each error within the response

if (res.errors) {//form errors//re-enable submit button$('#ajax-submit').removeAttr("disabled");var html = '';$.each(res.responses, function() {

$.each(this.errors, function() {$("#" + this.code).addClass('error');html = html + this.message + '<br />';



- There could be multiple responses, so we iterate through each one- Within each response are several errors, so we iterate through those and build an HTML string with all of the error messages- Furthermore, since each error has a code that identifies the form input, we add an error class (via CSS) to show that there is an error- Finally, we update our status message with the errors

Ajax Registration Form » The JavaScript » registration.js

Parsing the Ajax Response - Example Output If there are any errors, this is what you might see

Ajax Registration Form » The JavaScript » registration.js

Parsing the Ajax Response - Success If there are no errors, we parse the data in the success portion of the conditional

} else {//no errors$.each(res.responses, function() {



- There could be multiple responses, so we iterate through each one

- Output the success message (via the this.data variable)

Ajax Registration Form » The JavaScript » registration.js

Parsing the Ajax Response - Success Output If there aren’t any errors, this is what you might see

Ajax Registration Form » The JavaScript » registration.js

Parsing the Ajax Response - Full Function Code

function(data){var res = wpAjax.parseAjaxResponse(data, 'ajax-response');if (res.errors) {

//form errors//re-enable submit button$('#ajax-submit').removeAttr("disabled");var html = '';$.each(res.responses, function() {

$.each(this.errors, function() {$("#" + this.code).addClass('error');html = html + this.message + '<br />';


} else {//no errors$.each(res.responses, function() {




Eat your heart out.

Conclusion » The Code

Download link

The sample Ajax registration form plugin can be found at: http://www.wpajax.com/code

Conclusion » Want to Know More?

What to know more? Buy my damn book!


Conclusion » Want to Know More?

What to know more? Buy my damn book! I mean, pretty please, buy my book.


Conclusion » WordPress and Ajax » The End

- Twitter @ronalfy

- Skype ronalfy

- Personal site (rants and musings) http://www.ronalfy.com

- WordPress and Ajax e-book http://www.wpajax.com

That’s it! Thank you for your time.

- Ajax Edit Comments http://www.ajaxeditcomments.com

- WebDevStudios http://www.webdevstudios.com