Word version - Home - Lethbridge College

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Transcript of Word version - Home - Lethbridge College

A welcome from the Acting Associate Vice President of Enrolment Management & Learner Services

Dr. Dean StetsonLethbridge College


I cannot think of a more timely and appropriate theme for the 2009 ASSC as we are bombarded daily by local, national and international media telling us about crisis after crisis impacting our very existence. This gloom and doom can lead to a state of fear which can result in entrenchment and stagnation. Services for students in our colleges and universities can provide the leadership, as we have in the past, for an alternative to this state of fear in our institutions be reframing the situation from crises to challenges and possibilities. I believe that we can best address these challenges by creating partnerships that are focused on possibilities that will benefit our learners through a culture of collaboration.

Welcome to Lethbridge College and the 2009 Alberta Services for Students Conference as we join together to accept the challenges and possibilities our learners face today and in the future!

Dr. Dean StetsonActing Associate Vice President of Enrolment Management and Learner Services


Alvin LawAlvin is not only a completely independent, remarkably successful professional speaker, but proof that out of nothing can arise one of the most inspiring stories you will ever witness.

Alvin attended regular schools in a day when handicapped children were relegated to institutions or at best, schools that segregated them from the normal students. Remarkable teachers saw his potential and worked with the family to encourage that potential.

In 1981, he took a hiatus from disc-jockeying in FM Radio and joined a company who, through a federal grant of the International Year of Disabled Persons, conducted awareness seminars in hundreds of schools

across the province of Alberta, Canada. Thus began his adventures in the field of motivational speaking.

After working for the Saskatchewan Abilities Council, an Easter Seals agency, he ran, unsuccessfully, for a seat in the Provincial Legislature. He also worked in advertising, public relations and the civil service of his beloved home province. In 1985, his pride and joy, Vance, was born. In 1988 he quit a lucrative government job, fulfilled a long-time dream and created AJL Communications Ltd. His career as a full-time professional speaker was born.

Since 1976, Alvin has played a direct role in raising over $150,000,000 for charity.

Peggy GizenPeggy lives what she teaches, and practices what she preaches! Peggy’s life journey has taught her lessons, (although sometimes difficult), that have made her develop a strong belief that life can be exactly what you make of it. Her candor and enthusiasm is infectious - instantly making workshop participants feel comfortable and at ease. Peggy readily shares her wisdom to help attendees live the life they were meant to live; empowering them to make the right choices. Personal empowerment and a more indepth understanding of personality types enhances team building, ultimately leading to more successful work environments.

“Only YOU possess the power to make YOUR life extraordinary!”


Tuesday, May 19Registration………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4:00-9:00pmWine & Cheese…………………………………………………………………………………………………... 7:00-10:00pm

Wednesday, May 20Breakfast……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..7:30-8:30amRegistration continues …………………………………………………………………………………....... 8:00-9:00amWelcome………………………………………………………………………………………………………....... 8:45-9:00amKeynote Speaker…………………………………………………………………………………………........ 9:00-10:15amRefreshment Break…………………………………………………………………………………….......... 10:15-10:45amConcurrent Sessions 1…………………………………………………………………………………......... 10:45-12:00pmLunch……………………………………………………………………………………………………………........12:00-1:15pmConcurrent Session 2……………………………………………………………………………………........1:15-2:30pmRefreshment Break………………………………………………………………………………………........ 2:30-3:00pmConcurrent Session 3……………………………………………………………………………………........3:00-4:15pmFun Sessions…………………………………………………………………………………………………........4:30-6:00pmCocktails, Awards Banquet & Dance……………………………………………………………......... 6:30pm

Thursday, May 21Breakfast………………………………………………………………………………………………………....... 7:30-8:45amRegistration continues …………………………………………………………………………………....... 8:00-9:00amConcurrent Session 4……………………………………………………………………………………........9:00-10:15amRefreshment Break…………………………………………………………………………………….......... 10:15-10:45amConcurrent Sessions 5…………………………………………………………………………………......... 10:45-12:00pmLunch……………………………………………………………………………………………………………....... 12:00-1:15pmConcurrent Session 6……………………………………………………………………………………........1:15-2:30pmRefreshment Break………………………………………………………………………………………........ 2:30-3:00pmFun Sessions…………………………………………………………………………………………………........3:00-4:30pmTheme Night Banquet & Entertainment.………………………………………………………....... 6:30pm

Friday, May 22Breakfast ………………………………………………………………………………………………………...... 7:30-8:45amAnnual General Meeting………………………………………………………………………………....... 9:00-9:30amClosing Keynote……………………………………………………………………………………………....... 9:30-10:30amInstitutional Insignia Exchange – Banner Parade …..…………………………………………… 10:30-11:30amClosing Remarks & Presentation of the Walking Stick………………………………............ 1130-12:00pm

Concurrent Session 1Wednesday May 20, 2009


ASAPA: Canada Student Loan UpdateCanada Student Loans Policies & Procedures CSLP StaffCanada Student Loans Program staff will present an update and an overview on the Canada student loan portfolio for the 2009-2010 year. There will also be discussion on upcoming policy changes, operational updates and any areas under review. There will also be time for Q&A.

AE&I: Part 1 Alberta Employment & Immigration UpdatesAE&I StaffThis will be a policies and procedures update from the department of Alberta Employment & Immigration AE&I. Updates will include new directions priorities following the creation of the new ministry and how this will affect Income Support for Learners, Skills Investment Bursaries.

Birds of a Feather: Counseling TBA

Birds of a Feather: Accessibilities TBA

Marketing Student Services 101Sarah Coffin Laura ManuelCommunications Coordinator Communications CoordinatorUniversity of Alberta University of Alberta

This session will reveal what marketing and communication strategies have worked and not worked for CAPS: Your U of A Career Centre. This session will get student service professionals thinking about how they can attract more students to their service area. Topics will include: communication strategies, messages, tactics, evaluation and unique ideas.

Residence Life – On-line Security Reporting SystemGeorge Woof Jo-Anne WilsonSpecial Constable Residence LifeTown of Nanton Lethbridge College

We would like to introduce security and residence staff to an on-line reporting system that is currently being used by the Residence Department at LC. This program will eventually be used by the Security Department as well, and is used extensively at colleges and universities across the United States. Student Resident Assistants use this program to log all shift events, from lock outs to fire alarms to noise complaints. We are then able to take this information and find valuable statistics.

Simulating the College Experience: Creating a Successful Transition to CollegeLorraine Leishman Clayton CrawshawInstructor InstructorLethbridge College Lethbridge College

The Orientation to College Learning (Lethbridge College circa 1993) was originally designed as a week-long program to help those unfamiliar with college to find things, get book and be exposed to a bit of general study information. Within a year, the just- before-term course was 4 weeks long and soon was a credit course. This course’s longevity is, I believe, largely due to the simulation structure hidden in the course. Students in the course are soon embroiled in an active learning culture designed to stimulate the pressures of a full-course load and its realities. Please do come if you’re considering designing something to “put students through” before they hit their “real” courses, or if you have an existing program to which you’d like to add stimulation.

Concurrent Session 2

Wednesday, May 20, 20091:15-2:30 pm

ASAPA: Alberta Students Finance Policies & Procedures UpdateAlberta Students Finance StaffAlberta Advanced Education staff will be on hand to provide updates on policies and procedures and new initiatives for the 2009-2010 academic year. There will also be time for a Q&A session

AE&I: Part 2 Alberta Employment & Immigration UpdatesAE&I Staff In session 2 there will be opportunities to further discuss changes as well as a Q&A session. This will be a policies and procedures update from the department of Alberta Employment & Immigration AE&I. Updates will include new directions priorities following the creation of the new ministry and how this will affect Income Support for Learners, Skills Investment Bursaries.

Birds of a Feather: Front Line Staff TBA

Birds of a Feather: Career Advising Services Judy FrankChair, Counselling ServicesLethbridge College

Birds of a Feather: International StudentGordon PellerinAssistant Registrar, Admissions

Eating Disorders: Encouraging Change through Healthy PartnershipsAnn LavertyPsychologistUniversity of Calgary

Eating disorders continue to be prevalent in post-secondary populations. Using feminist and mindfulness-based practices, this interactive session will focus on the practical ways you can support students dealing with these issues. Emphasis will be placed on relationship building, authenticity and empathy in deepening understanding and compassion.

Deafness: A Guide for Student ServicesChris Dodd Technical SupportUniversity of Alberta

Unplug your ears and step into the deaf world. This session will explore services, technology, and tips on interaction and communication in regards to students who are deaf or hard of hearing. Taught by someone who is deaf themselves, this light-hearted session is sure to be both entertaining and informative. There will even be an opportunity to learn sign language!

Learning Disabilities and Mental Health: Understanding Diverse NeedsKelly Cowan Dr. S. Lal MattuProvisional Psychologist PsychologistUniversity of Calgary Third Academy

The proposed presentation will include an outline of the mental health issues commonly experienced by students with learning disabilities including; anxiety, depression, peer victimization and negative self-concept. This outline will also include some of the interventions and strategies used to mediate the mental health concerns within this population.

The Learning Café: Helping Students Advance, Prepare, ExcelLynda DuvalLearning Café Coordinator/Learning Assistant SpecialistLethbridge College

The Learning Assistance Centre at Lethbridge College provides a variety of learning services to students and faculty. This session will provide you with an overview of the Learning Café and it services. Particular emphasis will be placed on reviewing its Developmental Studies courses, which offer under prepared and at-risk students throughout campus a unique opportunity to improve their skills. Time permitting attendees will also be invited to share interesting features of their learning assistance programs.

Concurrent Session 3Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Birds of a Feather: Student Funding ASAPA Jane Lee Laurie Woldanski Manager, SFAIC Student Advisor University of Alberta Grant MacEwan College

Birds of a Feather: Advising/Recruiting Gordon PellerinAssistant Registrar, Admissions

Birds of a Feather: Aboriginal PrioritiesJonathan WeissSkills Investment Grant Program/CAIS/Trades Coordinator Red Crow College

Creating a Landing Pad for Helicopter ParentsClare MacMillan Stuart RileyFinancial Aid Officer Coordinator, Student Financial Aid Medicine Hat College Medicine Hat College

This fun and interactive presentation will examine one of the most important and sometimes frustrating characteristics belonging to the generational cohort known as the Millennials; the Helicopter Parent. The term Helicopter Parent, coined by many student Services Staff around the world, is used lovingly to describe their fascinating hovering capabilities. The Millennials, and their side kick parent(s), pose a few very interesting challenges to our organizations and our best practices. This “bizarre love triangle” requires a special touch and that is exactly what we will discover throughout the course of this workshop.

Feminist Supervision: Considerations for Best PracticesJudy ChewDirector of TrainingUniversity of Calgary

This workshop will address the central questions, “What is feminist supervision? What do feminist supervisors do?” Using mini lectures, group discussion, and experimental exercises, participants will examine the state of the art feminist identity development, feminist ethics, and professional and ethical challenges to promoting feminist supervision. This workshop is supported by a professional Development Grant (2008) through the Canadian University and College Counselling Association.

Keeping Hope Alive: Supporting Success in the Mature LearnerElaine Gruninger Monica Hinton Karla-Ace EdvardsonService Worker Counsellor Alumna- Child and Youth CareLethbridge College Lethbridge College Lethbridge College

This presentation will explore the reasons why adult learners return to school and how professionals in students services can improve retention of adult learners success by nurturing and supporting their hope. Hope is the power that allows us to step out and try. Hope arouses as nothing else the passion for the impossible. Hope is not the dream but a way of making the dream come true. In this presentation we will examine the needs of adult learners and how the concept of hope impacts a learners feeling of self efficacy and locus of control and supports success and achievement. We will also examine what to do when the lack of hope results in feeling of being overwhelmed and powerless. These feelings can result in depression, feelings of victimization and feeling of helplessness. The lack of hope is a major detriment to learner retention and success. How can we help to turn hopelessness to hopeful?

Forming Partnerships with Faith CommunitiesChaplain Erin Phillips Chaplain Mac De WaalChaplain Ecumenical Campus Ministry Campus ChaplainLethbridge College & University of Lethbridge Portage College – Lac La Biche Campus

Often local faith communities are underutilized resources in accessing support for learners. Local religious groups may be able to provide financial assistance, food bank resources, housing or social support for students experiencing difficulties while at school. Yet there are challenges for secular colleges wishing to access these resources. Chaplaincy may provide a connecting point between a college or university and the local religious communities. Mac and Erin will share from their experiences of working a t three post-secondary institutions

Concurrent Session 4Thursday May 21, 2009

9:00-10:15 am

Mind the Gap: Helping Connect Ideas to Real LifeJane Lee Norma RodenburgManager, SFAIC Sr. Manager Student ServicesUniversity of Alberta SU University of Alberta SU

How often have you attended a workshop or a conference and been energized by the ideas only to find your notes in a file folder a year or two later just gathering dust? Learners are often left to their own devices to connect what they have learned in a session back into the own “real lives”. Whether it is a financial literacy program for students of staff development, tangible steps can be taken to help transfer learning to make our programs effective. Strategies based on that can help you plan or deliver a session that will have real impact will be covered in an interactive session.

Would Peer Education Work for YouKeith HaimilaPeer Education CoordinatorUniversity of Alberta

A talk about the many possible benefits that a peer education program can bring to your organization. The talk will centre on the CAPS Peer Education (CPE) model currently in place at the CAPS: Your U of A Career Centre and how it has successfully provided student services for over 15 years. Both the success and challenges of the CPE program will be detailed. There will also be time for a discussion about what to consider when setting up a peer education program.

Mentorship – Its Power & PossibilitiesErin Thomas Lacey RooksStudent Mentor/Advisor Student Mentor/AdvisorPortage College Portage College

In recent years, Portage College in Lac La Biche, Alberta has implemented a Student Mentorship program. On-site staff foster relationships with students in order to help them bridge the gap between themselves and instructors, counselors and community supports. Sometimes it takes a great deal of courage to ask for help and many students choose to remain silent about their struggles. Mentorship allows a way for that silence to be broken and strategies to be created for success. You will learn about Portage’s definition of mentorship, how it has evolved there as well as on other Alberta campuses, and how mentorship can be an invaluable tool for any post-secondary institution.

Breaking Down the Walls of an AT LabTracy InabaAT AdvisorBow Valley College

At Bow Valley College, the AT Lab needs to serve an increasing number of students in multiple locations. Breaking free from the four walls of a traditional AT Lab has forced us to face unique challenges and adopt new strategies...but has also led to greater student success!

Service ExcellenceBrenda BarrettCounsellorGrant Mac Ewan (MacEwan) CollegeDefining customer service and what makes excellent customer service is what this session is all about. Are students really our customers? When students access our services, they are! Focusing on people, place and process, you will learn how to identify students’ needs and turnoffs, how to handle the difficult student and review basic communications skills. Come discover or (rediscover) your role in setting the impression of your institution through providing super service!

Concurrent Session 5Thursday, May 21, 2009


More Than Meets the Eye: Understanding & Serving Students in a Holistic WaySirina Hamilton-McGregor Jane LeeAssistant Manager, SFAIC Manager, SFAICUniversity of Alberta SU University of Alberta SU

Students who access student services often have more than one stressor in their life. In this interactive session, we will learn how to identify these situations and share ideas on how best to serve these students and meet their needs holistically. Be prepared to share examples of these student as well as methods that have worked.

Using Metaphor to Understand Your Service Team CultureSusie KennedyRegistrarLethbridge College

Is your department a well-oiled machine? Are you the gatekeepers in your institution? This presentation will demonstrate how you can use a metaphor to help you understand your team culture- its strengths and challenges.

First Contact: How Important Is It?Fran Stewart Robert RaykoCoordinator of Counselling CounsellorPortage College Portage College

This session will look at how counsellors and other support staff can make early contact with students with varying risk levels. The idea being that students will establish a relationship with Student Services, and therefore, (when in actual need), will access the services more quickly, will be aware of the supports available and interventions can take place in a more proactive manner, rather than letting the situation escalate to crisis. This creates a better opportunity for retention once that relationship has been established.

Institutional Scholarships & Awards RoundtableClare LapinskieFinancial Aid Officer Medicine Hat College

This will be a roundtable discussion focused on how institutional student awards programs are operated. Topics may include donor investment, application processes, awards/refunds procedures, confidentiality agreements and endowment funds.

Residence Partnerships: Fostering Positive Campus RelationshipsAngela SmithResidence Life CoordinatorMount Royal College

Are you a Residence Life Professional or are you wanting to sink your teeth into residence? This presentation will discuss how you as a student service can get your ideas into the residence community at your institution and how to recruit other student services to get involved with residence. The model for student personal development that Mount Royal College introduced this year will be discussed and critiqued.

The Evolution of A First Year ProgramBarbara Scuccato Brenda BarrettCoordinator CounsellorGrant MacEwan College Grant MacEwan College

This presentation will focus on the history and development of the Student Success Program at Grant MacEwan College in Edmonton, Alberta. Evidence based practice and research has led to the development of a new direction with existing student support strategies at our college. This session will highlight our program’s objectives and content, marketing strategies and more importantly how we obtained funding and college by in! Other presentation topics will include key elements such as: New Student Orientations, Parent Orientation, Transition Programming, Online Orientation, MacEwan Ambassador Program (student leadership).

Concurrent Session 6Thursday, May 21, 2009

1:15-2:30 pm

Campus Safety Initiative CSIRay AmblerManager – Health, Safety & SecurityLethbridge College

High profile college and university shootings in Canada and the United States, as well as terrorist attacks and other high profile traumas, have understandably increased anxiety among many students, staff, faculty, parents and others. Without formal procedures in schools and communities to assess high risk and threat making behavior, the likelihood of over-reacting or under-reacting is increased.

In 2000, Lethbridge College and the Canadian Threat Assessment Training Board collaborated in the development of a “Threat Assessment Training (TAT)” program initiative to train multidisciplinary Threat/Risk Assessment Training program.

The general purpose of a TAT protocol on college and university jurisdictions is to assist in creating and maintaining an environment where students, staff and faculty and others feel safe.

Lethbridge College has established a multidisciplinary College Safety Initiative (CSI) team to identify and assess indicators that suggest a person may be moving on a pathway towards violence against him/herself or others. The team determines if appropriate to intervene to decrease that risk, prevent injury and support the individual in receiving the help her or she needs to address the issues contributing to the high-risk behavior.

The Presentation will provide an overview of where we are with Lethbridge Colleges CSI Team, Threat Protocol, Threat Assessment Training and how the initiative is helping to foster a safer environment for campus stakeholders.

Supporting Students Researching and Applying for Graduate Study.Dorothy RitzGraduate School LiaisonGrant MacEwan

We have seen the development of new and innovative graduate programs in recent years. Increasing numbers of students and alumni choose graduate study beyond a Baccalaureate degree. This interactive session will focus on practical ways to assist people who are in the process of pursuing further education.

When Partnership Was Power BrokeringTrent KeoughVice President AcademicPortage College

A shift in thinking about partnership and collaboration reflects a new paradigm for delivery of educational services. It is an incomplete movement and poses serious challenges to silos of conventional authority. Contemporary “Partnership” embraces “Open Source” knowledge threatening the hegemony of computer software giants and educational institutions.

The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Student ServicesNorma RodenburgSenior Manager, Student ServicesUniversity of Alberta

Emotional intelligence is defined as the ability to manage ourselves and our relationships effectively and consists of four fundamental capabilities: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and social skill (Goleman, 2000). This presentation will explore the role that emotional intelligence can play in student services (both at the staff and client level) and the recent research that has been conducted around student success and emotional intelligence.

Keys to Personal Success – True ColorsJudy FrankChair, Counselling ServicesLethbridge College

True Colors is a personality assessment to that assists individuals in understanding themselves and others. Come prepared for an interactive session that will allow you to discover your strengths and ways to improve communication skills at work and at home. Each participant will receive a booklet “Keys to Personal Success” which provides a wealth of information on the True Color Spectrum.

Term Paper Rx- Prescription for your ResearchRyan Lewis Ina Baczuk Constance SheriffReference Services Librarian Reference Assistant Reference AssistantLethbridge College Lethbridge College Lethbridge College

Students are often overwhelmed by the amount of information that is available in a modern library. Term Paper Rx is a simple solution to information overload. The library service connects students with the information they need and teaches them how to use the library as well.

The Social SceneTuesday, May 19, 2009

Wine & Cheese Social7:00 – 10:00 pmResidence HallSponsored by the Lethbridge College Senior Leadership Team

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

ASSC Awards BanquetCocktails: 6:30 Dinner: 7:00Awards: 8:00Dance: 9:00 [Chevelles]Last Call: 11:30Event end: 12:00Garden Court – Lethbridge College

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Theme Night Dinner and EntertainmentCocktails: 6:30 Dinner: 7:00Entertainment: 8:00Last Call: 9:30Event end: 10:00Garden Court – Lethbridge CollegeUnofficial pub-crawl to start at Maddhatters Liquid Lounge

Friday, May 22, 2009

Institutional Insignia Exchange – Banner Parade: 10:30-11:30 amThe Institutional Insignia Exchange has been a part of the ASSC for as long as anyone can remember. The original intention was for delegates to connect with someone from another institution and to exchange a token of remembrance. Over the years the disbursement has been conducted in a variety of ways and has usually [but not always] been held at the Theme Night event. For the past few years we have received a range of feedback on this event so we thought that perhaps it would help for everyone to have this information. Many institutions feel that as the delegate keeps the item they should personally pay out of pocket for the item

they take, other institutions cover the costs. This year we are suggesting a price range of $10 - $20. We are also encouraging institutions to bring their banner for display at the AGM.

Fun Activities

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

4:30 p.m. -6:00 p.m.Go-Kart and a round of Mini GolfEvergreen Golf Centre$ 13.50 per person

4:30 p.m. – 6.00 p. m.Coulee HikeLethbridge College and Area

Thursday, May 21, 2009

3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.What 2 Wear 2 WorkVicki Charge Chair Fashion Design and Merchandising

“Unsure of how to dress for work, even with a closet full of clothes?” Discover how to view your wardrobe with a new eye and combine garments you already have with a few new items and accessories for an easy and professional look!

3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.Ramada Waterpark & Wavepool$10.00 per person………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Residence Hall will be open for those of you who would like to relax with friends or work on puzzles.

Everyone will receive a pass to use the fitness centre on campus!

Other non –scheduled actives you may want to check out!

Alberta Birds of Prey- Coaldale http://www.burrowingowl.comFort Whoop-Up http://fortwhoopup.comNikka Yuko Japanese Garden http://www.nikkayuko.comSir Alexander Galt Museum http://www.galtmuseum.com

Writing-on-Stone http://www.uleth.ca/vft/milkriver/wospp.htmlHelen Schuler Nature Centrehttp://www.lethbridge.ca/home/City+Hall/Departments/Helen+Schuler+Nature+Centre/default.htm

ASSC 2009 Provincial Planning Committee

Carla BasarabAdmissions/Liaison Assistant, Student ServicesGrande Prairie Regional CollegePhone: (780) 539.2050cbasarab@gprc.ab.ca

Krista PerreaultCareer and Employment Consultant, Student Career and Employment CentreNorQuest CollegePhone: (780) 644.6166krista.perreault@norquest.ca

Nancy ChalifouxAssistant RegistrarNorthern Lakes CollegePhone: (780) 751.3252chalifouxn@northernlakescollege.ca

Robert RaykoCounsellor, Aboriginal Student ServicesPortage CollegePhone: (780) 623.5576robert.rayko@portagecollege.ca

Mark ChytracekDirector, Student and Residence ServicesAugustana Campus, University of AlbertaPhone: (780) 679.1181mark.chytracek@ualberta.ca

Stuart RileyManager, Student Financial Aid and EmploymentMedicine Hat CollegePhone: (403) 504.3569sriley@mhc.ab.ca

Theresa (Teddi) DoupeManager, Services for Students with Learning DisabilitiesUniversity of AlbertaPhone: (780) 492.3381teddi.doupe@ualberta.ca

Louise Roziere (On-Site Planning Committee Chair)Service Manager, Service Management DepartmentEnrolment Management and Learner ServicesLethbridge CollegePhone: (403) 320.3387/1.800.572.0103louise.roziere@lethbridgecollege.ab.ca

Sonya FlessatiCounsellorMount Royal CollegePhone: (403) 440.6362sflessati@mtroyal.ca

Colleen WallStudent Enrolment Officer, Department of Student RecruitmentOlds CollegePhone: (403) 556.4610 cwall@oldscollege.ca

Russ Guthrie CounsellorOlds CollegePhone: (403) 556.8209rguthrie@oldscollege.ca

Jonathan WeissSkills Investment Grant Program/CAIS/Trades CoordinatorRed Crow Community CollegePhone: (403) 327-6984jonathanw@redcrowcollege.com

Jane Lee Manager, Student Financial Aid Information CentreUniversity of Alberta Students UnionPhone: (780) 492.9982jane.lee@su.ualberta.ca

Corinne Williams (Provincial Planning Committee Chair)Student Services CoordinatorAugustana Campus, University of AlbertaPhone: (780) 679.1639corinne.williams@ualberta.ca

Jacqueline McClaryStudent AdvisorBow Valley CollegePhone: (403) 410.1421jmcclary@bowvalleycollege.ca

Laurie WoldanskiAdvisor, Student Resource CentreGrant MacEwan CollegePhone: (780) 497.5063 woldanskil@macewan.ca

Gord PellerinAssistant Registrar, Admissions

Karen WongDirector, Learner Support Services

Grande Prairie Regional CollegePhone: (780) 539.2922gpellerin@gprc.ab.ca

Athabasca UniversityPhone: (403) 298.2910karenw@athabascau.ca

On Site Planning Committee 2008-2009

Julie DeimertCounsellor, Learning DisabilitiesJulie.deimert@lethbridgecollege.ab.ca

Cheri EnsAdministrative Assistant, Counselling Servicescheri.ens@lethbridgecollege.ab.ca

Judy FrankChair, Couselling Servicesj.frank@lethbridgecollege.ab.ca

Alison GrandmontAssistant Registrar, Client Servicesa.grandmont@lethbridgecollege.ab.ca

Lisa HalpenAdministrative Assistant, Registrarlisa.halpen_02@lethbridgecollege.ab.ca

Rose-Marie LitwinMarketing and Recruitment Assistant, Recruitmentrm.litwin@lethbridgecollege.ab.ca

Mark KosakDirector, AthleticsMark.kosak@lethbridgecollege.ab.ca

Terry RollingsonAdministrative Assistant, Learning Caféterri.rollingson@lethbridgecollege.ab.ca

Cindy RathScheduling Specialist II, Registrarc.rath@lethbridgecollege.ab.ca

Louise RoziereOn-Site ChairService Manager, Service Managementlouise.roziere@lethbridgecollege.ab.ca

Aaron RothAcademic Advisoraaron.roth@lethbridgecollege.ab.ca

Ursula SmolenskiOffice Assistant, Student Housingursula.smolenski@lethbridgecollege.ab.ca

Leah ShearerAdministrative Assistant, Service Managementleah.shearer@lethbridgecollege.ab.ca

Lana VandesteegAssistant Registrar, Records and Systems

Lynne KinchAdministrative Assistant, Service Management (Retired)

Alberta Services for Students Conference – ASSC 2009

Conference Registration FormMay 19 to May 22, 2009 at Lethbridge CollegeLethbridge, Alberta

Please complete this Registration Form and register via:Mail: Service Management, Lethbridge College, 3000 College Drive South, Lethbridge, AB T1K 1L6Fax: 403 394-7328Questions? Please call 403-320-3387

Personal Information (Please print clearly)

First Name Surname

Mailing Address (home)

Date of birth

Day Month Year

City Province Postal Code

Name of Institution Mailing Address (Institution)

City Province Postal Code

Telephone (business) Fax( ) ( )Position Email Address (mandatory for registration confirmation)

Is this your first ASSC Conference Yes No

Conference Options (Please check the option)

Option 1—Full Conference (May 19-May 22, 2009): Includes registration fee, wine & cheese event (Monday), breakfasts, lunches and banquets, opening & closing keynotes.

$185 + GST

Option 2—Student Rate: Student Full Conference Package (same as above). $125 + GST

Option 3—Wednesday, May 20, 2009 - One Day Registration: Includes registration fee, meals, opening keynote address & concurrent sessions of the day.

$125 + GST

Option 4—Thursday, May 21, 2009 – One Day Registration: Includes registration fee, meals, & concurrent sessions of the day.

$125 + GST

Option 5—Extra Meal Ticket – Wednesday, Awards Banquet $30 + GST

Option 6—Extra Meal Ticket - Thursday, Theme Banquet $30 + GST

Late Fee—Must be included if registering after May 1, 2009 $25 + GST

Refunds avai lable ONLY unt i l May 1, 2009 (Less cancel lat ion fee of 10%)The personal information that you provide on this form is being collected under the authority of the Post-Secondary Learning Act and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act of Alberta. It will be used by the Service Management Office in order to administer the Alberta Services for Students Conference. The

information will be protected in compliance with the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act of Alberta. If you have any questions, contact Lethbridge College, Service Management, telephone: 403-320-3387.

Wednesday, May 20/09 (please check one) Thursday, May 21/09 (please check one) Go Karts and Mini Golf May 20 $13.50 Ramada WavePool & WaterPark May 21 $10.00 Coulee Hike May 20 Free What 2 Wear 2 Work May 21 Free

Do you have any special needs or dietary restrictions? Yes No

Note: Please register no later than May 1, 2009 to ensure that appropriate dietary arrangements can be made. A committee representative will contact you to gather details about your needs. For more information, please email Julie Deimert julie.deimert@lethbridgecollege.ab.ca

Payment Calculation (list prices below)

Conference Option (#1, #2, #3 or #4) _____________

+ Wednesday Fun Activity _____________

+ Thursday Fun Activity _____________

+ Extra Meal Ticket(s) – Wednesday _____________

+ Extra Meal Ticket(s) – Thursday _____________

+ Late fee (After May 01, 2009) _____________

Subtotal: _____________

+ G.S.T. (6%) _____________

TOTAL: _____________


Signature: ___________________________________

Date: _____________________

Method of Payment (check one) Cheque Money Order Visa Master Card American Express

Credit Card #: ______________________________________________

Expiry Date: ______________________________________________

Cardholder Name:______________________________________________


NOTE: Fees are due in full at time of registration. Make Cheques payable to Lethbridge College. Post-dated cheques will not be accepted. ALL Faxed Registrations must be paid by credit card only.

Session Selections

Wednesday May 20, 2009

Concurrent Session 110:45-12:00pm

ASAPA: Canada Student Loan Update

AE&I: Session 1

Birds of a Feather: Counseling

Birds of a Feather: Accessibilities

Marketing Student Services 101

Residence Life – On-line Security Reporting System

Simulating the College Experience: Creating a Successful Transition to College

Concurrent Session 21:15-2:30 pm

ASAPA: Alberta Student Loan Update

AE&I: Session 2

Birds of a Feather: Front Line Staff

Birds of a Feather: Career Advising Services

Birds of a Feather: International Student

Eating Disorders: Encouraging Change Through Healthy Partnerships


Learning Disabilities and Mental Health: Understanding Diverse Needs

The Learning Café: Helping Students Advance, Prepare, Excel

Concurrent Session 33:00-4:15pm

Birds of a Feather: ASAPA

Birds of a Feather: Advising/Recruiting

Birds of a Feather: Aboriginal Priorities

Creating a Landing Pad for Helicopter Parents

Feminist Supervision: Considerations For Best Practices

Keeping Hope Alive: Supporting Success In The Mature Learner

Forming Partnerships With Faith Communities

Thursday May 21, 2009

Concurrent Session 49:00-10:15 am

Mind The Gap

Would Peer Education Work For You

Mentorship – Its Power & Possibilities

Breaking Down The Walls of An AT Lab

Service Excellence

Concurrent Session 510:45-12:00pm

More Than Meets The Eye

Using Metaphor To Understand Your Service Team Culture

First Contact: How Important Is It?


Residence Partnerships: Fostering Positive Campus Relationships

The Evolution of a First Year Program

Concurrent Session 61:15-2:30pm

Campus Safety Initiative CSI

Supporting Students Researching and Applying for Graduate Study

When Partnership Was Power Brokering

Emotional Intelligence & Student Success

Keys To Personal Success – True Colors

To register for sessions, please complete the following information and forward it with your conference registration forms to Service Management {fax 403 394-7328} Questions? Call Louise 403 320-3387

Name [first/last]_____________________________________ Phone:____________________________

Accommodation Information

At Lethbridge College Residence (four bedroom townhouses), you will enjoy the privacy and comfort of our modern, fully-furnished rooms, including; Full kitchen amenities, including dishes, cutlery, pots and pans, dish soap, iron and ironing board Twin size bed, linens, towels and soap Two ensuite washrooms per unit Shaw basic cable and Shaw High-Speed Internet equipped hook-ups Phone and cable jacks (equipment not supplied) Each room is equipped with key locks The units are all non-smoking Rate: $33.35/person/night including taxes

For more information check us out at www.lethbridgecollege.ab.ca/go/residence

Rooms are limited and reservations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Written notice of cancellation must be received 48 hours prior to expected arrival. Please complete this form and fax or mail to:

Ursula SmolenskiLethbridge College Residence3010 College Drive SouthLethbridge, Alberta T1K 8A2

FAX: 403-327-9062 Registration at Residence Hall RH 1000

Name: Institution:

Address: E-mail:

Is there any particular person(s) with whom you would like to share a unit?

City/Town: Province: Postal Code:

Female Male Check-in date Check-out date

Rate per night per person $33.35 x Number of nights ____ = Total Room Cost

Payment Options: Visa Master Card # Expiry Date (mm/yy):

Cardholder Name: Signature:

Cheque Enclosed (made out to Lethbridge College Housing)

Alternate Accommodations: [Request the Alberta Service to Students Conference rate].Ramada - 2375 Mayor Magrath Drive South www.ramadalethbridge.caPremier Inn & Suites 2225 Mayor Magrath Drive South www.premierinnsandsuites.com by April 27/09

Comfort Inn 3226 Fairway Plaza Road South 1-866-554-4110