Word Press

Post on 12-May-2015

431 views 1 download


Transcript of Word Press





Wordpress is an excellent open-source web publishing system or content management system.

It is created as a blogging software

Wordpress is written in PHP and backend used

MYSQL database

Difference b/w wordpress&other sites?

To advertise my blog, I usually use facebook, yahoo buzz, and digg.

Up until recently I have no problem; I input the specific link to the new blog and it comes up with a preview of text plus a thumbnail.

All of these sites are no longer able to come up with a preview of either text or pictures

WordPress is an open source code content management system that anyone can use.

WordPress is self-contained when installed on your site and is not dependent on any other outside source to maintain and run

The look of a blog is very important to most people as well and there are thousands and thousands of free WordPress themes available.

Changing a WordPress theme is as simple as uploading it to your server and clicking on the theme from the dashboard

Items on the WordPress sidebar can be added, moved and changed very easily within the WordPress dashboard using sidebar widgets


There are lots of Innovative ways to use Wordpress.

Because of its flexible plugin and theming architecture. I am compiling list of websites and look at how you can use WordPress.

To create a variety of different types of sites and manage different functionalities. As you’ll see with a bit of cleverness, the sky is the limit!

1. WordPress as a Membership Directory

2. WordPress as an E-Commerce Store

Use a Plugin

Use a theme

Use a Third Party Service


1. Cheap or Free

Using WordPress for your website means it’s cheap or free. 2. It’s That Easy

If you’ve got any computer savvy, WordPress is easy to use.

If you can send an e-mail, use Microsoft Word or set up a Facebook account, then you can use WordPress.

3. Do It Yourself

With WordPress you enter the Do-It-Yourself world.4. Many Users, Many Places

WordPress is online and offers multiple users, which means you’re not the only one who can fix something in a pinch and you can access it from anywhere. Which means if you’ve got Internet access in Tahiti, you could work from there.

5. Climb the Search Results

WordPress also makes it easier to optimize your search engine results. That means your site is more likely to land on the first page of Google results.


Below you can find out more about the Tools:

The Tool pages link to pages where you can find more.

General info about the tools and why learning professionals selected them as one of their Top 10 Tools.

Web browser(Firefox | Google Chrome)

Social bookmarking tool(Delicious | diigo)

Blogging tool(Wordpress | Blogger)

RSS/Feed reader(Google Reader | Bloglines)

Micro- blogging tool(Twitter | Tweetdeck)

Email( gMail/Google Mail | Outlook)

Instant Messaging(Skype)

Personal productivity tool(Evernote | Google Calendar)

Wiki tool(PBworks | Wikispaces)

Image/photo tools(flickr | Adobe Photoshop)

Video tools(YouTube | Flip)

Audio/podcasting tools(Audacity | iTunes)

Social networking(Ning | LinkedIn | Facebook)







Password Protected Posts Full standards compliance Easy installation and upgrades No rebuilding WordPress Pages WordPress Links XML-RPC interface WordPress Themes Intelligent text formatting Bookmarklets


What is plugin

A plug-in (also called plugin, addin, add-in, addon, add-on, snap-in or snapin) is a small software computer program that extends the capabilities of a larger program.

Plugins are commonly used in web browsers to enable them to play sounds and video clips, or automatically decompressing files.

Plugins in Wordpress

All in One SEO Pack


Picturesurf Gallery

Auto BlogRoll

WP Page Numbers

Category Icons

ComicPress Manager


WP Security Scan


Quick SMS


What is a theme?

Before the advent of Themes, WordPress generated content using a single file.

Index.php, and files to support comment display and submission

Some of the themes are

Thank ”u”