Women in black anaylsis

Post on 12-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Women in black anaylsis


The film the ‘The Women in Black’ was directed by James Watkins and the main actor is Daniel Radcliffe. When my class meant James Watkins he explained that ‘Daniel Radcliffe was a huge bonus for the film – he is highly professional actor. He is hard working and a role model, he is also well known as Harry Potter which helps to promote the film. The film was rated 12A and was low budget costing about £9 million to make.

Camera Work

The movie trailer uses different camera angles to create different views of the scene or the characters. There is a high angle used in the trailer where Daniel Radcliffe is seen walking through the door which is seen to be the haunted house. This is effective as it looks like he is vulnerable and we are looking down at him as if someone or something is watching him.

A mid shot is used which shows the character sleeping but also the setting behind him which is when the women appears, it shows to the audience that he isn’t safe and makes you wonder why he would even bother staying there and also falling asleep in a place he isn’t safe.


The editing in the movie trailer includes lots of black outs as the shots fade into darkness. This creates suspense from the viewer and makes them feel uncomfortable as anything could put up onto the screen next. As it’s known that people aren’t actually afraid of the dark but what’s inside it.

The editing turns fast paced with 4 different shot between blackouts within 6 seconds, its almost like its telling the audience that the movie is quick and fast with lots of different things going on at the same which can confuse and disorientate you, which makes going to view the film more scarier as you already have placed in your mind that the movie will get straight to the point.

Lighting and Colour

The lighting and colour used in the trailer is low key lighting which means it is dark. The makers of the trailer would have done this because the affect it gives on

the audience is the darkness in the film because the film is called ‘Women in Black’ there is a connection with darkness. It also sets the time that the film is set in olden days when they wore clothes that didn’t really have any colour.

In the trailer there is also only a few colours like black, white and orange/yellow (for the fire) it also seems that the filming was done in the day time but it wasn’t very light and was almost a miserable day but that might be because of the editing and that’s the way they wanted it. There is a contrast between black and white it’s almost like a grey style effect is used to make the film feel darker because of the darkness its like something is being hidden from us and we can’t see it.


The sound in the ‘Women in Black’ is very effective, a voiceover is used a little girl says the voiceover but it’s quite creepy in the tone in her voice and it makes the audience feel like the girl is part of the dark side with the Women in Black plus it puts the audience on edge and makes you feel weird by the effect of the voiceover.

There is also non-diegetic music included, it almost sounds like a jack in the box as the audience it makes me feel like I’m waiting for something to jump out and scare me as it builds suspense. Sometimes is sounds windy in the movie trailer also maybe this is because they want the audience to feel like it’s a thunderstorm or something because stereotypically in every horror/scary film the weather is usually bad with rain or a storm of some kind.