Womans rights in ethipoia

Post on 21-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Womans rights in ethipoia

Women's rights in Ethiopia

By, Mehrin Hueston, Cory Fellows and Alexis Galvin


The women in Ethiopia are not being protected by their laws.

They also can go to school but are not required to so that they can work for other people.

Women would like to go to school and learn more but other’s would rather them stay home and work for them.

At 11 years old children in Ethiopia are forced to be married.

When they are 14 they are pregnant.

If they survived through the pregnancy they would have to sell their bodies.


We can help by sending a letter to the government of Ethiopia saying that they should make their laws more protective of women.

Also that women should be able to work less and have the men work more.

We can fundraise for them to go to school and get their supplies.

They should be able to go to school because they deserve it and need the education.

Thanks for watching! ☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻