Wm w W N B W L (ntlfultonhistory.com/Newspapers 21/Albany NY Argus/Albany NY Argus … · ciiuins...

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Transcript of Wm w W N B W L (ntlfultonhistory.com/Newspapers 21/Albany NY Argus/Albany NY Argus … · ciiuins...

ffcTOTICE u hereby given that an election will bet l - A R A S O L S AND UMBRELLAS-Ladies X I A*4d attiwboaaebelwiafrirto David N n L i i o - | l umbrella., panwols of different cotton aad siacs


,--V»X_RCHANTS' INSURANCE COMPANY m I T M the city of Albany—Office No. 4S3 North Mar-ket-*treet This eoBMB* bat beee mcorpoeatad with keeper, m the town of WaUrvtiet, oa tbe the lath day

of #260,000, and •• authorised to tank* all ** Jaaa neat, to elect nine directors to manage tke ice upon vessels, goods, ware* and mar- cesjcaras of tke Watervliet turnpike road company for

one year from that day. Albany, IStfc May, 1829. wy. lS did JOHN T O W N S E N D , PrtVt.

EW TEAS— Tbe subscriber baa received a •ap­ply of GREEN and BLACK TEA, equal, if not

super im, in quality to any ever offered ia this market Ilia iriiiid< are invited to call and examine them, at No. 58 State -at. _ [ i a y Mdtf ) W. H. MORRIS.

AT T E N D TO TO0R LICENSES— To Grtwen, Tavern-keepers, Cartmen, Wagooer*, and Vend-

era of Lottery Ticket• Notice ha* been given that licence* would be grant­

ed from the 5th to the 20th init All delinquents wilt, after that day, be proceeded agaiast according to law.

P. HOCHSTRASSEK, ""J af _ Deputy Excite OtHucr.

ciiuins lor losses unuer pmint" •»•«»«• .,.-™ »- — «h«U be adintted in the moat prompt and liberal

er. CHARLES E . DUDLEY, Prea't.

kinds of inaaraoce i «bandise oa the inland waters aid canals of this state and the adjoining states, and oa vessel* bound coast­wise from a port in one state to a port ia another of tbe United States, oa ships and vessels on tbe stocka and in port, also upon tbe inland transportation of gooda, wares and merchandise, specie, bullion or other artielerof value, either by land or water.

Application*, accompanied by a particular descrip­tion of Ike property to be insured, will be prompt I) at­tended to, asd insurance effected on as favorable tartan as ia any other office ia tbe state.

All claim* for loasas under policies issued from this-office manner

CAMET Mumic iu , Sec'ry thrtclot, —Charles E- Dudley, Allen Urown, Archi­

bald Craig, Peter Wendell* Abel French William Cook, George Humphrey, Join. Willard, William Mc Harg, Ruasel Forsyth, Jsred L. Ratbboae, Oliver Steele, Walter Clark, Epbraim Wilder, tun- r rtend Humphrey, Alexander Martin, John T- Norton, W il-lard Walker, Eleaaer F. Backus, Joshua Tuffs, Rich­ard M. Meigs, Benkmin F Butler, Thomas W. Olcott, Heory L Webb, Robert Ddnlop, Robert Boyd, S. P •lermain, WtlUaa* L. Marev, John N. Quackeubush, Thomas Hillfaoose, David E. Gregory. my 20 dtf

ALBANY F E M A L E ACADEMY—A dividend of tbe interest on stock of the Albany Female Aca­

demy, due tbe first instant, will be paid to the stock­holders, by R. M MEIGS, 1 reasurer.

my 19 dtlt

INOR SALE, at a great bargain, a block of BUILD-. ING L O r S , situated south of the lower ferry,

T"***1** o f f t > u r l o U ' b 7 {t b v 1 7 8 emeh> hounded on the north by Cherry-street, west bv Church-street con­tinued,totm*v- Uajsett-strcet, and east by South Mar­ket-street, tt being a part or __ ^ ^ l y recently sold b ; tha corporation ot this city. 1 he ierh,» • , , > « , , - . will be made easy, and the title indisputable Apply to WM. H- SHIFFER,

my 19 dtf at the Capitol.

MORE N E W GOODS were opened last evening at R. H JENKINS' Iri*h Linen Store, No. 429

South Market tt , amongst them nre; Rich needle worked, single, double and with extra folds French capes and c>IUr», of s iperior quality, and new and beautiful good*. A large and extensive assortment of Idee* "fall kind*. New, fashionable and very cheap Palmerina dresses, l^adie*' white cotton hose from auction, which will be sold a bargain. Three cartons containing white and black bobbinett iacc veil.-, from 10ta*> 025, of new patterns and blonde style of work. Low priced kid and horse skin gloves. Plain and col'd oor'd linen cambric hdkfs of various sizes, prices and quality. Cologne water, lavender, water of rose, and fancy soaps of all perfumery, by the single, dozen, or box. may 19

Dl L A U BERG, 84~M_den Lane,~New-YorlT, • received by the last arrivals from Eurojie, a

large quantity of NEW-CASTLE GRIND STONES, of all kinds and sizes; which he offers for sale, on rea­sonable terms. New-York, May 12,1829. dtf m!8

NE W PIANO FORTE AND MUSIC S T O R E — Win. M. PEASE respectfully informs his friends

and the public, that he has opened a store at No 8 Green-street, for the sale of Piano Fortes and Music, at the lowest New-York prices. Ladies and gentle­men are invited to call and examine for themselves— The selection of music being the most extensive ever offered in this city. Also, flutes, chtrionerts, fifes, &c. Instruction for the piano forte, flute, Ac. Lithograph­ic music at half price. dtf may 18

HE annual election for director* of the Mechan­ics' and Farmers' Bank, of this city, will be held

at the banking house of the company on Monday the first day of next June- The poll will open at 11 o'­clock, A. M. Albany, May 16, 1829.

By order of the President and Directors. m!8 dtd THOS. W. OLCOTT, Cashier-

BOOKS—Tales of a Good Woman

best sine haw umbrella*, and cotton do. opening ani P C B L I C

B A L E S . • ». '• • — — — _ _ i i i i " » — •

m i B U G 8 ALBS. " i " MMti

for tale by my 16

R H. JENKINS, 429 South Market street.



TOCK A L E - S 3 0 bbl*. stock ale at a reduced 1 price, for Cash.

Tbe ale can be examined at Gncwey's brewhouse, North Market street, Albany, where orders should be left, with R. Pearl. m y U d l w

WM. GOULD A CO. Law Booksellers. No. 9» State s'. Albany, have just published and for

8th v«l Cowen's Reports l»t no- 2d vol. Wendell s Reports. my 14

lappe(ion's 2d exped Donoegan't Greek and English Lexicon Loudon'* Eacyclo|iedia of Gardening Jones' Yiew* of the metropolitan improvement* Pickering's Greek and English lexicon Gumey't Pocket Bible; al»n all tbe new publica­

tions, may be had at O- STEELE'S Bookstore, my 16* 437 South Market-street.

(At R. Biiky It Co.* stare, Ml North M«rk*t-slr*et, Mar-1/ «opo*iu Ruckwslf* Mansion Hoote.)

THIS and 7 O-itf ORROW J?**an»g*, Mm 2f #• M, At k past 7 o'clock, the moat splendid cotieetio* of

•LON DON and AMERICAN BOOKS ever offered ia this city at auction

Cata&guet ready at 8 o'clock this mormon, when they can be examined.

Alto, a good collection of print*.


commended N U R S E who can come well re-

Apply at this office. my2 dtf

' v N;'K l \< . t.' »i 11 •• • bscribert n f e ' ^ p H E s a b t c T r i l ^ a r ^ ^ 50 bhds hot quality N. O moiasae* new openiat;, at No. 452 Sooth Market-»treet, a | JL

choice and gtneral assortment of FANCY and STA­PLE DRY GOODS.

aP 20 P. II. 09TRAXDER & Co.


4LITERAL Prose Translation of five select pieces from the works of Tasso, Metastasio, and Allien,

with the accent on the text, and explanatory notes of the poeiical words and elisions, intended for learner* of Italian. Italian on one page, the translation on the other. lust received and for sale by

my 14 W. C. LITTLE.

BEECHER ON INI'L^lPERANGE—1000 copies stereotype edition, for sale by W. C LITTLE.

WANTED—A wnite w man as cook, to go the western part of the state. One who can pro-

f>uTft-"WrJirecoul'nenc,at'on* a 8 t o c b * r a c ! e r a n u capa-Norlh Peari-si. ~* * -*»«*»» b j applying at No *)

-**~ SM 14

PHARMACOPEIA of the United States—by the authority of the metlieal societies and colleges;

a new edition, for sale by


[m!5] W. C L I T T L E

€1ARPET1NG—Superior ingrain carpeting, jastre-<* ceived and for sale cheap at No. 452 South Mar­

ket-street. [ a p » J P. H. OSTR ANDKR & Co.

BOTTLES, &c—40 gross porter bottles" 20 do wine do

300 do velvet corks For sale in lots to suit purchasers, bv

MANCIUS & LE" BRETON, »P II N a 6 1 State-streef._

WOCTOR DAVIDSON. DENTIST,hat returned to this city, after an absence of a few weeks, and is

ready to attend, as usual, to his professional calls, at the Franklin House, \M> State-street. dtf my 5

LEMUEL JENKINS, Attorney and Conjtaellorat Law. and Solicitor and Counsellor in Chancery,

has opened an olfice at No. 65 State-street, Albany, my 7 d8w

WANTED IMMEDIATErY7siTo7lE7girje*r-neymen painters, of steady and industrious ha­

bits. Apply to SMITH & WILLARD, msyji 474 South Market-st

• J f f E M P SEED—The subscribers have received, • J V«J" cou•.I^IIIII- i.i, a lot of Hemp Seed.

' " tuuxxu 4. WILT^RD; E

STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS— ROBKKT H. JuisKijfs, No. 429 South Market-street, has

just opened and is receiving a large assortment of the following goods, which have been purchased this spring, chiefly at auction, and will be sold at reduced prices

N G L l s H Prime Cradling ScytlW»,.3^ quality, very broad and fi^ht, for sale by

GILL, FRENCH & WEBSTER, ap 24 428 Market-street

ttLOTHINO STORE-NEW GOOD*—The *ubscn-/ tier, at 470 South Market-st. four doors south of

the museum, not bavins made such disposal of his • , > • stock and stand as to enable him to chancre nis bnsinest Irish linens ol a nullities, improved selvage and ,•.; , , .. „ • », •, :,u ^ _.^ :r r_ _ J > r '"• » .. ^_.i. this spring, has just returned Irom New-York with a

50 kegs tobacco, different qt>alitie« -20 boxes lump sugar 10 qr. casks mar. Madeira wine 10 " 1st qual- Port do 20 " sweet Malaga do 20 " nale Sherry do

with many other articles in the grocery line, which they offer for sale, on the wharf, at a small advance. _apj»dt f ROBERT GILCHRIST h. Co.

f j C O PRINTERS—STARR & LITTLE have jn*t ^*~ PRLVTlJ^TyV-fi/io Imperial, and one Super-Royal

*' which will besrjcf«t tfltfTn\nVtrJ*I.imjBrPYed patent; •perial $220—super-royal $210,) and may be examined attbeir foundry, No 8 laberty-strcet. " ap 21

SADDLERY—A very general assortment of Saddle ry, of the newest patterns, constantly on hand and

for sale by the subscribers, on accommodating terms dee 16dtf S. & H. STAFFORD.

bleach; if found defective in any respect the purcha scr can return them.

Thread and bobbinett lace goods of every descrip­tion, new and fashionable ' Canrzints,' ' Pioreltas,' capes, flounces, edgings, lootings or q'.iillings, inj-ert-ings, trimming laces, and all widths plain white and blk bobbinett laces.

Merino, Thibet, Cashmere, barrege and gauze hkfs. -bawls and M-art's, of all patterns, colours and sizes-

Black bombazines and mourning goods of various kinds and best quality imported.

Foulard calicoes and French ginghams. Hosiery aad gloves of all kinds, with every variety

of new fancy dry goods- my 14

SSENCE OF SPRUCE—A supply of the es­sence of spruce, suitable for making spruce beer,

is received and for sale by JAMES P. BOYD, my 13 No. 65 State-street.

spring, well selected assortment of new and fashionable Goods, from which he is making up an additional tCrtiply of Fashionable Spring, Summer and other CLOTHING, all of which will be sold, by wholesale or retail, at very reduced prices, for cash, [my 7] J. HERMANS.



OOD YARD.—The subscriber has taken the wood yard recently occupied by J. Evertton,

jun- and offers on reasonable terms a quantity of hard and yellow pine WOOD; and those wishing to pur­chase, will please leave their orders at A. & H. Pres­ton's City Coffee-Housc JAMES TAYLOR.

ap 27 dtf

INDIA MAT^FN^G7fo7s^e~at No7452! SouthTMar^ ket-st. [ap 291 P H. OSTRANDER & Co.

BOARDING HOUSE—Miss L E W I S informs her friends and the public that she continues her '

(1 H A M P A I G N E - 3 0 cases J paignc,

for sale by ap 23

superior I. C.Chatn-1 doz. each, just received from France,

MANCIUS & LE BRETON, No 61 State street.

boarding house at No Bank.

7f> State-st. opposite the State dtf mv 18


N' :EW BOOKS—Tales of a Good Woman by a doubtful Gentleman.

Travel* in tbe North of Germany, in the year's 1825-6; by Henry E. Dwight, A. M.

Tbe Northern Traveller; containing the routes to Niagara, Quebec, and the Springs with the tour of New England. Forsaleby O. STEELE,

may 17 Bookseller and Stationer.

NOTICE.—Wanted, a good journeyman Carder & Clothier, for seven months To one that caa come

v i th a good recommend good waget will be paid.— Application made immediately to

GARVVOOD C. HINMAN. Rensselaerville Village, May 16, 1829. ctjel

TtvpEW^JEWELRY, &c—CHAUNCEY JOHN-i ^ SON has just received a large and elegant assort­ment of Watches. Jewelry, Cake Baskets, Candle­sticks, Brittania Ware, &c &c fea'a'al. cheap, at 1&mmto\<rMUlVWV'> J2f&* '

AMMON RASEY, respectfully informs his old customers, his friends, and the public in general,

that in consequence of his old stand, No. 528, having been torn down for the purpose of rebuilding, he has removed bis PORTER AND READING RC>OM to No. 570 South Market street, a few doors below the " Old Corner;" where he will at all times be happy to wait upon those who may favor him with a call.

He has fitted up his new establishment in the best manner possible for the reception of company, and ev­ery exertion will be made upon his part to render it an agreeable and pleasant resort may ,w •""' i s dtf

J UST PUBLISHED—Tales of Military Life; by the author of the " Military Sketch Book." For

6ate at O. STEELE'S Booktore. may 18 437 South Market-street.

^ E L E C T I O N S from the writings of Fenelon, with » ^ an appendix, containinng a memoir of his life; by a lady-just published, for sale by W- C. LITTLE.

my 13

J \ T E W CARPETING—Jnst received, at the Green L\ Store, No. 404 North Market-street, an elegant

ingrain and Venetian carpeting, of supe-ni splendid patterns. G. GATES-

assortment of rior quality anu

my 13 d l w

VLBANY MINERAL S P R I N G — T h e public are respectfully informed that the Albany Mineral

Spring will be open daily for the season, from sunrise 'till ten o'clock, P. M except on Sundays, when it will be open from sunrise till 8 o'clock A. M. and from 5 'till 9 P. M. A limited number of season tick­ets will be issued, which may be procured upon ap­plication to the proprietor- off may 11.

THE CITY BATHS will open on the 16th inst. for the sea»on. G. C. WATSON,

my 15 ^ .^L 0 !^ M31*et"8t-EGHORN HATS.—3 cases blk and white Leg^ horn Hatt, with and without extra crowns.

Children*' Leghorn hats, assorted size and quality. Superior white chip hat patterns—just received and may II" 331 Worth Marfct-arfcgirneaf°|»ii»f»lwt*>.



THE JUSTICE'S MANUAL, or a summary ol the powers and duties of Justices of the Peace in the

state of New-York, by I bos. G- Waterman, second e-ditinn, adapted to the Revised Statutes—for sale by

may_U W. C. LITTLE, 67 State-street-

~EVV AND FASHIONABLE GOODS—R. II. JE.NKIXS, NO- 429 South Market-street,has recei­

ved, and is now opening, the following new and ele­gant goods, imported in the last packets from Paris and London: pink, lead, celestial blue, and bird of pa­radise col'd gro de Lyons, a new and beautiful article for ladies' thin dresses; English thread lace insert-ings; needle worked goods, of various kinds; fashion­able silk barrege scarfs; spring col'd Thibet and cash­mere shawls; ladies' white and blk silk hose; ladies' and misses' white cotton do; leisse, gauze, and other fancy hdkfs; French, Scotch and Manchester pink and other ainghams; with a general assortment of other desirable goods, bought at auction, and will be sold at very reduced prices. my 9

THE STETHOSCOPE, together with a manual for the use of the Stethoscope, just received and

ONDON V I E W S - W C- LITTLE has tell re-A ceived Nos. 19 to 27 of Jones' Views of J.t.nJou

in the 19th century, in continuation. Also, Great Britain illustrated; a series of original

views of tbe principal towns, public buildings, and re­markable antiquities, from drawings by Wm. Wettall-Kiigraved by E- Finden, with descriptions by Thomas Moule.

Viows of tb« seats, mansions, castles, fee. of noble­men and gentlemen in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, 6c.

The National Calendar for 1829. ap 25

JUST PUBLISHED—Irving's Conquest of Grena­da, 2 vols.

An epitome of the Physiolojry of Bichat, by Thomas Henderson, M. D. For sale at O. STEELE'S

ap 21 Bookstore.

iRVING'S Conquest of Grenada—Th:» dav receiv­ed, i»y W . C- LITTLE, • A Chroakhi of the Cam-

quest of Grenada; by Fray Antonio Agapida,' 2 vols. ap 24

(" T H I ^ A T G L A S S apt EARTHEN WARE-^rT& / C- WEBB & Co., 51 State-street, have received

per Birmingham, Grecian and other ships, (rom Liver­pool, a larze and complete assortment of fine and com­mon ware, which, with an extensive stock of English, and French china Tea-sets. India, stone, china and bkie printed Dining-scts, and rich cut and common glai*,

Tlre^*»W^^*rfctfoy\;,, s&MpmtmltfilHmAM* - y . bottles, in hampers and crates. Philadelphia furnact-, in packages, well assorted.

N. B- Persons having unsettled business with lie late firms of Webb & ."himmer, and J. H. & 11. L. Webb, are requested to call and close the -fame.


for sale by [my I I ] W C- LITTLE.

REMOVAI.r—The subscriber, wishing that the public might be dealt well with, and have good

and fashionable furniture, requests them to take the trouble to remember that his fashionable furniture is removed, together with his whole Cabinet establish­ment, from the corner of South Market and Church streets to No. 279 North Market between Steuben and Colombia streets- The subscriber ha* spared neither labour itorexpense, to alter and fit his establishment so that he can have an unusual large assortment of the most improved and fashionable Cabinet furniture- He also thanks his old customers, and persons that have favored him with their patronage, for their past en­couragement; and fells confident that if they will con­tinue their calls and demandt, nothing shall be wanting en his part.

He alto wishes his friends in the south part of theci-y, if they should want any thing in his line of busi­

ness, to call on him at his new stand, and he will en­deavor to remunerate them for their walk by giving them such articles as they will be pleased with and on such terms, that they will not regret their walk

may 18 djts H, FANNING-

EDINBURGH REVIEW, I Lockhart's life of Robert.

I'.urns 2. Bishop Heber's travels in India. 3- Re I covery of lost writings. 4. The American Tariff.— I 5. Causes and prevention of crimes. 6. Northwett passage and expeditions 7. St;ite of the woollen ma-! nutactur*. 8. Hentham's Rationale of Judicial Evi­dence. 9. Religious and temporal knowledge. List of new publication*. Terms JJ3.

ttafW W. ft UTftVE, Agent. TNES—The »ubsrr,|>rr has received a general

assortment of choice WINKS, direct from the importers; and, in consequence of the reduction in duties, offers them at reduced prices.

W. R. MORRIS, my 16 dtf 53 State-street.

CORPORATION NOTICE—A law is now pentL ing for pitching and levelling so much of Orange-

street as lies between the west bounds of the house belonging to John Ewart and the west bounds of said street.

Any person or persons bavins objections to the same, will state them in wvitina,and leave it with the clerk of the Common CovneiLon or before the 22d inst.

a a t l S P. HOCHSTRASSRR,C!erk.

A dividend of twenty-one cents per stock of the Albany and Bethlehem

(1 0 N T E N T S O F T I I E y j f c s X C V I : - A r t . 1.

urns '2


PARASOLS—Just received, two cases silk para­sols, all sizes and assorted colours, from 1(1* to

54s each; a fresh eace fine Irish linen, warranted strong; gentlemen's silk, madras and muslin cravats; long lawn; linen hdkfs; linen cambric; rich figured s*iss mulls; bobbinett, plain and figd; a fresh assort­ment blk bobbinett veils; men's linen, cotton and silk hose and half hose, l ie . &c for sale at the lowest pri­ces, by I. W . STAATS,

my 9 331 N. Market-st. near the post-office.

I^FAWF»Ci{Obh NOTICEr^ThTlnfant School in the building of the Albany Female Academy in

Montgomery street, will commence its next session on Monday the 11th inst.

The price of instruction is $2-00 per quarter. The managers are compelled to state the necessity of re­ceiving the payment in advance. All those who are in arrears, will please to pay their dues to Miss JOHN­SON, the superintendent.

Children received under 7 years of age. m8 dtf

share on the Turnpike

Company, will be paid the stockholders after the 12th inst. at the office of the Treasurer, on the second floor of the store of R. H, Kini & Co. No. 49 State-street— Albany, May 11,1829 W M . Mc HARG.

may 11 dim

UNCURKKNT MONEY W A N T E D , of the fol-lowing banks, at G. J- W Y L Y S & Co.'s Ex­

change office, corner of Church and South Market-sts. Albany, viz:

Montreal, at Upper Canada, (York) VVashiugton k. Warren Monroe. (Michigan) Erie, (Pennsylvania)

and where all kinds of uncurrent money will he pur­chased at the lowest rates of discount, and all kinds of exchange done on liberal terms. ^ dtf my 7

JUST PUBLISHED—Amir Khan, and other po-ems, the remains of Lucretia Maria Davidson,who

died at Platttbnrgh, A u n s t 27, 1825, aged 16 years, with a biographical sketch, by S. F. B- Morse- For sale at Iroy 7 ] C STEELE'S Bookstore

NEUTRALIZED SPIRITS and RECTIFIED W H I S K E Y - 1 4 0 hhds. and bblt. of the above

articles for sale and warranted first quality, by B. W. FELTHOUHEN,


J 1


perc er.t.

I ADIES' Patent Elastic Sprint? HAIR ROLLER A —ISAAC MUWSTOW, having just invented the La­

dies' Patent Elastic Spring Hair Roller, begs leave to call the attention of the public to it, as being of great convenience and utility, and superior to anything nnw in use for the purpose of confining Hair Cnrw. To be had, wholesale and retail, at the Fancy Storr of

G- C- WATSON, Agent for the Inventor, ap 28 No- 339 North Market-v.reet.

sugar 2© d» do " do 211 bags St. Domingo coffee •10 '^ PortuRice do 20 ;l Java do 1<> " Porto Cabello do 30 Sumatra pepper 20 " Jamaica pisaento

100 bose* first quality bunch raisins ft pipes «tMard & Seignette' brandy 5 Meders Swan gin

10 hhds old and new croc. St- Croix rum 3 New-Orleans do

50 chest* hyson akin tea f»0 " young bysoa do 20 J" hyson do *

2 tons Voule's shot, assorted ( 2 cerrons Carraecas indigo 30 boxes pipes

B Y I T I L W 1 L L , M O I O A M *V C O . "flPt? Wm t » * Cs*4t>itT ffff ^ s s s S p t F * * y • t s M ^ s w s t W ^ W e W « p y t s ^ ^ t j^ i ^r^mr^

(Aaciwt aad Cesswisataa aaa VI*OU>MI* Dry t>«*4» M*»-sbUts—«t«r* N».49 sftaaa tamtQ


ram MOHNIXG, * ••*«***, At 90 days, for approved paper, a qaaotiiy of jrroc*-rh are 10 chests hy»o« skin tea, 1 bbd ft bbls ditt*. 10 hhds t»ola*tes,

ries, St. Crc4 browa sugar,' 4 bbls N . E. 1 chest hyson skin tea, 1 bbl ram. I bbl St.

30 soap

• ^RESH RYE FLOC R for sale at the .tore of • subscribers, and at their mill in Greenbush.


mr 25 1. & J. TOWNSENO.

TsVTEW-YORK STATE BANK—The annual elec-X^ tion for twelve directors of the New-York State Bank, will be held at the Bunking House, on Tuesday the third day of June next, at ten o'clock A. M. The poll will be Kept open two hours. By order of the Di­rectors. fmr31dtdj RICHARD YATES, Cashier-

111 IE subscribers have employed, constantly, sevc-. ral first rate workmen, at &»#»» and Uitiammtal

Painting, Mnhoganizin% and Wall Painting; and carry on as usual, House and Sloop Painting, in all its varie­ties. {ap7] SMITH k WILLARD.

MERCHANTS and others are hereby notified that the subscribers will not be responsible for the

delivery of goods, wares, merchandise or effects ship­ped by their.vessels or boats to any place except Alba­ny, otner than as special agents of the shippers or own­ers of the same. DOUGLASS & DUNN,


Sis) shares of stock in tbe Merchants' sarance company, in lots to suit purchasers.

AppJv to J. J. LANSING, ap2S 424 N. Market-st,

ARDEN PEAS A N D BEANS—a few bushels of early Charlton, Frame and Hotspur Peas; ear­

ly Mazagan, China Bush and larije Windsor Beans, for rale by W i N N E & VAN'DENHERGH,

Comer of South Pearl, opposite the* Elm Tree, in State-street.

Also, a quantity of English Radish and genuine W'ethersfieid Oni< n seed. ap 15

TALES from English Souvenir.<?tdited by a Lady of Philadelphia. Just received bv

Croix m a , I bbl lump sugar, 1 hag eetfte, ft or casks port wine, 10 kegs best mustard, 4 half ptpet Pit)© Ma­deira wine.

Also, 2 feather beds, 11 bags lrrt fees* feather*. BOOTS AND SHOES.

M 10 cVec*, At 90 days, for approved paper,

300 pairs men'* pritne kip brof an* 130 men's best peered calf boot* 100 " do ™ * thick do 230 women'* roan shoes 1««) " hoys' lined and bound bmgaat 2flO roen'o best pened thick do M0 • do "* calf do 2C0 do and sewed thick shoes ISO ladies' morocco pumps 150 " men'* lined and bound brogaht Tbe whole comprising the best assortment offered

this *eaton. Also, to close a consignment.

£00 ps French paper hanjring* and bordering* 100 " counterpanes for canal boat births

At 12 o'ciuc* M. A first rate gig, city make- ,

TVESDA V, 28IA intt. at 10 oVIoc*. A large and general assortment of Imported ami do­

mestic dry goods. AT PRIVATE SALE.

English fullers' earth French teasels Dipt and mould can.Rat, warranted '

200 lbs curled hair, in rope»-20 bags live geese feathers.

JAMES McKOWN ha* removed his office to No. 33 State-street, opposite tbe Commercial Bank.

•—*s*sawB_iiji!J •!!• v. M< i II nfss-ti FVUBLJC 8ALG0.

UmUtrnm* Ctantsisttn M*n**m.tt »• ** *> mm aoKmtfo,* t ****,,

WAfr*aJ ft '* km*

11 " Asasricat* do 1ft - t - i j o k e , wine

I i

_f»» t 0 *'•

V •F^WtltWss**^

( I t s i s f i t a V , ) A quantity o/femhare, _ c . AT PRIVATE S A L E - A large at inla i Ufad Pfcprr

Haagiags, satUned. psaus nasi |i_taitsj, w n b trawttr-mg* to taatcb. at wm*sts«Jc and ritait

Green Venetia* and Pafent WaatWw BUneTs Fancy, Gift and W i n d s - Omtr* «lr. casks French Madeira and Pott Wis**, pare t*V

imi*o»l«d. Demijohns OW Madeira and Port WsssM Sboet aad Boots assorted i Boa«*mo_d and dipt«

do bar snap *W» Reuas fiat, letter Paper. Dry Goods, km. A No, n lart e a**"f trnent elegant carpetia_,'ft^s*;

M TO I J n r - O n e g o o d

Beaver-street, which wiH low to a respectable (anuly.

Two store* near Col*_U*-*_**t JbriafSii* and one near stoop lock-

Also, two vacant lot* oa P W W K 1AJIRS. my 7 dtf

(ntlT J " 1 ^ K bu vt ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i _ s T a % ,

• y 5 dtf


O LET, with imtaed-te store No. 3S4 Nottb Market

Use maiuion bouses. Well whole»ale or retail basinet*,

two office* above t i e said sent*. PETER OAN-ETOOirT-

1j*>R SXLrV_M^tbrai story brick dvrei-Img-boneo, situate ia North I


st. corner of Fat*tM«-st. 8 or ft490» saw* remain upon bond aad inuttgage, to salt this ' convenience of the purchasar.


1^ 0 R SALE-Insarancc



NEW SELECT SCHOOL—The Rev. SAMUEL CENTER will open hi* select school for boys,

on Monday the l lth May, at 63 North Pearl-street.— It is the design of this institution to blr:«"l intellectual and religious instruction; to treat the pupils, as if they bad not ( nly heads, but also hearts; as if the trainingof their moral |>ower* were more difficult than training the intellect; and on the principle, that a correct educa­tion embraces in its scope, preparation,not merely for the transitory spheresot duty which this life presents; but also the higher and tbe everlasting employments

Wnr^ui__'tbiWffn%!f*Ton tnTt j risible for the moral, as well as the 1 tile teacher is respo.j.suwiT mm «<*e luorai, as wen us the

intellectual character of the nnpb The number of scholars is limited to twenty-five, at #12 90 per quar­ter, each. The pupils will be conducted through any stajre of English, Latin and Greek education, cmbni ced in the courses of our few vacancies remain. Sue

academies and colleges. iuch of the pupiis as de

A e»+rc

J UST PUBLISHED—The Rivals of F*e, and other Poems,—by James G. Brooks and Itarv E

Brooks; for sale at ' O- STEELE'S Bookstore. ap21

A N O T H E R N E W BOOK—Tale* of Passiwi, by / m the author of'' Gilbert Earle," containing "Loril Lovel's daughter," " the Bohemian," " Second Lwe," for sale at O. STEELE'S Bookston, 437 South Market-street; where may be had al the new publications. may 1

_PRING GOODSTlN TH ft S i LI—JbTlTTT DRAr*ER has just received from New-York and

offers for sale at the Park Place Store, No I Waiking-ton-street, a complete assortment of DRY GOODS, which, together with hit former stock, will be «o|d at


it, can be boarded in the family of the testehcT For further particulars, enquire of Smith & Willard

ap_«l_J» dtf NMTR- LAY, from New-York, who is known-to ma" I ITJL ny of his fellow citizens as a map publisher,! most respectfully acquaints his friends the citizens of i Albanj-, the hon. members of the legislative and eve-entire departments, &c that he continues his former pursuits, having recently published a lar«e MAP OF I THE UNITED STATES, with a new edition of his ! MAP OF THE STATES OF NEW-YORK, j PENNSYLVANIA, with revisions and correction* | to 1828, & c ; they having been approved by many nf the most respectable members of the community, viz: the late Gov. Clinton, Chancellor Kent, Chief Justice Spencer, Chief Justice Marshal), President Kirkland of Harvard University, as also the Secretary of State, late Gov. Van Buren', and many other very distinguished citizens. These maps, bein-r the pro­ductions of his long labours, are most respectfully sub nutted to the inspection of an- enlightened, liberal and affluent community, with full confidence that his past labours, together with his present productions, will ensure him a continuance of that smile of |>atronaee which has long lighted and marked his path, and

receiving, a large and general assortment ol and Upper Leather i l idct . consisting of

Buenos Arret, Port au Prince, Rio Grasaes, Pemambuco.), California*, Maranhams, Valparaiso*, S t Salvadors, Smyrna*, Porto Piatt*, Russia*, St. Domingo, and oth. W. I. St. Juans, Calcutta* dry and salted.

Sole leather, oak and hemlock (different tannages) Cpper d". finished and in the rough Tanners' and Curriers* tools ISO brls liver oil 50 bales prime Alabama cotton; all ol which are

offered for ca-.li or approved paper, on the most liberal terms, by SEYMOUR, WOOD & Co.

my 6 d&c2w 3 State-street

CI ILL" FRENCH k ^VEBSTER have received • by the packet ships Silas Richards, Britannia and

Svivanus Jenkins, from Liverpool, part of their spring aunty of HARD WARE, CUTLERY, and SADDLE­RY , which thry offer for sale on reasonable terms.

a p l 3 d a e t r _

" I f W l DOLLARS REWARD— Lost,on the9lh •9\W\W of December last, between tbe city of Al­bany and Degroff's inn, on the Mohawk turnpike, whilst riding in the stage, a PACKAGE OF BANK BILLS, containing Thirty-four ftundrtd and.twenty Jhtllni's, on the various western banks—Utica, Ontario Branch, Rochester, Auburn, Geneva, and Cherry Val­ley bank*. Said money was lost 05 Thomas Com-stock, who was carrying it from Harry Burrell, New-York, to his father, in Salisbury, Herkimer co.

Whoever will return said money to IL Burrell, of Salisbury, or give information to htm where it may be found or had, shall receive the above reward-

ap 4 j g g f W claw2mo HARRY BURRELL-

WHITE TABBY VELVET, on band, soluble for paint in*: together with a general assort­

ment of black B 0 B B I N E T LACE VEILS. P. H. OSTRANDER & CO

mr 13 No. 432 South Market street-

LACK "Bobbinett Lace VEILS'—A large and ge­neral assortment, most of them new patterns, just

received and for sale at 452 Sooth Market-st ap 29 P H. OSTRANDER & Co.

REMOVAL—S. C. BREWSTER, has removed his lottery and exchange office from No. 863 to

333 North Market-street, one door south of the Man­sion house, where he intend* selling the grand capital prize of $20,000 in tbe New-York consolidated lotte­ry, class No. 5 to be drawn on tbe 12th inst. Tickets only $10, shares iu proportion, for sale by


I', from the first 1 Market tbe rear of said store, utensil* necessary for carry tag oa

Tney will be let together, or separate as may best salt tbe tenant.

Also, from tbe 1st of April next, Pier lot No. For further panic ulare, inquire i f _

m r 2 8 d i r P. CASSIOY-


n IT | lO LET, from tbe Srat «f May asaf. _L tbe Store in tbe marble building oftb*.

City Coffee House, North Market-street Enquire of A- A H PRESTON, apWdact f 831 A 33ft N . Market-st



_ _

rj|T i l l ! I hytt * U _ W late.

^m^m^mW^mmWm%9 K a _ _ l l

TO LET, from the first of May next. Use two three story brick dwe"

Apply!* mr 18

nay next, Ute eliiag-booae*"

opposite the Watering Place. Enquire of ft. D E W I T T , "

mr SI dtf Capitol square-

O LET—Several vacaat lata situated on tbe Basin and Side Cats lately made

the subscriber. The lots are welt ealew ed for storing of lumber, wood, &c Tha

basin is connected with the river by a lock. STEPHEN VAN RENSSELAER, i r .


II mr 11

TO LET, from the 1st day of May next, an elegant and large STORE, with a '

basement CELLAR, ia one of- tbe btuiU-insrs lately erected in Beaver, near South Market-st. Inquire of I- DENN18TON, or




It LET, from the first of May next,

rick booses, situate in Enquire of

a p 2 d t f A. F A N N I N G , Corner of Westerlo aad FraatlatHtt

TO LET,' from the /Mat of May aejrr-*-the three ttory fire proof brick store.

No. 11, in Hudson street, now ia tbe occu­pation of Joseph Cary.


_ _ A _ _ It WASHINGTON from the

H A L - — T o Lei, 1st May M t t , that spa­

cious house, adjoining the Tb.atre, known at Washington Half, containing 28 bed rooms, 2 parlouis, a spacious dining roan,

bar, and butler's room. Also, an Office and Refectrtfy in the basement. Apply to V. P- D Q U W .

mr 19 dtf

K 1NDERHOOK ACADEMY— south of Albany, 13 north of

N' ___l!_— I which is one thies very important to rouse the energies the lowest cash prices.

~~ OS. 1 and 2^f the Miscellaneous lrrose 7vwk? of I o f , h e mind, and fortify man to exertion and perseve-Sir Walter Scott, Bart, in six vol*, now publish- rance-

ing by Wells & Lilly, Boston, ate received as"a*.peci-: T h e m a P , l a r P , 0 O* »«<•" al the capitol. Also for men of the work, and may be teen at W.C- L1T"LK'S j 9 a , e a t h , s Msff»f»» at tbe City Ilotet, North Market

street. ap If..lit Bookstore, 67 State-street. m 30

MJK ER1NO, THIBET & CASHMERE SHAWLS, j TO HE commissioners appointed to receive subserip-l f j _ R- H Jenkins, No. 429 South Market-strtct, has | JL tions to the capital stock of the BASK OF ITHACA opened, from auction, a large and elegant of Merino, Cashmere and Thiliet Ions S H A W L S ; consisting of all colors and

HARDWARE—Tlio subscribers are receiving by the late arrivals from Enrope, their tpring't im­

portation of Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery, Plated and Fancy Goods, comprising a complete" assortment, wliicu they offer at wholesale and retail, on the most liberal terms. ERASTUS CORNING k Co

aaSdt f

-Twenty miles Hudson, and 44

ea»t of Hudson river. The SUMMER TERM of this institution will com­

mence on Wednesday, the I3lh of May next. 'I hi* academy, situated in a village equalled by few

for its salubrity, tbe bennty of its location, as well as the morality and refinement of its inhabitants; with teachers of ability and experience, whose time is ex­clusively demoted to the instruction of their pupils; furnished with a valuable liitrary and an extensive Phi­losophical and Chemical Apparatus; presents to those who wi>h to lay a solid foundation for an English and Classical Education, all the advantages to be found in similar institutions in our country.

Indigent youa* men preparing for the ministry, who come suitably recommended, receive their tuition grafts-

The FKK.«H 11 L A I O U AOE is (auftht by an accomplish­ed teach* r

Lessons in M t s i c are given tn th< se who desire it, bf a young lady skilled in the scie,i.*e.

H- L. VAN DYCK,Pre*'t. *p 20deow3w 1). V. SCHAAt K. Sec'ry.

rwso LET JL and 90-

mr —

Pier lot* No- 36, 88 ,89 , » • " Inquire of - J U S T U S CORNINO.atr JOHN T- NORTON.

dtt fW\0 LET—ScTeral Dwelling Houses in JL Westerlo and Lansing streets, lo-

qtiire of mr 6 dtf

FANNING, Wesferfo street.

TO LEr—Three frame dweUing-)M«*ea in Lansing street. Inquire at this**

w '

office. dtf feb 4

A DVERi 1SEMENT—Tbe .aUcriber 1 • _ . offers bis boose in Colombia ftreatftw sale. If n't sold bv the'rt of Jaa_irVnrvi_ it will then be rented For term* anplrat the office of J. V. t*Y S. Henry. No 57

State street. [dec » aff] JOHN V HENRY.

H WjV)R SALE—Tbe boas* aad lot No! 171 W North Market street, lata tbe saotaaf*

deceased. T h a of Doct. Ellas Willard, terms wiQ be liberal.

Also,« neat Summer If/-use oct 23 dtf SM1THT, WILLARD k CO

DISSOLUTION—The co-partnership haretofhro existing between tbe tnb*crihers, under the 1

description; for sale at the lowest market prices, my 2

SMITH A WILLARDhave now on hand, nia.ldi. tion to their stock of Paints, Dye Stuffs anl Poi

mestic Goods, a large aitortmcnt of Brushes B*0Bf which are

300 doz common paint brushes assorted

my r» No. 40 on the dock


300 200 50

10O rtO

159 200

l < • • • 100 50 ,ri<l 50

do mm do do do fto

do • 1 . .

scnetralina do

do •

ground white wash fancy cloth common " fancy hair common " thaving rirtrse common shf»e fancy hearth

" ' dusters common do

English and common sweeping Brooms, all ;-i ahith they will sell at reduced prices,Wholesale or retail

ap 22

PERFUMKRY— Inst received aad for sale •; JAMES P- BOYO, No. 65 State-*<reet. a n

supply of Genuine French Perfumery, comprising (h lotrne and Livender Water, in different forms, Iliinsb ry, Ro*e, and Orange Flower Water, „e . ap 2

assolment | give notice that the bonks will be opened therefor at and quare t the house of Je«s<> Grant & Son, innkeepers, in the mostevery village of Ithaca, in the county of Tompkins, on the

third Tuesday of June ne»;t, at ten o'clock A. M and be kept open in conformity with the provisions of the art of incorpnr.ition. A payment of one dollar a share w ill he required at the time of subscription Ithaca. Mayll,tfe>.


my 19 dtf

FitAVi is A Bt.oonr.oon, IICRMA.I CAMP, JEREMIAH 8. Basar , Kct fr / . ra MACK, Nicor.t. Ht t tEv ,


T \ | O f f c E — fa pursiwnce of the directions of an act i - ->r«h* lo tMUf . . ar«k«..«»*> ri »T

tied "an act to inror—wate the president, company of the WmTmm Cot-rrv B v i * nrililOth, 1829— Pablic notice is herebj bonks will lie opened by the subscribers, and by said act. commissioners for that receiving subscriptions to the capital


J5 orsHie v- s -

EW BOOKS—This day ree'd by W . C LITTLE, Tales of tbe Good Woman, by Paulding

Th* Persecuted Family, by Robert Pollok Tha Shepherd's Calendar, by James Hogg i'lappertnn'a second expedition in Africa Arnott't Elements of Physics Dick's Philosophy of a future state Cswlay's lnterpretration of the Apocalypse Sir Walter Seott't niscellancnus prose works Da*%y»s Vlearof tbe United State* The Ediahorgb Review, No, XCVI. Maanra of Foreign Literatnre, No LXXXIII The Southern Review, No. VI, my Iff

JJrONGEE— l.**d colour pongee, linen cambric hkfs JL green and bine figd hatxc, fine blue and green ta­bic covers, furniture chintz, white and blk silk hose anrHialf hose, cotton and linen do. A fresh supply of the above jast received and for sale at the lowest cash price


331 N Market-st near the pent-vffirr

PROVISIONS—16,000 lbs. s m ^ e d pork hams 5000 smoked lieef hams, city cured

50 half brls neats* tongues, smoked or in pickle SOW) lb* butter 2000 ' Urd

•^ half brlt beef and pork, put up for family use Mess, prime and clear pork, by tha brl. A constant supply of tbe above articles kept on hand

•T B. W . FKLTHOlfSEN, m T 5

r No. 40 on the^loclt^

THE PNilotophyofafotaraitate; by Tho* Dick. The Carbonavo.a Ptedmonteae tale, by the Duke

de. Levi*. 2 vols. The Athenenm. with the fashion* for May 1. Franklin Journal, No. 4, April-American Journal of medical science, far Ma*, my 8 This day ree'd by W C. LITTLE.

TO COUNTRY M E R C H A N T 8 . - A large stock of PAPER HANGINGS for sale at the P«p*r

Hanging Warehouse, at very reduced prices, may 4 LEM*L STEEL, 453S Marktt-street ir J - Aii apprentice wanted at the above bosines*.

PAPER IIANGING*1 -15,000 piece* of Paper Hangings and Borders, ot fine and common qual

tie*, for sale, at wholesale or retail, verv low, at th* warehons* of the subscriber, 463 South Msrket-st-

_IXTV SHARES Commcrrial Bank stock-f< by [mr41 H- ALLKN-.

FRENCH CHEMICAL" MEDICINES—Just re­ceived, a new supply of French Chemicals, among

which are the following, viz: Hydriodate of pctati. chlorate of do, iodine, piperine, emetin, strychuhit, muriate of haryte*, *trontian, sulphate of morphine. deuarcotiaed opium, lnpuline, Ac. For sale bv

ap 23 JAMES P. HOYl).

„ _ _ _ _ _ No **Rutf , , r < , f S fS^HEsabecribeTs have received from fhe distillery

I of James Averil". *t Sons, on consignment. 10 cask* reelified WHISKEY, which ther will sell on rea«onnble terms SMITH A WlLLABD.

mar 17 dtf.

lirectors and " passed A-

given, that appointed in purpose, for

to the capital stoclc of said Hfoik.at*the Kigle Hotel iothe village of Palmyra, in the county of Wayne, kept by Horace Church, on the first Tuesday and on the two days next sneceedingthe said first Tuesday in June next; to lie opened st 10 o'cloc.k in the forenoon of each of tho»e days. Dated Palmyra. May fi. IS29. my 12 dtje>

.for.i, TriAvt!:. Putt IP Gn\xnt.v, ItlHMV Jr.ssur, . ' \ M : • I' H u m . THOMAS Rooans 2d. Commissioner*.

or JOHN M. CUYLER A CO is this day dissolved by mutual consent- All persont indebted to tbe late firm are requeued to make immediate payment, aad those having demand* to present tft* tmmt ftw settlement, t o John M. Cuyler. . JOHN M. CUYLER,

Albany, Oct. 28,182S. F. CC Y LER. fr>- NOTICE—The suhseribera having fotaned a

c.opui tier-hip for the parpeise of transacting Commia-sion Business ia the city of Vitw Orleans, under the firm of JAMES GtHJRLAY, Jua- A Co. tender their services to their friurtds and the public in general-

JAMES GOUURLAY, Jon. jan 26 dactfTI JOHN M. CUYLER, jaa.

FRED. CUVLER. Refer to Messr* Peter Rerosen A C«.>

John Flack, esq. James l<ovett, esq. Me**. Hicks, Lawrence A Co. ^New-YoHt. Messrs. Foster A Girard, Messrs Goodhue A Co. Benjamin L Swaa, eta. NV'm- James, esq* Edward C- Dehvvan, Messrs. 1. A J. Tnwnsenrl. Messrs. Corning it Norton, J

ORSE HENRY —This) eclahra

uno of W I L L I A M B. _t/ui*>*t,,- ,*» th»?r«wn of Ctareraek, coaaty of C«»-

lumbia; at which gooil patture aad every requisite will be fooml. T'.ie nrofirietors of Henry being desi­rous that fanners aad breeders In general may have an opportnnity'rtf breeding from a ftttt Uoodkmrtt, oftht Ar»t ttock. hive dctermiaffd to lessen thewterme—(Ihr which see bill* ) Person* residin* at a distance, 1

WATER CEMENT—The subscriber is appoint­ed agent f «r the s»le ol this article, made on the

Hudson and Delaware canal- The manufacturers au­thorise him to warrant the same equal if not superior fo any ever sold in this market. It is offered, cither at wholesale or retail, in quantities to suit purchasers. on tlie most reasimabie terms, and will be delivered at either of the Lauding* <.n tho river.

WM. II. DE WITT, ap 15 No. 77 Quay-street.

WOOD SCREWS— In neconlance with the ad­vice of several of my friends, I have thought

proper to give notice that the machinery f»r makint tbe above article will generally be in operation on the afternoon of each day, at my »hop, comer of Green and Hamilton-streets, free to the inspection of any gentle­man who may feel an interest in examining it. The machinery was Constructed by Mr. ZC.XAI COBB, and is principally of his own invention- Its motion* arc, I believe, entirely satisfactory lo those who have exam­ined it without prejudice, and fully warrant the con­clusion ti at this article may be manufactured to ad­vantage in this place, if a suitable propelling power j was applied. Hut the original design of th _cuat'OMr I illLr^^rbmtfHWWrTnt^n^o prisoners; and tbe small engine by which it is now propelled, i» only suf­ficient to exhibit it* operations. It was intended to publish a iwrticular description of the machinery, il­lustrated by cuts; but, on reflection, it was thought that any gentleman who felt disposed to encourage A-merican manofactores.ortake any interest in this con­cern, personally, or for the state, would wish for that •, . kind,!, knowledge of it , merit, which could be ac- "* - " " ^ mAV»"K."" * » " c n eomtnoalcaloao aad



of the machinery in C. McKELVEY.

w B ANK NOTICE—The commissioners a ppoi


TABLE aod PIANO COVERS— A general assort­ment for tale at No- 452 South Markef-.treet.

ap22 P- II OSTRANDER & C « _

PHARMACOPtEIA of the United State* of Amer­ica—by the authority of the medical societies ana

colleget-may 2

new edition, for sale bv W. C- LITTLE.

HANGINGS—Jott received, and now


quired only by in examination ope *t ion fap 21 dtf)


South Market-street, 2 d'«vr* south of the Museum; where can be found at all timet, a general aod extens­ive assortment of ready made CLO THING, of all de­scriptions necessary to famish a gentleman's ward­robe,—consisting of turtoats, coats, coatees, Toond a-hout jackets, vetts, pantaloon*, Knen and cotton <4rirt*,

. opened in the village of Lock- i Ruernsey frocks, flannel rapper* and drawer*, lamb's , on T,.e.dav the laaoad dav of 1 "™* drawers, stocks, color, , cravats, «.loves,sospen-

' der*. hosiery, ate. «tr. all of which will be sokl a* low a* can be obtained in the city.

AUo, an extensive a**ortmcnt of superfine, fine and common CLOTHS, CASS1 MERES and VESTINGS, of almost every fashionable shade and eoloar; all nt which will be made ap in elegant style and on short notice.

'Constant additions will be made to the above named stock of good* which wHI render it worthy of the at­tention of the public.

ThankfutTor the liberal patronage heretofore rteei* ed, the snbscrlber hopes to merit a e«atiau»n«e of the • « » • marSOdtT MARTIN (JAYM)RD.

inted to distribute the capital »tock of the "Lorspoor |

Bv.xx, give notice that the books for the *ub«cription j to the said stock will b« port, county of Niagara June next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the hnu*e of Samuel B. Thompson, innkeeper. Said books will be kept open on that and the two sitreeedin* days, to be opened at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, and closed at S o'clock in the afternoon, each day. A payment of one dollar on each share of twenty-five dollars, in «p«*-cie or current bank bill*, is «eqnired by the act of in corporation, at the time of subscribing. Any bank bill* in good credit, and at par in tbe en - « of Albany and New-York, wiH be deemed torrent, t-nckpnrt, fbh May, 1S29. Jnr.i. M<COI.I.I<M,

W H . C . HOUSE, v l2.ltj.-2 S u m Da VEJMX-

instruction* full*; atteneded to; as "all possible earn j will be given to meat tbe wishes of those who may j feel inclined to obtain the stock of thm one aad sase-j quailed horse, having roo, when under fear years old, ; a foor mile heat, bnttm* ketrp**, in 7 miontes 97 se­

conds, the shortest time in wtii A fbar sn»he» were ever ran by many seconds.

Claverack, Colombia co March 3, WS».* N B. Several fine Brood Marea f«r »sle i v W. at

Ludlow For terms and pedig—e apply to him. fjqp- Mr. C. N. BaseitT, No. 1 Greea-st. ANaay

will give all farther information wanted by peffaaa* ' livina at or arar Albany. daetfSJ aara

INHF.SH G VRDEN SF.KDS-The s«b—riber haa ' oa band an aaaortmeiit of Kitehea-Gardea aad

Flower Seeds, raised a* «h* Afbatrv Nortery- tm*Y are (4 the last year'* jrrowtb awl *«lectad a a t t a r s

All orders fi»r Tree*, Shraba, aad Greaa aaarat Ptanla, may be left at the store of tha agent. A fa*r

of the latter wi l l be kept 9»a**a»«tjr —

PAPER opening, a very splendid astortment of first rate

French Paper Hanging*, consisting of Views, Copper Plate Printed Paper*, Rainbows, with match ralvet and plain Borders, Fire-bosrd Prints, ft*. &e. eompri-• IIII the most extensive assortment ev«r before offered J act of incorporation »t the time of jtmttjrthlatr. in thi* market For »sle, at wholesale or retail, very low, bv I.EM'L STEELE,

4MSonth M»rket-«freef

HE commissioner* appointed to distribute tha capital stock of the Bank of Monroe, give notu*-.

that the book* for the subscription to the said ttock, wiH be opened in the village of Rochester and county of Monroe, on Toe«day the second day of June next, at tan o'clock in the forenoon, at the house of Thomas L. Acker. Said books will b» kept open on that and the two tneceedinff d»?» \ payment of one dollar on each share of twenty five dollar*, is required by the

s UGARS- -41 hhds St Crofx tntar 10 do New-Orieant do 16 boxes b>nfa»d Inmpdo 20 do white Havana do

all of superior quality, jost received and for sale low, 4 H MANCIUS _ LB BRETON, by

-.,. i: No «1 State-street.

•pecimrns band [ap 9) JAMES P BOl

ap4 dtf I.EM'L STFET.E ' t h tmtmu peered st short notUr. *t« 13 dHwo

El.tSMA JoMSsiiV, Marnaw Baowit, jr Jvcoa Oori n,

• i v 4 - d l w

SVMCKI. Wont*, HAOVKV Et.v, S i T « SAXT <̂

•1»Art>TICE is hereby ajveaj. that all persons imlebted . to the estate of lOllN TA YIJJR, l*t« of the rily

of AlhaoT. deceasetl, by bond, note, bonk debt, or on nbli]ration for laod, rent o* otherwtte, are reqaeated to make payment to the «nhscrih*r«

CHARLES D CtlOPER. Ex'r op 7 dtf M VIV3 A RET COOPER, E x *

mT OTICR it hereby give* that by vlrttat af aa atawr i^l for Ih.t pavpose, made the foorth day o l M a ; by the surrogate of the ewy and eoaaty -sabansaai will tell at pabhe vsadaa,« day of Jane nt xt, at U afcVafc at aoo* «*f t | Mrs Rockwell'* marwil" h*i*a>t| a* 1 der, the boose and lc4 "of jpt**sasj 1

" Martin Ucybetaa. dtad aataad _t*I a*m^ •stoat e in the first ward ea tit* ott* *f AaTga*"e'

fronting 00 II»id*«m-atr*»st,t*>d|saa*attalaasaAa^ twm *en-»treet, *a*t and north by tho pr**aa<yaf tlslM Reformed Protestant Dateh ehnra*. * petty ot the late Albert WiBa*% froot ami rear 4b«ot tbwtyitet, hundred and four feet fhated

F.LI7ABET |_^Hs»Uofrh*lBatarafa**Jl

,vt 7 .li.U Martia Rafaaaam,

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