With Tracy Verdugo - e'Layne...

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Transcript of With Tracy Verdugo - e'Layne...

Paint Mojo! With Tracy Verdugo

Oct 19th & 20th, 2013

St Pete Beach, Florida

“The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure.” ~ Joseph Campbell

Dear creative seeker,

Are you ready to tap into your own wellspring of luscious creativity?

I invite you to come on a journey with me, one of vibrancy and playfulness,

freedom and fearless exploration.

I invite you to come and discover the beauty of your own story.

I am so excited to be returning to St Pete Beach, Florida this year on my

second U.S tour. Thank you to the wonderful e’Layne Koenigsberg for hosting

me again and helping to organise a fabulous creative weekend for us all.

If you have any questions about the workshop or would like to register, please

email me at tracy_verdugo@hotmail.com and I will add you to the list.

E’Layne can also be contacted for questions about the workshop/accommodation and the local area at artbyelayne@gmail.com

Numbers are limited and the workshop will book out quickly!

In the following pages you will find everything you need to help you prepare

for your Paint Mojo weekend including a workshop outline and a list of what

you should bring.

I look forward to seeing you in October

Tracy xo

Paint Mojo Outline Two Inspiring Days of Painting, Mixed Media and Playful exploration with Tracy Verdugo

"To live a creative life we must lose our fear of being wrong"

— Joseph Chilton Pearce

Imagine. Explore. Create.

Over two days of discovery and play, we will explore new and non threatening ways to make art, learn to

be inspired in every moment and realize that there are no mistakes in the creative process, only

opportunities to learn and grow! We will spend our time creating paintings and mixed media pieces

spontaneously and intuitively, with no expectations, a wholehearted approach and an open mind!

In this two-day workshop, we will learn to find our own inner muse, reconnect with our creative selves and find inspiration for our art in unexpected places. With a focus on gratitude, letting go of our inner critic and playful exploration, Tracy will guide you through a series of fun, playful, exercises, encouraging you to become an explorer of possibilities. Tracy will share tips and techniques on creating vibrant, expressive, colourful paintings, using acrylics, collage, ink and pastels. She will gently guide you into your own personal creative flow and help you find ways to recognise your own authentic creative voice.

“Dear Tracy,

I have had such an amazing response to your workshop. It has gone far beyond the painting of a picture. You have an incredible, supportive and intuitive energy that is contagious. Teaching others about freeing yourself up, from the ever present ‘critical mind’, is life changing. I am so inspired by your wonderful workshop. I have been applying simple messages from the day into my everyday life, and the roller coaster of life is so much richer and exciting with the knowledge of letting go and trusting in the process. This wonderful painting (that I have hung above my computer) reminds me every day that life always has a way of working out for the better if we just let go.....

Your way of teaching is subtle, yet powerful, and you guide others to discover for themselves important insights. I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to be a part of this very special class”


Tracy Verdugo is an Australian mixed media artist, singer/songwriter and workshop

facilitator. She has had 15 successful solo exhibitions since 2002 and contributed to many

group shows. Her work is in collections locally, nationally and internationally. Her teaching

skills are well recognised both here and overseas and she has just arrived home from a sell

out 5 month teaching tour of the U.S


“The universal theme of connection underlies all of my work; connection to each other and the ways in which we

express our humanity; connection with the natural world and the beauty that surrounds us; connection with the divine

and a sense of something greater at work in our lives. My art is an expression of all that I see and do...a kaleidoscope

of impressions, small things noticed and filed away, experiences processed or unfiltered, landscapes of my mind,

characters and dreams impossible to forget. My paintings are often created intuitively and I am often surprised at the

finished piece. I love texture and the sensuality, rhythm and pattern of fabrics and often incorporate these mixed

media elements into my work. I like to believe that we are all part of an intricate and breathtaking tapestry. Our only

choice each moment is whether to be a part of the creating or a part of the unravelling. “ Tracy Verdugo

Where will the magic happen? We will meet at the Suntan Art Center right on beautiful St Pete Beach

3300 Gulf Blvd St Pete Beach, FL 33706

When will the paint fly? Saturday Oct 19th and Sunday Oct 20th, 2013, 10-5pm each day (1 hour lunch break)

Lunch arrangements to be decided

What cost for Paint Mojo? Workshop cost is $325

A 50% deposit is required upon registration with the balance due Sept 1st

Refunds will be available only if we are able to fill your place prior to the workshop.

Payments via Paypal to tracy_verdugo@hotmail.com

(if you do not have a paypal account you can still easily pay with credit card on Paypal )

“What a wonderful weekend I just had.

I was lucky enough to attend Tracy Verdugo’s Paint Mojo workshop held in Brisbane.

It was SO much fun. Tracy’s a wonderful teacher, her passion for painting and art can really be felt, and her

warmth and sharing is so incredibly special.

We spent two full days learning so many new techniques and I came away with so many ideas to integrate

into my own practice”.~ Janine Whitling

Thanks again Tracy for such a wonderful, colourful, transformative, powerful, peaceful weekend.....

I really see how much I get caught in detail and perfection and beautifying and how this has it's value but as

you pointed out to me, if I'm feeling like I'm tensing and tightening up with this then move the energy, shift

and also be bold to make big changes if things aren't working! That's a big one. But this is life, nothing ever

stays completely the same does it!

SO yes thanks SO very much for your colourful, loving, gentle yet powerful and generous sharing on the


Looking forward to journeying more with you creatively and in friendship.

~Katie McGowan

What you will need to bring!

acrylic paints ( I use golden fluid acrylics), 2 reds, 2 blues, 1 yellow, raw umber, any other faves~ mine are pthalo turquoise, Quinachridone magenta and Quinachridone Nickel azo gold

*please note it is not necessary to bring Golden paints, any acrylic paint will do and you are welcome to try some of mine. If you are able to it would be helpful to purchase at least 3 colours in the Golden Fluid

in the 4 oz size. Dick Blick.com is where I buy mine

8oz student acrylic white

1 large canvas ( 30x30inches) and 2 12 x12 inch plywood boards -1/2 inch thick, smooth one side ( I get mine cut at the local hardware )

spray bottle for water

black ink and 2 fave coloured inks- I use FW Artists acrylic ink by Daler-Rowney ( I will also have some to share)

apron or clothes you dont mind paintifying, palette, paper towels

bamboo skewers, fine brush, medium brush

6 small cheap foam brushes ( about 4cm across from the craft store)

Magazine images, collage papers

Any brand gel medium for collage and glazing

stamps and other mark making implements (think creatively!)

gel pens (white and gold)

large sketchbook (A3)

Poems, prose or images that inspire you

Please bring your playful nature but try to leave your critical voice at home

I will bring some golden fluids, inks and oil pastels to share.

"If I were to wish for anything, I should not wish for wealth and power, but

for the passionate sense of the potential, for the eye which, ever young and

ardent, sees the possible. Pleasure disappoints possibility never. And what

wine is so sparkling, what so fragrant, what so intoxicating, as possibility!"

- Soren Kierkegaard

See you in October!

Tracy xox