With offices across the world, the largest wholly- BREXIT · PDF fileWith offices across the...

Post on 30-Mar-2018

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Transcript of With offices across the world, the largest wholly- BREXIT · PDF fileWith offices across the...

With offices across the world, the largest wholly-owned Public Affairs network across Europe, as well as our Brussels-London axis, Grayling’s team of multi-lingual political consultants are ideally placed to help businesses understand the policy challenges and business opportunities that lie ahead as the United Kingdom prepares to leave the European Union.

Regardless of whether you are based in the UK, the rest of Europe, or in a non-European country, you will need informed advice, tailored to your needs and issues, which offers genuine insights into how Brexit will impact your bottom line.

If you have any questions or would like to find out more, please contact GBU@grayling.com.


HOW CAN THE GRAYL ING BREX IT UNIT HELP?A B O U T G R AY L I N GGrayling is one of the largest public/government affairs and communications companies in the world, with flagship public affairs teams in Brussels, London and Washington DC, as well as in every EU country.

T R U S T E D B YOur expert public affairs professionals already advise businesses across a range of sectors, including blue chip multinationals, SMEs, trade associations, public bodies, country governments, and NGOs.

W E A R E T H E A G E N C Y T H AT:• Before the referendum, undertook a

thorough audit and scenario planning for an international airport on how their business could be affected by a “Leave” vote. We analysed each policy area affecting their business and used a traffic light system to highlight potential threats and opportunities, enabling the business to prioritise the policy areas which would require attention in the lead-up to Brexit. Following the vote, we are now advising the airport on how it can reduce the associated risks.

• Advise a non-European country currently negotiating a Free Trade Agreement with the EU. In light of the Brexit vote, we are now focusing on how this will change the country’s relationships with the UK and the EU in terms of their “national” companies, based in the UK, who want to continue to trade with Europe.

• Following the referendum, conducted an in-depth analysis of the potential implications of Brexit for a multinational internet company which was concerned about the loss of the progressive, business-friendly UK voice on EU technology policy. We developed scenarios for what the UK’s departure may mean for business-critical policies, such as internet taxation, eCommerce, privacy, and platform regulation. We also made strategic recommendations for what this means for relationship-building moving forward and are working with the client to minimise the policy impact of Brexit, now and in the future.

• Helped an electronics company to develop relationships with key decision makers in the Department for Exiting the European Union, providing strategic advice on their external positioning around Brexit and delivering the latest intelligence on new developments.

G R AY L I N G B R E X I T U N I TOur Grayling Brexit Unit (GBU) brings together the very best consultants from across the Grayling network and includes those who have direct experience of working alongside the leading political figures charged with negotiating Brexit in London and Brussels.

The GBU is here to support, guide and inform your business by identifying how Brexit will impact the political dynamics in both London and Brussels.

The UK Referendum provided the biggest political earthquake for generations. In the wake of the vote, Britain’s relationship with Europe and its global trading partners will change substantially. For each and every business.

It is absolutely vital for modern businesses to stay one step ahead and prepare themselves for the new order, making sure they are primed to capitalise on opportunities and protected against any adverse impact.

Grayling is here to provide political guidance to your business, offering a bespoke range of services which ensure you remain one step ahead of a fast-moving and complex policy landscape. A selection of our flagship GBU services are summarised below, but we would be delighted to have the opportunity to discuss your unique needs in greater depth.

STRATEGIC PLANNINGOngoing high-level political advice and strategic planning from our senior advisory team, configured to the needs of the key decision-makers in your business. Grayling will act as an added strategic resource to your executive-level leadership team, helping to inform your Brexit positioning and communication. POLITICAL INTELLIGENCEProviding enhanced weekly Brexit political monitoring services tailored to your industry sector and organisational objectives, and designed to ensure you remain a step ahead of the debate and primed to take advantage of opportunities. POLITICAL IMPACT ASSESSMENTA full-service assessment of the impact of Brexit on your organisations and/or industry sector, to enable you to adapt and plan accordingly.

STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENTPolitical decision-makers are now in dialogue with businesses which will influence the future relationship between the UK and the EU, and with wider global trading partners. Grayling will help you influence that discussion, building relationships with key political stakeholders and ensuring that the landscape that emerges is informed by the experience and political/business priorities of your organisation. COALITION AND TRADE ASSOCIATION MOBILISATIONThe landscape is changing for whole sectors of business. As such, organisations are increasingly working together to make sure their voice is heard amid the noise. Grayling specialises in working with trade associations and coalitions to advance the cause of sectors and shape the policy landscape in which they will operate.

SCENARIO MAPPINGIt will take a while for the future EU-UK relationship to become clear – but you need to plan ahead and make business decisions today. Grayling can provide you with a series of detailed scenarios concerning what a post-Brexit Europe and UK may look like, and how these will affect your business.

C O N TA C T T H E G R AY L I N G B R E X I T U N I TSenior members of the Grayling team are on the ground in London and Brussels, where our clients need us to understand emerging policy trends, their impact on business regulation, and Brexit’s ever-changing political narrative.

LONDONJONATHAN CURTIS Head of Public Affairs Address: 8th Floor, Holborn Gate 26 Southampton Buildings London WC2A 1AN Telephone: +44 (0) 7901 514 294 Email: jonathan.curtis@grayling.com

BRUSSELSRUSSELL PATTEN CEO Brussels and Chairman of PA across continental Europe

Address: Avenue des Arts 46 1000 Brussels Belgium Telephone: +32 (0) 2732 7040 Email: Russell.patten@grayling.com