with Genesys Computer Telephony...3. On the System Properties window, display the list of CTI...

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Transcript of with Genesys Computer Telephony...3. On the System Properties window, display the list of CTI...

Integrating IBM Control Desk V7.6.0.1 with GenesysComputer TelephonyFebruary 2016

IBM Control Desk V7.6.0.1

Integrating with Genesys Computer


Document version 1.0

© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2015, 2016. All rights reserved.US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP ScheduleContract with IBM Corp.



Date Version Revised By Comments

22/12/15 1 Charlotte Glenn First edition of the document created for version7.5.3.1.

20/01/2016 1 Laura Cunniffe Document revised for version

29/02/16 1 Charlotte Glenn Revised for RIM installer


Table of Contents

Overview ................................................................................................................................ 5

Prerequisites ........................................................................................................................... 5

Installation .............................................................................................................................. 5

Computer Telephony Integration configuration ..................................................................... 6

Custom lookup configuration ............................................................................................. 8

Custom attached data keys ................................................................................................. 8

Using your Computer Telephony Integration implementation ............................................... 9

Changing the URL ............................................................................................................. 9

Computer Telephony Integration buttons ......................................................................... 10

An example ....................................................................................................................... 11

Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................... 16

Log files and debug information ...................................................................................... 16

Tickets not displaying when using CTI ............................................................................ 16

CTI Java applet did not load ............................................................................................ 16

Computer Telephony Integration Java applet failed to load successfully ........................ 17

Problems on Clustered Environments .............................................................................. 17

Computer Telephony Integration Dashboard controls unresponsive ............................... 18


OverviewThis document describes the available Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) forIBM Control Desk V7.6.0.1. Genesys Computer Telephony Integration is atechnology that enables the integration of interactions on a telephone and acomputer. The integration of Genesys CTI with Service Desk introducesautomated features that facilitate the creation and routing of service requests. Thisdocument describes required setup and user information for the Genesys CTIintegration. It also describes how to install and configure the integrating software,as well providing examples about how to use the functionality and some basictroubleshooting information.

1 PrerequisitesThis section describes any special requirements needed to integrate and useGenesys CTI with the Service Desk.

Either Genesys Platform SDK 8.1+ or Genesys Agent Interaction Library version7.6.618.00 or higher is required before you can use Genesys CTI with the Servicedesk. Versions newer than 7.6.618.00 are required because IBM Control Desk7.6.0.1 is compiled with Java 7.

2 InstallationThe code for integration with Gneesys CTI is installed with the optional content inIBM Control Desk Fix Pack


Computer Telephony IntegrationconfigurationUse the following task to configure the Computer Telephony Integration (CTI)module.

To configure the CTI module, use the System Properties application in ControlDesk to set values for the CTI properties.

Property Name Property Value

cti.ail.config.host Specify the host name of the Genesys configuration server.

cti.ail.config.port Specify the port number of the Genesys configuration server.

cti.ail.config.backup.host Specify the host name, if any, of a backup Genesys configurationserver.

cti.ail.config.backup.port Specify the port number, if any, of a backup Genesys configurationserver.

cti.ail.config.username Specify the administrator user name for the Genesys configurationserver.

cti.ail.config.password Specify the administrator password for the Genesys configurationserver.

cti.ail.license Specify the address of the license server, using the formatport@host.

cti.ail.period Specify the keep alive period in seconds for the Genesysconfiguration server connection.

cti.ail.timeout Specify the connection timeout in seconds.

cti.ail.queue Specify the default ACD queue.

cti.lookup.type Specify the type of lookup to perform for an incoming call, eitherphone (default) or custom. If you specify phone, the lookup isperformed by the automatic number identification (ANI) of theincoming call.

cti.lookup.key (custom lookup only) Specify the key name, attached to theincoming telephony data from Genesys, that can be used to lookup the originator of the call. An example of a key name might beCUSTOMERID.

cti.lookup.mxkeymap (custom lookup only) Specify the key in the Maximo database thatis equivalent to the key name from Genesys, using the formattable:column. For example, if the Genesys key name isCUSTOMERID, the equivalent key in Maximo might bePERSON:PERSONID. Service Desk looks up the value ofCUSTOMERID in the PERSONID column of the PERSON table inthe Maximo database.

cti.mappings (custom lookup only) Use the cti.mappings property specifyadditional mappings of incoming data from Genesys to fields inService Request records, using the formatattached_data_key:sr_column. Separate multiple mapping valueswith commas (,).


cti.ticket.automatic Specify whether to open a ticket automatically or not, uponestablishing a call. If set to 0 (false), a button is provided tomanually open a ticket, if set to 1 (true) the ticket opensautomatically.

cti.ticket.type Specify the ticket type to create a screen pop up. Valid values areINCIDENT, PROBLEM, and SR. The default value is set to SR.

cti.vendorValid values are Genesys (default) and Cisco.

cti.vendor.classFor further information about this property, refer to the developerguide.

cti.ticket.app Specify the ticket application to launch when a new call isaccepted. If none is specified, the default applications to launchare Service Request, Incident, and Problem depending on theticket type.

Complete the following procedure to set values for CTI properties:

1. Log on to Control Desk as an administrator with authority to performsystem configuration tasks.

2. From the Go To menu on the Navigation Toolbar, select System Configuration →Platform Configuration → System Properties.

3. On the System Properties window, display the list of CTI properties.

To display the list of CTI properties, open the Filter and type cti in the filter field in the PropertyName column. Then press Enter.

4. Repeat the following for each property that you want to set:

a) Click View Details next to the property name to display the Global PropertiesDetails section of the window.

b) Enter the property value in the Global Value field.

c) Click Save, and check the box beside property.

d) From the Select Action menu on the application toolbar, select Live Refresh.

e) Click OK on the Live Refresh window.

The new property value is displayed in both the Global Value and Current Value fields.

Since the CTI integration requires an applet to be displayed in addition to thenormal Control Desk UI, there is another property that must be set.

In the System Properties application, find the property:


and set the value to True. Save the value and select Live Refresh so the value


can be used immediately.

2.1 Custom lookup configuration

The CTI is provided with a default lookup, called phone. It enables the ControlDesk system to search the person records for caller details based on the phonenumber provided by the CTI system. The phone number provided by the CTIsystem must exactly match the phone number in a person record, to be able toidentify the caller and transfer person data to a new SR record.

To use a custom lookup, instead of the default phone number, you have to changethe cti.lookup.type Property to custom. The following properties are necessary andneed to be changed:

cti.lookup.key contains the value you want to lookup, which has tobe provided by the CTI system.

cti.lookup.mxkeymap contains the Control Desk object andattribute you want to match the CTI data to

cti.mappings contains all fields you want to have mapped in the SRbeing opened. Which, is simple of the formcti.mappings=phoneKey:srColumn and comma delimited.

See the following example:

Example 4-1 Custom lookup example

If you want to map the data under the key EMPSERIAL in the phone call'sattached data to a lookup under PERSONID in the Control Desk PERSON table,you need to specify the following:


If you want to further map the ASSET and CLASSIFICATION in attached data tothe ASSET and CLASSIFICATION in the Service Request being opened by thephone call, you need to specify the following:


2.2 Custom attached data keys

When collecting information in the IVR, and/or setting Attached Data key:valuepairs, here are some additional considerations:

com.ibm.ad.ticketId : the ticket id of an existing ticket


3 Using your Computer TelephonyIntegration implementation

Once the integration package is successfully installed and configured, you canstart using the integration.

There are still some steps to be taken, as well as getting acquainted with thespecific CTI functions.

3.1 Changing the URL

To access IBM Control Desk and use the CTI solution, you have to manuallychange the Control Desk URL to access the Start Center with CTI Java Applet.

The Control Desk URL after login is:


To use your CTI system, manually change the URL to:


This change refreshes the Start Center, enabling a Java Applet with the requiredsymbols (buttons and icons) to operate the CTI system (see Figure 5.1).

Figure 5.1 Start Center with CTI solution active

You find the CTI symbols just above the regular Start Center. If you did not login tothe CTI system yet, the buttons are displayed as in Figure 5.2.


Figure 5.2 CTI status before login

3.2 Computer Telephony Integration buttons

An explanation for each of these symbols, starting from left to right:

1. Login/logout button

The button to either login to or logout from the CTI system. An orange arrow to theright means you are not logged in. A green arrow to the left means you are loggedin.

2. Status icon

This icon displays your status, for example whether you are available to take callsor busy. A green icon displays if you are ready (available to answer calls). A greenicon with stop sign displays if you are busy (not on the phone, but not available toanswer calls). A red icon with a phone displays if you accepted a call and are stilltalking.

3. Accepted/end call button

This button answers or ends the call (hang up).

4. Start/end after call work button

You use this button to set the agent status to start or end after call work.

5. Ready/busy button

You use this button to change your status in the CTI system.

6. Mute current call buttonYou can use this button to mute an active conversation. The call is put on hold foras long as you do not transfer or resume the call. The button is active/visible only ifyou have an active conversation.

7. Resume current call buttonIf you put a call on hold, you can use this button to resume the conversation. Thebutton is active only if the current conversation is put on hold.

8. Transfer buttonYou can use this button to transfer the accepted call to another agent.

9. Two step transfer buttonYou can use this button to transfer an accepted call from your first transfer toanother agent.


3.3 An example

The following example describes a call flow, using the buttons just described:

Login to the CTI system We make ourselves available to accept calls We accept and answer an incoming call We put the call on hold We resume the call We disconnect the call We perform after-call work We stop performing after-call work We put our status back to ready Logout of the CTI system

1. Login to the CTI system, using the login button. Notice the change of the CTIbuttons. You see the buttons as shown in the following figure.

Figure 5.3.1 CTI status after login

2. Provide your login credentials

Figure 5.3.2 CTI login credentials

Enter your Agent ID, password, extension, and AIL appname and press Login.

3. Set your status to ready, using the ready button, as shown in Figure 5.3.3.

Figure 5.3.3 CTI set user status to ready


Notice the change of the CTI buttons again. You see the buttons as shownin Figure 5.3.4.

Figure 5.3.4 CTI status set to ready

Note: Although you are logged in, you are still not able to accept incomingcalls, until you change your status to ready.

4. Once an incoming call is registered, accept the call using the accept callbutton. Notice the change of the CTI Java Applet, while it shows the incomingcall. You see the applet as shown in Figure 5.3.5.

Figure 5.3.5 Incoming call

Once the call is accepted, you see the buttons as shown in Figure5.3.6. The status icon shows that you accepted a call.

Figure 5.3.6 Incoming call accepted

Upon accepting the call, a new Service Request is created and displayed,as shown in Figure 5.3.7



Figure 5.3.7 New SR using CTI

The External ID field is now populated with a reference ID used byGenesys. By default, the Source field shows PHONECALL as the origin ofthe new record.

5. Put the call on hold, using the mute current call button, as shown in Figure5.3.8.

Figure 5.3.8 Mute call

You see the applet as shown in Figure 5.3.9, “Muted call”.

Figure 5.3.9 Muted call

6. Resume the call, using the resume current call button, as shown in Figure5.3.10.


Figure 5.3.10 Resume call

7. Disconnect the call, using the end call button, as shown in Figure 5.3.11.

Figure 5.3.11 End call

8. Change your status to perform after-call work, using the start after-call workbutton, as shown in Figure 5.3.12.

Figure 5.3.12 Perform after-call work

You now see the applet as shown in Figure 5.3.13.

Figure 5.3.13 Performing after-call work

9. Change your status to stop performing after-call work, using the stop after-callwork button, as shown in Figure 5.3.14.

Figure 5.3.14 Stop performing after-call work

10.Set your status to ready, using the ready button, as shown in Figure 5.3.15.

Figure 5.3.15 CTI set user status to ready

Please Note: Although you are logged in and stopped performing after-callwork, you are still not able to accept incoming calls, until you change yourstatus to ready.


11. Login to the CTI system, using the logout button, as shown in Figure 5.3.16.

Figure 5.3.16 CTI logout

You are asked if you are sure, as shown in Figure 5.3.17.

Figure 5.3.17 CTI logout options


TroubleshootingThis section provides some troubleshooting tips in case you experienceunexpected problems where the interaction with your CTI system is not working.

3.4 Log files and debug information

During either installation, configuration, or when accessing/using your CTIintegration from within Control Desk, you might experience various problems. Thebest places to look for errors or exceptions are the Java Console in your webbrowser and/or the SystemOut.log log file, which you can find on your ControlDesk application server.

3.5 Tickets not displaying when using CTI

CTI does not clear the ticket application List view filter after usage. As a result, alltickets are not displayed. While using CTI, a ticket (for example, Incident, Problem,Service Requests) is automatically opened when a call is answered. If the ticket isnew or if it already exists, it can be viewed by adding "uniqueid=" to the URL. Ifyou want to see a different ticket of the same type after one is automaticallyopened, click the List tab to see a list of the other tickets. The URL value"uniqueid=" is not removed when you click the List tab. As a result, only theautomatically opened ticket is displayed.

To display all tickets, complete one of the following steps:

• Re-open the ticket application. For example, if you are in the Service Requestsapplication, click Go To -> Service Desk -> Service Requests. Reloading ofthe application removes the URL "uniqueid=" filter.

• Using the filter dropdown menus in the top left of the Tickets application, youcan reset the filter by clicking All Records. You can see all tickets in the Listview.

3.6 CTI Java applet did not load

If you access the specific URL to use the CTI functionality, but nothing changes onyour screen (no applet is visible at all), something might have gone wrong duringinstallation. Most likely the EAR files (Enterprise Archives) are the problembecause they might not have been built or deployed successfully.

Make sure that the system property webclient.allowinsubframe is set totrue to allow the applet to appear above the Control Desk UI.

In this case, rebuild and redeploy the EAR files yourself, using the proceduredescribed in the product System Administration Guide. After successful rebuildingand redeploying the EAR files, perform your previous actions again to checkwhether the problem still exists. Contact IBM support if the integration still does notwork after a successful installation, rebuild, and redeployment of the EAR files.


3.7 Computer Telephony Integration Java applet failed to loadsuccessfully

If the CTI installation completed successfully and a gray applet appears on top ofthe Start Center, but you cannot see the CTI buttons, check the Java console ofyour web browser for errors or exceptions. For example, in Microsoft InternetExplorer, you find the Sun Java Console in the tools menu (see Figure 6.4.1).

Figure 6.4.1 Java Console

3.8 Problems on Clustered Environments

Because CTI uses Java's Remote Method Invocation (RMI) for communicatingwith the server, there are some considerations to be made for clusteredenvironments due to cross-domain browsing concerns. To account for this, ensurethe correct cross domain xml file is deployed across all servers.

The Control Desk screen displays a gray rectangle where one would expect theCTI buttons to display. To be sure you are looking at the latest errors or exceptionsin the Java Console, you can clear the Console using the Clear button and openthe CTI URL again. You are then able to find any new error or exception in theJava Console.


3.9 Computer Telephony Integration Dashboard controlsunresponsive

If the CTI dashboard controls are unresponsive, try the following:

Check the log files for communication error messages

Ensure that communication is possible between the Control Deskserver and the Genesys platform.

Verify that the DNS names can be resolved on the Control Deskserver (check/etc/hosts)

The Control Desk server must resolve the host names of any Genesys serverbeing used, whether that is in the configuration server, or any other serverconnected to the AIL Application (Tservers, switches, etc.).



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