With Coach Weatherly…. Absolutism Absolutism: Supreme power/total control over subjects and...

Post on 04-Jan-2016

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Transcript of With Coach Weatherly…. Absolutism Absolutism: Supreme power/total control over subjects and...

ABSOLUTISMwith Coach Weatherly…

Absolutism: Supreme power/total control over

subjects and government. Rules gain power through inheritance or election.

Enrich European society and increase the power of the Monarchs.


Many rulers based their ideas of Hobbes theory that man was inherently bad and needed a strong authority to keep order.

The commercial revolution brought power to the monarchs.


Martin Luther objected to indulgences challenging the church.

Most Kings took control of religion.

End of Feudalism:

The Crusades, Famine, Schism, Plague

Nobles now serve the King.



His will was law Punished anyone who challenged him or

spoke poorly Built the Palace of Versailles to house

nobles and keep them close Developed a large, powerful army Ruled all aspects of life – economy,

religion, etc. Country became bankrupt

Peter the Great: RUSSIA

Peter the Great: RUSSIA

Turned Russia from serfdom to a modern power

Adopted western culture/technology Developed new army and extended

boundaries Moved capitol to St. Petersburg Took control of the church

Catherine the Great: RUSSIA

Catherine the Great: RUSSIA

Continued Peter’s expansion policies & westernization

Defeated the Ottoman Empire Conditions of serfs worsened during her

reign Found a warm water port

Frederick the Great: PRUSSIA

Frederick the Great: PRUSSIA

Increased Prussia’s territory and military power Started the Seven Year’s War with Austria and

Russia Influenced by the Enlightenment Established religious toleration Followed basic freedoms, including freedom of

the press Established 1st Germanic code of law Established strong German devotion



Henry VIII: ENGLAND Broke from the Catholic Church and created the

Church of England so he could divorce his 1st wife

Created a strong centralized Monarchy based on national unity.

○ Divorced○ Beheaded○ Died○ Divorced○ Beheaded○ Widowed

Elizabeth I: ENGLAND

Elizabeth I: ENGLAND

Daughter of Henry with his second wife Ruled England for 45 years Tolerant of Catholics Never married Golden Age of England