WISDOM - stedwardsprimary.org...WISDOM Dear Lord Jesus, please help us to grow in wisdom. To be kind...

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Transcript of WISDOM - stedwardsprimary.org...WISDOM Dear Lord Jesus, please help us to grow in wisdom. To be kind...


Remembrance Day: 11th November Nasal Flu Vaccines Rec—Yr 6: 11th November Homework Club: Monday 3:15—4:15 pm Catch Up /Homework Club: Tuesday 3:15—4:00 pm INSET Days: Friday 13th November Friday 11th December Sports Clubs: Starting 10th November Year 2: Tues 3:15—4:15 pm Year 4: Wed 3:15—4:15 pm Year 6: Thurs 3:15—4:15 pm Year 6 Saturday School: Saturday 9:15 am —11:50 pm

Friday 6th November 2020

L I F E A T S T . E D W A R D ’ S

Dear parents/carers,

This week at St. Edward’s we have enjoyed all our pupils working hard and achieving in their subject areas. This week we are celebrating the success of the following pupils who have achieved either certificates or gold badges.

In order for our parents to know what is going on in classes a different subject will be contributing to this newsletter each week. We are starting with RPSHE led by Miss Wilson-Fyall.

As part of your child’s education at St. Edward’s Catholic Primary School, we promote personal wellbeing and development through Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education. PSHE education is the curriculum subject that gives young people the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live safe, healthy, productive lives and meet their full potential. Our school puts the British Values, children’s health and wellbeing and Catholic values at the forefront of any topic taught in this subject area. This is why we value your input on further topics we teach. Throughout this half term, year one to year six will be focusing on Keeping Myself Safe. This covers a range of themes such as:

- Bullying/Cyberbullying

- Keeping Safe Online

- Keeping a healthy mindset

- Keeping privates private

As a school, we feel that parental contribution is welcome. Working alongside yourselves, we can help deliver a rich curriculum and a better understanding of PSHE. Over the last half term, year one to year six focused on the topic ‘Being My Best’. The following work shows that Year 1 have met their learning focus of how they can be their best and keep their body healthy.


WISDOM Dear Lord Jesus, please help us

to grow in wisdom. To be kind

and loving, and so one day to

share with you in all the joys of

heaven. Amen.



Nursery: Kwaku and Asher

Reception: Nahum and Aleksander

Class 1: Ismaeel and Ella-May

Class 2: Rim and Muhammed

Class 3: Amira and Abbey and Patsy and Maja

Class 4: Niala and Nicolas

Class 5C: Alicia and Miley

Class 5G: Teagan and Soraya and Nawal

Class 6M: Joseph and Abdullah and Joyce

‘Every act of love

is a work of peace,

no matter how small.’

Saint Teresa of Calcutta

‘ W E C A N A S K T H E L O R D T O G R A N T U S T H E G I F T O F W I S D O M ’



This week we continue to look at the Beatitudes and in church would have been lis-tening to the parable of the wise and foolish bridesmaids. Overall however the mes-sage is clear and simple. We need to be prepared for both life and death. Belief in God through Christ means that we can have a life on earth where God will help us to solve our problems.

As Jesus said, ’I am the bread of life’, and he went on to say that not only would this mean we might never be hungry but that we could have eternal life through our belief in him.

Put simply however in this difficult time we need to remember to be kind and gener-ous to each other and put our faith in God to help us through.

We have our Book of Remembrance open for all our pupils and parents to write a

prayer for all and any loved ones who have passed to eternal life. In November we remember all those who have

passed away from our lives and praying the Eternal Rest will help us to keep them in our memories and give us com-

fort as well.

L I F E A T S T . E D W A R D ’ S C O N T I N U E D

As the weather becomes colder colds and flu are likely to be around and I would urge all parents to return their form for the flu vaccination. Medical opinion is that this vaccination is most definitely needed with Covid around. Please be very aware that vaccinations have kept this country healthy since they were introduced and in these uncertain times we need to do as much as we can to be healthy.

This week and next we are sending out both the yearly targets for our pupils and half termly targets so that you can help your child in a practical way. The easiest way to help every child is to ensure that they complete their homework and to attend homework club if the extra support would help.

The other key issue is to read with your child, however old or young they are. Reading with and too them, in Early Years and KS1. Listening to them read as well as reading to them in KS2. All the research shows that reading is the key area where every child can improve but also that it is a skill which will help them in every subject - including Mathematics - and help them throughout their life.

We have purchased Purple Mash; an application for our school and home use. To-day, your child will receive a home login card. The card has a simple number code with pictures of animals above it. Please write the details down in a safe place at home should it ever be lost. This is a great new website that we will be using for our Computing curriculum.

However, it doesn’t stop there! On this website children can play fun, interactive games for all subject areas. This means that if your child wants to revise some maths or science they will be able to do so. Your child can even make their own character avatar once logged in to further personalise their profile. They can have

fun with this by creating a character with wacky hair, sunglasses or other characteristics! I encourage you to explore the web-site with your child and look at all the great learning possibilities it offers. In the near future, some homework tasks may be set through this. Your child’s teacher will be able to mark and leave feedback as well. But, for now, explore, login and have fun learning whilst playing. Should you have any login issues, please contact the office who then inform our Computing coordinator to help resolve anything.

Wishing you a happy and holy weekend,

Mr Tissot and Ms Thomas

A MESSAGE FROM ACE CLOTHING: We would just like to update you as to how we will be operating over the next 4 weeks in line with the new government legisla-tion. We will be closing our shop front to the public but will still be working in the office Monday - Friday 9.30 – 5. Parents will be able to order online for click and collect or deliver to home. Ph. 0208 045 0296 Email: info@aceclothing.co.uk

Dear Parent/Carer, As part of our commitment to make maths exciting and high profile in our school, this November we are taking part in a com-petition for Maths Week England. It’s called Rock Out 2020 and it’s all done online via play.ttrockstars.com. For every correct answer to a multiplication or division question, your child will earn their class a point. The Times Tables Rock Stars platform will calculate the class average (the number of correct answers per pupil in the class who play during the com-petition hours). Winning classes in the school and in the country as a whole will be the ones with the highest average. All game modes (Gig, Garage, Studio, etc.) will count but only from games played between 7.30am and 7.30pm on Monday 9th, Tuesday 10th, Wednesday 11th, Thursday 12th, Friday 13th and Saturday 14th No-vember. In the spirit of the competition, please don’t play on their behalf but by all means encourage and support them to the extent that it doesn’t cause high stress levels or impact on family plans. We suggest a limit of half an hour a day outside school hours – some will play more, some will play less. Thanks for your support.


All pupils should be in school by 8:50 am. Anyone arriving later is missing valuable education.

Parents must please wear face masks when at the school gates and keep social distance.

Homework Club (year 1 to year 6) will run every Monday and Tuesday.

Saturday School for Year six will commence on Sat-urday 7th November 9:15—11:50 am.

INSET Days: Friday 13th November and Friday 11th December—school will be closed to pupils on these days.

Children should be wearing full winter uniform, in-cluding weatherproof blue coats and school shoes - not trainers.

Children must please not bring fizzy drinks and choc-olate into school.

School dinners and packed lunches may only be changed at the start of a half term. If you wish for your child to switch from school meals to packed lunches or vice versa, you must inform the school office.

Please remember to keep up to date with school meal payments via ParentPay.

Reminder to wash hands frequently and use hand sanitiser and tissues to catch sneezes and coughs.