Wireless fidelity (a.k.a Wi-Fi)

Post on 26-Jun-2015

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This presentation will give you a brief information on Wi-Fi Technology i.e. What Wifi is? How it works? etc. Share more.. Care more.. :)

Transcript of Wireless fidelity (a.k.a Wi-Fi)

Wireless Fidelity (w.k.a Wi-Fi) Presented by

Vineet Sansare

2What is Wi-Fi?

• A popular technology to connect to internet without hard wired cable lines.

• It also allows devices like personal computers, laptops, smartphones, tablets to exchange information on the fly.

• It can also be considered as a synonym for WLAN.

• All the WLAN products are based on 802.11 standards defined by IEEE.


4How do you setup Wi-Fi?

• Primarily you will need a Router that will be a main hub for your wireless media.

• Router is the device that will convert signals from hard wired cables from the modem that comes via your ISP to radio signals. These signals can be captured from your Wi-Fi equipped devices like laptops, smartphones etc.

• Secondly you would require a wireless adapter.

• Now a days most devices like smartphones, laptops, tablets come equipped with it. However if your PC is not having an adapter then you can buy one.


6Wireless Adapters

• There are two flavors of these adapters: External & internal.

• Wireless adapter is a hardware that communicates with your Wi-Fi router and decodes the wireless signals into digital form so as to be executed by you computer.

7How does Wi-Fi really works????

• Wi-Fi works on Radio Signals of different frequencies. Mainly of two types : 2.4GHz & 5GHz.

• 2.4GHz is the band that’s found on most of the inexpensive routers.

• It offers a great coverage as it penetrates through the walls.

• However the disadvantage is that most of your home appliances like cordless phones, Bluetooth devices operate on this band, so there are pretty good chances of interference.

• Well, the 5GHz routers are the expensive once which offers no interference but it has a low range due to its shorter wavelength.


2.4GHz range

5GHz range

9Internet Sharing

• Most people use Wi-Fi to share internet on several devices they own.

• But how does it all happen???

• Lets say there is a computer A that wants to access internet using Wi-Fi, it sends a request to the router, if the router senses that the request is valid (i.e. PC A has valid permissions) then it converts the signals from the modem(via ISP) into radio signals which can be sensed by Computer A.


10File Sharing

• People also use there routers to share files across their computers.

• Lets say there are two computers, Computer A & Computer B. Computer B has some file that Computer A wants.

• Firstly, Computer A sends a request to router asking for that file, the router then validates the request & permissions of computer A, if all seems OK then router will fetch the file from Computer B & route it to Computer A.


Computer A

Computer B

Fetch file

Route files

11How safe is it???

• There is a high risk of files being sniffed by a hacker, if you do not take some security measures.

• First and fore most, Keep your firewall ON and active all the time, this filters unwanted website content to be downloaded on your machine & also use a Anti virus to stay away from hackers.

• Have a password setup in your router.

• Use internet in conjunction to VPN.

• VPN is a network technology, that creates a secured connection with internet in isolation to outer world.


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