Post on 27-Dec-2021

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Box-Elder [Ash-Leaved Maple]

Acer negundo L.Aceraceae (Maple Family)V. Max Brown

Twigs stout, mostly round, glaucous or not, may be finely hairy, greenish to

violet or purplish, lenticels moderate in size, sap clear; pith pale to white and

continuous; terminal bud present; lateral buds opposite; buds with mostly 4 (

always >2) exposed scales, not ciliate, usually < 7-8 mm long; leaf scars meet

at a point, all buds finely white to gray hairy; leaf scars with fine red glands -

(samaras often overwinter on pistillate trees, leaves compound)

The Maples (Aceraceae Family)

The Maples are mostly deciduous trees.

The leaves are simple and palmately lobed except

for A. negundo (Box Elder).

The leaves, buds and branchlets are opposite.

The fruit is a winged samaras.

Samaras vary by species and are sometimes

important in identification

Aceraceae (Maple Family)V. Max Brown

Silver Maple

Acer saccharinum L.

Red Maple

Acer rubrum L.

Twigs of medium thickness, mostly round, glabrous, not ill-smelling

when broken, lenticels moderate in size, pith pale to white and

continuous; terminal bud present, 4-6mm long, rounded or blunt tip;

lateral buds opposite, solitary or rounded and multiple at nodes; buds

with mostly 4 scales, not ciliate (inner flower bud scales short ciliate)

and not apiculate; leaf scars meet by horizontal line; bark rough with

age but not very flaky, sometimes displays circular plates

Twigs of medium thickness, mostly round, glabrous, usually ill-

smelling when broken, lenticels moderate in size, pith pale to white and

continuous; terminal bud present, 4-6mm long, rounded or blunt tip;

lateral buds opposite, solitary or rounded and multiple at nodes; buds

with mostly 4 scales, not ciliate (inner scales of flower buds white

ciliate) but are apiculate; leaf scars meet by horizontal line; bark flaking

with age

Aceraceae (Maple Family) V. Max Brown

Sugar Maple

Acer saccharum Marsh.

Black Maple

Acer nigrum Michx. f.

Twigs of medium thickness, mostly round, somewhat hairy, dull

straw to brown, lenticels moderate in size, pith pale to white and

continuous; terminal bud present, 6-7mm or less long, acutely

pointed; lateral buds opposite; buds brown with > 6 exposed scales,

not white hairy, lower scales not ciliate; leaf scars not elevated,

brown hairs at upper edge; bark smooth early, deeply furrowed and

dark with age

Twigs of medium thickness, mostly round, mostly glabrous, glossy

gray to brown to blackish, lenticels moderate in size, pith pale to white

and continuous; terminal bud present, 6-7mm or less long, acutely

pointed; lateral buds opposite; buds brown with > 6 exposed scales,

not white hairy, lower scales not ciliate; leaf scars not elevated, pale

hairs at upper edge; bark smooth early, less dark than A. nigrum

Aceraceae (Maple Family) V. Max Brown Norway Maple

Acer platanoides L.

(Introduced) Amur maple

Acer ginnala Maxim.


Twigs medium, mostly round, mostly glabrous, glossy gray to brown ,

lenticels moderate in size, pith pale to white and continuous; terminal

bud present, usually large (8-16 mm), mostly ovoid to spherical; lateral

buds opposite and small; buds reddish brown with 4-6 exposed

scales, not hairy; leaf scars not glandular, meet at a point

Twigs light brown to yellowish brown, of medium thickness, mostly

round, glabrous, lenticels moderate in size, pith pale to white and

continuous; terminal bud present, small (2-3mm) long, rounded or

blunt tip; lateral buds opposite; buds glabrous, with mostly 4 scales,

scale tips red to orange; leaf scars meet by horizontal line; introduced

shrub to small tree

Anacardiaceae (Cashew or Sumac Family) V. Max Brown

Staghorn Sumac

Rhus typhina L.

Smooth Sumac

Rhus glabra L.

Twigs stout, often 3-sided to somewhat round, mostly glabrous to

slightly hairy, gray to brown, lenticels mostly small, pith brown and

continuous; terminal bud absent; lateral buds naked, alternate,

moderate, whitish to gray, not hairy; leaf scars often encircles lateral

buds; red (brighter than Staghorn) hairy berries often present in winter,

shrubby to small tree

Twigs stout, mostly round, densely long hairy, gray to brown, lenticels

mostly small and concealed, pith brown and continuous; terminal bud

absent; lateral buds naked, alternate, moderate, whitish to gray, not

hairy; leaf scars sometimes mostly encircles lateral buds; red hairy

berries often present in winter, shrubby to small tree

Anacardiaceae (Cashew or Sumac Family) V. Max Brown

Fragrant Sumac

Rhus aromatica Aiton [Shining] Winged Sumac

Rhus copallinum L.

Twigs stout, round, very finely and densely short hairy to somewhat

glabrous, brownish, lenticels small to moderate in size, pith brown and

continuous; terminal bud absent; lateral buds alternate, medium in

size; budsnaked, light brown; leaf scars U-shaped and about half

encircling leaf bud; hairy red berries often present through winter

Twigs small or slender, mostly round, light brown , lenticels small, pith

brownish and continuous; terminal bud absent; flower buds in aments

(catkin-like structures); lateral buds small, yellow and mostly hidden by

leaf scar; leaf scars elevated and round; panicles of hairy red berries

sometimes present in winter

Flower Buds

Anacardiaceae (Cashew or Sumac Family) V. Max Brown

[Common] Poison Ivy

Toxicodendron radicans (L.) Kuntze

Poison Sumac

Toxicodendron vernix (L.) Kuntze

Twigs medium, mostly round, light brown, lenticels small, pith

brownish and continuous; terminal bud present, moderate to large,

somewhat long-conical and pointed, densely hairy; lateral buds

alternate and small to medium; buds naked, light brown; leaf scars

somewhat shield- to crescent-shaped; whitish berries often present in

winter; shrubby or climbing woody vine; very poisonous

Twigs medium to stout, mostly round, mostly glabrous, gray to brown,

lenticels small, pith brown and continuous; terminal bud present,

moderate, pointed, densely hairy becoming glabrous; lateral buds

alternate, smaller, densely hairy; buds naked, reddish brown; leaf scars

shield-shaped; whitish berries often present in winter; shrubby; very


Anacardiaceae (Cashew or Sumac Family) V. Max Brown

Smoke Tree

Cotinus obovatus Raf.

Twigs slender to medium, mostly round, reddish brown to orange,

lenticels small; bark dark gray to black, somewhat scaly; terminal bud

present, 2+ exposed scales; lateral buds small, sessile, round to ovoid

with attenuated tip, 1-2 exposed scales; leaf scars alternate, raised,

mostly half-round and lobed, 3 bundle scars; shrub to small tree

Annonaceae (Annona or Custard Apple Family) V. Max Brown

[Common, Tall] Pawpaw

Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal

Twigs light brown to somewhat reddish, of medium thickness, mostly

round, glabrous to somewhat hairy, pith pale to white and mostly

continuous; terminal bud present and larger, tall and thin covered with

dense reddish-brown hair; lateral buds alternate; buds naked, densely

covered with reddish-brown hair (flower buds stalked and spherical;

leaf buds more oblong and mostly sessile); leaf scars crescent to C-


Aquifoliaceae (Holly Family) V. Max Brown Common Winterberry (Black Alder)

Ilex verticillata (L.) GrayAmerican Holly

Ilex opaca Ait.

Leaves evergreen, thick, not dotted below, elliptical, petioles short,

somewhat dull, spine-toothed; Twigs light brown to gray, of medium

thickness, somewhat round, fine hairy to glabrous later, lenticels small;

pith small and often not continuous; terminal bud present, small,

scaled; lateral buds alternate; leaf scars somewhat crescent shaped;

small stipules often present; fruit red

Twigs light brown to gray, often slender, somewhat round to angled,

glabrous to sometimes finely hairy, lenticels small; pith small and often

not continuous; terminal bud present, small and blunt, with scales;

lateral buds alternate and blunt with scales; leaf scars small; small dark

stipules may be present; fruit bright red; shrub of wet ground

Aquifoliaceae (Holly Family) V. Max Brown

Yaupon [Holly]

Ilex vomitoria Aiton

Leaves evergreen, thick and leathery, small and elliptical, petioles

short, crenate margin; Twigs light gray, lenticels small, finely hairy

early; terminal bud present, small, brown to black scaled, blunt; lateral

buds alternate; fruit red with grooved seeds; many branched shrub to

small tree

Araliaceae (Ginseng Family) V. Max Brown

Devil's Walkingstick [Hercules’ Club]

Aralia spinosa L.

Arecaceae (Palm Family) V. Max Brown

Cabbage Palmetto

Sabal palmetto (Walt.) Lodd. ex J.A. & J.H. Schultes

Petioles long, branched at trunk, without spines; leaves palmate (fan-

shaped) with many parallel veined segments; bark grooved in maturity

and gray to grayish-black in color; shrub to medium tree

Saw Palmetto

Serenoa repens (Bartram) Small

Petioles long, with spines; leaves palmate (fan-shaped) with many

parallel veined segments (no marginal fibers); primarily a shrub

making a very small tree rarely

Avicenniaceae (Black Mangrove Family) V. Max Brown

Black Mangrove

Avicennia germinans (L.) L.

Twigs stout, round, pith brown, round, large and continuous; bark dark

to almost black; many breathing roots (pneumatophores) present;

buds small, solitary, and sessile; stipule scars encircle stem; leaf scar

half-round to elliptical; bundle traces 3 and round, but often indistinct;

leaves grayish beneath; shrub, evergreen, a shrub of tidal flats

Japanese Barberry

Berberis thunbergii DC. (Introduced)

Berbericaceae (Barberry Family) V. Max Brown

Algerita [Agarita; Trifoliate Barberry]

Mahonia trifoliolata (Moric.) Fedde

Twigs brown to orange, slender, glabrous, not rough and not

glaucous, grooved or angled; bark gray and somewhat shreddy;

spines at each node, simple and usually 1.5 cm or less; buds small;

plant a low, spreading deciduous bush; red berries often present

into winter

Twigs brownish; bark gray and somewhat grooved; leaves divided

into 3 deep lobes or 3-part compound, each leaflet with a few spine-

tipped lobes; plant a low (to 3 m) evergreen shrub, red berries

(spring to summer)

[Eastern; Hop] Hornbeam

Ostrya virginiana (P. Mill.) K. Koch

American Hornbeam [Ironwood, Musclewood,

Blue-Beech] Carpinnus caroliniana Walt.

Betulaceae (Birch Family) V. Max Brown

Twigs slender, mostly round, somewhat zigzag shaped, often hairy

toward tip, brown to reddish brown, lenticels small, pith pale, small

and continuous; terminal bud absent; lateral buds alternate, reddish

brown, sharp pointed, with many imbricated scales with striate (lens

needed), hairy or not; leaf scars somewhat raised, often crescent

shaped; both staminate and pistillate catkins may be present; fruit a

hanging catkin (resembles hops), nutlets smooth

Twigs of slender and often zigzaged, mostly round, glabrous

(sometimes hairy), brown to reddish, lenticels moderate in size, pith

pale to white and continuous; terminal bud absent; lateral buds

alternate, sharp pointed, many imbricated scales, may be silky hairy;

leaf scars somewhat raised, crescent shaped; bark smooth and thin,

muscle-like furrowed; catkins develop from scaly buds; fruiting

aments bracts with teeth

[American] Hazelnut [Hazel]

Corylus americana Walt.

Betulaceae (Birch Family) V. Max Brown

Twigs slender, mostly round, hairy and glandular becoming smooth

later, brown to reddish brown, lenticels small, pith pale, small and

continuous; terminal bud absent; lateral buds alternate, small (up to

4-5 mm), reddish brown, rounded with 4-6 exposed scales, gray

hairy; leaf scars somewhat raised; both staminate and pistillate

catkins may be present; nut forms within 2 leafy, thick and hairy

bracts that often are present well into winter; thicket-forming shrub

River Birch

Betula nigra L.

Yellow Birch

Betula alleghaniensis Britt. var. alleghaniensis

Betulaceae (Birch Family) V. Max Brown

Twigs slender, round, somewhat zigzag, mostly glabrous, brown to

reddish brown, pith small , green and somewhat 3-sided and

continuous; bark yellowish to silver gray (not white), peeling and

curling on older trunks; terminal bud present; lateral buds alternate;

buds somewhat appressed, 5-10 mm long, ovoid, sessile, 2-3+

exposed scales; leaf scars alternate, half elliptical shape to somewhat

crescent, small; 3 bundle scars; both staminate and pistillate catkins

may be present

Twigs slender, round, somewhat zigzag, very hairy early, warty, brown

to reddish brown, slight wintergreen flavor, pith small, green and

somewhat 3-sided and continuous; bark gray to reddish brown (not

white), curling and peeling into strips easily, inner bark pinkish;

terminal bud present; lateral buds alternate; buds somewhat

appressed, <6 mm long, ovoid, sessile, 2-3 exposed scales, hairy; leaf

scars alternate, half elliptical shape to somewhat crescent, small; 3

bundle scars; both staminate and pistillate catkins may be present

Pistillate bracts and seeds

Gray [Wire] Birch

Betula populifolia Marsh.

Betulaceae (Birch Family) V. Max Brown

Twigs slender, round, somewhat zigzag, mostly glabrous, resinous-

warty, brown to reddish brown, pith small, green and somewhat 3-

sided and continuous; bark dull white, not peeling and curling,

horizontal black marks on lower trunk, black triangular patches where

branches are inserted; terminal bud present; lateral buds alternate;

buds somewhat appressed, <5mm long, ovoid, sessile, 2-3+ exposed

scales; leaf scars alternate, half elliptical shape to somewhat

crescent, small; 3 bundle scars; both staminate and pistillate catkins

may be present

Paper Birch

Betula papyrifera Marsh.

Twigs slender, mostly round, mostly glabrous (sometimes pubescent

or with some long hairs), brown to reddish brown, pith small , green

and somewhat 3-sided and continuous; bark white to cream colored

and papery, curling and peeling, small horizontal lenticels; terminal

bud present; lateral buds alternate; buds > 5 mm, acute tip, if hairs

present then only on scale edges; leaf scars alternate, half elliptical

shape to somewhat crescent, small; 3 bundle scars; both staminate

and pistillate catkins may be present

Pistillate bracts and seed

Betulaceae (Birch Family) V. Max Brown

Smooth [Common, Hazel] Alder

Alnus serrulata (Ait.) Wild.

Twigs slender, round to somewhat zigzag, hairy early, reddish brown,

pith small, somewhat 3-sided and continuous; bark gray, lenticels on

younger limbs and trunk small, few, short or darker; terminal bud

present; lateral buds alternate; buds well stalked, 2-3 exposed scales;

leaf scars alternate, half round in shape, somewhat raised; 3 bundle

scars; staminate catkins pendant, pistillate catkins (cone-like)

conspicuous in winter, usually erect; shrub to very small tree

The Alders (Genus Alnus)

The Alders (Genus Alnus) are mostly deciduous,

small, bushy shrubs except for A. glutinosa

(European Alder, Introduced and A. rubra (Red

Alder) which can be small to medium trees. They

are commonly found along streams, shorelines or

in wet areas. Buds are fairly large, well stalked

(in most species) and solitary. Leaf scars are

alternate, somewhat raised, and usually half-

round in shape. Fruiting bodies are usually

present in year-round consisting of staminate

catkins and pistillate catkins (cone-like) – the

pistillate woody cones are fairly diagnostic of the

Alnus genus.

Pistillate Cones

Betulaceae (Birch Family) V. Max Brown European Alder

Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. (Introduced)

Twigs slender, round to somewhat zigzag, mostly glabrous, grayish,

sticky or glutinous; pith small, somewhat 3-sided and continuous;

bark gray to dark brown with some fissures with age, horizontal

lenticels pale; terminal bud present; lateral buds alternate; buds well

stalked, 2-3 exposed scales, 6-10 mm long; leaf scars alternate, half

round in shape, somewhat raised; 3 bundle scars; staminate catkins

and pistillate catkins (cone-like) conspicuous in winter; shrub to

medium tree, often green late in fall to winter

Speckled [Black, Tag] Alder

Alnus incana (L.) Moench ssp. rugosa (Du Roi) Clausen

Twigs slender, round to somewhat zigzag, hairy early, reddish brown,

pith small, somewhat 3-sided and continuous; bark gray, lenticels on

younger limbs and trunk horizontal, white, linear and conspicuous;

terminal bud present; lateral buds alternate; buds well stalked, 2-3

exposed scales; leaf scars alternate, half round in shape, somewhat

raised; 3 bundle scars; staminate catkins pendant, pistillate catkins

(cone-like) conspicuous in winter, usually drooping; shrub to very

small tree

Bignoniaceae (Bignonia or Trumpet-Creeper Family)V. Max Brown

Northern Catalpa [Cigar-Tree]

Catalpa speciosa (Warder) Warder ex Engelm

Twigs stout, round, brittle, brown at maturity, pith large, pale and

continuous; bark gray to brown with some ridges and grooves;

terminal bud absent, lateral buds solitary, sessile, with several small

and pointed scales; leaf scars in whorls of 3 (2 lg. and 1 sm. Or 1 lg.

and 2 sm.), round to elliptical and raised; bundle scars 12+, no stipule

scars; seed pods persistent into winter, thick (1cm+, seed rounded

(not pointed); small to medium tree

Trumpet Creeper or Vine [Hell Vine,

Devil’s Shoe Laces]

Campsis radicans (L.) Seem. ex Bureau

Caprifoliaceae (Honeysuckle Family) V. Max Brown

Wayfaring Tree

Viburnum lantana L. (Introduced)

Common Elderberry [Elder]

Sambucus nigra L. ssp. Canadensis (L.) R. Bolli

Twig stout, 6-10 angled or not, lenticels moderate in size but

conspicuous; pith white and continuous; terminal bud mostly

lacking; lateral buds small and mostly opposite with 3-5 scales;

leaf scar prominent with mostly 3 bundle scars

Twig stout, hairy, round to somewhat 6-sided; pith continuous;

bark mostly tight; all buds naked, with dense (scurfy) grayish

stellate hairs, lateral leaf veins easily seen on vegetative buds,

flower buds rounded (not elongated); leaf scar opposite, narrow,

thinly crescent shaped with 3 bundle scars; shrub


Viburnum lentago L.

Caprifoliaceae (Honeysuckle Family) V. Max Brown

Southern Arrowwood

Viburnum dentatum L.

Twig slender, long and very flexible, round to somewhat 6-sided;

pith continuous; bark tight, mostly grayish; all buds with valvate

scales; terminal flower buds very long (1-2.5 cm), acuminate,

swollen at base, usually grayish to sometimes brownish, mostly

smooth; lateral buds opposite, long and often curved; leaf scar

opposite, mostly crescent shaped with 3 bundle scars; shrub,

wet areas

Twig medium, round to somewhat 6-sided, glabrous to hairy with

coarse hairs - variable); pith continuous; bark grayish and tight,

slightly furrowed; buds conical (somewhat flattened), appressed,

outer scales short (30-40% of bud length), edges may be cilliate;

lateral buds opposite; leaf scar opposite, crescent shaped with 3

bundle scars; shrub (fruit may be present) – dentatum complex

easier to ID in summer

Caprifoliaceae (Honeysuckle Family) V. Max Brown

Rusty [Southern] Blackhaw [Wild Rasin]

Viburnum rufidulum Raf.

Black Haw

Viburnum prunifolium L.

Flow. Buds

Flow. Bud

Twig round to somewhat 6-sided; pith continuous; bark tight,

somehat furrowed when old; all buds with valvate scales, with

dense red-brown stellate hairs (scurfy); terminal flower buds

long (1 cm), tip blunt, swollen at base; lateral buds opposite,

smaller and up to 2x as long as wide; leaf scar opposite, thinly

crescent shaped with 3 bundle scars; shrub (fruit may be


Twigs tend to be short and stubby, round to somewhat 6-sided;

pith continuous; bark tight, grayish to brownish; all buds with

valvate scales, gray to brown (dull), with minute scales (NOT

with scurfy dense red-brown hairs); terminal flower buds long (1-

1.5 cm), tip blunt to sharp, swollen above base; lateral buds

opposite, smaller; leaf scar opposite, thinly crescent shaped with

3 bundle scars; shrub (fruit may be present)


Viburnum trilobum Marsh.

Caprifoliaceae (Honeysuckle Family) V. Max Brown

Twig medium, round to somewhat 6-sided, finely soft hairy

(rarely glabrous); pith continuous; bark grayish and tight; buds

small and long, appressed, with 4 scales, outer scales very short

(25% of bud length); lateral buds opposite; leaf scar opposite,

thinly crescent shaped with 3 bundle scars; shrub (fruit may be


Mapleleaf Viburnum

Viburnum acerifolium L.

Twig medium, round to somewhat 6-sided, glabrous and shiny or

lustrous and usually reddish brown; pith continuous; bark

grayish; buds stalked, mostly glabrous, globose to ovoid, 2 full

scales (connate) which will split at tip, reddish usually; lateral

buds opposite; leaf scar opposite, crescent shaped with 3 bundle

scars; shrub (fruit may be present) – also know as V. opulus L.

var. americanum Aiton

Coralberry [Buckbrush, Indian Currant]

Symphoricarpos orbiculatus Moench

Caprifoliaceae (Honeysuckle Family) V. Max Brown

Twig thin, grayish brown, round to somewhat 6-sided, mostly

finely soft hairy; pith brownish and continuous; bark thin,

becoming shredy; buds very small, compressed, sessile, 3

scales (keeled) if observable; lateral buds opposite; leaf scar

opposite, raised, half round; small low shrub (fruit often present

in winter)

Amur Honeysuckle

Lonicera maackii (Rupr.) Herder (Introduced)

Caprifoliaceae (Honeysuckle Family) V. Max Brown

Twig medium, usually moderately to densely short hairy, grayish,

mostly round; pith hollow between nodes; older bark well

grooved; buds mostly ovoid, sessile, and gray hairy, many short

pointed scales; lateral buds opposite; leaf scar opposite, raised,

half round to crescent shaped; single bundle scar hard to

observe; bushy shrub

Celastraceae (Bittersweet Family) V. Max Brown

[American] Bittersweet [Waxwork]

Celastrus scandens L.

Celastraceae (Bittersweet Family) V. Max Brown

Winged Burning Bush

Euonymus alatus (Thunb.) Siebold (Introduced)

Eastern Wahoo [Burningbush]

Euonymus atropurpureus Jacq.

Celastraceae (Bittersweet Family) V. Max Brown

Running Strawberry Bush

Euonymus obovatus Nutt.

Euonymus americanus L.

Strawberry Bush [Bursting-Heart]

Celastraceae (Bittersweet Family) V. Max Brown

Winter Creeper

Euonymus fortunei (Turcz.) Hand.-Maz. (Introduced)

Celastraceae (Bittersweet Family) V. Max Brown

European Spindletree

Euonymus europaeus L.


Cornaceae (Dogwood Family) V. Max Brown

Flowering Dogwood

Cornus florida L.

Red Ossier

Cornus stolonifera Michx.

(C. sericea L.)

Flower Buds

Cornaceae (Dogwood Family) V. Max Brown

Roughleaf Dogwood

Cornus drummondii C.A. Mey.

Alternate Leaf [Pagoda] Dogwood

Cornus alternifolia L. f.

Cornaceae (Dogwood Family) V. Max Brown

Gray [Panicled] Dogwood

Cornus racemosa Lam

Silky Dogwood

Cornus amomum Mill.

Cupressaceae (Cypress Family) V. Max Brown

Bald Cypress

Taxodium distichum (L.) L.C. Rich.

Cyrillaceae (Cyrllia Family) V. Max Brown

Buckwheat Tree [Black Titi];

Cliftonia monophylla (Lam.)

Britton ex Sarg.

Swamp Titi [Leatherwood];

Cyrilla racemiflora L.

Ebenaceae (Ebony Family) V. Max Brown


Diospyros virginiana L.

Autumn Elaeagnus [Olive]

Elaeagnus umbellata Thunb. (Introduced)

Elaeagnaceae (Oleaster Family) V. Max Brown

Ericaceae (Heath Family) V. Max Brown Wintergreen [Mountain-Tea; Eastern Teaberry]

Gaultheria procumbens L.Leatherleaf

Chamaedaphne calyculata (L.) Moench

Ericaceae (Heath Family) V. Max Brown

Great [Rosebay] Rhododendron [Laurel]

Rhododendron maximum L.

Early [Wild] Azalea

Rhododendron prinophyllum (Small) Millais (R.

roseum (Loisel.) Rehd.)

Ericaceae (Heath Family) V. Max Brown

[Black] Huckleberry

Gaylussacia baccata (Wangenh.) K. Koch

[Northern] Highbush Blueberry

Vaccinium corymbosum L.

Ericaceae (Heath Family) V. Max Brown

Farkleberry [Highbush Blueberry; Sparkleberry]

Vaccinium arboreum Marsh.

Fabaceae (Pea Or Bean Family) V. Max Brown

Honey Locust [Sweet-, Thorny-Locust]

Gleditsia triacanthos L.

Water Locust

Gleditsia aquatica Marsh.

Fabaceae (Pea Or Bean Family) V. Max Brown

Black Locust [Yellow Locust]

Robinia pseudoacacia L.

Fabaceae (Pea Or Bean Family) V. Max Brown

[Desert] False Indigo

Amorpha fruticosa L.

Eastern Redbud [Judas-Tree]

Cercis canadensis L. var. canadensis

Fabaceae (Pea Or Bean Family) V. Max Brown

[Kentucky] Yellowwood

Cladrastis kentukea (Dum.-Cours.) Rudd

Kentucky Coffeetree

Gymnocladus dioicus (L.) K. Koch

Fagaceae (Beech Family) V. Max Brown

Chestnut Hybrid

Castanea sp.

American Beech

Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.

Fagaceae (Beech Family) V. Max Brown

Overcup Oak

Quercus lyrata Walt.

[Rock] Chestnut Oak

Quercus prinus L. (Q. montana Wild.)

Fagaceae (Beech Family)V. Max Brown

Bur [Mossy-Cup] Oak

Quercus macrocarpa Michx.

Swamp White Oak

Quercus bicolor Willd.

Fagaceae (Beech Family)V. Max Brown

Swamp Chestnut Oak

Quercus michauxii Nutt.

European turkey oak (Introduced)

Quercus cerris L.

Fagaceae (Beech Family)V. Max Brown

Chinkapin [Chinquapin] Oak

Quercus muehlenbergii Engelm.White Oak

Quercus alba L.

Post Oak

Quercus stellata Wangenh.

Fagaceae (Beech Family)V. Max Brown

Fagaceae (Beech Family)V. Max Brown

Northern Pin Oak

Quercus palustris Muenchh.

Black Oak

Quercus velutina Lam.

Fagaceae (Beech Family)V. Max Brown

Blackjack Oak

Quercus marilandica Münchh.

Willow Oak

Quercus phellos L.

Fagaceae (Beech Family)V. Max Brown

Northern Red Oak

Quercus rubra L. var. rubra

Scarlet Oak

Quercus coccinea Muenchh.

Fagaceae (Beech Family)V. Max Brown

Sawtooth [Gobbler] Oak

Quercus acutissima Carruthers (Introduced)

Shingle Oak

Quercus imbricaria Michx.

Fagaceae (Beech Family) V. Max Brown

Southern Red [Spanish] Oak

Quercus falcata Michx.

Texas Red [Nuttall] Oak

Quercus texana Buckley

Fagaceae (Beech Family)V. Max Brown

Shumard's Oak

Quercus shumardii Buckley

Water Oak

Quercus nigra L.

Fagaceae (Beech Family)V. Max Brown Sand Live Oak

Quercus geminata Small

[Virginia] Live Oak

Quercus virginiana P. Mill.

Fagaceae (Beech Family)V. Max Brown

Myrtle Oak

Quercus myrtifolia Willd.

Arkansas Oak

Quercus arkansana Sarg.

Fagaceae (Beech Family)V. Max Brown

Turkey Oak

Quercus laevis Walter