Winter 2 vega

Post on 08-May-2015

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Transcript of Winter 2 vega

Arbor Watch

~The Eighth Season~ ~Vega~

By: Pony(formerly CanImarryapony)

Welcome back to Arbor Watch. I know it has been an insanely long time since I’ve updated. Real life has

unfortunately kept me away from simming, sucks when that happens. Anyways, I’m back and bringing an

update along for the ride.

Nothing like a leaky bathtub to welcome us back to the Vegas. Luckily Komei has his lucky wrench

and has it all in hand.

Komei and Amber are still madly in love with each other. You know guys, you do have to open the store

eventually right?

Of course Amber’s Tales basically runs itself now so I ended up taking random pictures of things like


Amber and Komei head home in time to meet the girls home from school. Abby’s birthday is coming up

this rotation so this is her last few days to max her charisma skill. Come on baby don’t fail me now.

Finally Abby has her world peace speech ready and maxed Charisma skill! Woot!

Entertainment here we come.

Everybody gets leftovers for dinner. Well Komei and Abby do. Sam’s on a diet

apparently. Simfast has to get boring.

Day Two starts early as usual with Amber and Komei at the daily grind of skilling.

The girls are off to school. It’s Abby’s last *sniffle* they all grow so fast.

I sent Amber and Komei off to the bookstore again. I admit I’m playing favorites with the two business. I love

the bookstore. I can’t wait to expand it to look like Barnes & Nobles before they took all the comfy couches


Angie finally got a gold cashier badge. I had Komei give her a well deserved raise. Hopefully she won’t

be stuck as a teen much longer. If I remember to grow her up with Abby.

The girls bring more vacation sims home from school. I wish they’d bring Julian or his siblings home instead of

the vacation townies. It’s hard to keep a good relationship with them. Although it’s not like they need friends for jobs or anything to think about it. Well Abby

will eventually.

Abby spends her time with Hannah teaching her tricks.

Finally the hour arrives. I’m so excited. Arbor Watch first natural born adult sim. Squee.

Oh Abby, not something I would’ve of picked but you do look nice in that. However, I’m still going to

have Komei make you something else.

Oh don’t do that, there’s no college. You can’t go to a college that doesn’t exist.

Knowledge sims.

I hope you’re telling what’s her face to skedaddle. No more vacation sims.

Newly dressed and a little saner, Abby is fixing the broken shower. What’s with all the

plumbing leaking all of a sudden?

It’s doggie bath time. Next time we’re doing a BACC with cats.

Day Three begins with a new addition to the household. Meet little Sumo only

puppy of Strength and Hannah.

Abby begins to learn her father’s trade. Although I’ll probably let Sammie take over Komei’s

Klothes. Abby can help out in the mean time.

No entertainment jobs available yet. But it Anna from the NEW Pokémon Legacy for

ever to find her entertainment job.

To not neglect Komei’s Klothes, I send Abby and Komei up there. Abby takes the opportunity to a little spouse hunting. Juan Harris is first in line,

but she’s going to have to wait until next rotation.

Back at home, Komei takes a nap while Abby makes lunch for everyone.

Amber helps Sumo out by bringing him up onto the porch. Poor little thing was getting

buried in snow.

Amber finishes Abby’s portrait for the house.

Komei was surprisingly the only one up at four in the morning on Day Four. Come to think of it.

I’ve heard older people have a harder time sleeping late. Maybe that’s the thing with

Komei and Amber.

I feel bad for making Komei work at the time. Today he gets to play with puppies, he’s so


Then back to work!!!!!

They’re as close as they could ever come to being in a dog pile. Faith and Strength are both elders

now, huh I don’t remember that happening. Sneaky ninja birthdays.

I had Komei make a green quilt to go with the green couches. It adds a nice touch to the dining room I


Shortly after Sammie heads off to school. The Reaper comes for Cleo. *sniffs* Bane

and she can finally be reunited.

All the dogs howled a tribute.

The rest of the day is somber. Everyone just kind of does their

own thing.

Sammie is the only one that has any energy, but she was at school when Chloe passed on.

Day Five finds Komei the only one up early again. Other than the dogs of course.

Day Five means RENO DAY!!!!!! There wasn’t a real good way to expand the house outward on the first floor. So I added the second floor, the Vega are the first family to have a two story house. They didn’t have a whole lot of money to furnish. But Abby and Sammie don’t have to share a room anymore. Eventually there will another

bedroom upstairs and probably another den/family room area. Maybe a study, dunno yet.

Here’s a picture of the outside of the house. The snow makes a nice effect.

Amber and Abby spend most of the day hard at work to recoup some of the money from the renovations.

They’re able to sell enough to get Abby a brand new double bed.

Abby also gets a computer in hopes that she can find her dream job. Though no luck yet.

That’s it for the Vega’s this time around. Bit of a short update, but with no small

children there’s not a lot going on. Anyways on to the Cookes.

Rotation: Winter 2 Households: 1 of 3 Playable Sims: 14 # Of Total Residents(PS + Gravestones): 14 Community Lots: 5 Business Districts: 0 Universities: 0 Downtown: No SM: 3 Population: 42

CAS Available: 3/5 University Funds: $1726 # of Fires: 5 # of Burglaries: 0 # of Electrocutions: 0 # of Graves: 0

Businesses: Amber's Tales - Amber Vega - 10 More than Food - Julien Cooke – 5 Komei's Klothes – Komei Vega – 3 Smithe's Underground – Ethan Smithe – 2 The Toy Chest- Ethan Smithe- 2 Careers: Business – 1/1 Law Enforcement 1/1 Slacker 1/1 Entertainment 1/1 *Stat sheet inspired by THEOlive211

Rest in peace Cleo.