Winning The Contract Cheating Battle - University of Sheffield - 2 December 2014

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Transcript of Winning The Contract Cheating Battle - University of Sheffield - 2 December 2014

Winning The Contract Cheating Battle

Dr. Thomas Lancaster

University of Sheffield

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Background To The Seminar

What’s Being Covered Today?

General background to Contract Cheating, with specific application to academic integrity within the Engineering discipline

Consider relevant examples and the practical steps that academics can take when developing assessments and engaging in professional practice

The intention is to help academia take control of the “contract cheating battle”

Discussion Welcome!

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My Background

Dr. Thomas LancasterSenior Lecturer in Computing at Birmingham City University

Programme Leader BSc Computer Science and MSci Mathematics

Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Active researcher in the plagiarism and cheating fields since 2000

PhD “Effective And Efficient Plagiarism Detection” from London South Bank University

With Acknowledgement To My Colleague “Detective Bob”

Robert Clarke Educational Consultant and Researcher at SCL

Current Visiting Lecturer

Former Principal Lecturer

30 Years Experience Teaching At Birmingham City University

Has collected over 25,000 attempts at Contract Cheating

An expert in “Multi-Dimensional Sudoku”

Contract Cheating Isn’t A New Problem

Why Are We Still Not Winning?

Blog Post from 2012

Our Work On Contract Cheating Predates This

Times Higher Education, 16 June 2006

Media ArticleFrom 2006

Not A Secret In The 1990s

Student Media ArticleFrom 1995

The Big Debate That Issue…

“Research Assistance” Then

Firm quoted in the story said to have been providing students with “assistance” across the USA since the 1960s.

“’We take almost everything,’ said an employee of Research Assistance.”

Observation From Student Taking Courses In 1998

“Class would be at 9 a.m. Papers were promised for before class, and students would wait on the front steps of the building. The guy would come and call [the students'] names, handing out papers in front of the building!”

“Research Assistance” Now

Website AdvertisingIn 2014

More Than Just Essays

Cheating Still Attracts Major Interest


“Thousands” Of Students In Sydney Caught Outsourcing Work

“A Fairfax Media investigation has uncovered a sophisticated online business, which has produced thousands of university assignments and turned over hundreds of thousands of dollars since it began operating in May 2012.”

Scale Of The Problem

“Fairfax Media has seen 700 receipts for direct deposits to the MyMaster bank account, totalling more than $160,000 this year alone - a conservative estimate of the company's annual income, as students can also pay by cash or PayPal.”

“Almost 1000 assignments produced this year for students studying courses as diverse as philosophy, economics, law, engineering, astronomy and marketing.”

“MyMaster customers have paid for business reports, speeches, powerpointpresentations and the completion of online tests, and requests range from short homework tasks to comprehensive research assignments.”

The Investigation

Video Stills

Contract Cheating Using Agency Sites

Contract Cheating

Contract cheating occurs when a student uses a third party to produce an original piece of assessed work which they then submit as if they had created itThis might be through using an essay writing service or

a personal tutor

Because contract cheating provides original work, it will not usually be detected through Turnitin

Sources Of Contract Cheating

“Observable” Contract Cheating Using Agency Sites was an “agency site”, primarily for computing tasks, where people could place up jobs they needed completing and other people would bid to complete the work for them.

Our first study, published in 2006, found that the “average” student posted between 4 and 7 assignments online before their cheating was attributed

(RentACoder since renamed and taken over by

Clarke, R and Lancaster, T (2006). Eliminating The Successor To Plagiarism? Identifying The Usage Of Contract Cheating Sites; 2nd Plagiarism: Prevention, Practice and Policy Conference 2006 - Newcastle, UK, June 2006.

Typical Microelectronics Assignment On

Observed on 21 November 2014

Inside The 3 Page PDF Assignment Brief

Mechanical Engineering Assignment On

Observed on 21 November 2014

Three “Images” Provided With More Details

Some Other “Engineering” Work Available On First Page Of Results

Chemical Engineering Problems to be Solved

Chemical Engineering - ASPEN PLUS

Engineering Vibration Coursework Proposal writing for a Civil Engineering project

Math Calculus and Engineering Math system design and software engineering

Topic for computer Engineering thesis Mech. Engineering- Solid Works

Engineering Discipline Report Engineering Report Urgent

77 results from search for “engineering” on 21 November 2014

The Real Dangers Of Contract Cheating In Engineering

“this a assignment for do shielding for fast reactor i need the materials, shape, attenuation coefficient and size of the shielding and dose analysis around the reactor. this for health physics or nuclear engineering”

Disadvantaging “Honest” Students?

“Would you like to go for a job and be pipped to the post by someone who cheated in their degree?”

Robert Clarke, Birmingham City University

When Essays For Sale Become Contract Cheating, November 2012

Applying Research Findings

Current Database Of “Observable” Contract Cheating

25,679 detected items between July 2006 and October 2014

Vast majority from (or incorporated sites)

Easiest to search

Provide plenty of details of users to aid attribution

Certain users are actively tracked

Postings By Agency (July 2006 to October 2014)










0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000










EssayBay Study Of 627 Assignment Requests

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

R European Langs, Lit & related

P Mass Comms and Documentation

W Creative Arts & Design

F Physical Sciences

K Architecture,Build & Plan

H Engineering

M Law

G Mathematical & Comp Sci

Q Linguistics, Classics & related

C Biological Sciences

X Education

B Subjects allied to Medicine

V Hist & Philosophical studies

L Social Studies

N Business & Admin studies

Lancaster, T. and Clarke, R. (2012), Dealing with Contract Cheating: A Question of Attribution, 1st HEA STEM Conference April 2012, London, United Kingdom

Sample of 627 “all subject” cases collected on EssayBay over 5 months in 2010, and manually classified by UCAS Subject Category

EssayBay no longer operational, but this is an example of an Agency site exclusively set up for student assignments

Level Of EssayBay Work

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

International Bacc

PhD ?


Advanced Placement


High Sch




Postings by level

Transtutors Study Of 174 Requests For Academic Help

Sample of 174 “all subject” bespoke assignment requests from courses taught online at 17 different institutions.

Lancaster, T. and Clarke, R. (2014), An Observational Analysis Of The Range And Extent Of Contract Cheating From Online Courses Found On Agency Websites; 8th International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS 2014), BirminghamCity University, UK, July 2014.

Contract Cheating Can Involve A Large Cast Of Characters

Student Agency Site

Essay Mill Site



The student may “outsource” the work direct to the agency or indirectly through a essay-mill site or intermediary contractor

Clarke, R. and Lancaster, T. (2013). Commercial Aspects Of Contract Cheating; 8th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK, July 2013.

What Can We Do To Win The Contract Cheating Battle?

Focus On Prevention

Use assessment types that are not susceptible to “paid for” solutionsVivas


Practical Tests

Linked Coursework and Tests

Teamwork Assessments

Localised Knowledge

Reflective Analysis

Focus On Detection

Collect work electronically and run through Turnitin

Can still identify “trace elements” of contract cheating

Always provides elements of deterrence

Automatically monitor agency and online sitesCan use Google Alert

Introduce unusual terminology/spellings

Focus On Student Integrity

Infer a sense of ownership of work

Educate students on plagiarism and contract cheating

Provide a “safe environment” for students to voice concerns

“Times Higher Education” Lead Story(10 October 2013)

“The damage contract cheating can inflict on society is clear. Graduates emerge from university with huge (and in some disciplines, potentially dangerous) gaps in their learning and knowledge.”

Academics should aim to ensure that students understand the value of completing their own work

Continued work is necessary to develop appropriate assessment mechanisms to ensure that students do have the skills required by industry

Are Exams The Answer?

Further Resources

References For Our Contract Cheating Work

Lancaster, T. and Clarke, R. (2015), Contract Cheating – The Outsourcing Of Assessed Student Work, in Handbook of Academic Integrity, Bretag, T. (editor): SpringerReference.

Lancaster, T. and Clarke, R. (2014), An Observational Analysis Of The Range And Extent Of Contract Cheating From Online Courses Found On Agency Websites; 8th International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS 2014), Birmingham City University, UK, July 2014.

Lancaster, T. and Clarke, R. (2014), An Initial Analysis Of The Contextual Information Available Within Auction Posts On Contract Cheating Agency Websites, 28th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, University of Victoria, May 2014

Lancaster, T. and Clarke, R. (2014), Using Turnitin As A Tool For Attribution In Cases Of Contract Cheating; 3rd Annual Higher Education Academy Conference in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, April 2014.

Clarke, R. and Lancaster, T. (2013). Commercial Aspects Of Contract Cheating; 8th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK, July 2013.

Lancaster, T and Clarke, R (2012). Dealing With Contract Cheating: A Question Of Attribution; 1st Annual Higher Education Academy Conference in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Imperial College, London, April 2012.

Lancaster, T and Clarke, R (2010). Staff-Led Individualised Assessment – A Case Study; 11th Annual Higher Education Academy Conference in Information and Computer Sciences, Durham University, August 2010.

Lancaster, T and Clarke, R (2008). How to Succeed at Cheating Without Really Trying: Five Top Tips for Successful Cheating; 9th Annual Higher Education Academy Conference in Information and Computer Sciences, Liverpool Hope University, August 2008.

Clarke, R, and Lancaster, T (2007). Establishing a Systematic Six-Stage Process for Detecting Contract Cheating; The Second International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Applications, Birmingham City University, July 2007.

Lancaster, T and Clarke, R (2007). Assessing Contract Cheating Through Auction Sites – A Computing Perspective; 8th Annual Higher Education Academy Conference in Information and Computer Sciences, University of Southampton, August 2007.

Lancaster, T and Clarke, R (2007) The Phenomena of Contract Cheating, in Student Plagiarism in an Online World: Problems and solutions, Roberts, T. S. (editor), Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA: Idea Group Inc.

Clarke, R and Lancaster, T (2006). Eliminating The Successor To Plagiarism? Identifying The Usage Of Contract Cheating Sites; 2nd Plagiarism: Prevention, Practice and Policy Conference 2006 - Newcastle, UK, June 2006.

For More Information

General Resources:

Contract Cheating Special Interest Group (supported by the Higher Education Academy):

Slides Available At:

Contact Me At:Email: @DrLancaster